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35% Marvel knowledge in DC / Chapter 7: 6. Rats extermination

Chapter 7: 6. Rats extermination

In the high Eastern tower of the palace dedicated to crown's progeny, were both of his parents, sitting in their own library discussing various subjects, before the doors were burst open, they were angry for the interruption of their train of thoughts, but , when they saw it was their own child, they immediately their features became sharp, their child , the prodigy, the most powerful gifted person on the kingdom, probably the world, wouldn't do things out necessity, they realized he had a mature point of view always ahead of his peers , always cunning, with many cards up his sleeves , that's obviously shown since the royal tutors were always excited about teaching him , he always had a high comprehension abilities nearing the his uncle's brilliance and wit , so when they saw his expression they knew something serious is up , because the former actions weren't fit for a royalty , their son was carrying a file with many documents and a storage unit , when they opened the file, their eyes went wide , treason, slave trading , weapons trading with Atlantians and the western government known as USA a country who love nothing more than yo wage war over and over again , especially to a company known as Luthor Corp, a titan in the industry of weaponry in the modern world, a multi billion dollar company, rivaling even Wayne enterprises at their peak, some would say more powerful, because they were always ready to go the extra mile and do what most wouldn't dare do , human experiments , assassinations , and colluding with corrupt officials and selling weapons not only to their country but to all over the world , this company had it hands in so many shady businesses its colossal, and when they attached the storage unit and started hearing the confessions of their relatives, their flesh and blood talking about usurping the throne and assassinate their entire line the felt fury beyond compare, Michael slammed his fist on the table and shouted "those lowly good for nothing, to think they were doing all this behind our backs, associating with outsiders, selling nation secrets and weapons, TREASON " .

" father , mother, now you know why they made those inhibitors, to stop me , my telepathy is on far new levels than any other before, they were scared, still scared of me ,that's why I started investigating them, their whole activities were strange, their movements, as if they trying to covertly do something, you said it your self Tiamus was their bodyguard, when he received the serum he went nuts , their had to be a base for his insanity, after all he was within Charles guards and specifically Jared's ".

At that moment Franklin felt an intruder within the room , so he sent his telepathic powers to find out who , he heard a voice .

" there is no need to be on guard nephew"

to his surprise he found it was his uncle have been listening, the two adults and a child turn eased as they saw Jason ,but what surprised them they found harold and Elizabeth standing their too , harold with apparent sadness in his eyes and his brother's betrayal, and Elizabeth in utter disgust, she and her husband were the victim of poisoning attempt afew years ago but it was her own grandchild who saved them by miraculously feeding themthe right antidote, but Franklin only looked at his uncle's eyes he instantly asked " how did you know? " .

" the moment you took my vault, I thought it was another attempt by Jared, but the culprit went to my beloved nephew's chambers so I was interested, I let you to your business, and after months when you were 6 and a half I finally checked what you were using the vault for , to see I was angry was an understatement, but you did well exposing them , plus, I saw your personal collection of my , your mom , your dad research and the alien radiating metal, nice job by the way you had your own espionage network, impressive to say the least" again I was gaping at my uncle , every one else was gaping at a child's achievings and his 'borrowing' of their achievements, his parents were angry , but his grandparents were proud to say the least, very proud. elusive, cunning, smart , patient ,loyal , just were some of the the properties for making a king, and their progeny proved to be much more , so much more, investigation a corporation and traitors they never thought of, but now was not the the silence was ended when jason asked, "why are you moving now ? what are they planning to do?"

" they are planning to sell some adamantium tonight to orhm of Atlantis, he managed to strike a deal for 20 tone of adamantium for a ship filled with Spanish gold , apparently it's loaded with jewelry and precious stones, but also a promise for when they try to take over the planet and rule they will be helped by Atlantis in return orhm wants help assassinate his brother , and peice of the pie in the future , Australia, Jared and Charles will close the deal tomorrow 3 AM at the north coast, it's the direction with less protection due to being no hostile possible lands their " the room went somber at the explanation, world domination, Jared and Charles weren't the first to try that , it had created massive rebellion, massive reprecautions , they don't want another tyrant with throne in his eye which meant dealing with Charles line for good , even Willis, the child shouldn't be accused for his parents faulting, so I stepped in, he will get a small fortune and go live with his mother, and drop the Richards surname and carry his mother's in return, hope this won't comeback and bite in the ass later , but it's the right thing to do and I know it, when we finished the planning, I suggested a name for operation " Rats extermination " and the rest seems agreeing to me , offcourse, with the threat on their lives and kingdom's wellbeing, we didn't to sleep much , my parents would ready their battle costumes and my dad asked what to do , I brought the matter of the super soldier serum duringthe meeting , and how he should take it and mom and uncle and my grandparents, at first they were afraid until I brought my theory that the serum multiply every thing like good becomes better and becomes worse ,because surprise surprise its boasts magic and the body's capacity for magic , that's one point they never got their attention to, because they were busy dealing with Tiamus, did I mention he was the first to take the serum theb and after he was out he killed all other subjects, after taking the serum his magic and intellect was boosted to the degree he could take on the whole royal protection brigade and survive ,fucker was persistent like a cockroach maybe worse , that's why its 9 AM and everyone in my dad's laboratory, cause my uncle volunteered to try it , gramps utterly refused and said he would test on him self first and their was no room for debate with this man , the injections with super soldier ready for 5 persons , even grandma is coming, who am I to stop her ?, the first to go was grandpa , he took his ropes , wrote his will , and took the king's prestige off his head , let me tell It took a good chunk of his hair Haha, he went into the chamber, "starting injections sequence in 5,4,3,2, 1 ,go " and the vials of the blue glowing liquids were injected, so far so good , dad continued referencing to my uncle at the vita Ray's control panel, and he started to raise the power of the vita rays, until he reached 70% gramps started screaming, my father panicked " shut it down " , before they could kill the power I pushed my uncle with telekinesis and started pushing the power of the Ray's to maximum " Franklin what are you doing, stop,you are hurting him " my father screamed, " no, if we stop the power it will damage him instead , trust me " , gramps voice came from the chamber " keep going , I can do this " after it hit the 100% mark it took 10 seconds before I stopped the device, and used to TK , to open the chamber, out of came a 6,7 feet tall man different from my gramps (play captain America the first avenger theme for effect), he had his muscles packed, surprisingly even his hair grew back , well fuck me , he looks like a complete hunk , I mean damn , that's alot of muscles for an old man , I supported him with my TK and put him on the bed we previously, everyone was eyeing him with worry, except grandma, is that lust I'm seeing, eww gross woman , child is present here woman, dear lord , without a second thought grandma went second, and damn did the serum worked on her , her complection was rosy not ghostly anymore , she lost weight, became slimmer, and her curves were defined ,not much muscle though, thank god, next was uncle, then mom last was dad after he told me for tenth time how the machine worked, god people have trust issues these days , now it was 12 in the morning, the whole castle was bustling with liveliness, but gramps gave direct order to never be disturbed in the lab due to urgent matters, some goons of jared came sniffing around, but I managed to make the troops kick them away, my family stayed within the labs till 6 PM ,after that they went to their rooms to prepare for the operation, ready them selves, got accustomed to their new bodies, thank god I modified the guards memories to make it look like my family's height and changes seemed ordinary, my gramps secretly ordered the preparation to be made for a raid to the royal knights of the palace , royal protection brigade and the naval protection army secretly, and when it hit 1 AM , jared and Charles started moving, they went off the palace by a secret tunnel on their side of the castle and went north the island , dump fucks , didn't even try to lose any potential trackers, some thing was up , I immediately felt that , but I had to commence the operation telepathically to all troops in hiding and so against my good judgment started operation "Rats extermination " .

AUTHOR NOTE: hi their fellas it's me the author, I hope u like this chap , sorry for any errors in it , and I hope u GUYS will like my work special thank to :

1. Masud37





thanks . moh999

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