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Chapter 1

I've always been told my whole life that nothing is more dynamic than making your mark on others. Making a statement to those who don't believe in you and proving the negative wrong. Showing and displaying my talents to the best of my abilities never taking anything for granted has always been a family trait for me. My life has always been something interesting to others to a point where they had become closer to me. Some people think I'm lucky to have parents that want me to carry out our family's name and legacy. Others would disagree just because my father is a hunter and my mother is a witch. In our century it's practically breaking the law for a hunter and witch to be together because witches was always seen as the evil ones who didn't get along nor involved with the things hunters did, especially when it came down to werewolves. Even with that said we are considered the core founders of our city because everyone knew what we stood for, which was justice.

As the snow fell from the white clouds above in the sky I sat on a stoop sketching a picture of the trees that were covered in ice. I took my time trying to get every detail and line right in the sketch. Once I was finished with the sketch, I closed my notebook putting on my headphones getting up walking down the street into town. I walked into a cafe taking a seat at the counter taking out one of my headphones.

" Anything I can get you today?" a lady asked me.

" Um I'll just have a vanilla latte"

" Great. Coming right up. If you need anything just let me know." She responses as I smile nodding.

Putting my headphones back in my ear I scroll down on my phone through my playlist finding something calm and relieving to listen to. As I sat and wait I noticed a guy in the corner of the cafe by the window looking at me. I ignored him at first trying to look off, but I guess he noticed my action and got up walking over.

" Hey there pretty lady. I'm Nick." He says.

" I'm Raven."

" Raven~ Very nice name. Nice to meet you raven" he says intrigued.

" Thanks. It's nice to meet you too Nick"

" So tell me what is a lovely girl like you doing out so early. It's only eight o'clock." He asks.

" Just like the morning breeze and snowfall. Plus I know I won't be able to come later on cause that's when this place gets busy."

"Ah! I see you have sketchbook. Your an Artist?" He asks.

" I wouldn't say all that, but I dabble in the arts and crafts a little bit"

" May I?" He asks reaching his hand out.

I hand him my notebook as he carefully open it analyzing my sketches and drawings admiring them.

" Some of them I haven't finished. Other ones were just out of boredom."

" These are really good. Your very talented Ms?" He says hinting at my last name.

"Oh throne."

" Ms. Throne. Raven Throne. Such an interesting name. Sounds very familiar" He says.

" Thanks and you are what? Nick Williams?"

" No not quite, but it's Nick Bridges" he says looking at his watch.

" I'm sorry for being so sudden with my approach of conversation, but I must be heading out Ms. Throne. It was nice chatting with you." He tells me in a calm and pleasant tone.

" Nice talking to you as well. Mr. Bridges. Maybe I'll see you around."

"Indeed" he says.

He smiled shaking my hand kissing my knuckles softly as I blushed slightly. I smirk slightly as the waitress came back with my latte watching him leave.

" Here you go Ma'am. If you don't mind me asking, Was that Nick. Like Nick Bridges?" She ask looking shocked.

" Yes. That's what he said his name was." I replied as her facial expression shifted a little.

"Oh um...Well if you need a-anything else just let me know" she responds in a slightly shaky voice.

"Alright thank you" I say slightly smiling awkwardly.

As I sat at the table drinking my latte I looked outside at the streets of Arkanvile being covered in snow. I start to think to myself of all the things I loved about my small town and why I planned to never leave it for anything in the world. Once I was done, I made my way to the front desk to pay for my drink as I noticed the waitress that serviced me was on the phone talking to someone.

" Um can you give this to the that waitress there. She was really nice to me." I said to the cashier handing her a five dollar bill pointing to the women in the back on the phone.

Once I left I turned my music back on and up walking down the sidewalk into the deeper part of town where I saw a crowd of people bunched up in a corner of an alley. Even though I was curious of what was going on I didn't go over to find out so I kept walking.

~Sam's POV~

I came into town hoping to find someone, but instead I ran into trouble in my search trouble that I didn't want. When I first arrived in arkanvile I only was searching for any possible leads and clues to where Nick was. It seemed to be though the longer I was here no more noticed I became to the townspeople. They knew what I was even though they wouldn't dare say it out loud most of them knew somehow. That alone clears up for me that nick either passed by here already or that he revealed himself and is in hiding. Either way now that meant i had even last time to find him before he made his move and go off the radar again cause whatever he is planning it can't be good.

Crazy enough my second day here in this town and now i'm in the corner of an alley being egged on to fight one of the young men who ran a gang in the town to keep trespassers out that had obviously been in contact with nick because he verbally told me that he wanted nick death.When I questioned him on what happened between him and nick I was told disturbing things that I could never forgive nick for.

" What did nick do to you?"

" He took away the one person who I fought for. The one person I had left!..My father!" the man yelled.

"W-what? It's against the rules for us to harm a human though" I thought to myself.

" I'm sorry that you have been through so much, but you have to listen to me! I'm not here to fight I just want to find nick" I say calmly to him as the crowd around us was screaming and shouting to see a fight.

" Don't listen to him Chuck. He is lying their all the same. Ruthless monsters!" a guy says inside the coward.

" No! I'm not Chuck you have to believe me. Me and my people don't look to harm anyone" I say urging chuck to yield.

" Nah! Your not going to get me like you got my father!" he yelled grabbing a bottle slamming it against the wall breaking it apart.

" Listen to me!" I say.

I stand my ground as chuck swung the sharp broken bottle at me and I dodged it trying not to fight back. I continued ducking and dodge before he managed to cut my cheek a bit I started to growl trying not attack back. As he continued swinging he managed to get me again only this time cutting across my arm and chest as I took the bottle from him twisting his arm and flipping him on his back. The people in the alley slowly started to quiet down when they saw my fangs and claws come out as I held Chuck by his neck. They all started to back away in fear when I looked up at them noticing the change as I shook my head reverting back to normal.

" I'm sorry.." I say letting go of Chuck as I helped him up.

His friends got closer with their weapons ready as Chuck signaled for them to stand down.

" Your not like him. Are you?" he asked.

" No. I'm not. Please I need to know where he is."

" Come on. I can take you to the last place I saw him" chuck replied as I nodded following him to his truck as we drove off out of town.

Once we got to the spot I looked around seeing that chuck had brought me to the entrance of the woods not too far from the town. I exited his truck looking around sniffing the air.

" This is the last place I saw him before he disappeared off into these woods. I haven't seen him since. Rumor has it he is camping out here and preying on those in Arkanvile, but there hasn't been an attack or missing persons report in weeks, so we all assumed he skipped town" Chuck says.

" I see. I'll take it from here chuck. Thanks"

" No problem. Be careful"

I nodded as chuck turn his key starting his truck back up making a U-turn heading back into town as I turned my attention on to my surrounds.

" I'm coming for you Nick. You can't hide from me brother"

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