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Chapter 6: The mighty heat vision

The fights were everywhere one looked, in the sky Martian Manhunter turned into a tall big dragon striking the parademons left and right, although sometimes some would gang up on him in an attempt to take him down but fortunately for him there were others fighting alongside him, like the valiant Amazonian warrior princess Wonder Woman who was beating the otherworldly creatures with her hands and from time to time would use her lasso to tie the creatures restricting them and throwing them around like toys hitting other flying parademons thus giving her more space to attack and not limiting her attacks to only enemies directly in her reach.

Not too far from them, lasers, missiles, bullets, different sorts of projectiles were being fired, each precisely aimed, making parademons drop one after the other, Cyborg from a safe distance was making sure to give full support to others by shooting down as many of the creatures as possible thus making the others at ease fighting with no worry that the creatures might gang up on them.

On the ground, Flash was moving fast, too fast for the regular eye to follow, like a specter he would one moment be here and another somewhere else, in a sense he was everywhere, Flash's forte was his speed, thus he prioritized rescuing the citizens who were there and from time to time he would attack the creatures once they landed preventing them from kidnapping more, wherever one looked, super heroes were fighting the never ending floods of parademons that kept coming from the boom-tubes, and unfortunately, not only the harbor was under attack as other boom-tubes were being opened in other areas in metropolis and around the world making other super heroes busy and unable to come ad help…

Superman who arrived at the scene later than the rest of the Justice leaguers, stopped to look at what was happening, in a sense, he got nothing to do with what was happening as it isn't even his world but he is a fan of the DC universe not to mention he was uncomfortable with Batman glaring at him from a distance, he was being monitored by the most dangerous member of the Justice League, Superman thought for a moment about how to participate in the fight without seeming suspicious, after all he can't or rather doesn't yet know how to fly and flight while fighting was always included in the original Superman's battle style.

Superman wondered for a moment, aside from Batman the next that might and got the highest chance of exposing him was Martian Manhunter as mind reading was one of his abilities, Superman decided to keep a safe distance from Martian Manhunter for the time being although he got no idea how much is a safe distance, Superman thought that as long as he isn't in direct contact with him then he could manage.

Next was the matter of how he should fight without his ability to fly, fighting like Flash was an option of course but he decided to take another approach

"Everyone, retreat!" Superman called as his eyes reddened, red light covered both eyes, as he looked at everything between him and the boom-tubes, his vision covered all the parademons in sight.

It wasn't hard to guess what he had in mind.

Heat vision is a flexible ability in a sense, as it can be used on both one target at a time or many at the same time, in single target mode it is a hot laser that can pierce and burn through almost anything, in multi-target mode however it is a much more lethal, as it can raise many targets at the same time, the current superman knows this very well albeit so far he only used the first mode meaning the single target mode to melt a mirror as for the second mode he was simply going to try it for the 'first' time.

The second mode of the heat vision, unlike the first mode which consists on focusing vision on a single point thus blasting a concentrated hot beam like laser, consist on spreading the heat vision on the entire field disintegrating everything touched, second mode was much more lethal and hard to control than the first most known mode of the heat vision.

Alas came the second mode of the heat vision, the current superman was simply going by theory and hoped it works unlike his attempt at flight.

The heat vision covered the entire intended area in a matter of a second as the heat rays spread out covering the entire area like a large red thin veil, all parademons were eradicated even those still coming as superman kept his focus on all of the boom-tubes in front of him, he was now very happy inside like a child playing with fire, many wished to get the powers of Superman especially the heat vision, the current him was overjoyed just like a child getting a new toy but he was also doing his best to keep his focus and that was very tiring and consumed lots of his energy, in a sense he was fighting a battle of attrition, either he gets tired first or the parademons stop coming out and boom-tubes close up.

"Everyone! Hurry and evacuate the civilians, I don't know for how long I keep this up!" Superman shouted as veins could be seen on his face and mainly on the side of his eyes.

The rest of justice leaguers nodded to each other, Batman however was hesitating.

"Batman, I could use a hand here!" Cyborg called

Batman glanced at Cyborg, he was surrounded by some Parademons who escaped the covered area, they were few in number but too much for a single super hero like Cyborg,

"Busy, Wonder Woman go help Cyborg" Batman said calmly as he kept his glance on Superman.

"I got this!" Green Lantern said as pointed his ring towards where Cyborg was.

"Lantern! You and Manhunter go and help in other places, there are several boom-tubes opening to the west from here" Batman's voice came from his wireless earpiece.

"You are not my boss!" Said Green Lantern as he looked more determined and his ring shined with a green jade like light, the participating member in this fight was Hal Jordan a valiant member of the Lantern corps however quite stubborn thus didn't like being ordered around, but suddenly he felt a hand tapping his right shoulder, he turned his head in response, only to see Martian Manhunter shaking his head as if saying not to do it then gestured with his head towards the direction where Batman was at.

Green Lantern followed with his eyes towards where Manhunter gestured, only to see Batman glaring at him, he was far down on the ground but the Bat glare was too much to ignore even for him.

"Tsk, fine!" Green Lantern turned around as he flew to the west, Martian Manhunter followed suit.

Batman then called the other present Justice Leaguers on the scene telling each of them to go somewhere.

Superman could tell that Batman was up to something, he wasn't planning to attack him now that he is concentrating and shouldn't move? Would he?

And aside from that he lost trach of the voices of Lex Luthor and Lois Lane, just where did they go?

Superman was troubled…

Kalto Kalto

Superman got lots of powers some of them are more known than others because of the many works and adaptations mentioning the man of steel, therefore for anyone wondering what is this second mode I am talking about, one example where you can find the answer is the 'Superman/Batman: Apocalypse'

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