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60% In another world. Marvel universe? what's that. / Chapter 2: My new companion

Chapter 2: My new companion

Now that we are settled, what would you wish for? Also, the system has the following.

*quest feature

* status feature

* inventory feature

* message feature and the crafting feature.

The inventory can increase in storage space right now; it has a 4x4 grid space each holds an item as big as a truck tire, and I'm talking 18-wheeler size.

The same item can be held in that same space over 99 times, cool, huh? Now the message feature is as its name implies you can message your companion where ever, whenever only you and the recipient can see the message nobody else. Also, they can't disclose anything about the message function whatsoever, they do they die, and their soul is bound to you forever, oh and the person who was told is bound to you as well.

now last-

" woe woe woe hold on! why would you do that?"

"simple, all the other ones with a system try so hard to keep it a secret and either lose their friends and family or are betrayed later on. by doing this; you no longer have to stress about it. Oh, you can tell people it doesn't matter if you trust them or not. But if they try telling anyone anything about it, we'll the punishment is set above, aren't I great ." said the old man with a smug look.

"y-yeah the best (holy hell, I don't know if I should be pumped of terrified of this guy? and what happened to all the emojis that was in the first chapter?)"

(don't worry about it, focus on what's in front of you.)

"go with pumped; after all, I just solved the generic problem of all system wielders; now the crafting feature uses all materials be they in their raw or finished form; for example, you can take a wrecked car and put it in you're inventory, next a HUD will appear and ask if you want to SCRAP or SELL the item. Scraping the item will turn it into raw materials used to make the item.

The car will turn into steel or iron, plastic, copper, you name it, but some materials will be lost in the process. You can also specify what you want to SCRAP, and I think you're smart enough to know what I mean. Sell is pretty straight forward you sell the item for what it's worth though in doing so, you will be fined a 3% fee for the service.

Now I have covered the system functions. You may now proceed with your wishes."

" Uhm, ok, the first wish is complete disassembly; when I kill or beat an opponent, I get all drops regardless of difficulty,"

" smart move that way you can make full use of the scrap and craft feature 4 left."

Why is he smiling? he's been doing that for a while like Alice's Cheshire cat (forgot the name of the guy)

" second is item mastery.

Third telepathy.

Fourth technomancy.

Fifth would be skill creation.

are those okay?"

" The second and third wish is acceptable, but tell me why you would wish for technomancy? it will be useless to you in an area without technology?"

"simple in the marvel universe, technology is everywhere, not to mention the two well known secret agency's shield and Hydra both heavily reliant on tech. It'll be fun messing with them 😈 and to throw off the hypocrite crippled baldie when he finds me.

also, I want to pilot a big-ass robot could be fun, haha."

"hmm, very well it's agreeable now for you're 5th wish I can grant it, but it will come with limitations, don't want you suddenly making a skill that will destroy the universe now, do we?

*you can only use it 3 times every month.

* I will check on the skill you wish to create, don't worry, it'll feel like nanoseconds.

* you can only grant a person 5 skills no more, no less. everything else free game, now are you ready to go, young man?"

" what about my brother? He was with me during the accident. Is he ok?"

The old man had a grave, almost pitying look when I asked him.

" boy, your brother was taken in by the god who killed you since the one he wanted was you, but I intervened and took you from him. In doing so, your brother was caught when I wasn't looking." the old man got off his throne and kneeled to me." my apologies, although I'm the god of your world, yet I failed as its protector. your brother won't be harmed through crazy she cares deeply for those under her care and kills anyone who harms them."

Did this guy tell me not to worry? The guy practically left my brother in the care of a yandere?!! Oh fuck, I hope his bad luck doesn't follow him during his journey?

"hah~ just send me over to the universe, old man; you said I would be sent randomly in the body of an infant, right? and my companion guards me during that time, correct?"

" that is correct, but instead of only being with you during your infant stage, they will be with you throughout your life as your family, so to speak. And by they, I mean 3 of them will be there to pick you up. there they will introduce themselves to you, though you already know them," he says while giving me another toothy grin "now off you go, good luck young man may lady luck and madam Fortune smile upon you."

he waves his hand and a portal with black wisps of smoke coming off all around it,

He has humbly admitted to his mistake for a god and talked to me like I was just a boy who knew nothing. It reminds me of grandpa; even his smile was the same? Both friendly, mysterious, and terrifying; well, let's get this over with.

"later, old man, thanks for the wishes and company."

As he left through the portal, the old man looks at the now starless space before him with sorrow and worry, "so it's finally caught up to him, his 'destiny' how could those old hags give him such a fate? It's like asking him to be a sacrifice for that deplorable bitch.

Hah, well, I can only do so much; I'm still weak against those hags, it may not be much, but it'll be enough, hopefully. reapers send me the fuck ups who let the fucker through into my world!"

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