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It's About Time You Return!

A year passed again, he already stayed here for two years. If it was anyone else, they would have been bored, but Adrian was a very patient man. It was an attitude he developed in his previous life.

"Wind Blades." Adrian murmured as he waved his hand. Ten blades made of air suddenly came out of nowhere and the tree 20 meters away from him was cut multiple times. The speed was impossible for the naked eye to follow.

Kacha! The cuts were thin but deep, nearly reaching 10 inches.

"Not bad." Adrian nodded his head.

Wind Blade is a common spell for Wind Magicians, it consumes tiny bit of mana and mental energy unlike other higher level spells.

Magicians don't really train on all the elements, they would only train the elements that they have the strongest affinity with. But there are people who have rare talents who have strong affinity with two or more elements. Of course, these kind of people are rare. And one of them is Adrian.

Stronger Affinity means that you can perceive the elemental mana in the surroundings and absorb them easily than the other elements. And every elements have mana signatures.

As an Elven descent, he had a strong affinity to the Wind element and the Dwarves also have a strong affinity to Fire element. But that wasn't the only thing, he also had a strong affinity to Earth element making him the most talented of his generation, at least in the Elven Continent.

Wind, Fire, and Earth element. It was one of the rarest talent in the world. Especially when the elements are complementary.

There are 9 elements: Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Light, Darkness, Wood, Ice and Lightning but he already got three. He did not know where the strong Earth affinity came from but it was a good thing he had it.

But affinity and talent doesn't really measure everything, because everyone has an affinity of every elements. There are also people who worked hard and achieved greatness through an element that they did not have a strong affinity with. Hardwork and good fortune also affects people.


Adrian continued with his training without rest. Right now, he is actually already a Grandmaster Magician. It was really a good thing that he was alone, otherwise, others would definitely call him a freak.

A 15 year old Grandmaster Magician was unheard of. Hell, even a 20 year old Grandmaster Magician was called the greatest genius in the history!

Most of his age would still be struggling to reach the advanced stage, while talented kids would only be at Advanced stage at most.

But the only reason was because his mental capacity was already that of an old experienced man who lived hundreds of years. Magic needed mental capacity to withstand the power of mana. That was why Magicians are smart.

Mana was not the only thing needed to employ a spell, it also needed mental energy, the power of imagination. If you don't have enough mental energy, then casting a spell would be difficult and painful. Some would pass out because of the backlash of a spell that they couldn't envision well. And going mad was not rare.

So they need to train their mentality energy. Meditation and continuously casting spells are the most common exercise to cultivate the mind.

A Grandmaster Magician has a large mana pool, if full, the the mana pool would be enough to cast hundreds of Apprentice level spell or over 90 Advanced level spell or 60 Intermediate spell or 30 Master level spell or 10 Grandmaster level spells or 1 Saint level spell, of course if you have one. But casting them continuously is actually impossible because of the strain to the physical and mental energy.


"Mud Wall!" He bent and touched the ground. The land trembled and a 1 meter thick wall sprung out from the ground infront of him. The wall was as tall and as wide as him.He jumped back for 20 meters and again waved his hand.

"Fire Balls!" 3 identical but large ball of flame shot towards the wall. The speed was nothing close to the Wind Blade earlier, but the destructive power was evident.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The Mud Wall was thick, but against the 3 fireballs, it crumbled.

These spells were all Apprentice Level Spells, bit the power was that of an Intermediate Spell when Adrian used it. If an ordinary man was hit by these spell, then they would surely turn to dust.

"It is actually not bad. The power should be able to double if I add Wind Magic. Ok, let's try it." Adrian talked to himself.

His experiment went on for a whole morning. He only noticed the time when he got hungry.

"Ok, let's try it one last time."

"Mud Wall!"

"Spinning Fire Balls!" the spell looked the same, but this time, the balls of fire were spinning and the speed also doubled!

Bam! The was only a loud explosion and the Mudwall did not just crumble, it exploded.

"Ho!! That was good!" Adrian shouted. He was satisfied with the effect. "It's about time to eat."

He flicked his hand and a table with a large bowl on top appeared. He did not even hesistate and took what was inside the bowl. It was a chicken, that was just marinated for 3 hours.

Birds were his favorite food. He did not know, but they seem to be the most delicious food in the world.

Even just a simple salted and roasted way of cooking made it delicious. After the feathers were burnt, the chicken looked clean.

He stuffed green onions and a stalk of crushed lemongrass inside the chicken's stomach. After placing all what was needed, he flicked his finger and the chicken floated in the air. He again flicked his finger and the chicken was enveloped with flames.

If he did not learn magic, he would have needed hours for the chicken to be roasted. But because he previously learnt a trick to roast it faster without the taste changing, the time needed was reduced.

As he watched the chicken being roasted, he gulped. He could smell the fragrance and his mouth watered. But he needed to be patient and after 10 minutes of waiting, the chicken was cooked.

"Hehe, finally." Adrian sat and a huge plate appeared on the table. He placed the chicken on it and immediately tore one of the limbs. He sniffed the fragrance with a long inhale before he took a large bite!

'Delicious!' he looked like he was on heaven when he closed his eyes to savor the taste. It only took four bites for the thigh to be leaked clean. He threw the bone and tore the other one.


The plate was now empty. Adrian slumped on the chair while patting his tummy. His face was full of satisfaction.

"Kah!! What a great meal, a great meal!" In the two years that he lived here, his lifestyle changed completely. He was now like an educated barbarian living alone in a jungle. He reared chickens and pigs. Planted vegetables and he even created training ground for himself. It had the size double that of a basketball court and he lived a simple life. Training, studying, rearing animals, planting vegetables and hunting was his daily life. And he was satisfied with it.

Just like that, another 2 years passed. The Storage Ring his grandpa gave him suddenly lit up and the face of an old man appeared.

"Hey, Brat! It's about time you return!" the face spoke!

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