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14.28% Rangers of the Shield Hero / Chapter 1: Whiskey Hotel Chapter 1
Rangers of the Shield Hero Rangers of the Shield Hero original

Rangers of the Shield Hero

Author: GermanWolfSwat

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Whiskey Hotel Chapter 1

The Rangers rushed to the roof of Whiskey Hotel to light flares as otherwise it would mean the flattening of D.C.

Pushing through the russians and arriving at the roof and lighting their flares, waving them to get the attention of the incoming Jets. Finally the pilots took notice and waved off as the Rangers were finally victorious. Finally being able to clear the White house from any Russian forces still left. After eliminating all enemy forces the Rangers decided to look around but still be aware of their surroundings, Entering a library they looked around to see any interesting books to read as the EMP made all electronics unusable. One Ranger in particular Cpl Dunn found a interesting book to read as he was temporary done fighting, "We'll never was one for reading books but this one look pretty interesting."

Reading the title of the book made him curious of the contents that lied in it. So he started reading a book about four heros, The Sword,Bow,Spear and lastly the shield but Dun didn't think the shield could be a great weapon.

"Hey Dun, What you reading there" Said a another Ranger with dark skin "Nothing much Sarge just a book about some heroes who get summoned to some other world to save the planet." he said as he turned to the next page

"I hate the Princess she's such a bitch."

"Well Dun what can you tell us from the book we wanna hear about the interesting adventure you've been having in your head." The other Rangers laughed "Well it's about four heroes the sword, Bow, Spear and Shield as they get sent into another world, where they are given their weapons as they go on their adventure they meet a princess she turns out to be a bitch but hardly anyone notices it though there are still pages left from the book but their empty even though it already went through all the heroes."

Confused to why they would leave blank pages in a book "Might be a publishing error or something so wh..." Foley was cut off by the bright shine coming from the book. "Yo what kind of fucking book shines that bright is that some kind of new bible or some shit." One of the Rangers said surprised. "I have no idea what the hell is causing the huge light." Dropping the book all of the Rangers slowly fell unconscious.


Naofumis POV

Naofumi was just going along his day by heading to a library to look for a good Novel to read as he was browsing a book fell on him "Ow... that hurt" rubbing his head he looks at the book "The Weapons of the four saints." Reading the book he had gotten very interested in the book. Suddenly arriving at the Shield hero's chapter, he was surprised to see it was blank. Suddenly he starts to slowly pass out.


"Ow" Naofumi said as he slammed unto the floor and woke up, Confused to where he was he looked around and then noticed the shield 'What the hell' trying to pry it off but nothing happened. Looking at the others around him "We did it we summoned the Saints but who are the others nevermind o great heros please save our world." Suddenly the other heros spoke "Why should we help you after taking us from our world." "Are you going to reward us for our efforts" "What your answer is might turn us into your enemies." 'Wow they've already demanded respect and rewards'

"Please you can negotiate with the king he will reward you all handsomely."

A brief moment of silence passed through the air as another voice spoke "First of all where the fuck are we and why are there some weird rove wearing fuckers surrounding us." "Dun shut the hell up and let me take care of everything." Foley spoke standing behind him were his other Rangers in total being 10 counting him 11. The 4 cardinal heros were surprised to see soldiers from their era with them. "Alright now that you're all silences I can speak, now its not good that you're already trying to negotiate with something you don't know anything about as well as a great way to make people mad at you." Foley said in a stern voice "but they summoned us from our world to fight for them without our consent." the bow hero spoke "Colonel take it away."

foley spoke giving a chance for the colonel to speak. "You are right they took you without your proper consent so it is part of your problem but even though they did you're here now, Its best to not start making enemies early on son or else were all gonna be in trouble." Colonel Marshal said.

"I guess your right." "Now please lead us to your king."

'Wow now we have soldiers of our era on our side this is not what I expected.' Surprised to all that happened in a matter of seconds.


Climbing up the stairs the Bow hero spoke "Wow so we really are in another world." "Yea, we really are." the spear hero responded. "Wow it feels like one of those commercials for vacations" all the other heros looked at him "You've never been out of Japan" The bow hero said "This place has standard Mediterranean climate." the sword hero said.

Naofumi felt a bit embarrassed "Yea, yea sorry for my lack of knowledge and vocabulary."

"Well people lets get a move on not much time if these people are in danger." Foley reminding them.

Arriving at the kings throne the king spoke "So you are the 4 Cardinal heros as well as your other companion, I am the King of Melromarc Aultcray Melromarc XXXII." The U.S. Rangers weren't amused as they looked at the king they know how kings can be, Cruel and unjust in a single second he can kill you because he can or you insult him. Who could blame them they were Americans they know the Dictatorship of Kings and Queens but they stood silent to listen. "Heros name yourselfs."

"I am Amaki Ren, Sixteen years old, High Schooler."

"I am Kitamura Motoyashu, Twenty one years old and a College student."

"Guess I'm next Kawasami Itsuki, Seventeen Years old and a High Schooler."

"I am Naofumi Iwatani, Twenty and in College."

"Alright we're next I am Colonel Marshal U.S. Rangers."

"Sgt Foley and Sgt Hirsh." "Cpl Dun and Cpl Hirsh." "Pvts Ramirez, Sandler, Blumel,Handler,Volker and Wade."

"Now then My country and all of the world are in danger of being destroyed."

Waves which come and if they aren't stopped they will destroy the world. Which is what the 4 Cardinal heros are for to thwart them as well as hour glasses that every country has in order to tell when the wave is coming. The 1st wave came before we were summoned the knights and Merchants fought it off but not without taking Major casualties. Which then the wave get harder as the more you progress through the wave of calamity. "We underestimated the destruction and strength of the wave, we realized that the only ones who can stop them are you the Cardinal Heros."

"You don't expect us to work for free do you." Ren spoke "No of course not once the waves are done with we will reward you handsomely."

"Now check your statuses."

"Um what?"Naoufumi was Confused

"Come on guys it should've been the first thing you see on the corner of your vision."

"Oh... yea, I see it" Naofumi said

"Now focus on it"

His status opened to reveal their levels, only to be lvl 1.

"Well guys we're heroes but not the 4 classes, were gunners." Pvt Ramirez said

"Ugh first we fight a war and now we have to deal with this come on I wanted to retire after all that." Dun said tiredly.

"So what is all this?." Naofumi asked

"This is status Magic in order to lvl up you have to set of on an adventure to upgrade your weapons."

"My shield isn't even considered a weapon."

"I guess we should all form a party."

"You will all have to recruit and travel separately" the old man said.

"Why is that " Itsuki said with curiosity.

"It is said that the weapons repel themselves by nature if you work together it hinders their ability to develop."

"So it is true" Naofumi said looking at the message in front the message appears in front of all 4 heros except the Rangers.

"Uh does this go for us because I don't see any damn message." Dun asked in curiosity.

"I'm guessing no since we might be some kind of exception hero or something." said Sandler.

"The sun is about to set so you heros should get some rest, We shall gather the best heros for you tomorrow."

A woman came forward and spoke "Please follow me to your room."


"Wow so this is how it feels to be treated as a legendary hero, that woman who led us was also hot." Motoyashu said in great happiness

"Wow isn't this like a game or something" Naofumi said.

"You mean it is a game an Online game." Motoyashu said

"What are you talking about its a Console game"

"You're wrong, it's a VRMMO."

"Alright well we have to start somewhere." Motoyashu said

"Who was the guy in the thousand Yen bill 1.. 2.."

4 different responses came out and now they had to talk about their worlds respective history.

"Guess we're not just from different era Japan's but whole entire alternative Universe Japans." Naofumi said.

"What about you guys" Motyashu said a bit curious about their world.

Foley looked at them and spoke "Not a pretty one if you're asking, We were fighting a war on American soil defending against the russians but that's all I'm gonna say nothing to surprising other than a war on the shores of America."

The 4 were surprised to hear that the Rangers were fighting a war before they arrived, they expected off duty soldiers or reserve but not in current combat or large scale as that one.

"Did you guys have anything familiar to a game or something like this."

Cpl Dun spoke up "No not really we found it in a book and this is where it led us."

"I guess y'all know just as little as me."

"Yea that's right but we'll be damned before we go without a fight, Hoah." Cpl Dun chanted in pride. "Well we thought it was because you were the shield hero because you're useless in Combat." Motoyashu said "No y'all have to be kidding me what about your worlds?" Itsuki shook his head and Ren spoke "Sorry man."

"NOOOOOOO!!!" laying there sadly on the couch.

Sgt Foley spoke "Come on kid there's a purpose for a shield if it exists as does everything now get up."

Thinking about that brought his pride up a bit "Well it doesn't matter because I'll deal with anything that comes in my way." Fooley smiled "Now that's the spirit now we should all get some sleep for tomorrow so we can be ready for whatever awaits us tomorrow."

Everyone agreed and went to sleep for the next day.


To Be Continued

GermanWolfSwat GermanWolfSwat

Chapter 1 of this story hope anyone out there likes it ill upload as much as I can when i can but updates may be from 1 to a week if I'm busy but ill try my best to upload for y'all. I'll most likely upload tomorrow as it will be a clearday for me.

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