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Big Impact

For the entire night, Arthur had been writing things into reality. Some small things, some big things.

[100m Spatial Ring]

[Ability to travel to any universe he thought of without having to write it]

[Clothes that always fit]

[Ability to enter the worlds of novels]

[Ability to fly]

[Ability to remove all creations from the world within an instant]

Through writing, he had leveled up 8 times and gained 80 skill points, though he didn't have much of a use for them since he now had the best body ever, he might have a use for it later. He had basically worked for 24 hours straight. Although he wasn't tired mentally or physically, he sure wanted to. Working all the time and not getting tired was a weird feeling.

"However, I think it's time to dig into some actual books like math and such." After saying such, Arthur got up from his chair and left his room, grabbing a simple donut from the fridge and left the house. His destination? The Library! He would grab all novice level books from every subject, read them and fully memorize them! Then, intermediate and then master books!

As he walked towards the library, there were several people who would stop and look at him in awe.

Arthur reached the library in only five minutes and upon entering, he was asked for his library card. He looked into his pockets and realized he didn't have it. He facepalmed himself and summoned the book and pen. Of course, seeing a book and pen appear out of nowhere would freak anyone out, so the librarian jumped in shock and took some steps back after she saw the book and pen appear in Arthur's hands. He wrote three things within the book.

[Through a quantum fluctuation, my library card will switch positions and appear in my left pocket]

[Everyone will ignore "God's Quill" and "Book of Infinite Ideas]

[Everyone will ignore me upon the voice command, "I am one with the World!"]

After he finished writing, he felt something appear within his left pocket and the librarian who had just witnessed magic quickly forgot about what had happened and once again asked for his library card, to which he provided. After signing in, his card was returned and he walked towards the academic section of the library. He grabbed all novice books in math/science/geography. He brought over 20 books to a table, he first said the phrase, "I am one with the world" and then began reading.

In what seemed like an hour to Arthur, 4 days had passed. He had read every single book in regards to math, science, and geography. As he closed the final master level book on geography, he let out a hefty sigh. He summoned his book and pen and began writing down more things.

[Arthur, upon saying "Teleport [Location]" will have their body broken down and then recreated in the spot they have wished to appear in. This will then activate, [Soul Transfer] and move Arthur's soul to the newly created body instantly.]

Leveled up! Leveled up!

He ignored the level ups and continued writing.

[6 black holes will, through a freak accident reach 99.99% the speed of light and collide with each other, thus creating a gravitational wave unprecedented in strength. This gravitational wave will rip open a crack in the universe which will create a wormhole to another universe right next to Earth. Wherein the Earth, Moon and 100% of Earth's inhabitants will get sucked into the wormhole and travel to another universe safely. The Earth will end up in 90% identical solar system and enter an even more suitable orbit with the new sun. In this universe, Mars is within the goldilocks zone and is inhabited by another version of humanity. This version of humanity has the same technologic capabilities of Arthur's Earth.

After Earth has safely traveled through the wormhole, it will collapse in on itself and disappear into nothingness, leaving the solar system safe and sound.]

Level upx5.

Somewhere in the universe, six supermassive stars had begun the process of dying. Within a fraction of a second, they collapsed in on themselves, without the support of fusion, their size kept decreasing and decreasing until reaching such a point that they became singularities, where even light could not escape the pull of gravity from these singularities. Six supermassive black holes had formed in the universe and all in one lightyear distance of each other. These blacks did not move, until through some quantum fluctuation space between the black holes shrunk until they were in distance of each other to pull on each other. These six black holes speeded through their gravity pulled on each other and managed to reach 99.99% the speed of light.

Then, they all collided with each other and in a silent and dark explosion, a new hyper black hole was born. The results of this collision were gravitational waves that were sent throughout the universe, creating tears in the universe. Some lead to new universes while others just shredded.

Back on Earth, Arthur had put back the master level books he had just read and then left the library going back home. It was currently 2:42 PM, and it was a nice, sunny day when suddenly... The sky darkened and what seemed to be a giant black dot in the sky appeared. Arthur already knew what this was, but the people of Earth didn't. All across the world, chaos ensued. Religions proclaimed the end times were happening, while scientists were trying their hardest to figure out what was happening. But, before anything could be done. The Earth began moving in the direction of the black dot. Within only an hour, they had entered the dot, and after another hour, they left it and entered another universe.

The black dot in the sky that switched from the East sky to the West sky slowly disappeared as they moved away from it, entering the orbit of the new sun.

On Mars, Astronomers had just witnessed a whole planet suddenly appear in orbit around the sun! This was quickly reported to the respective Governments of the Astronomers. Then, both Earth and Mars intercepted each other's Signals surprising each planet's civilization to no end!

Arthur, on Earth, was back in his house, sleeping.

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