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Chapter 22

Later that day Eliza was summoned to Anish's outer sitting room, a place so ornate it was hard to know where to rest her gaze. He sat on a huge cushion, legs spread wide to accommodate his ever-increasing paunch, and Jay sat in a chair opposite. The floor was piled with more satin cushions, placed around a large low table. Eliza glanced at the slim punkawallah who was pulling a heavy rope that operated a large fan made of cloth stretched over a wooden frame. Back and forth it floated, as it hung from the ceiling directly above Anish. And little gusts of air reached as far as where Eliza stood, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. 'Do not hover, girl! Sit.' She glanced around and chose a hardback chair, where she sat stiffly and with her hands folded in her lap. 'Are you well now?' she asked. 'I remember you were ill soon after Holi.' He inclined his head. 'It started some while before, in fact. But at Holi, Chatur came to me with a bottle of some kind of chemical he had discovered hidden away somewhere. You are the only person with access to such things.' 'Which chemical was it?' 'Pyrogallol, I think. Something like that was on the label. I wondered if it was poisonous.' Eliza could feel the blood draining from her face. The silver pyro crystals were terribly dangerous and could have long-term degenerative effects on the nervous system. It was a poison that could be ingested or could get into the system via the skin, which was why she kept the bottles under lock and key in her darkroom. Although Indi had also worked in there, she had always been supervised and didn't have a key of her own, so it couldn't have been her. Then, with a feeling of horror, Eliza recalled the day she'd come back and found her darkroom door unlocked. She had thought she'd accidentally left the padlock open, but perhaps she hadn't after all, and if she hadn't left it unlocked herself, then somebody else must have a key. After she had told the two brothers about it, Jay got to his feet and swung his arms. 'So there you are, problem solved. Anish only wanted to know how the pyro had got out of your darkroom and whether you'd given it to anybody.' 'No. Of course I didn't. But why would anyone steal it?' 'Need you ask?' 'But surely nobody would hurt the Maharajah?' Anish laughed, but it was a short, sharp, mirthless sound. 'I constantly fear for my life. This may be the twentieth century, but old habits die hard. I have a stream of poisoned ancestors stretching back in time. If I didn't know my brother has no designs on the throne I would be suspecting him.' Jay rolled his eyes. 'Where is the bottle now?' 'I had it disposed of.' 'And was it full?' 'To the brim.' She let out a sigh of relief. 'Well, I hope you are feeling better now, sir?' 'Better, though something still is not quite right. This is just between us, you understand, but I shall ask Mr Salter to recommend a good chest doctor. I don't want the castle unduly concerned.' She got to her feet. 'There's a doctor living right next door to Clifford Salter. He will know.' 'Indeed. Now, just in case somebody else does have a key,' Anish added, 'count the bottles and make sure you change the padlock on your door. Do it today. Jay will help you.' As she and Jay left Anish's chambers and walked down the corridor, Jay paused and looked into her eyes. She smiled up at him. 'Did you know I went to see the project with Dev?' 'Yes.' He took hold of her hand. 'I can't tell you how glad I am that you're staying.' How this man touched her soul. He made her feel more real, as if she had a place where she fitted in. She thought but didn't say that she had grown tired of running away: from school, from her mother – by marrying Oliver at just seventeen – and, if she was honest, from her mother again by coming to Rajputana. Her mother's pale pinched features came to mind. 'Penny for them,' Jay said. She shook her head. 'It's nothing.' 'So,' he said, 'tell me more about this poison. Are you safe using it?' 'Pyro can cause convulsions and terrible gastro-intestinal effects over the long term. It can even kill.' 'In the short term?' 'Irritating to the skin and eyes. I always use gloves or it turns my fingers black. And I use a face mask too. I dread to think of what might have happened.' 'Show me your fingers.' She held up her hands and wiggled her fingers. He smiled. 'I don't know who might have taken it, but let's get a new padlock from the castle stores.' 'Have you had any success?' she said, in an effort to dismiss the lingering worry about pyro, and smiled at him. 'Searching for backers? Not yet.' 'I could speak to Clifford again, though much good it may do.' 'I don't want you to have to go begging to him.' She sighed. 'He may be our only bet.' 'I have one or two contacts. People I was at school with in England. I'm trying them. Time isn't on my side, but look, when I've had a chance to sort something out, why not come to my palace with me?' He gave her a warm smile. 'Stay a few days. Once we get the project going again and the temperature starts rising it'll be cooler there. Come. Take photographs. And we'll have a chance to talk properly.' 'I'd love to.' 'And actually I might need a hand with the administration if you wouldn't mind.' 'Of course, but I've been meaning to ask if you've spoken to Indi about Chatur?' 'She admitted Chatur asked her to obtain information for him.' 'What about the other thing?' 'She looked affronted and wouldn't discuss it, but I have spoken to Chatur.' He paused. 'Do you know, it strikes me that he might be the one who stole the pyro, or more likely one of his men. I doubt he came across it hidden somewhere.' 'But why then give it to Anish?' 'To undermine you.' When Eliza called at Clifford's residence a few days later, she found him sitting in a shady part of the garden under the veranda. He rose to his feet, but was less welcoming than previously. 'So what can I do for you?' he said, sipping what looked like a gin and tonic. 'Would you like one?' he added when he saw her looking. 'Just a lime soda for me, please.' 'With salt or sugar?' 'Actually I like both together.' She paused. 'Clifford, I won't beat about the bush.' 'It would be nice if you came to see me without wanting something.' Eliza thought rapidly. 'Actually I've been trying to help you out with obtaining information about Anish.' He perked up a bit. 'He's not well.' 'Well, I knew he'd had a little turn after Holi. Indigestion, wasn't it?' 'Not just that. He has a problem with his chest. He's going to ask if you could recommend a good western doctor. He wants to keep the problem he's having away from castle eyes, I think.' 'How interesting. I'll ask Julian Hopkins next door for a recommendation. If I can put one of our men in there it will help a great deal. Thank you. Let me know if you hear anything else.' Eliza smiled. 'Look, I am glad to have been of help, but you're right, there is something.' 'The irrigation funding?' She nodded. 'Well, as it happens I have found a new lead. Though its success rather depends on you.' 'Me?' 'I want you to reconsider my proposal of marriage. I am very fond of you, Eliza.' Eliza examined her nails, wishing she were somewhere else, but Clifford was looking at her steadily, expecting an answer. She wondered if it might be best to pretend a little interest. 'And if I agree, this potential investor –' 'Will definitely be on the cards. But he not only wants to see detailed evidence of how his investment will be repaid, but also how he will make money.' 'Then I agree to reconsider. But that's all.' Clifford sprang to his feet and held out both hands to her. She got up and let him take her hands, and then he kissed her.

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