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47.05% Oh love me Mistress' : A kaguya crossover fic / Chapter 8: Troubles swallowed in silence.

Chapter 8: Troubles swallowed in silence.

Humming to myself, I still brushed the paper with black ink, finishing the last touch with a gentle scrub to the side.

I turned my drawing to the person beside me, "Hayasaka, what do you think?"

As always she was half-asleep sitting beside the bed. Not that's her fault though. It must be hard to work for yourself at the tender age of 7. I could only wonder.

She rubbed her eyes, a hint of red-painted some edge of her sclera.

"Hmmm…Mah, if you ask me…it's good, I think?" She still listlessly rubbed her eyes, I just shook my head.

Sometimes she comes to visit when Kaguya couldn't do so in the first place, much to Hayasaka joy since she can spend her time sleeping here.

"So how's Kaguya?" I asked as I draw some curve on the paper.

"As always, her teachers were strict," She paused a little bit, "Too strict for seven years old to my opinion, sometimes they mocked her taking it in pleasure." She spat at the last lines.

I glanced, her face turned downcast.

"I hate him…why we have to shoulder-."

See, this is why there should no under-aged workers. Stress is unbecoming of someone her age, where they should play and makes some friends. It will only ruin their development.

I laughed a bit at myself, it was funny the words came from a child who only learns all of this in a month.

How ironic, adults were supposed to be to think on this line. Not a child who barely see the top of the table. Maybe the fact that I wasn't a human, made me capable to think such thoughts.

Oh yeah, I learn all of it, Politics, history, philosophy, and most of it is basic stuff. Current news and the fact my current benefactor might not as benevolent as I thought. I never met the man myself, so I couldn't assess my current situation. I could well be just played on his lap, as another puppet like her daughter Kaguya. Who knows?

Before Hayasaka went livid, I softly grab her hand, placing it onto her laps, "Then you could as well support her, be her shoulder. It's not much coming from me, but if not for her I may as well be a broken puppet chewed to the last bits."

I told them of my past, no need to hide it. It will only make the scar deeper. I got nothing to lose, other than the benefit I gained their trusts.

She took a deep breath, before pushing it all away from her lungs.

"Come Hayasaka, I want to get fresh air and my drawing become soggy when those tears flying off." She wiped herself before putting me in the Chairwheel.

"Idiot." She muttered, loud enough for me to hear.

"Hear, hear."

Much to my dismay, most parts of my legs and arms were broken. I never felt it before, but when they found me, the skin mostly on the feet parts was pelted off. The skin hardened and frozen encased the bones like it was a boot rather than skin.

Charred blackened meat clinging on some the skin as its exposed most of the bones inside it.

It was not for the faint-hearted when they showed me a video about the condition of me when they found deep inside the snow.

Still, it was recovering. Very fast much to the doctor confusion. But they shrugged it as my healing factor, can't tell them I'm not a human, am I.

"So how's mama Hayasaka, she's not getting overworked like you right?" Hayasaka, her mother was the sweetest person I met after HER. She's clingy, too bright for her job.

They were almost identical-much to my open wound after losing her.

Though, I won't complain, when she brought me those chocolate sweets.

"As always, she is busy, Uncaring for her daughter." I can feel she pouted behind me as she led me down the corridor to a park behind the hospital.

There's a little pause between us.

"Well, thanks for your advice about sharing notes behind we get closer than before." Ah, yes you never thought the taciturn Hayasaka-chan was a huge mother-con.

Can't blame her, I can felt the sentiment. Mother figures are the best or elder sister maybe.

"You can tell her the next time she came back, brings me some box of chocolate, as an offering of your gratitude." I coyly smiled behind her.

She raised her eyebrows, clearly not expecting me to ask something to her.

"What? I get my chocolate you have a happy time with your mother, everyone's win!" I exclaimed, spreading my hand as I was a messiah.

"Fine…" She turned her head.

Pure, fresh, oxygen wafted through my nostrils as we got out of the building.

Clear sky painted the horizon, as a bird with blue feathers flew to its nest feeding the hungry hatchling.

It was refreshing. 7 years locked underground like animals was all it needed to make someone appreciates the warm sun above.

The world descended in silence, it was calming. Children were giggling, running around and playing with the nurse as Elders jog around or chatting with their visiting families.

A few was just sit there, admiring in silence as they slowly drifted into a drowse.

The park itself was the parts of the relaxation area of the hospital. It was overlooking the bustling-city down below.

Hayasaka sat in a wooden bench beside me after putting me down to the grass below. A shady tree hung high above us, sheltering us from the heat.

I took my drawing kit, and clean the brush with a towel before dipping it into a bottle of inks.

Silently, I scrubbed the paper as Hayasaka began to doze off when I glanced briefly at her.

A soft smile came upon my lips.

It was a silly wish of mine, but I wanted to draw something that can attract the hearts of many readers.

But I supposed it was a long journey, nevertheless, someone needs to start somewhere.

Talent is irrelevant in my sight. Power, skill, fame is something to be earned not to be given. The means and the journey were what makes it worthwhile.

But sometimes a view like that can be crushed any given time, the cold world was unforgiving to the naive. I'll take whatever it needed.

And I've drawn some plans, devising scenarios that could happen when I have recovered from here.

As I finished shading some parts of the tall skyscrapers of the distance, I felt a soft breath beside me.

I briefly glanced at her, "Yumi-san…" I greeted the girl.

Her hair and eyes were the same set, hued in a brilliant color of amethyst.

"Ah…sorry Yuu-kun," She startled, almost stumbled backward, "I'm sorry for bothering you."

She dusted herself before sitting her lap next to me, "You seems to enjoy it so much."

I chuckled, "You too, your sketch is superb as usual," I peeked at the drawing book she held.

"Well, this isn't much, compared to you. I just do this to pass time." She settled the book on her lap, pencil pointed towards the building in distance, measuring it.

"Don't humble yourself, how's your mother?" I asked to fill the silence.

"Look who's talking," She's grumbled, "Well, she's getting better. She'll be getting discharged today."

"That's good news, but why?" Her face was forlorn, she stopped scribbling.

"We'll move to a village somewhere in Yamanashi to my grandparents, but I'm afraid."

"I see…but isn't that good news, you will be away from your father."

Sakaki Yumiko, a child of the leading force behind the might of japan railway industries. From what I've gathered, there's some unsavory rumor behind her father.

To my opinion, he just a crazed old man full with empty ambition ruined by his previous father. His children, in turn, become puppets. Yumiko was supposed to be his back-up plan-a collateral.

"Somehow I felt uneasy-," I flicked her forehead, interrupting whatever she thought "Owh! What's that for."

"You think too much, I'm sure they're good people."


She pouted, huffed her chest before grabbing her pencil again.

Turning back to my paper, I glanced skywards.

I sighed, why my life was so stuffed with girls and their daddy-issues. It's not fair.

"Just endure it…for now." I muttered to no one particular, the words blown by the passing wind.

Nyanmato Nyanmato

Ugh, I suck at making dialogues and making the story flow with it. Hope you like it, somehow.

Nevertheless, please comment and rate! May your day be filled in bunnies.

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