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60% Devil in DXD / Chapter 2: Birth of Heir.

Chapter 2: Birth of Heir.

In my long life, its the first time that I am this nervous and confident at the same time. Not even when I faced those winged idiots or those 2 stupid Lizards have I felt like this, no, Instead I fought back and Lived to tell the Tale while emerging even Stronger, there is a reason why they call me Sky-Ripper Afterall.

Its funny how a person like me who has seen so much, had felt the taste of death many times and is one of the strongest in Underworld, is feeling this way, but I guess when its your first child that's about to be Born and that too after trying to have a child for almost a Millennium it all Makes sense.

Now that's the reason for being Nervous, as for Confident, well you have to know the women about to give birth to said Child.

Crimson Witch, they called her that during Great War, a fitting Name as well for women such as her. Nowadays Devils call her Strongest Female Lord and tied for Title of Strongest female Devil with Satan Leviathan. A women so confident and powerful that doubting her doesn't cross your Mind and doesn't make sense to do, even when its not something she can Control.

Since its not something she can Control, Why am I still so Confident?

Well, She is My wife and that Is my Child about to be Born and that's enough reason.

While I was having these Grand and Proud thoughts, a Smack to the back of my Head brought me back to reality and its when I realized, I was doing my Inner Monologue again. Still can't fathom how I got this Weird habit after War.

Turning around I saw my Mother and my Mother-in-Law Standing Peacefully and Elegantly as if they were not Anxious and Happy to have their First grandchild but just there to discuss weather and as If one of them wasn't the one who just smacked me.

Would I say that out loud though? No, I still want to enjoy life and Live. As such I replied as Politely as Possible.

"Mom, why would you hit your proud Son?" I said while clutching my head and face contorted in Pain to show that hurt even when it didn't. I learned this after getting beaten up by My wife many times, when your wife or mom hits you, cry dramatically even when its nothing. It will save you from unnecessary Suffering.

Used to my antics, She replied without missing a Beat and Smacking my head again, while Ignoring my Painful plea, all the while my Mother-in-Law looked on with amusement.

"Stop daydreaming you buffoon and sense what's happening inside."

As if she cant do that herself and way better too, she is the one who taught me about Senjutsu after all.

Just when I was about to say something that would earn me another Smack, we all felt it, a powerful presence inside of the delivery room and heard shattering Sounds inside. This sound and feeling however instead made us relax as its a new but Familiar presence that did this, presence we all have been waiting for.

It also means my child is born and from the looks or feel of it Healthy and Energetic as well. We waited for some time to Compose ourselves and give my Wife some time with the Child, Last thing we want is her being grumpy. I'm strong but even I can only take so much.

While we waited with trepidation, as we are about the see our new Family Member, My child and Heir to Our house. Something I have been longing for a long time. I sensed the new presence has now been moved to another one that I am Familiar with, one that I love and fear in equal Measure, by another smaller presence that I believe is the Doctor.

Once again we waited, Time went by, it was only 5-7 mins but It felt like years.

I moved for the door but just when my hand reached the Door handle, it stopped and my mind was filled with nervousness. So lost thought in thoughts was I that I didn't feel a reassuring hand on my back right away and a Smack from my Mom, which woke me up. I looked back at her and Ammit with excitement and fear mixed on my face and then turned around and steeled myself.

I Opened the door and walked Inside.

Once I did so however, it wasn't an Excited and nervous Father that opened the door but experienced and Mighty Warrior who has seen the worst a Race war had to offer, doing so might not be a good Idea but this is the only way to fight this nervousness I am feeling and to not break down as a Happy Shuttering mess.

First thing I saw inside is my Wife laying on the bed using the Headboard as support, She didn't look up to see us and kept looking down. I couldn't blame her as my Eyes too were attracted by what or who she is holding. My Child, my Son, First time I saw him, I had no thought inside my head other than Protecting this with everything I have and to destroy whatever try to Harm them.

After a few Minutes, I spoke to my wife. It wasn't anything special or flowery, we are way past that point. I simply asked what I wanted to know most first.

"Are you alright?" I didn't need to point or name to show who it is directed at, My wife replied while looking up for few second, and then looked back at our Son again.

"Yes, I am and I should be able to move well withing some hours. For now, Meet Our Son, Ettrian Gaap."

Simple and direct, just like always. Sometimes I don't understand what goes on inside of that pretty head, but like always I'm not about to question that and just looked at our Child.

She then pointed at me and Spoke to our Son: "Meet your Father Ettrian, Acheron Gaap."

I don't think the kid can even understand that but once again I choose the wise option and kept quiet, just savoring this movement and fascinated by how unreal all this is.

While I was doing that She pointed at Mom and Mother-in-Law and Introduced them to Ettrian, once again I wanted to point out, he is too young to understand but kept my silence. I want to sleep in the same room with my Wife and Son tonight and for foreseeable future after all.

As I was doing my Internet monologue once again, I saw my son looking at us, he did that for some time and then finally his fatigue caught up to him and he fell asleep. I don't know how new born feel but I'd imagine its not easy for them so, I thought its good he fell asleep.

I spoke to Alina once again: "Rest now Dear, we can talk later, for now I think you need rest."

"Yes Indeed, I need to rest so I can be able to move and take care of Ettrian, as I am, it wont be easy."

Not what I had in mind or what someone who just gave birth should be thinking, I mean we got Maids and these nurses to help with that but once again I stayed silent and thought whatever makes her happy.

Withing the next few Minutes, Ettrian was properly placed on the bed and Alina was asleep as well. Maids came in and did cleaning, while I sat down at one of the chairs at the side of Bed, while silently staring at my Wife and Son while they slept.

My mother who I didn't even realize is still here and Standing right behind me now, placed a Hand on top of my head and ruffled my Hairs. Usually I'd try to get away but not today, Instead I leaned back into her Embrace.

"I am a Father, Mom." I said that and then repeated that many times and it was now I realized, The battle harden Warrior is gone and what took its place was a happy Father who didn't know what to do with what he is feeling.

"Yes you are now Ach, yes you are." Thats the Only thing I heard my Mother say, as she is caressed my head.

"Congratulations Child, You are a father now, That always was your dream." My Mother-in-Law who at some point sat on the other side of the Bed said while Holding Alina's Hand. I can see happiness and relief on her usually stoic Face.

I didn't reply and just sat there, Enjoying the comforting presence of my Family and Peace it brought me.

Today is the Happiest day of my Life. I'm satisfied knowing that My family is here and I am finally a Father Now.

Today is also the day I swore, I'd destroy Whoever Try to Harm this Peace, this bond we have.


Today is a special day, at least for me it is. These last few months have been special in their own way but today is something else. Today I will witness something I've been waiting for a long time and when a Devil says Long, It truly means Long.

I was born in a special house and with a special power even within Devilkind, we play with death and we pay a price for that.

Devilkind has low fertility but us Dantilions are way worse. There has only been 6 Dantilion from the beginning of Devil race, it would be an understatement to say we are few in Numbers, we are practically hanging around thread of extinction all the time.

However, today is a special day. Today 7th Dantilion will be added to this world. The 5th one alive, since we lost two of our members during Great war, we made sure, enough lives paid for it, but it will never bring them back, even when Vestige of them remains but true them have long passed.

As I am mussing with my thoughts, standing in anticipation and trying to wrap my head around all of this, I hear a smack and see a sight that's surprising common but still brings smile to my face.

I saw my friend and sister in all but blood smack her son out of one his inner monologues, still a wonder how he of all people learned his habit. Just as I was looking at them bickering fondly, I felt a Powerful wave wash over me and instantly my Head turns to the door. Behind which currently my Daughter is giving birth.

I looked at Acheron and Aynat, they too felt it and then we went quiet, trying to compose ourself for something we all waited for.

Watching Acheron open the door and slip into his Battle persona brought a chuckle out of me and I heard Anyat do the same. Once Inside I saw him, the little child that had brightened our dull world and who healed our children's scarred hearts.

Too focused on the bundle of cuteness, i didnt realize what was happening until I saw the nurses and Doctor leave the room.

I took difficult steps, trying to reign in my excitement and took a seat on the other side of bed while Anyat Handled Acheron who is still clearly is disbelief and trying not to break down.

As I took my daughters hand in my own, I couldn't take my eyes of Little Ettrian as he slept, looking forward to his growth and growth of our family.


It seems in this new life of mine My name is Ettrian, and Gaap, I don't think there was a mention of this house in the series but then again if everything is as I wrote on that CYOA then it all make sense.

Its weird how my Body physically is asleep but somehow My spirit/Soul is active.

Now that I have somewhat came to terms with the fact that I have reincarnated, I mean what else I can do, moping around wouldn't solve anything and Like I said, Life has thought me that it doesnt care about how I feel and will go on.

I need something to keep myself busy with though, I need a growth mindset and use my advantages Wisely. I should make a plan on how to deal with things and I have to deal with those character traits as well. Sometime I regret that I can be Balance oriented person, why cant I have powers and no drawback at all. I mean the drawback isn't that big but still.

Still, I am happy I can completely let go and be who I am. As for how I will live.

Well, as long as people I love and Myself are okay, world can burn.

Although I'd have to make sure the chaos is controllable and the best way to do that would be to become strong enough that chaos wont affect me, thinking that someone can help me is not a good mindset.

I will take full advantage of everything and everyone I have access to but at the End, only one I can depend upon is myself.

Lets set a small goal first, Be as strong as Shiva and Knowledgeable as likes of Ajuka and Hades. This should keep me busy. I will observe my family as well, If they are trustworthy, I will have a talk about my reincarnation but nothing about them being lines drawn on a paper.

Thinking about all kind of things, I didnt realize when I have gone into the Unknown Oblivion called sleep.

This is how Ettrian spent his first sleep.

your_Daddy your_Daddy

I wont specify whose POV it is but will drop ovbious hints, there wont be many other POV's. Like 95%+ percent is directly from Ettrians POV.

The decision to have a talk about reincarnation is final. His family is old, and people alive are older so its very easy for them to figure it out and instead of it becoming an issue later on, It will be taken care of when he is around 4-5 year old so, he can use full resources to becom strong, Physically, Magically, Knowledge wise and Politically.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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