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59.41% Reincarnated as Tony Stark with a Skill / Chapter 100: Title at End

Chapter 100: Title at End


After the fight, Xavier thought about the future of his school. He thought about possible solutions but didn't settle on any of it. This decision involved more that just his life but also the lives of his students. He decided to put the school on a break and think things through.

After telling his decision to his faculty, he went to Mastermind to do some interrogation.

Xavier had just finished looking into Mastermind's memories. After discovering Mastermind's motive for brainwashing Jean, he called for Magneto.

Magneto: "Are you sure about that?"

Xavier: "Yes Erik. I'm sure. I triple checked. He's part of them"

Magneto: "But how? I thought we got them all. "

Xavier: "I'm not sure. But they definitely exist. They even have some kind of information network since they're aware of both our groups. It's them who are trying to recruit Jean. "

Magneto: "Then you should inform your student. She needs to be prepared if they're coming for her."


When Tony got back to the mansion expecting some kind of party, but what he saw disappointed him. There was a hint of celebration but it was nowhere close to what Tony would call a party.

He looked around searching for teachers. He wanted to find the culprit of this dull party but he found no signs of Jean or Ororo.

He did saw Iceman with Kitty. It looked like the two were just having a light talk so he approached them.

Tony: "You're definition of party has really gone downhilll ever since I left huh. "

Iceman: "Mister Stark? Hi."

Tony: "So? What's with the party? You people have powers but this is the best party you can come up with? Isn't there someone who could make fireworks?"

Kitty: "Jubilee's with the new girl. They're continuing the tour since it was interrupted by the aliens."

Tony: "Ok. But that still doesn't explain the lame party."

Iceman: "It was postponed. Ms. Grey and the others were called to an emergency meeting by the professor.

Those from the Brotherhood are still asleep. They're still exhausted from the fight. "

Tony: "Emergency? Didn't we just finish dealing with one? Even for this place, that's still way too early."

Kitty: "Well, we got used to it. At least the mansion didn't get blown up this time."

Tony: "I don't even wanna..."

He just left the two and went to the meeting room.


Tony entered the meeting room as quitely as he can trying to avoid interrupting the meeting. What he arrived at was no longer a meeting. It felt more like a command center with the serious atmosphere as well as a large map of the world laid in the center of the table.

Xavier and Magneto had this serious look on their faces while they were talking to one another.

Fury was on the phone. He's probably calling one of his men as he was raising his voice every now and then. He also has the special pager that calls for Carol out. It didn't look to be activated but Fury was looking at it

Mystique was talking to Steve who was already out of his Captain America Costume. She was asking him details about details regarding military operations as Tony heard the words 'general' and 'command' in their conversation.

Storm was manipulating mini clouds and tornados over the map moving them over the oceans while making sure they don't touch the lands as much as possible.

The only person who didn't look as serious is Jean. She still had a serious look on her face. It's just that she is currently petting Goose who is currently sleeping on her lap.

Tony: "Ok what's is it this time? World war 3? Because you people just fought aliens. That's the only reason I can think of that would make all of you this serious."

Jean: "Tony, You're back.How did you know it's world war 3?"

Tony was shocked with what she said. He spouted world war as a joke. He didn't think they were actually in the brink of war.

He looked at Xavier and Magneto for clarifications. He didn't think there was actually going to be a war

Tony: "What is she talking about?

Xavier: "Just as you said. We might be on the brink of a world war."

Tony: "Ok, stop it with the nonsense. There's no way were about to go on a world war."

Magneto: "I'm afraid this is true. We've just received intel from Mastermind. He's part of a group that previously tried to start a world war."

Tony: "What in the... Did everyone here forget about my day job? Steve? "

Steve: "I told them not to panic and wait for you come. But they seem to be convinced that a war is about to start. They just went ahead and started thinking of ways to stop the war. It wasn't like it'd hurt anybody so I just let them continue."

Tony: "Wait. Don't tell me, are you the cool parent and Peggy is the strict one?"

Steve: "Cool? I guess you could say so."

Tony: "Oh great. They really did grow up to be mini captains. You do know that I was joking when I first said that?"

Steve: "Really? I didn't get that"

Magneto: " Are you finished?"

Tony: "Hmm? Yeah. Where were we?"

Magneto: "World War 3"

Tony: "Oh right. That. Yeah, that's not happening."

Jean: "What do you mean Tony?"

Tony: "Does anyone here remember my company?"

Ororo: "Space S?"

Tony: "Nope. The other one. The family business"

Xavier: "Stark Industries."

Tony: "Exactly. My company builds weapons for a living. Wars mean more money. There's no way my company would miss that. Trust me, unless someone started a war on a bet, I'd know when these kinds of things happen."

Xavier: "It might work during common situations but this is different. I don't think your information network would have got hold of this. That group is just that powerful."

Magneto: "They managed to slip past even my information network. If Mastermind wasn't captured, I doubt we would even be aware of them until it's too late."

Xavier: "Even after I learned of their base from Mastermind, I still failed to find them. These group of mutants are definitely aware of Cerebro since none of them popped up when I looked for them."

Tony: "That still doesn't mean a war is going to happen."

Xavier: "You don't understand. These people, they tried this before. Back during the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was them. They were secret behind the whole thing. "

Magneto: "Charles is right. We wiped them out after that. We thought we got them back then. If they did survive all theses years, they have definitely gathered a lot of power. Even with both our groups combined, I don't think we'll be able to stop them."

Tony: "Wait, can you at least tell me what group you're all talking about?"

Xavier: "Very well. These people, they belong to an organization they refer to as"

Magneto: "The Hellfire Club"

Xavier: "A group of mutants who wanted to..."

Tony: "do stuff that would lead to world domination. Methods include espionage, mind control, coercion, bla bla bla. Basically, anythings they want.

As for that Cuba thing. They brainwashed some Russians and Americans, had both navies at the border in Cuba. Then got some boat to cross the border. Make it tresspass to the other side. Have the warships start shooting which and then the war begins.

Did I miss anything?

If there's none, then you can relax. Hellfire club isn't planning to start another war."

Magneto and Xavier stared at Tony with a surprised look on their faces. Not only was Tony aware of the group, he also narrated the summary of what happened. Granted, some details were problematic, but he got the gist of it.

Fury was surprised that Tony knew about the event. He had just learned about the event. The details he got were mostly speculation as the was there were hardly any intel during the event. Everyone involved in the event were missing their memories of the event. SHIELD had to work on the wreckages, ship logs, and weather data just to get an idea of what happened.

While Scott and the rest were just shocked at what happened. They felt that it was way too easy to start a world war.

Tony: "Why's everybody looking at me like that? I told you , my company lives off of wars. Of course I'd know such things. "

Xavier: "This's isn't about knowing the event, it's about the accuracy of the details of the event."

Fury: "Yeah. Even the intel from SHIELD only had speculations. There were no first hand accounts. And I don't think you just lied given the situation. "

Xavier tried to talk to Fury about the missing memories but Magneto held him back and stopped him from revealing their involvement.

Xavier: "I still don't understand why they wouldn't try and start a war."

Tony: "Well, how should I say this?

Ah forget it. I know all these because I'm a member of the club.

And before any of you overreact, the people who participated in that were excommunicated. Mutant and otherwise "

He looked at everyone who were all looking at him with judging eyes.

Tony: "What? Didn't you people go to college?"

Scott: "I don't see how this has anything to do with college?"

Tony: "Well that's expected, Pinkeye or Cyclops, I still don't think you can see anything clearly."

Jean: "Tony! It's not the time for that."

Tony: "Fine. Is anyone here part of a fraternity or sorority?"

He waited for someone to raise his hands or at least nod. But no one seemed to be a member of such groups.

Tony: "At least everyone here should be familiar with the concept.



I'm not sure if I can tell you guys so you just have to promise not to tell anyone.

See, Hellfire club is like a fraternity. A fraternity that's made up of rich kids.

And since us rich people, want to feel special, instead of a fraternity and a sorority, we call our group a secret society.

See where I'm going with this?

My company makes weapons for US and its allies. And it makes ALL the weapons they use.

If they really were planning a war for world domination, do you think they'll start the war without informing me? The one who basically determines who'll win the war. "

Xavier: "It's not that I doubt your intel, but they may be aware of your relationship with us. They may have intentionally left you out of the loop."

Tony understood where the professor was coming from. It wasn't that far fetched of an idea so he thought of a way to be sure:

"Makes sense, I'll go and arrange for a more personal contact. You could check their memories then."

Magneto: "Wait. Charles wasn't able to find them using Cerebro. They might have the meetup shielded. I suggest you bring a telepath along."

Tony: "I sure as hell won't bring professor along. He'd be a dead giveaway the moment he's seen with me. Jean?"

Jean looked at Tony and nodded.

Tony picked up a phone and JARVIS send a message.

It didn't take long for him to set up a meeting. He confirmed the location and was about to walk away with Jean, when they halted by someone.

They were stopped by Ororo, who remembered that Mastermind's target was originally Jean.

"Wait. You two need backup. The professor said the guy came for Jean. If you're going to bring her to them, then they might just get what they wanted."

Xavier: "Ororo is right. They knew about her so she may also be compromised."

Tony: "Fine. But the meeting place is already set. I can't just bring anyone along anymore.

They know me where we're going. I have a reputation to maintain so I can't just bring any of you old guys. I'd become this guy who's going to be known for not killing himself.

Scott also can't come. There's a high chance that his glasses would be taken off where we're going. If they saw him there with his eyes closed, they'd start thinking that I brought a wimp.

Don't even get me started with the dampening collar. I'd rather have the world war than be seen with guy wearing that thing."

Mystique: "I'll come. But I'm more of an infiltrator. We'll need someone with high firepower. Ororo?"

Tony: "Wait. That's more than en..."

Ororo: "I'll come."

The ladies already walked off and started preparing.

Everyone who was left were men. They started loosening up since there was no one left to judge them.

Steve approached Tony and put his arm over his shoulders. He then started to complain to Tony.

"You really are your father's son. Getting three women to go on a date this fast.

Do you know how hard it was for me to ask a girl out on a date?

I had to save the world before Peggy agreed to go out with me. Agree, not go. Just a yes.

Then I had to save the world a couple more times before the date happened. It took way to long for me to get to second base"

Tony: "You know, I'm not sure if I should be proud of this version of you or creeped out. Did parenting really change you that much?"

Steve: "Yeah. Not having to worry about the future really did help me loosen up. "

Scott: "Does anyone here have a way to mess with Tony? It just feels unfair. How come he gets to go on a mission with just the girls"

Fury's attention was caught by Goose. She stayed behind when Jean left and was now nudging thought Fury's special pager back to him.

"I'm not sure about the girl part getting changed but if you want to mess with Tony"

He lifted the pager and showed it to Scott.

Tony recognized the pager and tried to reprimand Fury.

"Hey! Isn't that supposed to be for ..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Scott had already pressed the button. The Starforce logo with Carol's color scheme appeared and the pager started blinking.

Tony: "...emergencies only."

Steve saw the pager on Scott's hand and asked.

"Hey. Isn't that?"

Tony: "Yep. I'm screwed.

Steve. You should start going now.

Fast. Before she comes along and something unpredictable starts happening. "

Tony told Steve to use his Ferrari F50. He left it here before the Phoenix incident and should have been parked in the garage.

Unless the kids test drove the car without refilling the tank, there shouldn't be any problem and the car should still be working.

Steve: "Are you sure it's okay to drive that? Isn't that a very rare car?"

Tony: "It's fine. You can even push its engines to the max if you want.

With the coating and the mods, there's no way the police can read your speed much less catch up to you.

Just be careful not to get caught in traffic. I haven't added any sort of flight system so you're going to be stuck if you're in traffic."


Hellfire Club

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