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82.75% Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society / Chapter 24: Several Small Happenings

Chapter 24: Several Small Happenings

After Takezushi warped both himself and Bakugou out of his Kamui Dimension, everyone — especially Izuku — grew astonished by how quiet and tame Bakugou appeared. The two had only been gone for a minute and upon returning, Bakugou had this unnerved look as he went over to his locker to finish changing without a word.

Takezushi didn't bother saying anything and upon changing into his normal uniform, he teleported back into his Kamui Dimension to resume training in Sage Mode. With classes completed for the day, Takezushi had already been dismissed, so until the time came for the next day of classes, Takezushi locked himself away to train in mastering his control over Nature Chakra.

He would only come out of the dimension about an hour before classes began for the purposes of taking a shower and getting refreshed. For now, however, he looked over the Shadow Clones that had been left within the Dimension and smirked as they dispelled. "Another breakthrough in the Grand Pulse Jutsu? Good..." Mumbling to himself, Takezushi entered a good mood before he restarted his Sage Mode Training.

Meanwhile, at the teacher's lounge after classes at U.A. were over, an emergency meeting was taking place.

"Are you serious? Your wounds have really recovered by that much?!" Midnight asked for confirmation. She, along with the rest of the teaching staff that knew of his condition, received copies of the report Recovery Girl had written after All Might had visited her to learn of what Takezushi had done to his body.

"Yes… Everything aside from my missing stomach has been revitalized to the point where I should theoretically be able to stay in this form for half the day. Everything from my left lung to my pancreas has been regenerated to as healthy as a normal person..."

"And… It was Takezushi who healed you, right?" Present Mic solemnly asked.

"Indeed it was..." All Might replied, equally solemn in his tone.

"That boy… It just gives us another reason we have to treat his case with unerring care." Nezu commented. Even he was a bit down, as Takezushi came to show a power that was difficult to accept.

"If he were to ever turn against us, or worse, become a villain..." Ectoplasm's words were cut off as All Might said, "Enough… He has no reason to do that and I don't plan on giving him one."

Nezu said, "Unfortunately, even with all our resources, it's still next to impossible to find his mother… At this point, it if wasn't confirmed before, All for One is definitely the one responsible for her kidnapping as there have been absolutely no traces left behind… Not only was the policeman that was last seen with her vanished into thin air, even with the Tengana's help it's impossible to get a lead."

Sighing, Aizawa added, "There's only been one recorded instance of someone blocking her Clairvoyance Quirk. It's probably him… He'd be the only one capable of locking down the past and future to bar prying eyes."

"In any case, remember to mind how you act around him. So far he's been nothing but an outstanding student, overperforming both in his academics and heroics, but there's no telling what might set him off. You need to treat him just like any other student here, but you should also now not to cross a certain line. If anything, remember that he's probably able to outrun, outperform, and perhaps even outlast all of Japan's Hero's ganging up on him at the same time. I dare say that no calamity would be worse than triggering him, if the phrase is to be permitted..." As Nezu concluded his words and left everyone to mull over Takezushi's presence, he left his chair and looked through the one-way glass wall of the teacher's lounge.

As he overlooked the school's surroundings, a bit of sweat formed as he imagined what the worst-case scenario would be for antagonizing Takezushi. 'It would be total anarchy,' he thought.

The next day, precisely one hour before classes for the day where to start, Takezushi appeared in the bathroom of his current home. Naturally, he wasn't staying at All Might's place as the number one pro hero's office was in Tokyo and U.A. was in an entirely different prefecture. It wouldn't be a problem for him to cross the distance given his teleportation and warping capabilities, but since All Might had to move here, so too had Takezushi. Only, instead of living together as they had for close to a year, Takezushi was given his own little apartment and monthly allowance.

'Something about learning to live life and enjoy myself? What does that even mean?' As Takezushi showered, he thought back to the day he found out he would be living on his own. He found the words All Might had given him to be childish. After all, how could he truly enjoy himself when his mother's condition was unknown? 'Live life? Yeah, alright buddy, after I rescue my mom and deal with her capturer, maybe I'll try that. But for now, it's all a grind…' And as that thought crossed his mind, he stood completely still and drew in a couple wisps of nature chakra to his fingertips. His finger began darkening as it absorbed the nature chakra that stability poured in, until the darkened skin began petrifying when it reached the second segment of his index finger.

As Takezushi reflected on his Status updating to show his Nature Chakra rose from Worthless to Trash in rating, he snorted, "Mhmm… Progress is progress, but this is truly saddening." He quickly finished showering and put on his uniform before stepping through dimensions to reach his seat for another day of lessons.

As soon as people started entering the class, he stopped his Sage Mode training as he had for the previous two days. While on his Kamui Dimension, the shadow clones that worked while he studied like a highschool student moved to improve the secret Grand Pulse Jutsu he had been attempting to create.

It had been in the works since he had found out how utterly devoid of tracking methods his current set of techniques were. If it were completed, it would probably rank near the top in difficulty of learning among all his known techniques as it required Master-level Fuinjustu — or Sealing Technique — prowess to even attempt. Simplified, all the technique would do is launch an omnidirectional pulse of Yin chakra and according to the form that Takezushi wanted to find, the Yin chakra would bounce back after finding a match.

It was a simple technique in concept, but to actually execute it… Takezushi felt sure that unless his Yin Mastery reached 100% he would run in the same problems, as it was just too difficult to perfectly set the parameters of the technique's scan otherwise. At the moment, every time he tried using the technique, he'd get thousands if not tens of thousands of matches and that was only after he used seals to improve the technique to not fire back with millions of matches. Even with his ridiculous sea of spiritual energies that were rated to be Mid-Kage level, it was still too much of a burden for him to bare using the imperfect technique on a truly large scale.

Thus, Takezushi treated today as he did any other. It was business as usual in the life of someone who seemed to never be powerful or capable enough.

Soon, the class settled down after Aizawa entered to begin Homeroom announcements. "Hope you've all rested from yesterday's battle trial. I took the liberty to look over the results and I have to say: Most of you did fine for your first day, but..." He turned to Bakugou, who still seemed a bit out of it for his usually serious and die-hard attitude, and said, "Bakugou, stop acting like a little kid, you're wasting your potential..."

Then after turning to Izuku, he said, "And you… Just how many times are you going to rely on the same old excuse? You'll never get far if you keep wasting yourself every time your quirk activates."

As he concluded his words, the atmosphere in the room darkened again as he resumed, "Now, I'm sorry I'm springing this on to you all of a sudden but… we need to pick a class president." It was like he took pleasure in toying with the student's emotions, as he just so happened to pause at the most tense moment.

To his words, the class erupted into students fighting to see who could raise their hands the highest or yell the loudest as just about everyone wanted to be the class president. It was to be expected, after all, for a Hero High School, what better way to show that you could be a capable leader than by taking charge of responsibilities of your class?

Of course, Takezushi, who only really wanted to be here as he had a slim hope that some heroes might be able to help him find his mom while he trained the skills he would use himself to find her if they didn't, didn't really care about that. Unlike most of the other students, his aspirations were a bit less righteous as he wasn't trying to be a hero to be of service to the public or even to help others. He would probably do it if it wasn't an inconvenient — and it probably never would be, given his abilities — but fame and wealth were nothing to him in comparison to his mother's safety and return.

Right now he was the only one who was sitting casually in his chair with a deadpan expression; totally unmoved by the other's enthusiasm. However, amidst the clamor of the student's Iida's voice overpowered everyone as he yelled, "Silence!" With everyone stopping and looking at him, he assumed the most serious demeanor as he stated, "Being class president is a task full of responsibility. It puts the one chosen to shelter everyone else's weight and pull the last of us along! Such a position can't be attained simply because you want it! It must be up to the democratic process to pick the most suitable representative. So, I say we call for a vote!"

Despite the fact that his hand was raised the highest, he still dared to leave it up to the trust in his peers… Naturally, some students were primed to call him out for it. The first being Tsuyu, who said, "Isn't it a bit too early to leave it up to trust? I mean we barely even know each other?" Kirishima was quick to add, "Right! Everyone would just vote for themselves..."

"And that's exactly why we should do it this way! Won't the person who manages to get multiple votes be the best suited for the job? Someone who has already gathered trust in his fellow students even though it's only been a couple days since we all formally introduced ourselves!" Iida turned to the teacher and asked, "Is this alright, Aizawa-sensei?!"

"As long as you decided by the end of homeroom, I don't care..." He was already zipping up his sleeping bag...

Vermillion_Yormsky Vermillion_Yormsky

Lmao, don't expect any more rapid-fire chapter releases. I'm already irked about writing this as it is and my original novel is priority numero uno~

But also, don't assume I'm dropping the novel unless like a week passes and I don't post a chapter. Then, again, If I was to drop the novel, I'd probably make an announcement. Mhmm...

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