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96.55% DxD: God of Gamers / Chapter 28: Chapter 27 Light and Life

Chapter 28: Chapter 27 Light and Life

Everyday was exactly the same thing. For the past week I had done nothing different, nothing other than what the schedule said on my fridge. It was useful, considering it helped me focus on what I needed to do, but outrageously repetitive, even for a gaming addict like me.

Get up, grind some skills, go to school, grind some more skills, and then repeat the whole process all over again the next day.

I had to rest in between, allowing my MP and SP to recover, but other than that, I was either raising my stat points by studying or working out, grinding in my [ID: Create], or levelling up skill proficiency usually while I did the other two things.

After just a single week of non-stop grinding, my [Status] looked a little something like this....

[Name: Tendo Akira] [Title: The Gamer]

[Race]: [Two-Winged Angel]

[Level: 33] [Experience: 99.99%]

[HP: 840/840] [MP: 1,410/1,410] [SP: 780/780]

[STR: 60 (55)] [VIT: 78 (60)] [AGI: 65 (55) ] [INT: 141 (101)] [WIS: 65 (55)] [PER: 18] [LUC: 10]

[Stat Points: 120]

[Money: $600]

I had decided to save up my stat points for exactly this moment, just before I was about to reach Level 34. Part of me, the experimental gamer that liked to mess around with various builds and play-styles wanted to just dump all my stat points into something like INT or PER, but I had already made my mind up regarding where I would put my stats.

"..... VIT.....", I muttered, pressing down on the [ + ] button beside the stat.

Improving my Vitality was something that I had always promised myself that I would do. Not only would it massively increase my HP and SP to beyond that of even a Devil like Rias or Sona, but the passives it would grant me would increase both my survivability in addition to my stamina and physical endurance.

In addition, the build that I was basing my development on, the [Skylight Stream Paladin], specialised in INT and VIT. It could deal out massive amounts of damage quickly, and survive long enough so that you could regenerate MP, plus being able to tank just about anything that came at me.

Other than [Life Drain], which I had only levelled up to Level 10, I didn't have any other skill which allowed me to restore HP.

[Small Mana Potions] could do the trick if I was in a quick bind, but I always had Asia behind me, who could heal anything short of a destroyed limb. Her [Twilight Healing] was an extremely valuable [Sacred Gear], especially for its supportive abilities.

I heard a couple notifications go off, as I pressed the [Yes] button at the bottom of the page. Instantly I was overcome with a wave of [Qi], and I could feel my [Touki Manipulation] activate, covering my body in a thick, slightly golden aura.

[Ding! Due to reaching 100 in Vitality a passive skill has been created!]

[Flawless Form (Passive)]

[Level: N/A] [Experience: N/A]

[A skill that denotes a flawless level physical body. The degree of vitality that is contained within is beyond that of most supernatural beings. Allows the body to handle and exert a greater pressure than what it can normally handle]

[Passively increases VIT by 20%]

[Passively lowers physical damage taken by 15%]

[Passively increases health by 20%]

[Passively increases all resistances by 10%]

[Ding! Due to reaching 150 in Vitality a passive skill has been created!]

[Sovereign Physique]

[Level: N/A] [Experience: N/A]

[A skill that denotes a physique that exceeds all others. One that stands above all others. The degree of vitality contained within the body exceeds the limits of other beings. Allows the body to contain a stronger [Qi] when compared to others of the same level. Allows the user to manipulate [Touki]. Allows the user to feel the base of life of those at a lower level]

[Passively increase VIT by 40%]

[Passively lowers physical damage taken by 20%]

[Passively increases health by 40%]

[Passively increases all resistances by 10%]

[Doubles [Touki] strength]

[Triples [Qi] within the body]

[Can detect the [Qi] within those whose level is lower than your own]

I let out a deep breath, letting my [Qi] spill out of my body, and flow throughout the surrounding area.

I was in an [ID: Create: Empty], so I was the only living being within the pseudo-dimension, however I could still feel the base of life from everything around me, despite my Instant Dungeon overlaying the real world.

From the tiniest, smallest insect crawling on the ground, to the tallest, wisest oak tree standing in the centre of this forest, I could sense everything in the outside world. In addition to-.

"Hmm? My [Qi], its-", my [Qi], which I knew was to be considered [Venus Qi], flowed in the world around me, turning the same bright, yet somehow dark, golden colour as it coursed throughout the world around me.

Slowly, wilted flowers regained their colour and life, and dying, near leafless trees quickly grew back all their leaves and branches, the entire would turning back into a bright green and rainbow world.

The base of life within all of these things, pulsed back with a renewed vigour after being exposed to my [Venus Qi].

I still hadn't figured out exactly what the the Concept of [Venus] embodied, however, considering what all Gods and supernatural beings that embodied Venus represented, I could at least narrow down my line of questioning.

'Aphrodite and Venus themselves represent love, fertility, beauty and passion. Astarte and Ishtar embody the aspects of war, sex, fertility and love. All four of them were beings of unparalleled beauty, while Lucifer and Helel, both represented the Light that [Venus] gives off. A symbol of hope, and a symbol of guidance.....', I let out a deep breath as I sat down in the lotus position, hoping my thoughts would become clearer as I entered [Mediation].

'My own views on the Concept of Venus is closer to Lucifer and Helel, rather than the four Goddesses of Beauty. [Venus] is both the Morning Star and the Evening Star, a being that lights the way for the future; a beacon for where humanity has yet to go.....',

My wings and two halo's appeared without me meaning to, the larger halo, the one encircling the smaller one, transformed into something more like a Dharma Wheel, with eight protrusions sticking out, making it look like a strange parody between a crown and a magic circle.

I ignored the sudden changes to my outer halo and focused on my train of thought, completely disregarding the [Ding] I heard going off in my head.

'But I just can't ignore the aspects that the four Goddesses of Beauty represent!', I shouted to myself in the back of my mind, 'Each denote a specific detail that [Venus] embodies, that Lucifer and Helel do not! Aphrodite represents beauty. Ishtar represents war. Venus represents fertility and Astarte represents sex..... Even Baidi, the White Deity from the Chinese Pantheon is associated with the Western Cardinal Direction..... what do all these things have in common.....'.

My thoughts grew deeper and deeper. Trying to find a linking factor between the different Gods from the half-dozen or so different Pantheons inside my head.

Even in the [ID: Create] the sun slowly set over the horizon, and the bright Evening Star rose up to takes its place. The distance between that star and I was as far as the gap between the Heaven and the Earth, however, I still felt its presence reaching out to me, as I felt its power even from such a distance.

I knew that my Embodiment had something to do with the Concept of [Venus]. It may not be as strong as the Concept of [Dreams] or [Nothingness], but it was still esoteric in nature. More so than something like the Concept of [Fire] or the Concept of [Strength].

None of them were weak by any means, but from what I could gather, the Concept of [Love] was far superior to the Concept of [Happiness]. It wasn't just a strength or power level sort of thing, but an innate, more archaic sort of comprehension.

'All of them represents aspects of life. Lucifer and Helel both refer to the inevitable rise and fall of life, as the Morning Star falls and rises once more as the Evening Star. Aphrodite and Venus both represent the birthing of life. They embody the aspects of fertility, which allow them to create life even when the mother or father may be impotent....'

'Astarte and Ishtar denote the passing of life and the movement towards death. They represent aspects of war, a conjunction of life and a path towards death. Ishtar had a sister who was the Goddess of the Underworld, another showing of how life eventually flows towards death....'

'Even Baidi, the White Deity from the Chinese Pantheon, was associated with the Western Cardinal Direction. The same side that the sun rises from every day. In addition to Autumn, the season of passing, one of change and inevitable rebirth as Winter fades and Spring arrives....'.


That was the thinking factor between all the Gods that took on some aspect of Venus. All of them, somehow linking to the base of life within every living being, and the manipulation of said base of life.

Life is born.... and life is destroyed. The cycle of life and death repeats itself over and over again. Flowing throughout the universe just like-.

"Mana..... from all things mana can be derived, and derived from mana all things can. I created [Kun] and [Peng] from mana. I created life from [Mana].... is this a coincidence, or was it predestined?....", I couldn't help but wonder.

If from the beginning, I already possessed an affinity with the Concept of [Venus] but didn't realise it until now. My Angelic Embodiment was always meant to be [Venus], but I had to figure out how to get there on my own....

I let out a deep breath letting those thoughts flow out of me just as my breath did.

It was no use wanting to change something that I had already set my mind on.

"If [Venus] really does represent Life. And Venus is the "Light that guides Life", than so be it. I shall become the "Light that guides Life"".

I heard a couple [Dings!] go off and a flood of power fill my body. It was then that I realised it.

I smiled,

"Concepts always come in two. The "Illusion of the Dream". And the "Nothingness of Infinity".... they are both Concepts. On the other hand-".

I felt two extra appendages on my back, changing my [Race] and [Status] once more.

My gaze set upon the [Race] part of my [Status], the [Two-Winged Angel] transforming into the [Four-Winged Angel] as my powers practically doubled due to the sudden enhancement of power.

[Ding! For continuously pondering on the Concept of [Venus] you have gained + 1 WIS!]

[Ding! Due to a continuous action a new skill has been created! Due to a continuous transformation using the power of Venus the new skill [Type Life] has been created! It allows one to alter aspects of the world around them, changing the base of life within the things around them. Can control the base of life to its utmost extents]

[Type Life (Passive/Active)]

[Level: N/A] [Experience: N/A]

[A skill that denotes a connection to the concept of Venus. Contrary to being a title, this skill highlights the actual representation the user has over the concept of Venus. Being the "Light that guides Life", allows for one to passively govern all life that is not related to another concept]

[Passively triple VIT]

[Passively triple PER]

[Passively triples HP regeneration]

[Passively triples SP regeneration]

[Actively increases VIT by 100%]

[Actively increases PER by 100%]

[Passively triple all resistances]

[Actively control the base of life of living beings]

[Actively control [Qi] in living beings]

[Note: Overuse may result in physical changes]

My eyes widened at the sheer bonuses the skill gave before narrowing slightly at the note at the bottom.

'What type of skill has a note in its description. Unless it's some sort of forbidden power?', it was definitely possible.

Some games possessed high tier, end game level skills which used HP or even random stat points to be utilised. The trade-off for these types of skills were huge, although the end result almost always ended up being the opposing forces defeat.

The skills were definitely broken, but the repercussions were equally as huge for those willing to use them.

I shook my head looking at it once more.

'It as a "chance" of causing physical changes. It doesn't even specify that it is me who suffers from these changes. It might be the target for all I know.....', I let out a breath before snapping my fingers sending a wave of [ID: Destroy] to shatter my pseudo-dimension.

"Hmm. What astounding changes....".

As I unfurled my four golden-white wings I heard a voice echo from behind me. Instantly I activated [Touki Manipulation] in addition to [Light Aura]. Two [Light Mana Swords] appeared in both of my hands as ten [Light Mana Spears] hovered around me.

"Oh? Not bad reflexes at all. Too bad your ability to sense Qi is atrocious, although your strength may exceed my own. I told you he's different from the others Bikou". I narrowed my eyes and saw several figures hidden in the trees.

From what I could tell, four people stood hidden in the shadows, all of whom had their aura and [Qi] hidden from me.

I muttered,

[Type Life].

The outer crown, shaped halo shone, and started rotating as I felt their bases of life clearer now, all of whom had varying expressions of shock and interest showing from their [Qi].

"Oh?", the same sensual, female voice rung out, "A [Four-Winged Angel] showing that much power? And here I was under the impression that the God of the Bible wasn't making Angels anymore. I wonder just what he represents....".

Another voice rang out, distinctly accented despite his Japanese words.

"I too am interested in the power that this Angel shows. It's not everyday you meet a Heavenly Angel. Especially after Michael has taken charge..... I shall be the one to test out his strength", there were shouts of opposition at his words, with the one female and the one called Bikou shouting as they wanted to be the ones to fight.

"Hey Arthur, get in line! I found him, so I want to fight him!".

"Shut up t*ts for brains! I want to fight him!".

"What did you say monkey boy!? You wanna piece of me!?".

"Any day, any time, p*ssy cat! I'll kick your *ss any day of the week!".

Two distinct sighs came from the last figure, in addition to the one they called Arthur.

The last figure, whose back had wings of light coloured white and blue turned to the one holding the sword that was leaking out a [Light Aura] and spoke,

"Don't kill him Arthur. We don't want to kill a potential member now do we?".

I took a step back ward and raised my swords.

My [Observe] was too low level to even glimpse at their names, let alone their stats and levels and stuff.

"Arthur" raised his sword two which I did the same. None of them were leaking out any intent to kill, so I didn't think they planned on killing me.

I smiled,

It was definitely a good chance to test out my new powers though.

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