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28.57% Rangers of the Shield Hero / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Morning came the Rangers were up before all the heros and waiting to be taken to the kings throne once again. Preparing their equipment and figuring out their new power, One thing Colonel Marshal was surprised to see was that all his men where all partied up with him. Making it easier for them to know everyones status, "Well lets start waking up the other four so we can get this over with quickly and set out." Sgt Foley and Hersh woke up the other four.

Finally arriving back at the Kings throne they found their adventurers.

Itsuki was the first to brake the ice "Who are they?"

"They are the Adventurers who will join you on your journey as your weapons near eachother will hinder your growth, Hence you will go in seperate parties so these people will join you."

The Colonel spoke before the King said anything else "I'd like to say that me and my men will not be joined by any of these civies as we don't need undisciplined men or women getting in the way." Spoken in a firm voice.

The King was a bit surprised "Alright, as you and your men wish."

The Adventurers only had 4 Heros to choose from now. The Rangers watched closely as the King always seemed to be glaring at Naofumi for no reason.

The King resumed "Now you may select the hero you will follow."


Naofumi really hoped he would get some party members so he closed his eyes and hoped for the best. Finally all the adventurers had chosen, Opening his eyes he saw that Ren has five followers, Itsuki has three followers and Motoyashu has four followers and he had none. The king acted surprised to Naofumis situation "It seem the rumors spreading quickly." Naofumi was angered by this "What rumors?" "The rumors spread was about the Shield Hero not knowing of our world."

The Rangers were a bit surprised to how his situation was unfolding but maybe with little intervention they could make Naofumis life easier as Naofumi asked for his fellow Hero's to lend him some as he needed team members.

Finally a girl in red hair raised her hand spoke "I volunteer" as the king said "Are you sure?" Nodding she walked to the Shield Hero and spoke "I am Mein Sofia, it is a pleassure to meet you."

"Are there no other takers? then the funds will be distributed upon the heros, The shield hero will receive more funds to persuade and recruit other adventurers."

Naofumi had put on a big smile as things finally looked up to him.

The Rangers on the other hand didn't like how his situation was unfolding, they could tell between fake smiles as they saw their fellow soldiers suffer through the war.



The Rangers walked through crowds they saw the look of the other adventurers, looking down on them but they knew better. They had experience in the battlefield, where they lost hundreds if not thousands of soldiers in seconds to minutes. So they walked with pride and dignity as they were U.S. Rangers.

"Alright men we need to kill some SOB's in the outskirts of the City to gain experience to upgrade our weapons and collect items to make money, Hooah." "Hooah!" The Rangers responded.

Walking through the outskirts of the city with their weapons on the ready they were surprised to see some small Orange balls coming at them. "What the hell are those!?" Dunn yelled out getting the attention of the other Rangers "I don't know but shoot those SOB's before they get any closer." "Roger that sarge, Open fire!." opening fire upon the Orange balls quickly eliminating them quickly. "Wow these things are easy to kill." Pvt wade said a bit surprised "I expected them to be a bit of a challenge."

"Must be kinda like a video Game except with permanant death mixed into it." Dun said a bit excited to what he was going to see.

Walking through a forest they encountered little threats or any life threatening ones.

"You think that Shield kids gonna be alright Sarge." "Don't loose hope on em, the kids got a long way to go as well as the other three kids. All their doing right now is playing hero, Now lets get some kills before the end of the day."

"Yes sir" Dunn responded


Naofumi was speaking with Mein "We've got 800 Silvers" while holding a bag full of silver Coins.

'Even though did get a larger portion of Silver coins how much is it actually worth.'

"Thats wonderful we shoud go buy some equipment for ourselves" happy and enthusiastic Mein said.

"Alright!" 'With this money I'll leave the others in the dust.'

Naofumi and Mein had arrived at a blacksmiths shop, Opening the door he entered, the walls were covered in many different types of weapons,armor, amd shields he was taken back to how many there were.

"Wow this is awesome, it's obvious that this exists, but this the real thing" looking in wonder and curiosity.

A man with a deep voice spoke getting the attention of Naofumi "Welcome!, is this your first time here?"

Looking at the man he was a real blacksmith had a beard, was tall and had white colored skin as well as a huge smile.

'Whoa he's real'

"What are you looking for?" The man spoke

"Uh.. first lets see the weapons."

"Alright!, If you don't have anything in particular first lets start with Swords, Made with various materials but are guaranteed to perform well."

"So whats your budget kiddo"


"Its around 240 silver coins" Mein responded

"There are still things we have to buy" She said clinging on to Naofumi.

"Yea your right"

Grabbing a hold of a sword "This sword over here then." 'Whoa its heavy'

slowly he felt and saw a light spark of electricity "Hm?" followed by his hands being electrified completely "WAH!"

"What just happened?"

"I don't know myself kid" The smith said as he inspected the shield "Your shield is an extraordinary one"

Finally he saw a pop up appear


'A hero can't use anyother weapon with the intent of fighting other than the one in his possessions.'

"So you're telling me i can't use anything other than this shield." Naofumi said in great surprise. "I guess it doesn't matter all I'll get is armor, alright lets focus on you, Mein."

While he was distracted Mein had started getting all the equipment she needed

"Well how much for all that equipment."

"Hero's discount "

Naofumi laughed as he realized the ammount he would have to pay.

Leaving the blacksmith he and Mein set off to kill some monsters and gain some exp.

Arriving out in the field they encountered tons of Orange Balloons.

"Well this is the weakest demon..." Mein said

"Alright lets go!" cutring off her sentence before getting chomped in the head by one of the Orange Balloons .

"Except they're very aggressive." finishing her sentence.

Killing all the others that started appearing

"Wow it doesn't hurt, this must be the power of the Shield."

"Alright lets see how strong this is" Naofumi said as he started to punch the Orange balloon. Taking a while to kill finally popping, getting exp. "Awesome, I got Exp though it take some time" looking at the sun going down.

"Alright thats enough for today." arriving at a tavern to eat, sleep and plan their next move.

"We should go to this dungeon tommorow there is a village nearby as well." Mein said poimtimg on a map towards the location

"Our equipment is new so this should be easy" she said with a fake smile, Naofumi didn't notice though.

"Would you like to join me for a drink."

"No, thanks not much of a drinker." Naofumi id with disinterest.

"In this country its rude to reject a drink from a woman." she said a bit saddened

"Ah I guess I'm a bit hard to pick up on those things, Thank you I guess I'll turn in for the night."

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow."

Heding to his room he took off his equipment to set off to sleep "Wow i feel like a Japanese tourist hiding money like this." Finally he went to sleep.

Not knowing what awaited him tomorrow the spark of a new road for him.


To Be Continued

GermanWolfSwat GermanWolfSwat

I am using bot Anime and Manga as references to this story but I will hope to finally get the story going next chapter. Hope y'all love this chapter.

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