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3 Years Old Alexandre Arkhas Grindelwald

It's been three years since I came to the Harry Potter world and I learn a lot of things during these years, well first I was named Alexandre Arkhas Grindelwald, yes Grindelwald, my mother is the grandaughter of the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald, I won't lie about this but I'm pretty happy about this fact, why? Because Grindelwald was and still is my favorite character in Harry Potter universe, by the way Severus Snape come in second. I'm happy to have the Grindelwald blood but I'm very surprised as well, I always thought that Grindelwald was gay with Dumbledore so I came with three conclusion, first I simply misunderstood their relation, second they were really gay but Grindelwald still took a wife and had descendents or third conclusion, the facts in this world and these portrayed in the books and movies are not exatly the same. I don't have enough information and enough experience in this world to verify but I think it's most likely the third conclusion, after all I never heard the name "Arkhas" in the books, this world can't be as empty at the world described in the books, after all it's just a book and doesn't contain enough materials to run a world.

By the way my twin sister was named Aurore, yes like the fucking Disney princess, oh and I was born seven minutes before her so I'm her big brother. The man I saw enter alongside my father the day of my birth is my uncle, the little brother of my father by two years and he is my godfather aswell as the one of my sister and believe me he dote us a lot, and when I say a lot it's very a lot, I 'm pretty sure he spend more time in this manor than in is own, well, despite him be very handsome, having a bright personality and being filthy rich he don't have a wife and of course don't have children so he spend almost all his time here to the happiness of all residents of the manor.

I also learned few facts about the Arkhas family, it's an ancient pure blood wizard house who come from Britain even before Merlin, yes he truly existed and was by the way probably the most powerful wizard ever born, so to return to the Arkhas family, it's a filthy rich family with a lot treasures. The Arkhas fought against Grindelwald, funny that one of them married on of his descendent, and Voldemort, my parents fought against the racist fool but stopped at the pregnancy of my mother and come to France and never leave since both of them found the paysage by far more beautiful than the Britain's one. Of course I didn't learn all of this by asking them but simply by listening some conversations, after all it would be strange if a three years old kid shows too much interest in subject he should not know.

I also learn a lot about my ability granted by Kaos according to the wishes I made that day. For the kido there is nothing much to say, it's like in Bleach, I have all the knowledge about all kido spell but need to exercise to become proficient, it's like a video game, you know how to play in theory but never actually played so you'r bad as fuck.

For the elementalist ability I must say I was schocked, no, I was absolutely stunned, I remember asking for "a lot of affinity with a lot of elements" so I wasn't mentally prepared by the information who came with the ability, it's fucking way too overpowered and I like overpowered protagonist in novels but here I even doubt to have to use 10% of this power in Harry Potter universe, well that if there isn't any more powerful magic beast and wizard than Voldemort and Dumbledore that are shown in the books/movies. I "only" asked for the ability to freely use and manipulate the elements, well I received what I asked but I also received much more, you see, to what I received, the ability to freely use and manipulate the elements is only the first stage, well the other stages don't grant another abilities, the power granted is still the same but not at all on the same scale, and there are six stages...

But I don't know at all how to reach the stages passed the first so in theory I have potential above anyone else but I have no fucking clue how to reach this said potential, well the first stage should make me stand above everyone and this without take in count kido and my ameliored magical core and magic reserves, I'm just affaid to be bored to death if I'm too overpowered, I think I was a little too enthusiastic about my wishes.

Oh and I also met again with my favourite cat, even if now my Yoruichi became a little kitty and of course stayed with me, I alone can hold and pet her, if not she cause mess, I feel like I'm privileged, wait who I try to fool, I don't feel privileged, I AM privileged, after all, Yoruichi is justice, uh... I mean cats are justice... Did I say that Yoruichi in Bleach is my favorite female character ever?

I also found that the entertainment here is pretty the same than the one on Earth, well I'm still on Earth but you understand what I mean right?

I will soon start to experiement with kido and my elementalist powers, let's juat call it elemental magic from now, oh and kido and elemental magic don't request a wand to use, it was pretty obvious for kido but I didn't expect it for elemental magic, It's good, I find wandless magic way more badass.

The_Grindelwald The_Grindelwald

Well english isn't my native language and I apologize for the errors, feel free to tell me errors so I can correct them and once again feel free to write a review and drop few powerstones if you like the novel, bye!

I lauched a *******


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