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33.33% The Tainted Luna / Chapter 5: Chapter 4

Chapter 5: Chapter 4

I slowly woke from what instantly felt like a slumbering sleep. Maybe I have died and ascended up to the moon. But a sudden rush of energy jolted me fully awake. I open my eyes slowly due to the harsh lighting above me. Muffle voices and footsteps sound outside the room I was in. I let out a low groan turning my head to scan the room briefly. It look to be built to mimic a small infirmary room but with a cozy feel to it. The set up look more like a bedroom with cabinets and a table on one side of the room.

"Cressida," I mumble out while I pull myself up against the bedpost.

The sound of commotion and commanding voices arose from outside the room. I rest my head back against the bed feeling very weak from the unplanned rest. The room door open soon after with a smiling Cressida following after it. She let the doors close behind her and rush to my bedside. I noticed the relief and fatigue in her eyes as she wrap her arms around me in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're wake," she whispers into my ear.

"What happen Cressida?" I question after a few minutes.

"Your wolf was going to kill the both of you. When we finally got you to the pack land we had no choice but to temporary sedate your wolf. Which means you can't transform into your fur or have it's ability. With all the trauma your body been going through it shut down for a couple days, so you've been in a coma."

"Shit...what about the vampire blood?"

Cressida sighs and took a sit next to me on the bed, "The blood should fully fixate itself into your system by tomorrow. Once your body starts circling itself back up again you'll start taking upon vampiric characteristics. Let's just hope you won't actually become a blood sucker."

I close my eyes with a groan laying my head back, "I'm sorry for worrying you. I shouldn't have brought you into this mess I call my life."

"Asena, you're pack now. I'm going to worry about you until the end of time," Cressida grab my hand with a smile.

I couldn't help but feel pure joy at the sound of being a part of Cressida's pack. The bond between us has now grown stronger between us and it just makes everything all better.

"We have another thing to discuss," Cressida soon breathes out heavily, "Remember when we had that talk about your mate?"

I nod for her to continue.

"Well, we found him."

"What really?"

"He was the person you sense coming in the woods. The sun of a bitch put up a fight for you," Cressida chuckle humorlessly while rubbing at her shoulders.

"Why would he attack you?" I question quickly in concern and slight anger.

"You were dying, again, girl. His wolf thought you were being attack by a Rogue, so he was just trying to protect you."

"Okay, but why did you have to sedate my wolf if we found him. Why didn't he mark me?"

"Marking is intimate, Asena. It's not just a bite to the neck for most werewolves especially Alpha's. Your mate couldn't mark you without your permission." Cressida explained with a approving smile, "Instead he rush you back here and made sure you survive for that to happen."

My heart filled with pride of my mates choice as I fight off a blush.

"But there's one more thing..." she sighs for dramatic effect, "You won't feel the full effects of the mate bond with him until your wolf return."

"So, what does that fully mean?" I'm still new to the whole concept of mates. I vaguely remember what mates truly mean in the first place.

Cressida look to me with a small smile, "It'll be easier to show you," she said moving to a stand, "I'll be right back."

I sat up more watching Cressida make her way to the door. She gave me one last look before opening the door, "Remember, Buddy, she doesn't feel the bond as much as you."

I frown at the door blocking the view of my mate.

"Don't worry Vision Cressida. I'm only worried about her safety right now," an angelic masculine voice spoke respectfully.

Cressida nod before stepping aside from blocking the entrance. I watch as the most beautiful, sexiest, man step into the room power dripping from every part of him. His unique grey eyes instantly found mind and I was rendered speechless. This mate of mine was immensely tall and5 muscular. I can surely feel a pull and a bond towards him.

"Hi, Asena," I could faint at the sound of my name on his voice, "I'm Alpha Juduan."

"Hi, Juduan," I spoke with a small nervous smile, "So, your the infamous mate?"

He chuckle lowly stepping more into the room towards my bedside. My stomach tingle at the soft sound of his laughter. I can physically feel this bond between us literally pulling us together in spirit. My heart was pounding a mile a minute and butterflies swarm in my stomach with every step he took my way. If this wasn't the full effect of the mate bond, then I'm in trouble.

"I...uh, wanted to thank you for helping save me from my wolf. She would rather die then have vampire blood become apart of us," I shrug lowly in complete disappointment and sadness.

It went silent and I can feel the anger coming off of Juduan at my beast selfish decision. There has been something wrong with her, us both, for a very long time. And until we get our memory back from our past it's only going to get worst. I shook off the dark thoughts and look up to Juduan intense gaze. Those gray eyes look over me slowly as if reading me, but he can't read what's not there.

"Vision told me about your memory lost," he spoke with a hint of worry in his tone, "and you mention that you're running from someone?"

I nod looking over to Cressida, "yeah, I'm actually suprise I remember yesterdays events."

"Who ever casted her to forget was powerful," Cressida spoke up, "I think there's a witch in Upper East Mountains that can over power the spell."

"Upper East," Juduan mumble mostly to himself, "Sounds like a plan, but we'll head back to the kingdom to grab more men and supplies. Those mountains can be a bitch."

"Kingdom," I question.

"Oh, did I forget to mention," Cressida smile with amusement, "You're mated to the Alpha King."

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