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Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Callea felt like weak with Deive's gaze. Every time he tells her that she's beautiful, she felt like she was melting. Even if you put it on the Constitution of the Philippines that she's not allowed to be called beautiful, he would still keep on doing so.

She drank up the milk until the last drop. "Aren't you sleepy yet? You cleaned up the mansion the whole day."

"I am not yet through. This is a huge place and there are still parts of the mansion that I want to clean up and repair." He looked at her direction. "I hope it is okay with you if I make some changes here. You live here. And when we get married, I will also live here. I must show my concern for Villa Celesta. Your grandmother's ghost might show up if I don't do my part."

Callea let out a hearty laugh. "I am sure she's happy with your initiative. Yo could charm a ghost if you want to."

He looked at the sketches and drawing at her wall. His palm flattens the creases on some. "I am sorry about your artworks if I ruined them." He scratched his chin, looking guilty. "I overreacted a bit last night."

"It's okay. In a way, it was my fault anyway. And I won't submit those to my boss anyway. They are just references. No big deal."

"So what story are you working on?" He looked at her sketches on the drawing table. "Is this it?"

Her eyes bulged when she saw it was her sketch of Deive. And it was not creepy or gore. It was a very sensual one.

He was about to pick up the sketch. He couldn't see it. She ran to the drawing table and snatched the sketch before he did. "No! Not this one."

"What is the problem? I will just look at it. I won't spoil it to your fans. I just want to see it."

She shook her head and put the paper on her back. "No! Just check out the other sketches but not this one."

What was Deive thinking? Why did he want to see her sketch? What if he thought that she was desiring him. Shame on her. She didn't know how to face him once he finds out the truth.

"I just want to see it. You are only making me more curious." He stretched his hand and tried to take the paper from her. "What are you hiding from me that I won't see once it is published. Come on. We won't be together forever."

She didn't budge. "Just wait for its release on bookstores. I really won't show it to you. It is an artist thing."

She was backing away from until it was a dead end for her and she found herself seated on the wooden chair. Deive smirked and caged her body as he planted his arms on both sides of the wooden chair. "What should I do so you will show it to me?" he asked in a teasing tone and put his face closer to hers.

She could feel his warm and minty breath fanning her face. Her eyes felt heavy and closed. What if he crossed the distance between them and their lips meet? Not the chaste kiss that he gave her. What if it was a hot, steamy kiss?

Callea didn't know how long she had waited for his hot lips to claim hers. But cold wind touched her skin after a while. When she opened her eyes he was standing away from her.

"I will take a rest now. I don't want to bother your work."

Callea was dumbfounded for a while. "O-Okay," she uttered in a soft voice and stood up to show him the door. She was a bit dismayed that he didn't kiss her. She expected it.

"Goodnight. So, can I kiss you goodnight?" he asked with a sheepish smile.

"Yes," Callea answered right away without hesitation. W-What the heck! I sounded like a teenager eager for a kiss. Can I take it back?

But it was too late for that. He held her nape and pressed her lips against her. It was not a chaste kiss this time because he was owning her. He tried to open her lips with his tongue, teaching how to reply to a proper kiss. She was not ready for the invasion but was not repulsed either. She held to his shoulder and opened her lips to accept him. It was heaven. She felt like she was floating on air. So this was what the real kiss was like. He leisurely explored her mouth while her body instinctively pressed against his. Her instinct was taking over. She liked what her future husband was doing to her and it makes her yearn for more.

Before he knew it, he pulled back and he was breathing heavily. It was a mirror of her own.

"Thanks for allowing me to kiss you. Dream of me, beautiful," he whispered then left the room with a victorious smile. As if he conquered a prize.

She was staring into space as he left the room and sitting on her bed. Her heart was slowing its beat but her cells are still on high alert because of the kiss.

Wow! That is a kiss? That's what the fuzz was all about? So, that's it? Why does it leave me wanting more?

She wanted to knock on his room and ask him to kiss her some more. "Calm down, Callea. Calm down," she admonished herself and shut her eyes. It was like a dam opened and desire was coursing through her veins. Desire that needs to be fed.

Kissing must be a natural thing for Deive. She must get used to it. She must get used to having every fiber of her being to be on a frenzy when he owns her mouth. They would be a couple in front of their family soon. After all, kissing could be some sort of a handshake to some. It didn't mean a thing to him, right?

That would be dangerous for her health. She couldn't risk it.

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