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79% Runaway Rich Guys Love Endeavour / Chapter 79: Feelings

Chapter 79: Feelings

Ray was overwhelmed with her response. Without any warning, he pulled her into his arms, not willing to let go.

She didn't want to others around her to worry and wanted to deal with this matter alone. She was ready to suffer quietly. Thankfully, the worst was avoided and she had escaped a huge danger.

Ye-Jin shushed her excited mind and happily enjoyed the warmth and comfort his arms brought her. She could feel his erratically beating heart. He was scared too. She felt happy to know that he cared for her. This was progress, right?

Ye-Jin reminisced the time she spent with him. From the moment she first saw him as an artist performing on the TV, she became his fan. Later, she was lucky enough to actually meet him. Her inner fangirl almost exploded in happiness back then. He tried getting closer to her when he was interested in her friend. He didn't have any bad intentions.

His only goal was to understand the likes and dislikes of Aera. Unexpectedly, his motives turned into genuine feelings of friendship for her. They shared some great mind-numbing adventures together. They grew to respect each other.

Especially, Ray, he was like that little child who was introduced to the outside world for the very first time. He Loved the adrenaline rush but more than that he loved her company.

They started to spend more time together. For Ye-Jin the pressure was greater than before with her family assuming the ultimate and actively pushing her towards him. She actually never understood their motives behind doing so. The only exception was her father who had a sour face every time Ray came for a visit. He disliked the guy. And she once again was lost about the reason.

She ultimately realised her feelings when Vic pressed her for answers. Luckily, she wasn't dense nor did she shy away from her discovery. With her sister's help, they devised a plan to understand his intentions towards her.

Well, the plan brought them to the present, where they were still lost in each other's arms. Enjoying the warmth the other person had to offer.

They would've continued to hold each other longer if they weren't rudely interrupted by Liu Bo.

Bo: (disgusted) go get a room!

The couple jumped apart startled. The air suddenly turned a little awkward. Liu Bo was glaring at both of them. Ye-Jin felt like a mistress who was caught by the girlfriend. She was mortified would be an understatement. On the other hand, Ray was scowling back at Liu Bo. His sister always had horrible timing.

The sparks were flying between the siblings and Ye-Jin who was unaware of the situation wanted to leave quietly but sadly her wrist was in Ray's grip.

Ray: what are you doing here?

Bo: why can't I be here?

Ray: I clearly remember getting a house for you!

Bo: So?

Ray: (gritting his teeth) Liu Bo!

He didn't want this light bulb to stay here. Yes, he was being selfish but he wasn't ready to spend his life like a monk when he had a woman he was in love with just cuz of his little sister. He didn't wish to die a virgin. But Liu Bo also wasn't someone who would let his brother bully her for some woman.

Bo: Liu Wei Xin! I am your little sister! Why are you bullying me for this woman?

Both Ray and Ye-Jin were startled by the little girl's indignant cry. Ray was shocked because it had been too long since anyone used that name and Ye-Jin was taken aback since she was finally enlightened.

Ray: (glowering) Liu Bo, who is bullying who? What is exactly your problem with Ye-Jin? What has she ever done to you?

Bo: (scoffing) isn't it enough that she is tying you down here when our family needs you the most!

Ray: (warning) Bo, not a word more!

Ye-Jin was now more confused but she chose to stay quiet. She was wise enough to not get in the middle when two people with horrible temper were vying for the ultimate kill. Instead, she shrunk back into the couch hoping to become invisible. This was a terrible night indeed.

Bo: (sneering) fine! I'll leave! Enjoy your time with this woman!

Liu Bo had originally come back as she had been feeling lonely in the new house her brother arranged for her. But she had to see that wicked woman in her brother's arms. She was immediately angered. She spouted all the unpleasant things to him and marched away feeling hurt.

After she left, Ray pinched the space between his brows trying to calm down all the negative emotions. The things he had been running away from were brought to the forefront by Liu Bo's words. He had his eyes closed to suppress the hurricane brewing in his mind.

Ye-Jin looked at Ray and was surprised to find his face twisted in some kind of unspeakable agony. She couldn't see him looking like that. Subconsciously she lifted her hand and lightly caressed his left cheek.

Ray felt a small, warm touch on his cheek. It was comfortable and the frown on his lips involuntarily turned into a small smile. He opened his eyes only to meet with her concern filled gaze. He almost melted into a puddle at her feet- remember almost. It was such a sweet gaze.

Ye-Jin: Ray?

Ray: (inhaling) I am sorry you had to see that.

Ye-Jin: (shaking her head) it's all right. That was your sister?

Ray: (nodding) yes. That was my little sister Liu Bo. You guys met once.

Ye-Jin: (nodding) Yes, we did.

Ye-Jin didn't elaborate anything after that. Both of them sunk into silence lost in their own thoughts. Ray was still in turmoil and Ye-Jin was battling her earlier decision.

While they were hugging each other minutes ago, Ye-Jin had made up her mind to confess to Ray. The game they had been playing was useless and all it did was nothing more but adding more distance between them. All that anticipation wasn't good for her. She couldn't afford to lose him for some damn confirmation nor could she wait for him to make the first move. She was done playing. But now the moment was ruined.

Why was their timing so off?

She wanted to find that stupid little girl and give her a good bashing. The dislike between them was mutual.

She now sat wondering when was going to be a good time. Because from what she could gather from the siblings' fight was that Ray had a complicated history. And Liu Bo had successfully reopened his healing wounds.

She sighed loudly at her rotten luck.

Ray: (alert) what is the matter?

Ye-Jin: (shaking her head) nothing- I wanted to- leave it. I should probably leave.

It wasn't good for her to stay with him longer. He was in some kind of pain and no matter how deep her feelings were, she was helpless. The longer she stayed with him, her mind would stray and tempt her to behave selfishly.

Ray: (holding her hand) can you stay for a bit? please-

That was it. She put her weapons of reasoning down. She gave up. Her heart wouldn't agree to leave him. She obediently sat down beside him, making no sound. She was afraid, she would break and confess.

To make matters worse for her already weak resolution, Ray laid down in her lap.

Ye-Jin: (taking a deep breath) ...

She was trying hard to not do or say anything stupid. She clenched her fists and bit down on her lips. But her hands had a mind of their own. No matter how hard she tried, her left hand made its way to his soft locks.

Ray sighed contentedly when he felt her fingers lightly brushing his hairs.

Ray: (looking at her) what were you saying before?

Ye-Jin: (pouting) now isn't the right time-

Ray: (rolling his eyes) when will be the right time?

Ye-Jin: (lost) I don't know.

Ray: (smiling) so you can tell me now right?

Ye-Jin: (hesitating) but- you-

Ray: (encouraging) what you say might cheer me up.

That didn't make any sense but she chose to give it a shot. Don't blame her, she was getting tired of bottling things up. That wasn't her style.

Ye-Jin: (taking a deep breath) here goes nothing. (Staring into his eyes) Ray, I like you- no, a-actually, I a-am in love with you.

Sanchi94 Sanchi94

Well! There we go! Two birds with a single stone (chapter)!

Liu Wei Xin is here with a little baggage from his past.

I was reminiscing Rachel (from 'Friends') when I was writing about Ye-Jin and her dilemma about confessions.

I'm becoming lethargic these days :(

Leave your opinions, dear readers. They motivate me.

Chapter 80: Aftermath

Have you ever thought or waited for something eagerly? Have you imagined the whole thing to just burst out in your face? Has the thing you waited eagerly for to come to you in screaming colours?

Has it ever felt like when something happened it would be something different than the usual? Like the whole world would stop to bask in the glow of your fruitful anticipation?

It's human nature to expect something dazzling when we anticipate and wait eagerly for something to take place.

Sometimes we even reach a point, where our imagination is so active that even aliens come down to earth to congratulate us or the earth might open up and swallow us alive.

But whatever be our expectation, no matter how grand or how dreadful it is, the reality always remains the same. All the anticipation sometimes burns down to being normal. Nothing seems different. The aliens won't come nor would the earth open up. The world won't stop spinning nor would the time stop for us.

The same happened to Ye-Jin and Ray. They thought that when one of them confessed the skies would open up and shower them with golden light. The heavens might bless them- or something along the same lines. What they expected was something earth-shattering to happen when the words were said. But apart from their own messed up heartbeats and breathing nothing was different.

Ye-Jin: (taking a deep breath) here goes nothing. (Staring into his eyes) Ray, I like you- no, a-actually, I a-am in love with you.

She waited for something special to happen while refusing to look away from his shocked face. She could feel her face heat up. But she forced herself to look at him.

She had gathered her courage and finally said the words. She had dreamt about this moment countless times. She had rehearsed her lines much more time than that but what she did, in the end, was completely different.

She thought the affair to be too difficult and suffocating. She had imagined herself to chicken out when the time came.

Unexpectedly, nothing of the sort happened. It wasn't as dazzling as she expected.

The setting wasn't an ideal one with a scenic view behind them. Nor were there tears in their eyes. They were in his home while he was lying down in her lap.

The confession didn't have any long prologue nor was it a huge speech. It was direct and her words flew out naturally. It wasn't in any way difficult. There was no nervousness nor any kind of suffocation. Instead, a calm enveloped her heart. She felt like a burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

She noticed Ray's calm face turning from blank to shock to ecstasy to conflict and back to ecstasy. She was amazed by his changing expressions. She was eager to cut open his head to look into his brain. In short, she wanted to understand what he was thinking.

Unwillingly his eyes teared up and his throat clogged up. He never thought that her confession- which he was badly waiting for- would leave him feeling weak and emotional.

He turned his head away from her scorching and expectant gaze. In an attempt to reign in his tears, he rapidly blinked his eyes.

Ye-Jin continued to play with his hairs quietly waiting for his response. She was calm and ready to accept whatever he chose to do. She had played her part well.

After what felt like an eternity, Ray let out a dry chuckle. He shook his head and turned to face her with a wide grin plastered on his face. His eyes were still a little wet but shining brightly. He looked beautiful.

Ray: (teasing) you look so calm. Aren't you eager for my response?

Ye-Jin: (shrugging) I came this far, it shows that I am ready for anything.

Ray: (chuckling) what if I only want to stay with you as a friend?

Ye-Jin: (nodding) then I'll walk away. My thoughts aren't innocent enough to stay as your friend.

Ray could only chuckle at her serious reply. He never thought that she could become this blunt when it came to voicing out her thoughts. Maybe her feelings changed her personality around him. Didn't the same thing happen to him too?

Ye-Jin: (expectant) is that it?

Ray still in her lap shook his head and snaked one of his arms around her neck. He gently pulled her face closer to his own. Ye-Jin didn't resist whatever he was trying to do. She was waiting to see what he would further do.

Their faces were so close that their noses were touching. He could feel her breath hitch and so did his. He didn't hesitate and closed the little distance between them by capturing her lips in his own.

Ye-Jin blanked out. She felt a strange tingling sensation shoot up from her toes to the tip of her head.

Ray wasn't any better, he too was lost for a moment after the initial contact. He didn't want to tell but show what he felt for her using meaningful actions. He couldn't think of a better way to do so than kiss her.

But he forgot that it was supposed to be his first kiss too. He was robbed of all other sensations the moment his lips touched hers. Their eyes closed on their own accord and everything gradually faded away. He somehow found his way back and focused on the kiss. He gently started to suck on her lower lip and his tongue lightly grazed it asking for an opening.

Ye-Jin came back to earth and abruptly pulled back. The short lip-lock had slackened his grip on her. Ray was saddened by her sudden rejection. He already started to miss her sweet and soft lips.

Ye-Jin: (blushing) we k-kissed?

Ray nodded at her still pouting.

Ye-Jin: (swatting his shoulder) I almost died!

She pushed him from her lap and angrily stood up. Her legs were still weak from the aftermath of what was supposed to be her first kiss.

She wobbled a little and dropped back to the couch beside him with no strength. Her body was shaking by that little peck but it was enough to mess up her coordination. She was after all a newbie to intimacy.

He chuckled but shut up when he saw her glaring at him.

Ray: (clearing his throat) don't tell me you didn't like it.

Ye-Jin: (blushing harder) shut up!

Ray conveniently shut up. He could tell that she was embarrassed, so was he. But he had a thicker skin compared to her.

Ray: (rubbing his stomach) I am a little hungry. You'll join me for some late-night snack?

It was past midnight and their dinner was also a disaster so the couple spent the few hours fixing a late-night snack to fill their stomachs.

Ye-Jin: (sipping on water) This is nice.

Ray: (cleaning the plates) what?

Ye-Jin: I thought things would be different after our feelings came out in the open but it doesn't feel so. The change in our relationship feels so natural like it was meant to be.

Ray: (smirking) of course because we haven't gone on an official date yet.

Ye-Jin: (happily) are you asking me?

Ray: (grinning) should I? I mean we already confirmed our feelings. Does it require any more foreplay?

Ye-Jin: (huffing) Kai was right. You're too stingy. I as your girlfriend am going to suffer.

Ray: (chuckling) Ye-Jin, my girlfriend. It sounds good, doesn't it?

Ye-Jin: (proud) of course. Cuz it's me.

Ray: what do you think? Should we watch a movie?

Ye-Jin: (looking at the time) it's pretty late. I should probably head back.

Ray: you want to?

Ye-Jin: (shaking her head) no don't do that. I have a very important meeting tomorrow.

Ray: (puppy eyes) please! I promise that I'll behave. We'll just watch a movie and then go to sleep. You can take the guest room. I won't bother you. Also, I'll drop you off early in the morning.

Ye-Jin felt that there was something wrong with his words. On careful consideration, she understood that he was implying that nothing intimate would take place between them for the rest of the night.

Unknowingly her face heated up but she nodded her assent to stay the night with him.

Both of them settled on the floor in front of the couch. The movie they selected for the night was a romantic comedy. The genre was just right for their situation.

They spent the night rest of the night commenting on several parts of the movie- including holding hands- and eventually sleeping on the couch in each other's arms.

Sanchi94 Sanchi94

They're boring

So am I


Their first kiss and it wasn't long.


Ray: (glowering) you don't say-

Ye-Jin: (flushed) ah! Stop it both of you!

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