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Chapter 10: 9. knowledge ,choices and assimilation,weighing cons and pros

" I choose hmmmm "

' whom should I chose first .

Dr. Stephen Strange is a genius doctor and a surgeon with an M.D and PHD,specialized in neurology,He was driven to medical fields by the death of his siblings ,later because of his success he became arrogant , hubris and selfish until a car accident took his hands stability and making him unable to preform surgery ever again, being too vain to accept a teaching position, he sought to heal his hands spending and wasting nearly all his money , he later came to know that a former patient by the name pangborn was miraculously healed from an impossible injury, seeking the same treatment for his to that of pangborn he went to the Himalayas looking for kamar-Taj, There he learned his true place in the universe and his true value , he learned mystic arts and martial arts at the hands of karl Mordo and the Ancient One excelling at magic due to his photographic memory and High IQ he learned sanskrit and many other languages , he later came to encounter Kaecelious and his zealots and survive the encounter and obtaining the cloak of levitation in the New York sanctum and eventually managed to push back the attackers into retreating , after the ancient one being mortally wounded ended up making him the new sorcerer supreme of planet earth and fought Kaecelious and his followers and managed to push back the invading Dormmamu using the eye of Agamaoto and trapping himself and Dormmamu into an endless time loop , forcing the latter to stop his claim of earth , he possessed many artifacts the likes of cloak of levitation, eye and orb of agamaoto , the book of vishante whom is the equal and the opposite to the DarkHolm , the book vishante is the biggest source of white magic but that doesn't mean it doesn't have any dangerous magic, Dr. strange proved many times that he is the best holder of the title sorcerer supreme once and again and managed to defeat many dangerous foes his also one of the illuminati along Reed , Xavier, Stark and others , he was responsible for guarding the stone of the principle of soul ,admittedly the ancient one mentioned that strange was supposed to be the best of them all when Hulk Bruce Banner talked about him giving up the time stone to the Mad Titan , so Mastery of magic Utilizing mystical artifacts, such as the Cloak of Levitation and the Eye of Agamotto, Genius-level intellect, Skilled martial artist the likes of wing Chun,karate and a Gifted physician and surgeon.

Tony Stark is an inventive genius whose expertise in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science rivals that of Reed Richards, Hank Pym, and Bruce Banner, and his expertise in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering surpasses even theirs. He is regarded as one of the most intelligent characters in the Marvel Universe. He graduated with advanced degrees in physics and engineering at the age of 17 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)and further developed his knowledge ranging from artificial intelligence to quantum mechanics as time progressed. His expertise extends to his ingenuity in dealing with difficult situations, such as difficult foes and deathtraps, in which he is capable of using available tools, including his suit, in unorthodox but effective ways. He is well respected in the business world, able to command people's attention when he speaks on economic matters, having over the years built up several multimillion-dollar companies from virtually nothing. He is noted for the loyalty he commands from and returns to those who work for him, as well as for his business ethics. Thus he immediately fired an employee who made profitable, but illegal, sales to Doctor Doom.He strives to be environmentally responsible in his businesses.

At a time when Stark was unable to use his armor for a period, he received some combat training from Captain America and has become physically formidable learning wing Chun jujitsu and others . In addition, Stark possesses great business and political acumen. On multiple occasions he reacquired control of his companies after losing them amid corporate takeovers.

Due to his membership in the Illuminati, Iron Man was given the Space Infinity Gem to safeguard. It allows the user to exist in any location (or all locations), move any object anywhere throughout the universe and warp or rearrange space.

Charles Xavier is one of the top 20 smartest people to ever grace the marvel universe his skill set lies in his power and brilliance ,his powers consist of ; Telepathy, precognition, Genius I.Q., charisma, psionic projection and mind control, expert leader and strategist, multilingualism , meaning Advanced telepathic abilities that allow him to read minds, influence memories and perceptions, seize control of or manipulate motor functions, and project his consciousness beyond his body in an astral form , Charles Xavier was born into a very wealthy family with roots going back to British aristocracy from the Victorian Era. His father was a prominent theoretical physicist and his mother was a well-renowed doctor. They instilled in him an early passion for science and throughout his youth he demonstrated a powerful intellect. By age 10 he scored record IQ tests and was labeled a genius. He skipped several grades and went to all the best private schools and had all the best resources thanks to his family's vast wealth.

But Charles's gifted life endured a number of major shocks in his upbringing. The first came with the death of his father, who passed unexpectedly and under mysterious circumstances when he was 11. His mother died of cancer later on when he was 14. Both of these tragic losses affected Charles in a significant way. It was shortly after the loss of his mother that he started picking up on the thoughts and feelings of others. Using his brilliant mind, he discovered that he was a mutant. He became his own greatest curiosity as he eventually learned he was a powerful telepath. He was able to use research done by his mother and discoveries by his father to better understand his talent and he spent much of his teenage years becoming one of the most powerful mutants on the planet.

Upon finishing school early, he enrolled at Princeston University where he followed in his parents' footsteps. His specialty was biology and from this he became increasingly fascinated by mutation. He took part in advanced research, but he kept his gifts hidden as mutation was still a new and poorly understood phenonmenon. At about the same time he met a man and fellow mutant named Erik Lensherr. A rogue scholar at the time, Lensherr quickly became one of Xavier's closest friends and through him and his stories about the holocaust he developed a keen interest in humanities. Upon graduating from Princeston with a PHD in biology and physics, he decided to follow Lensherr in his travels to wartorn areas of the world. It was here where he got he first started using his powers to help people. His telepathy allowed him to reach those who had been traumatized by war. It had a profound impact on Xavier, but his life as a humanitarian would soon be cut short.

While touring the Balkans, Charles was diagnosed with cancer. Like his mother before him, it was aggressive and lethal. He had only a few years to live for a time and had to hault his humanitarian work to undergo radical treatment. It was a long, hard struggle. It ended up damaging his legs and he eventually had to use a cane to get around. In he end he would lose the use of his legs completely and require a wheelchair. Eventually, he overcame his battle with cancer. But his brush with mortality caused him to re-evaluate his life ambitions.

During his battle with cancer, he watched as the world outside him grew more tumultuous. The human/mutant conflict suddenly became a much bigger issue with an explosion of new mutants entering the population. Fear and ignorance was creating a volatile environment not unlike the ones he faced while traveling with Erik Lensherr. As a mutant himself he felt it was his duty to do something about it. He started by renovating an old manor his father owned in Westchester New York. It was here where he would hope to leave his greatest impact on the world. He founded a school which he entitled the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. This would be a special sancuary where mutants could come to learn about their powers, accept who they are, and become productive contributers for humanity. It would later evolve into the main base of operations for his specially trained mutant team, the X-men. Under his leadership, he seeks to foster peace in a world that hates and fears mutants and defend against those who would seek war and destruction. Professor Charles Xavier is a man of subtle contrasts. His telepathy makes him one of the most powerful beings on the planet, but his strength lies in his humanity. As a young boy he had two parents who taught him the values of logic and reason. When he lost them both at an early age it showed him that having power and money did not make him immune to hardship. This helped keep him humble as he refined his powers and sought his place in the world. Later on when he started traveling to wartorn regions with Erik Lensherr, he stepped further outside his protective shell and saw the very worst sides of humanity. He saw the horrors of war and the depths of human cruelty and rather than anger him, it inspired him.

Xavier easily could have developed a hero complex, needing to right these wrongs with his vast wealth and abiliites, but then he gets cancer and everything comes crashing down. It is another ironic contrast that a man with so much power is rendered so frail by disease. Once again he is humbled, but in a much more profound way. He faces his mortality and this more than anything reinforces the point that even man of great power such as him is still human and this is what binds everybody together.

In a sense, his character is centered around the strength of his humanity. More than anyone else, he understands how humans and mutants are still bound by their humanity and his capacity to reason with others and stir compassion stems from the humbling experiences he's endured. The contrast continues to identify him. He is the world's most powerful mind, but that mind is trapped in a frail body. Psychologically, his vulnerability as a human and his power both in terms of being a mutant and being rich create in him a sort of sage-like mindset. Some of his ambition may be a kind of frustration because he himself is not physically able to do what the X-men can do. It's a struggle of limitations, but he is and always will be bound by a powerful sense of humanity. It is a humanity he has instilled in the X-men and uses it constantly to guide him in his endeavors.

rivaling DC smartest people like

Bruce Wayne; who is one of the smartest humans on the face of the planet. Look at the facts, before he donned the cape and cowl he spent years training for the occasion, and not only his body, but his mind as well.

He has studied at the feats of some of the greatest criminal investigators ever to live, as well as some of the most brilliant scientific minds of his, or any, generation. He has then taken this accumulated knowledge, mixed it all up, and become the World's Greatest Detective.

He is constantly planning, and counter-planning, for every eventuality, and has strategies in place to deal with any threat that comes his way. Even if it's from his own friends.

It has been revealed, on more than one occasion, that Batman has methods in place to bring down the Justice League if they were ever to go rogue.

This includes the likes of setting the Martian Manhunter on fire, causing the Flash to suffer seizures, and shooting Superman with a kryptonite bullet. Proving Bruce Wayne is not a man you want to get on the wrong side of.

Kal El ;It may surprise you to see the Man of Steel on this list, mainly because the writers usually choose to ignore the fact that he has an immense intellect, but there is no doubting that he is one smart cookie.

Being an alien, he has a massive advantage over his earthbound counterparts, with the ability to out-think even the most advanced supercomputer as long as he is under a yellow sun.

Sadly, this is rarely touched upon, as it would make him seem even more overpowered than he usually is if he could just solve all of his immediate problems with a simple snap of his synapsis. However, every so often, DC allow whoever is in charge of his books to lay his raw intelligence bare for everyone to see.

For example, in the New 52 Action Comics, Lois is seriously injured. When Supes takes her to the hospital he is informed there is nothing that can be done for her, as the damage is too great. Refusing to let her die, he proceeds to the nearest library and reads every single piece and book of medicine, before returning to her side and performing the operation himself.

Feats don't get much brainier than that.

Mr. Terrific ; a man With fourteen PHDs to his name, it's safe to say that Mister Terrific falls on the side of super intelligence. But to think that's all there is to Michael Holt is an injustice to the man who collects new skills and abilities with such ease, it's almost embarrassing.

As he explains it, Terrific has "...a natural aptitude for having natural aptitudes", and this is something that has served him well his entire life.

By the age of six, he had already read the accumulated works of Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and Richard Feynman, and before he became a Superhero he was a self-made multi-millionaire, as well as a gold-winning Decathlete.

It would take the tragic deaths of his wife and unborn child, followed by thoughts of suicide and a meeting with the Spectre, before he would take the name Mister Terrific as a tribute to Terry Sloane, who bore the name originally.

With the help of his fancy nano-suit and his ever-present T Spheres, Holt became a valuable member of the Justice Society of America, and even though he was sent to a parallel universe in the New52, he would eventually find his way back to Earth Prime during DC Rebirth.

Ray Palmer;A world-renowned physicist with a genius I.Q to boot, Ray Palmer is the kind of guy you want whenever you have problems to solve.

When the remains of a white dwarf star land on Earth, Ray finds it and uses it to make a lens that allows him to shrink anything down to whatever size he desires. There is a side effect to all this mind, and that's that whatever he uses it on has a terrible tendency to become unstable, before exploding.

But, never one to let that sort of thing stand in his way, he creates a compression matrix to keep the item of his choice stable, and this then becomes his suit, as he takes to saving the universe as the Atom.

He has a stellar career as a hero, fighting in such organizations as S.H.A.D.E and the Justice League, but all of this pails in comparison to the fact that he's one of the few that have gotten the better of Darkseid.

During Rock of Ages, and with the help of Green Arrow, Ray breaks through his invisible force field, into his optic nerve and releases a metric ton of white dwarf radiation right into Darkseid's brain.

Lex Luthor ; No matter what the universe throws at Lex Luthor, he always has an answer. A genius, as well as an expert engineer, Lex seems to adapt to any situation with ease.

His mind is constantly on the go, whether that be plotting the fall of Superman or planning his next attack against mankind, and even though there is little doubt he is an utterly ruthless villain, his ability to be such with little to no repercussions, most of the time, always leaves the reader with a certain grudging respect for him.

He is a master of all science, which is impressive enough in itself, as well as a self-made billionaire and, for a long time, the darling of Metropolis. Hell, he even managed to get the big seat in the White House for a while.

But what is most impressive about Luthor is that he manages to achieve all of this while being a simple human being. There is nothing meta about him, he has no powers to speak of, other than his dizzying intelligence, and is nothing more than a man with a brain the size of a planet.

This alone is enough to make him the smartest character to ever grace DC.

these people are smart and it may seem I should have chosen their knowledge, but Marvel have alot of tech I don't know and many that I won't be able to create even with Luthor's intelligence , I wouldn't have the time , no I would rather steal their achievements and add their success to mine it's not honorable for me to say that but fuck it in life their is no such shit it's either be the prey or the predator and would always choose the latter thank you very much , so in terms of knowledge Tony stark stands above the rest , so I think I would go with him first .'

"Tony Stark."

(affirmative host , confirm selection of Tony stark knowledge host?)

" yes please"

(extracting knowledge, assimilate knowledge in fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry,  computer science, electrical engineering ,mechanical engineering , robotics ,electronics, artificial intelligence ,quantum mechanics)

immediately I went to bed and the next thing I saw was black , I blacked out.

The people who knew me were confused that day , usually I would be having lessons or training physically or my psychic abilities , when the maid checked she found me a sleep in bed , but I was sick or anything, my parents ordered that for me to not be disturbed.

The next day woke with the biggest headache I ever had in both lives and migraines,let's just say that was not my fondest memories ,moving on,the day I woke was slow for me I took alot of potions form moms closet to stop the ringing, I proceeded to fo my physical training listen to reports about the outside world and DC corp and have my meals and went to bed that's it , the day after was better I took a couple of lessons and went to saitama training regime did the normal, didn't even try pushing my self.

it's been a week and I started to get the answer to the mathematical equations in front of me like it was nothing that's not it what's amazing is the boost it gave me to my IQ so my status became;

(Name: Franklin Richards

status: prince of Eden

current IQ:268

knowledge: English language 99% (advanced), Latin language 35%(advanced), calligraphy 20%(advanced) , etiquette 100% (general),history of Eden 24%(advanced) , science 99%(advanced) ,mathematics 95%(master) ,geography 94% (basic),literature 91%(basic),politics 54%(advanced), arts 80% (basic),music 84%(basic),magic theory 76%(basic),magical herbology 29%(basic),potions20%(basic),runes 19%(basic),arithmancy 38%(basic),astronomy 35%(basic), physics 97% (master), chemistry 90%(master),biology 35%(master), computer science 97%( master), electrical engineering 100%(master), mechanical engineering 99%(master),robotics 94% (master),electronics 100%(master), artificial intelligence 92%(master) ,quantum mechanics 90% (master),wing Chun 50%(advanced),karate 40%(advanced), kali 38%(advanced),boxing 60%(advanced), krav Maga 29%(advanced),Jeet June do 42%(advanced).

powers: Telepathy 71%(range effect 10 km), Empathy 77%( range 200 km),Telekinesis 53%(10 ton),flight 77%(14m/s),probability manipulation 48%(29min),luck manipulation 45%(31min) ,will power constructs manipulation 60%(swords, arms,daggers, hammers ...etc tops 100),power warping 50%, energy blasts 50%, magic 1%, reality manipulation 1%.)

"woah , fuck me , My IQ increased by 79 , that's great , hey system, would my IQ always increase when I assimilate someone's knowledge ? "

( yes host every time you assimilate knowledge you will have an increase in brain power and processing speed , the first addition have a higher IQ than most of the rest so your increase was also much higher , it will keep increasing but will become less and less with each assimilation until it's effects are negligible, so please chose your next package carefully )

" that I will do dear system and thanks for the early heads up " I replied the system sarcastically cause he failed to mention that at first, or I forgot to ask the after effects of completely assimilate knowledge package, snort, whatever,next I went through the knowledge of the weapons that I had in my mind , advanced satellite radars , cutting edge targeting systems, and off the charts destructive weapons, I even remembered the infamous Jericho missile and most importantly a loyal sidekick by the name of JARVIS the legendary AI of Tony stark my first step was to recreate it into the palace servers but apparently even our computers aren't advanced enough, so I made a list of the primary materials I needed to create a computer with processing power and computing's strong enough to hold JARVIS ,I will also add many modifications to the system and enhancement, plus enter a couple of backdoors so that if it ever get compromised (luthor) I can still stop it otherwise it will help with next projects , I will also start project kryptonian demise incase of evil superman or any kryptonian dares step in my lands , I also have to launch satellites to be my eyes in the sky and not just one , but all that have to wait what's important is to make my company give some slack to Luthor's, hopefully they learned their lesson, and I don't want to antagonize the world's smartest man, maybe in the future but not now ,and so started my journey to correct a fucked up universe.

Authors note : didn't think I would be back this quickly Haha, well here it's folks a 4k chap , for all of you good people ,all this information have been looked up many many times, I discarded many info and came with what you would see as useful and agreeable , so many the contestants for the girlfriend position are ;

1 raven

2 poison ivy

3 power girl

4 mera

5 Cheshire

6 lady Shiva

7 Cortana

8 hypolita

9 zatanna

10 black canary

11 talia al ghoul

12 black fire

13 Harley quin

14 original character

many have been dropped of the race and will still be dropped until there is one or perhaps 2 winners.

thank you for all those who given stars to my novel and those who gave stones , and I would like to give a special thanks to;

1. Masud37








love moh999.

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