Ye-Jin: and here I heard men weren't observant.
Her words startled Ray a bit. He was indeed not observant as she said but when it came to her somehow his senses were all wide open.
His mind flashed back to the conversation he had with the guys in the studio. From the looks of it they were shocked to know that he and Ye-Jin were just friends.
Vic: (scoffing) who're you trying to fool?
Mui: a-are you sure?
Ray: no one and yes I am sure that I am still single.
Kai: (sighing) you're a dimwit.
Timo: (rolling his eyes) without a doubt.
Ray: hold on! Why are you guys scolding me?
Timo: it's nothing leave it.
Ray: but still-
Vic: (dawning look) wait! you reading are still a single dog?
Ray: (confused) if I wasn't then I am sure I would've told you already. But really what made you all think so?
Timo: (thinking) well for starters, you guys have that suffocating chemistry.
Kai: and you obviously adore her.
Mui: your eyes sparkle and turn gentle when she's infront of you.
Vic: (scrunching up his nose) you're worse that Kai in this regards. Atleast he is aware of his surroundings.
Timo: (chuckling) that's some comparison but truth be told both of them are terrible.
Mui: can't handle being tortured by these lovesick fellows. Let's kick them out of the group.
Vic: (excited) Big bro will be the leader. I will be a rapper and Mui will be a vocalist. We'll be the 'it' of whole music industry.
Timo: (pitching in) I am all for the idea if you let me call the shots here.
Kai: ...
Ray: ...
The conversation went astray, thanks to Mui. The 'lovesick fools' thus ignored the trio after that.
Ye-Jin: (shaking him) where are you lost Ray?
Ray: (coming back to earth) uh... it's nothing.
Ye-Jin: is something bothering you?
Ray: (shaking his head) nothing major. Something happened at the studio. Let's go meet your father.
Ye-Jin threw him a worried glance but didn't ask anything else. She escorted him to the room where her father was currently staying. Park Hu-ye was listening to the report from his secretary and Park So-Jin was peeling some fruits beside him unhappily.
Ye-Jin: dad? mom? what is happening here?
So-Jin: you're finally here? your father is being stubborn and getting the reports from the company.
Hu-ye: (snorting) if I hadn't done it then we wouldn't have gotten to know how capable our little daughter is.
So-jin: (rolling her eyes) we would've know eventually. You simply can't stay away from work. I am fed up of you!
Ye-Jin: (clearing her throat) uh... guys? there's someone here to meet you.
Ye-Jin gently reminded the old folks about Ray, who by now had a gentle look in his eyes. The Park elders reminded him of his own parents back home. The memories were bittersweet and made his eyes sting. He concealed it well when the attention of everyone in the room turned to him.
Ye-Jin: dad, mon, this is my friend Ray.
Ray: (bowing respectfully) hello sir, hello madam. I apologise for my unannounced visit. I couldn't help myself when I heard sir was sick.
So-jin: (smiling warmly) it's no trouble at all. You coming here shows how much you care for our little girl-
Ye-Jin: (horrified) mom!
Hu-ye didn't say anything, he frowned at his wife for a moment before nodding to Ray as a form of acknowledgement. It didn't sit well with him that his little girl was grown up and was bringing guys to meet them.
The two 'oblivious people' were not aware of the father's sour thoughts.
So-jin: what?!
Ye-Jin: nothing. What did the doctor say today?
So-jin: (excited) we can take your father home tomorrow!
Hu-ye: (nonchalant) all of you worried for nothing.
Ye-Jin: it's better to be late than sorry dad-
The quartet in the ward chatted for a while. Ray soon was integrated into their group, courtsey of mother Park. She was secretly giving her little girl thumbs up for choosing a fine man for herself. On the other hand, father Park was feeling helpless as there came another man to take away his other little daughter. Life was so unfair.
Ye-Jin: (looking at her watch) it's so late already. Mom, come I'll drop you off to home.
So-jin: (shaking her head) no. I'll stay here tonight.
Ye-Jin: mom?
So-jin: it's just for a night. I'll manage. Besides I need keep an eye on your father.
Hu-ye: (snorting) just say that you're scared of sleeping alone.
So-Jin: who is scared?-
Finally it was settled that So-jin was going to stay with the old man for the night. Ye-Jin had to give in to her mother's wishes. The woman wasn't budging.
So-Jin: (bidding the couple goodbye) Ray, come visit us at our home in a few days. We'd love to have you over for dinner.
Ray: thank you aunty. I'd love to do that.
Hu-ye watched silently with no response. His wife had already set her heart on Ray as her second son-in-law and the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth.
When they were out in the car park, Ray broke the comfortable silence between them.
Ray: (smiling) your parents are-
Ye-Jin: I know they're a crazy pair.
Ray: (shaking his head) no that's not what I wanted to say. They're admirable.
Ye-Jin: (pleased) thank you but don't let my mother hear it. She'll go to the moon and come back or worse adopt you as her son.
Ray: why is it worse?
Ye-Jin: cuz then you'll be my brother-
She let her thought trail off. The scenario of Ray being her brother was hard to digest.
Ray: (raising an eyebrow) so?
Ye-Jin: nothing-
She didn't elaborate and turned around to leave when Ray caught her arm and pulled her close to him. The touch left tingling sensation all over Ye-Jin's arm. She was surprised by the sudden contact between them. The distance between them was not too close nor too far apart, it was the perfect amount for Ye-Jin to see his pupils dilating.
Ray saw himself being reflected in her clear eyes. For the first time throughout their relationship he felt the so called 'chemistry' between them. He suddenly had this urge to pull her closer and and lock her up in his arms.
Ray was startled to catch the gentle look in his eyes. His grip on her arm slackened and he let her go just like that. The moment of ambiguity passed in the blink of an eye but for the people involved it felt as if an era had flown by.
Ray: (clearing his throat) um...
Ye-Jin: (looking at her arm) it's-
For a breath or two neither of them spoke. They were tongue tied.
Ray: (trying again) let's head back?
Ye-Jin: (absent minded) um... yeah ok?
Ray: (avoiding her eyes) ok then...
Ye-Jin: (curious) just now you felt something?
Ray: (hesitant) feel what?
Ye-Jin: (dejected) nevermind.
The mood turned awkward.
Ray: (trying to change the topic) I got to know that people think we're dating.
He felt like he shot himself in the foot. The statement was so wrong in this situation for him.
Ye-Jin: (shrugging) I get that a lot.
Ray: (surprised) you do?
Ye-Jin nodded in reply. Her mood had turned sour when Ray denied to have felt anything. She didn't want to have any amicable conversation with him. (It never feels great to be the only one).
Ray: you never told me?
Ye-Jin: The nurse mentioned it back in the hospital when we got Sarang, so I thought you knew.
Ray: no I didn't!
Ye-Jin: oh... ok. I should better get going then.
And just like that she left, without looking back, leaving behind a confused top star.
I got this piece of gossip from a reliable source...
Mother Park is already, secretly planning a wedding for her little girl and father Park isn't too thrilled about it...
Ray: (scowling) hold on! we are still in the realisation phase!
Me: so?
Ray: (sucking it up) I want a wedding like Kai's! No! Wait! A better one!
Me: ...
A fortnight later Ye-jin had gained full control over the business. Her father was back home and was recuperating well.
So-ah finally revealed to the whole family that she was expecting and already three months along the way. Thus, the elders made it clear to the would-be-mother that she was to not meddle much in the business or anything stressful. Ye-jin was in complete support of the decision.
Under everyone's strict administration, the elder Park sibling slowly turned to a passive role in the company leaving her little sister in the decisive and topmost position. As a result, Ye-jins' lifestyle took a complete one-eighty degrees turn.
Before she used to have leisure filled laid back life with a few surprises here and there due to her rescue works but now one could find her hidden behind a mountain of files, which needed her immediate approval. Her free time was also cut short to only a few minutes during the working hours. Although the company didn't need her to be present 24/7, she was focusing on international expansion and that led her to have less time for her personal life every day.
Moreover, Ye-jin had moved places from her little haven to her family home. It was for the sake of both professional and personal interests.
And as for Ray, after that night in the car park, they were both embarrassed to face each other. Ye-jin felt mortified at her reaction and messed up emotions. The busy life at work kept her from mulling over the incident.
On the other hand, Ray was stuck with helping his sister settle down in the new city. The stubborn little girl had gone behind his back and snatched a spot among their backup dancers. One could hardly imagine Ray's reaction at Liu Bo's reckless actions. It was apparent that she wanted to keep a close eye on him, lest he escaped again.
It proved to be a headache for him when the little girl refused to stay away from him during her breaks. She was curious about everything. Her energy alone tired out the other members, not to mention Ray who was almost reduced to tears.
Vic, who was the self-proclaimed wise guy of the group decided to save Ray by informing Ye-Jin about his current predicament. He didn't waste time in calling Ye-Jin to execute his plan.
Ye-Jin: hello?
Vic: Hi sis-in-law! It's me, Vic!
Ye-Jin: (surprised) w-what?
Vic: (sheepish) oops! Sorry, my tongue slipped.
Ye-Jin: (waving it off) it's alright. What's the matter?
Vic: It's about Ray. He's in some trouble. There's this girl-
Ye-Jin's heart hit the bottom when she heard 'Ray' and 'girl' in the same sentence. She was all of a sudden jealous of whoever that girl was.
Ye-Jin: (gritting her teeth) what girl?
Vic: (sighing) they never listen to me. Being the youngest, I have to help them solve their problems.
Ye-Jin: (impatient) where is Ray now?
Vic: (dramatic) ah! it's four already. I think he's on his way to pick her up now.
Ye-Jin: (scowling) where are they going?
Vic: the engagement party of our president-
He wanted to chat some more, share some of his grievances but unexpectedly the call ended.
Vic: (pocketing his phone) nevermind, (turning to Mui) you think this will work?
Mui: (grinning) definitely!
Vic: now all we have to do is wait. I just hope that she doesn't find out that we lied to her.
Mui: we didn't lie. We didn't tell her that Liu Bo is Ray's sister. She will understand.
Ye-Jin, who was prepping herself up with Aera for the evening was silently fuming. Her thoughts were all pointed towards cursing the whole male populace.
Aera: (shaking her) hey! Are you ok? Who was it?
Ye-Jin: (taking a deep breath) it was Vic.
Aera: and?
Ye-Jin: He wanted me to save Ray from some girl.
Aera: so?
Ye-Jin: so what? It's none of my business! Just because I didn't speak to him for a few days doesn't mean that I am dead! I am done with him!
Aera: (holding her laughter) why are you pissed off?
Ye-Jin: (defiant) I am not!
Aera: (nodding) Yeah, you're beaming with joy for my engagement party.
Ye-Jin: (defeated) Aera, I am so sorry sweetie. I don't know what's wrong with me either. I promise I won't get distracted anymore.
Aera: (chuckling) you're so cute Jin.
The party unexpectedly proceeded without any hitch.
Ray didn't bring anyone to the party and Ye-jin visibly relaxed at the sight. Furthermore, she took the initiative to end the cold war between them. She approached him with a glass of champagne as a peace offering. Before she could open her mouth, Ray cut her off
Ray: (anxious) Sweetie I am sorry if I hurt you that day. Although I still don't understand what made you angry but I really can't stand this silence between us, please forgive me.
Ye-jin: (stunned) ...
Ray: I know I shouldn't have waited this long to apologise to you but I couldn't reach you no matter how hard I tried! (Softly) I missed you a lot! I-
Ye-jin didn't know how she should react to his sudden apologies. She was prepared to have a huge row with him if possible but the thought of him surrendering never crossed her mind. Now that she paid him attention, his complexion was pale and there were faint dark circles below his eyes. Truth be told, she too missed him.
Ye-jin: (gently) Ray?
Ray; (halting his rant) yes?
Before she could speak they were joined by Aera, the woman of the night.
Aera: am I interrupting something?
Ye-jin: (hesitating) n-not exactly-
Aera: (smiling wide) If you don't mind then I'd like to steal your guy away from you for a while. I've got something to talk with him.
Ye-jin saw the determined look in her friends' eyes and helplessly nodded. Aera happily dragged a confused Ray away. If it was any other day, he would've never been hauled away that easily but the number of sleepless nights and worry had made him a little defenceless.
After the two vanished from her sight, Ye-jin felt lost. She looked around to find people to mingle with when Vic tapped her on the shoulder.
Vic: (curious) Ray says that you guys aren't dating, is it true?
Ye-jin: (sighing) no we aren't.
Vic: (frowning) it didn't look like there was nothing between you guys from my perspective.
Ye-jin: really?
Vic: (nodding) he likes you but doesn't know it yet and you-
Ye-jin: (shocked) I- I-
She didn't wait and turned on her heels and ran away from the place. Vic looked at her escaping figure and chuckled to himself.
Vic: (smirking) looks like she figured it out.
On the other side of the extravagant hall, Aera was beeing glared at by Ray.
Ray: Why did you bring me out here?
Aera: (rolling her eyes) Ray we need to talk. We can't drag Ye-jin down with our issues.
Ray: (softening) I know- I am-
Aera: (cutting him off) I know her. She won't complain, so we have to solve our issues. I know you liked me for a longtime but I didn't feel the same about you. I know, I was too harsh in rejecting you and I am sorry for that. I just want us to have an amicable relationship for the sake of Ye-jin.
Ray: (sighing) I know. I'll try my best not to cause any more troubles for her.
Aera: (smiling) I didn't think you'd join my team this easily.
Ray: (resolute) I'll do anything to make her happy.
Aera: (grinning wider) I was right!
Ray: (confused) huh?
Aera: (shaking her head) nothing. Xin must be looking for me. I'll go now, bye.
Ray didn't feel the same pain he felt days before when Aera or Wang Xin were mentioned. Instead, he felt a little relieved. He felt lighter as if he could finally let go. And he was willing to do it for the sake of his best friend. He didn't wait longer and went in search for Ye-jin- their conversation was cut short before by a meddlesome woman. And the poor him was desperate to get her to forgive him for whatever stupid thing he had done.
The song I listened to while penning this chapter down was 'Miss Americana and the heartbreak prince'
I wanted to add some drama here but the song was dramatic enough so I let this one go.
Ye-Jin finally realised her feelings! We'll elaborate more in the next chapter but our guy is still dense as fog!
And yes, they'll come together cz of others meddling. They are dense when it comes to feelings.
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