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Utter Loathing Utter Loathing original

Utter Loathing

Author: 0h_that_person

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Word of the day  (Why are you reading this?)

Word of the day: Loathing 

Loathing is a writhing, dark, twisted, demented feeling so intense it can start wars. It collects in the deepest parts of one's heart and soul and is so bitter, that not even the greatest amounts of sickly sweet sugar can tame it. It's a cavity, rotting in the darkest parts of your mind. In a way, it's a terrible beast, but it doesn't have a form. It's more a shape shifter, shifting, into the target of that loathing. But at the same time, it's more of a swirling mass of darkness. A terrible storm with no end in sight. How do you get rid of it? I don't know. In fact, I'm drowning in that sickly mess of emotions. 

Use it in a sentence: 

"I loathe brussel sprouts" 

"I hate, detest, utterly LOATHE  Smith Jackson" 

Upon looking at what is written above, one might draw themselves to the conclusion, that it is the work of a (rather demented) school child, perhaps told to do one of those annoying word of the day entrees into their notebooks. If I close my eyes I can picture the appalled look on this supposed child's language arts teachers face, as they examine the rather thural and dark classwork, probably thinking that the darned child is quite literally the spawn of satan, and feeling rather scared and sorry for "Smith Jackson". I bet you are feeling the same as the (imaginary) language art teacher, a little, if not more, concerned for Smith Jackson. But don't worry, you shouldn't be concerned about such a monster like him. Yep, that's right, that wasn't the work of a demented second grader, it was the work of a slightly insane adult. Me. Why on earth do I hate this Smith Jackson person? Long story short, it's such a long story that the short story is just this warning about how long it is. And how long is this long long story? A book long.

 Don't turn the page just yet though. Hold your horses, I gotta warn you about what you are getting into by turning the page. 

By turning the page you will find the more official start of this horrible chapter, in this rather terrible book. What to expect? What am I warning you about? Horrendously painful amounts of hatred (coming from me) and a very sad ending to a very sad book.

 Aww man random narrator person, why couldn't you just write a normal book? 

Because, then it wouldn't be a very true book. I would just be lying through clenched teeth the entire time. Besides, although it is wrong to judge people without really knowing them, I think that it is safe to assume that you had a vague idea, maybe even looked forward to all this hatred. After all, what else would one expect from a book called Utter Loathing? 

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