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50% yoroza high / Chapter 5: Chapter 6 - Death Agreement

Chapter 5: Chapter 6 - Death Agreement

Only few days left in dragon competition mark finally decide he represents archery class after the school he practice alone back side of dorms then ash appear there.

Mark see her and smiling look at her but he keep practice she come to near him but mark wants to concentrate on the target, suddenly she hug him mark looses his concentration and miss the target.

After that he asked ash

" Which class you represnts " mark ask her.

" Swoardsmanship class " ash reply him kindly.

Mark phone starts blink he check his inbox Mrs. hinata wants to meet them, they both reach to the school and come inside the classroom, all of the participators of dragon competition were there.

" All of partcipators are here " Mrs. hinata ask them.

" Yes madam " All students reply with flow.

Mrs. hinata start a projector and everybody watch it

" I call you for give a brief of dragon competition all of you and show past year results " Mrs. hinata tell all the students.

Miss kana and Mr. nate appears there and giving thanks to all participators, and start the meeting Miss. kana leads first for disscloser of competition format.

" 3 Classes perform in this competition and competition will divided in 3 stages first swoardsmanship class perform in competition, after that hand combat class represents himself and last but not least archery class represents which school has win 2 stages who will win the competition "

" Previous year--- "

Her voice tremble suddenly she's eyes are fill of tears but he had control on her emotions Mr. nate give 5 minutes rest to all students, and get out of class for a while, every student whisper why suddenly so emotional, A 2nd year student stand on his seat and make an anouncement.

" Previous year 8 students brutally kill by gonko's high student and many student are injured "

His voice starts shaking but he not loose his courage and tightly make a fist and continue speaking.

"O- One of those 8 students is little brother of Miss. kana".

After that Mrs. hinata has taken charge and stand front of all students Mr. nate distribute some kind of agreement to students but his face become pale and he looks upset while distribution.

" Students which paper put on your desks it's known as death agreement "

Everyone shocked after listened it and they were started whisper each other and some of make noises Mr. nate wasn't able to controlling all participators then Mrs. hinata make a another anouncement.

" If anyone hasn't intrested in participate in competition so we can't force him but if they paricipates in competition and they has won so those education are free in yoroza and yoroza high give 10,00,000 dollers reward "

Everyone had confussed they has a big opportunity to bring a great reward but they also feared from gonnko's high students, One student stand on her seat

" I am ready for the competition not for any kind of reward but i want to archive my personal goal"

She take her pen and immediately sign in death agreement her face show fearless her red hair looks like a new burn fire everyone feel her strong aura and her aura show her more beautiful, all the students only watch her.

" who's she ash, she's in swoardsmanship class "

" she's tiara, she's from class 1-2 she has reached level of Mr. taylor in hand combat and she was your sister best friend "

Suddenly he relized he saw that girl before he try to remember, he slowly rewind his memory then he relizes the another girl in the picture was tiara but she change her looks, she has made her hair long and now she didn't wore specs anymore.

After that suddenly mark take a stand and sign the death agreement and give to Mrs. hinata and go back to own seat, everyone look at his face his face show confidence level of mark tiara stare at him but don't do anything.

Suddenly mech also want to participate and he signed death agreement, and give a mysterious look to tiara and sit on his seat.

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