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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - The dream

10 years later after the bloodshed war at the Town of Bradford, located in the eastern part of Ethenna Kingdom.

It was a beautiful morning, clear skies, warm breeze with the relaxing radiant garden full of Sakura trees and it was the best scenery at the Lord's keep highlighting the beauty of the peach tree enhances by the sun rise the color of Peach and Green from the grass compliments each other.

A girl is walking with her noticable peach hair it was the color of a Sakura tree that blooms when spring season arrives, she is walking towards the keep with her black sword on waist and light but sturdy armor.

[My name is Amelie Elford I am 18 years old, and the adopted daughter of Emaldus Elford the Lord of Bradford City].

[Today is my 18th birthday, and my father will assign me to the 19th platoon as its captain of the Noble Knights under the Lord my Father].

[And it was also the 10th anniversary of the miracle war from the past the Black Swordsman defended the town and my Father wants to celebrate every year as gratitude to the national hero of the Ethenna Kingdom].

[I had a dream when I was helpless unable move and speak this mysterious person spoken to me as if he was asking me unfortunately all I can hear was the sound of my breathing gasping for air and it was abnormal. Suddenly he pierced me with his sword and that sword he used was similar to my Magic Weapon.]

Note: trained knights can summon Magic Weapon; they may also use it as medium for magic spells used by magic knights.

[I couldn't forget that dream as if it was real, because of the similarities of my Magic weapon and the sword from my dream].

The Bradford City had recovered and also developed from the war 10 years ago there's no mark of scarcity, all the establishment and its people developed throughout the years of recovering as thanks to the leadership of Lord Emaldus Elford.

Amelie Elford wears her standard white half body coat with simple red thread design at front with half body buttons it is thin layered cloth fit for warm temperatures, with her short skirt with enough space for action and leather sword belt.

She walks while trying to contain her excitement for her promotion "he-he". She entered the Lord's office.

"Good morning Father," she gives him a hug, "Good morning my dear! have you eaten your breakfast?" he cuddles her daughter with his fatherly love, "I already ate after my morning training," while she giggles, "I have an errand for you, my dear,", he opens his desk to takes something it was a letter "Anything for you, father,".

He gave the letter to Amelie "Can you deliver it for me?" she holds the letter "Where will I deliver this?" she wonders, "Please deliver it to the Guild master of the Adventurer's guild,". "Yes Father I will deliver it to you!" giving out a cute smile that melts any doting Father, "Be careful my dear," while giving her another hug, "I will father".

Amelie is about to leave when Emaldus called her out, "Amelie! bring Gregory with you he's in the lobby tell him," Amelie responds "Yes Father," she bows to pay her respect, "You need not do that you are my daughter," Amelie replied "Okay Father," Emaldus called her again "One last thing, I'll give you my gift later, Happy Birthday," she smiles and happy that her father remembered her birthday.

She is walking to the Lobby when her 2nd in command and also her friend comes to her "Amelie all the chores are all done and we are ready to embark," while she walks with Amelie, "One more thing Sabre please bring Gregory with us Father wants him to come with us," Sabre replied "All right I will tell him, just wait for me at the stables,"

[I'm excited for tonight's party,] Amelie exited at the backside of the Keep where the stables located to gain a horse for transportation.

Village of Flist at the morning, the village was been one of the victims of the war 10 years ago and also used by the enemy as a campsite for their invasion towards Bradford city.

[My name is Philip, 27 years old and jobless at the moment. I don't enjoy working you may call it a reason for a lazy person such as me but I'm already an adult and I still got unemployed. My last real employment was 9 years ago, but I got tired of my job and called it quit.]

Philip just woke up and already got an irritated look while scratching his messy dense hair "I hate waking up early morning" he enters the bathroom [My little sister is as an assistant of a magical professor for 2 months now at the Adventurers Guild last month, hooked me up to a sideline job,] Philip does his morning routine taking a quick bathroom habits including scrubbing and morning comfort to the toilet.

He also has a habit of reading a newspaper in the toilet while grumbles and complains for everything. [I can't afford to decline about because she threatened to kick me out of the house if I couldn't comply on it] he got chills thinking about it as he's worried that he will lose the financial support from his little sister and annoyed by the situation he is in.

Bathroom habits are all finished and exited the bathroom, while trying to dry his hair with tower he found a letter on the dining table with the food precooked by his little sister [What's this?] he opened it and it contains.

Dear Brother,

The job I was talking about last night is the test for advancement the current test coordinator is on vacation and the Guild master was in need of coordinator to test the examinees, don't you dare leave me out of this I already gave my word to the guild Master, Enjoy the breakfast on the table I made it special for today so make it haste!.

Sincerely yours,

Roxy <3

Reading the letter only intensifies Philip's irritation "I don't have a choice huh!? *tsk!*", he doesn't have a choice, so he sits and prepare to eat breakfast, present at the table a braised beef steak with potato porridge and Philip digs in [This beef steak, she added roasted garlic that gives smokey aftertaste and I sense some sweetness on it, maybe it was honey to tenderize the tough beef meat.] "Oh, that's delicious this beef steak I'll give her that".

Philip becomes energetic and his irritation fades off while he sips on potato porridge filled up of special seasonings [The cinnamon, lavender and cloves leaving a smoky woody after taste with a slight hint of sweet and spicy vibe perfect for early breakfast specially when the air's still cold, It would be better if she added some citrus on it to counter balance the strong flavor of the beef's still good in its own way].

He finishes up his breakfast "I'll only take this job because he gave me a terrific breakfast" It relieves his morning stress as he wears his working clothes. He wears a white polo long sleeves with a leather tab for small protection, the design is simple and only fits for its purpose to protect the main body from normal bladed weapons as for his lower body, he wears low quality slacks and simple boots. [I needed new clothes this will not last tomorrow] he got embarrassed on how his clothes looked old.

"Time to leave" He goes to the stables behind their house "Where's my horse?" and he saw another letter attached to my horse's back up saddle.

Dear Brother,

Uncle Ben got sick and can't take me for a ride to Town, so I borrowed your horse.

PS. Just use your happy feet.

Sincerely yours,

Roxy <3

Philip got irritated again and crumpled the letter "So this is the reason for the tasty food" [This little brat] he stomps the ground to release his inner anger.

He ran for an hour to reach the gate to Bradford Town and tried to catch his breath [It's been a while since I ran that far *huff*].

After resting he entered the town [I've never been to Bradford town for almost 10 years, huh? It really did changed a lot] as he gazes to the 3rd floor buildings with their colorful banners across the street written for business franchises attracting potential costumers.

[When I was here, this place was devastated, and this is also the last place I've seen in the last 10 years] it impresses Philip on how the city became after the devastating war.

Minutes of walking and asking for direction elapses he arrives at the Adventurer's Guild the building is only 2 floor with a huge sign outside the huge door advertising quest for the adventurers "Oh man I got a bad feeling about this" he opens the door, inside the guild it was filled with adventurers others are waiting for their party members, receiving their payments while others taking a leisure, on the left side there is a restaurant with enough tables to accommodate 50 people and to the right is a reception area where adventurers takes quest and receive rewards from the guild.

Philip walks toward the right side and ask a bulky person for directions "*UHM*, can I ask if Roxy is available?" [That little girl didn't even tell me on where we will meet and didn't even guided me here] the person guarding the huge door inside the guild replied "Piss off puny" as he spits on Philip, he removed the spit on his hair with his hands and said "I wouldn't do that if I were you", The brawny man unleashes his great sword and swing it to Philip.

The crowd cheered the commotion inside the guild, "That guy is dead" as he chuckled "I bet he's village bum who wants to sell his vegetables" the mocking only continues as Philip stands on the front of the brawny man.

*thud* Philip catch the great sword with his barehanded with no signs of difficulty the man raises his sword to swing the half blade,*clang* Philip parried the broken sword and swiftly with his hand then bashed a huge chunk of the sword to the brawny man "I really don't like people such as you" The brawny man couldn't react in time because it surprised him that his swords got caught by a puny looking person.*Clang* Philip crushed his swords then *Pow*slam a huge piece of the great sword on the man's face, making him crash the floor unconscious.

The crowd went silent. "What the fuck was that? *gulp*" while his hand got trembles of fear, "Is he a ranker? I've never seen him before". Philip ignored the people cheering for him to get beat up then entered the door.

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