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26.66% The Tainted Luna / Chapter 4: Chapter 3

Chapter 4: Chapter 3

I spent the next two days posing as Cressida's niece while we travel over into four different packs. The un-mated Alphas were all nice, but none were my mate. As we traveled, Cressida, took the time to educate me on how pack life work. No one raised the question of me actually being related to her. Apparently, people are afraid of knowing what their future held; so they are cautious around Cressida. We were now headed to the Broken Forest Pack. It was the last pack she was scheduled to vist and I can see her starting to get worried. We had use the last injection of the serum that kept my wolf at bay against the vampire blood.

"So, Alpha Damien has just taken the position from his father. He's un-mated..." Cressida words fade off with every word.

This was our last hope in our search for my mate. If it's not Alpha Damien...I don't think we'll have much time before the final dose of serum wears off.

"Let's just pray to the moon above that today I find my mate," I spoke the words we both needed to hear.

"Amen," Cressida breathe out slowing the car down into a park. We were just inside the border of the Broken Forest Pack in a small clearing, "The territory is to thick and dense for us to drive into there pack land. Your body should be well rested by now, so you can shift into your wolf."

She paused, climbing out the car, indicating that I follow suit. A loud howl filled the air, a large black wolf slowly step out from the shadows of the thick vegetation. His dark eyes scan over me slowly before turning his attention to Cressida.

"He's going to guide us to the pack," Cressida aired popping the truck of her car, "You remember how to shift?

My wolf stood on all fours at the back of my mind with a woofish scuff. She has been itching to be release into our truest form since I'd woke. Tomorrow could be the last of us if Alpha Daniels turns out not to be our mate. "Yeah, I remember."

I took a step back allowing my wolf to take full control. It started with a rush of heat spreading to the surface of our skin. Dark red brown fur began to sprout with a painful tingle across our body. Bones broke, bending into odd position, and claws start to elongated. A gush of wind entered into the clearing in a vicious howl. An with a final push the earth shook at the impact of my paws hitting the ground. My wolf rumbles shaking out her fur in satisfaction. I let her paw at the ground for a few minutes before pushing her back gently. She'll be able to run freely once we start our way to the pack.


I turn at the sound of Cressida voice to find her staring at me with pure triumph. A huge smile spread across her face for the first time in the last two hours. She stood with my duffle bag full of clothes she had so graciously bought over the last three days. We had taken this familia liking towards each other, and in a matter of days turn it into love. My wolf sees her as our pack and the thought of possibly leaving Cressida behind wounds her.

"The Moon Goddess has great plans for you," she whispers, stepping forward and place my duffle around my neck, before rubbing her cheek against mind, "follow your instincts, listen to your heart, and never doubt your true power." She quickly pulled away transforming into her beautiful white wolf in one simple jump.

I wanted to question her but I quickly remember my position and we couldn't link until we bonded. So, I was stuck with only glaring at the riddle spoken white wolf. She skillfully wrap her duffle around her neck; before trotting pass me towards the black wolf with a small yip. He lift his head up to let out a low howl before taking off into the woods. Cressida look to me with playful eyes before charging after him. I didn't hesitate to follow allowing my wolf to take full control.

We instantly hit the thick terrain of the pack's forest floors. I allowed my wolf take full control; easily catching up to the two mature wolves. The male wolf zip rapidly through the underbrush and trees; not making it easy for us visiting she wolves. But my wolf love the challenge. Cressida wolf stayed within just a few paces while I followed a few feet behind in the rear. Overall, the run to the pack only took us about five minutes.

Cressida was already standing in her skin and completely clothed when I arrived in the small clearing. The male wolf was nowhere in sight and that instantly had my wolf standing on edge. I took control from my wolf and walk towards Cressida pensively. She hold out a oversized T-shirt indicating for me to shift back into my skin.

"There has been a couple of developments I've been made aware of," she spoke in a whisper while I shift before her.

"I sense we should be worried about these developments," I voice with apprehension pulling the shirt down to my knees.

"Rogues invasion, maybe. The present of the alpha of all alphas, probably not."


"Let's go," she rush out pulling me back into the woods.

This area of the pack land was less dense than the one from before; which means we're close to the pack houses. I vaguely remember how rogues are inhuman in the werewolf world. They're dangerous and will destroy a pack in a blink of an eye. But this "alpha of all alphas" is new to me.

"Cressida where are we going?" My whispered question seems loud in the silent forest.

"The rouges invaded from the north side of the territory, so we're headed towards the pack house."

"Won't we get there faster in our furs?"

Cressida let out a low chuckle, "Yes, but our scent is more pronounce in our wolf form. Plus, if we do run into some rouges being in our skin will give us an advantage."

I nod in understanding, following after her without another word, my trust in her goes way beyond questioning her judgements. We continue to travel quickly, but silently, through the broken forest. My wolf moves forward a little, on high alert, detecting any signs of danger. We can hear the faint sounds of animal like commotion happening a half a mile north.

I suddenly felt lightheaded as a burst of chills travel through my body. My wolf reacted to the stir in our body immediately. A familiar pain of agony erupts through my mid drifts, igniting a ear bleeding cry to fall from my lips. I could vaguely hear Cressida call out my name as I fell frightfully to the ground. She rush over to my side and rolled me over to my back. My wolf release a menacing growl so powerful it filtered through my lips.

"Shit, that's not good." Cressida mildly panic voice filter through my ringing ears.

My beast was ranging and tearing at my insides.

She was furious.

"Cressida," I cried fearfully.

"Something's not right," Cressida whispered mostly to herself.

This wasn't like before in the compound of the cabin, it was ten times worst. It felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing me from the inside out. My dismantle screams and my wolf's growls echo loudly across the silent forest. I sense Cressida shuffle next to me muttering heavily to herself. A minute later her wolf was placing me on her back and taking back off through the forest. I clung to her fur as best as I can.

"You're going to kill us both if you don't stop fighting," I plead to my wolf.

She responds with a deep growl that once again filter through my lip. My beast was set on not having the vampire blood overtake our body.  I let out a long painful moan as my heart beat heavily against my chest.

"Cressida," I struggle to mumble after feeling a distance presence.

Her wolf let out a wolfish huff flicking her ear back into my direction.

"Someone's coming," I barely whispered out before failing into the darkness hold.

cheyjohn cheyjohn

Now that we're a few chapters in. I would love to know your feedback. Do you like the plot? What do you think about my characters? Grammer, chapter length, and more!

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