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15.25% My Future Self is Ruining My Life! / Chapter 8: Extra Credit

Chapter 8: Extra Credit

<<Subject completed route 'Home to School' in 57 minutes and 23 seconds. Subject has surpassed previous record for route. Bonus rewards will be added when Subject completes Daily Routine. Please complete another route today to add total for walking requirement.

Potential title 'Limit Pusher' progressed.>>

"System, why doesn't my walking around the house count against the Daily Routine total?"

<<Subject must engage in uninterrupted locomotion for over 20 minutes with an elevated heart rate for a route to be defined.>>

"Got it. So just walking between classes doesn't count, either."


"I guess that will have to be covered on the way home, then. Alright, better get to my first class! Now, where's my schedule..."

<<System scanned Subject's schedule and is able to provide the relevant information. Subject's class schedule today is Latin, English, Computers, and Physical Education.>>

"Thanks, System! That's actually super helpful!"

<<One of System's main functions is to simplify tasks that Subject has proven to have mastered in order to optimize the use of the Subject's time. System has determined that the Subject has reached the minimum level of being able to read a piece of paper.>>

"...thanks for the praise, I guess."

<<No thanks are necessary.>>



Michael made his way to the Latin classroom and quickly found himself a seat. Not too long after that, he noticed Jeremy walking in talking to a tall girl with strawberry blonde hair. Jeremy quickly spotted Michael by the window, waved, and walked over with the girl.

"Hey Michael! What are the odds? Pretty good, actually, now that I think about it. This is Valeria," Jeremy raced through the introduction and sat himself down next to Michael. Valeria gave a slight wave and smile and then sat down on the other side of Jeremy. Before they could continue their conversation, the teacher walked in and stood at the front of the class.

"Salvēte! Ego sum Praeceptor Sorrento." [Hello, Everyone! I am Professor Sorrento]

"Ave, Praeceptor," [Greetings, Professor] the entire class responded.

Professor Sorrento looked around the class, quite pleased. [Very good. Welcome to the first session of our Tier I Latin course. We will be discussing the history of the empire, the responsibility of its citizens, and furthering our understanding through a number of literary works. Use of any other language is strongly discouraged, naturally.

Let's begin with a simple question: The current year is known as the year 2000 of the common era. Years before this period are referred to as coming 'Before the Common Era.'

Now - who can tell me what demarcates the common era? Yes, you, in the back. Please state your name and the answer to the question.]

Valeria lowered her hand. [Valeria Marcellinus, Professor. The Common Era is demarcated by the beginning of the reign of the First Emperor, Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus.]

The professor started slightly, then continued. [Correct. Moving on. Who can tell me...]

Michael got a little distracted as he noticed the System's prompt had changed.

<<Timeline variance detected. Analyzing...>>


As the bell rang, Michael found himself with two new mission notifications - the expected [Mission: Latin Homework] appeared, but the System also offered up a rather odd one.

<<[Extra Credit: History of the World]

Description: While completing missions and going about your day-to-day life, prioritize material and objectives related to geography and world history as of 0 CE.

Reward: Each instance will lead to bonus system-related rewards.>>

Michael was about to ask the System what this was about when Jeremy and Valeria walked over.

"Ohe, Michael! Quad gen-- oh, forget it. Bell's already rung. What do you have next?" Jeremy asked, quickly giving up on the "Latin only" rule.

Michael smiled. "I've got English - it was supposed to be first thing yesterday morning, but that got eaten up in the Administrative office. It looks like it's just down the hall. How about you?"

Jeremy looked quite pleased at this. "Oh! We've got the same class, Ms. Aldrich, right? Excellent. Then we can grab lunch, unless you've--"

"Got a thing, yeah. But I'll walk to class with you."

As the three of them were heading out the door, Professor Sorrento called out. "Hera Marcellinus, placet expectare momento..."

Valeria sighed. "I'll catch up, Jer. Save me a seat." Michael looked a bit puzzled at this, but Jeremy just shrugged and said "Don't worry about it. You get used to it."

Deciding to leave it alone, Michael started to walk with Jeremy to the next class. While on his way, he decided to ask the question he'd been holding since the latest prompt. "System, what's the deal with this 'Extra Credit' thing?"

<<The System has been granted certain authority to reward the Subject's aid in pursuit of goals primarily beneficial to the System, and not immediately the Subject. A proper understanding of the timeline and sequence of events will allow the System to make appropriate adjustment.>>

"Understanding of the timeline? What kind of adjustments?"

<<Subject has not unlocked-->>

"Got it. So just keep an eye out for maps and history stuff? There's a lot of old books on that foundational reading list, should I prioritize those too?"

<<As appropriate. Extra Credit is not useful if you undertake something significantly above your current capabilities.>>

"Got it. But within the first tier, maybe tackle that stuff first. If you're looking for something specific, why not just pull it up on the WorldNet?"

<<System would recommend that the Subject look up the term 'low profile'.>>


Michael and Jeremy quickly found seats in their usual pattern - Michael next to the window, Jeremy next to him - and they kept the seat on the other side of Jeremy for Valeria. She entered moments before the bell, rolling her eyes at Jeremy in a way that he seemed to understand immediately. He shrugged helplessly. Ms. Aldrich quickly approached the front of the class and it began.

The class was as one would expect, and at the end, Michael found himself with the usual [Mission: English Homework]. As a pleasant surprise, the initial book they'd be reading for class was one Michael recognized from the foundational reading list. They soon shuffled out of class and made their way to the cafeteria. Michael said goodbye to Jeremy and Valeria, quickly warmed up his lunch, and proceeded to the library.

Waving at Mr. Maddox, Michael went over to the same spot he'd been at the table the day prior, then returned to the main desk to sign out the supplementary books for Latin class, as well as the book they'd be targeting first for English class.

"You're in luck," Mr. Maddox said, grinning. "The library only has a couple of copies of this, as the students are meant to get their own. However, no one has signed it out from your class yet, so they're both free. You still have room in your personal borrowing limit, so I'll sign it out for you. Michael thanked Mr. Maddox and returned to his seat.

<<System would recommend that Subject complete the Fundamentals of Reading prior to the other items on the foundational reading list, including the book required for [Mission: English Homework]. Furthermore, on completion of Fundamentals of Reading, the System will be able to provide an additional, associated mission.>>

Intrigued, Michael stored the books he'd just checked out and pulled out his copy of 'Fundamentals'. He also started eating his lunch - the roast and vegetables from the night prior. "This is pretty good," he thought. "Though it's not pizza. I'm betting that doesn't match your 'nutritional profile', right System?"

<<Potential title "Don't have to be told twice" has progressed.>>

"... Cute."

<<...Generating Mission.

[Mission: Culinary Initiative]

Description: Sometimes it's worth volunteering for something, in stead of waiting to be told to do it. Test your cooking skills and offer an alternative for this evening's meal. Make arrangements, do the research, the shopping, and then the cooking!

Reward: Unlock "Cooking Assistant" function.>>

Michael stared dumbly at the prompt, then promptly smacked himself in the forehead. Why didn't he think of that! He'd seen his mother working late last night prepping for the client, and he knew his father had been working just as late upstairs in the office - wouldn't they appreciate a home-cooked meal, instead of pizza? Besides, it would be healthier, and help him rack up some more stat and skill points. What could be better? And there was also this "Cooking Assistant" function the mission mentioned. Michael was rather curious about that.


He read for about half of the time period while finishing his lunch, then made his way to the front hall where the row of payphones were. He dialed the number for his mother's mobile phone and waited for the call to pick up. After a few rings, he heard her voice on the other side.

"Good Afternoon, Prout Consulting."

"Hey Mom!"

"Michael! Is everything okay?"

"Yep! I just had a thought and figured I'd call. I was wondering if instead of pizza, how about I make dinner tonight? I had a couple of recipes I'd been meaning to try out, and can pick up the ingredients on my way home. It'd be ready by the time you got home anyway! What do you think?"

After a few beats of silence, his mother replied. "That sounds... great! Are you sure?"

"Absolutely! I'm looking forward to it." While his earlier comment about a couple of recipes might have stretched the truth, he was actually looking forward to flexing his culinary muscles.

"Alright hon. I look forward to it! We'll see you around the usual time. And... thanks."

"Have a good afternoon, Mom," he smiled as he hung up the phone.

After hanging up, he paused for a moment. His one day of particularly industrious activity had been pretty exhausting, but when he thought about the amount of travel, work, and general household affairs his parents handled on a daily basis, he really felt like a set of blinders had come off.

"Thanks, System."

<<Subject is welcome. Subject's personal realization has led to appropriate ability increases.

Willpower-??? => +1

Congratulations on growing up a little.>>

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