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2nd God's System 2nd God's System original

2nd God's System

Author: Terorrtown_131

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A Life of Reality

3rd Person


23 years of living and our M.C Ryu Khara has been through some S***. At age 19 he lost his brother died in The 10 Day War with Russia against the United States. Both of his sisters died because some mafia group leader decided that he wants both of them. His girlfriend left him for one of his best friend and 2 of his best friend killed a man but he was framed for it. Apparently the guy they killed had information about what The 10 Day War was about. His other best friend died to keep him safe from the world government. That all happened in 3 years after his brother's death. Now he is bleeding in the Amazon because of a venomous snake. He was Asian, 5'11, average build, and an average face.

Ryu: Great so this how I will die. Maybe I will get Reincarnated... Never mind reincarnation will take truck-kun or lightning-sama from god.

As he closes his eyes for the last time and thought about if he can really get reincarnated.

???: Welcome human Ryu to line of fate

Ryu: W- Who are you? Are you god?

???: Yes I am 'God' and this is the line of fate where we decide of you are worthy to go to Heaven or get Reincarnated.

Ryu: What about hell?

God:If you had done many sins then you would have met the Devil.

Ryu: Oh.... So can I go to Heaven or get Reincarnated?

God: Both but you must choose between the 2. Oh by the way if you choose reincarnation YOU DO NOT GET CHEAT OR ANY WISH so please stop asking about it.

Ryu: I wasn't gonna.

God:... Okay well please choose the 2 fate infront of you. Left for reincarnation and Right for living in Heaven for ever.

Ryu:hmmm... I will choose being reborn.

God: Very well.

As God was using magic to transport his soul he dissaper suddenly. Ryu was confuse on what's going then he realise it was the magic. So he waited and waited for god knows how long.

Ryu:WTF I have been waiting for god knows how long!!!

???: I do know... You have been inside the Realm of Gods for 18,727,821,083,829,822 years.

Ryu:What!! but how?And who are you?

???: I am GOD an-

Ryu: What I just met you moments ago!!!

GOD: That was an Elder God the 6th highest ranking god. Responsible for creating and managing the Universe. And like I said I am GOD or the 1st true GOD.

Ryu:So what happened?

GOD: Well you see there was a battle between 2 Legendary Gods and they use their full power blowing up 183,932 Universes including the one you were in.

Ryu: I see... So what now?

GOD:Well I can reincarnated you but I musy seal your power.

Ryu:okay...WAIT I HAVE POWERS????

GOD:Yes after the Universe you were in blew up you absorb 2 Legendary Gods, 16 Ancient Gods, 183,932 Elder Gods, and every thing in the Universes that were destroyed.

Ryu:.... You're not lying are you?

GOD:No why would GOD lie?Anyway do you want to be reincarnated or stay there?

Ryu: Oh right!...Umm can I get a Cheat? for my next life?

GOD:NO because you have the power of GODS,DEMONS,and DRAGONS. So I-m gonna seal your power to that of a normal human for now.Also you can create a cheat as I will not block your power of creation.

Ryu:.....OH MY GOSH... Okay System Create.

???:Hello My Maker how may I help you?

Ask a female voice ask inside his head.

Ryu:Can I ask if you can help me when I reincarnate?

'Omg he wants me to go with him?' Thought the system.

System:Of course maker I would love to.

GOD watchingnat the sideline sigh and whisperd to himself'Ahhh youth'

Ryu:Yay I have a System!!!!

GOD: Okay well get ready to go in 5.

Ryu&System:Okay and thanks/bye father


As he disappear GOD was standing there saying good bye to his future son-in law and daughter.

1st Person



"it's a boy!!" someone yelled"what a boy so it's a pair twin? I have twins? Oh thank you God! Oh I wish you can see this Yuuki" said a women whom loon very familiar and that name too and this building...Wait am I in my old house? I left this place when I was 8 to go to the U.S because our dad work there but only arrive a year later as our passport was delay. So this my mom and this is my old world?'System' where am I?'

System:You are back in your old world maker.

When System told me I was back I cried as I left this world broken with nothing to love but now I am gonna change my fate. "What will be is name?" said my looks to be my older brother as he was younger. "Ryu Khara" said my mother.'System stats please'

(A/N My first time doing stats so pleases gi easy on me)

Name:Ryu Khara

Race:Human(for now)

Level: 1

STR:1(1 lb)

DEF: 2

AGL:1(1 mph)

STA: 23

DEX: 1

INT:125(500 iq)

WIS: 12

LUCK: 42

Ability Points:35



God: Creations Magic



10 lottery tickets

5 rare lottery tickets

1 legendary lottery ticket

User Gift

System's Gift

System Points:100,000

"What when did I get that smart? And what do you mean for now? I said as I didn't know I was that smart and excited when the I saw that I choose to not be human.

System: You were always that smart but never used it and you can change as GOD said you are a God,Demon,and a Dragon.

"So I am really OP"

"Yes Maker"

"btw System do you have a name?Also call me by my name it's feels better."

"Sorry I don't have a n-name yet R-Ryu-kun"

"hmmmmm" I was thinking about kind of name I should give her then boom it came up.

"Your name will be Suzuki"

"Thank you R-Ryu-kun"

"Yeah no problem" I said as my mother put me in my crib as I slept.

'CLICK' a sound of a camera clicking was heard with a voice afterwards'I hope Ryu-kun won't and sorry you were too cute<3'


Word count(including this):1093

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