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68.96% Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society / Chapter 20: Embarrassed To No End, The Failed Mutant Quirk

Chapter 20: Embarrassed To No End, The Failed Mutant Quirk

In the basement, after seen the states of his peers Takezushi addressed All Might, "I'm going to go heal and retrieve them, alright?" He was given permission to use his abilities and with just a thought, he teleported over to Izuku's side. Having marked him with a teleportation seal long before either of them arrived at U.A. Takezushi's now mastered Flying Thunder God Jutsu could be activated at will; it's range being essentially infinite.

Disregarding Bakugou, who still seemed quite out of it, Takezushi squinted his eyes as he saw the tattered appearance of his friend, Izuku. Heaving a sigh, Takezushi gathered another bundle of Yang-transformed chakra and used his Byakugan to assess the damage he would heal in the coming moments. Upon releasing his eyes to their normal state, Takezushi thought about being a bit creative and after completing a set of seven hand seals, he transformed the clump of Yang into a small vine-like entity that waved in a life-like manner before his very eyes.

"Yang Release: Life Vein," Takezushi muttered to himself before letting the small vine-like amalgamation of Yang energy descend into Izuku's body. Without staying around to see the healing process through, Takezushi made his way over to the stairs to go help Uraraka as she had sustained a couple scratches, bruises, and was probably nauseous from overusing her Quirk.

As Takezushi was well on his way over to Uraraka on the fifth floor, Izuku's blood vessels began glowing golden through his skin after Takezushi's self-made Medical Ninjutsu finally made contact with his body. From the blood vessels out, his body began automatically healing back to normal, with his broken bones and shredded muscles being healed second, and his skin last.

Eventually, coming face to face with Uraraka, Takezushi naturally asked, "Would you mind letting me heal you?" He was quickly met with a short instance of confusion before she agreed. Since her injuries were rather light, it barely took even a couple seconds of exposure to the Mystic Palm Technique to get right back to perfect health.

Being looked at with eyes of amazement, Takezushi felt a bit awkward; he'd hoped this occurrence would have stopped by now. But through his uncomfortable state he said, "Alright guys, Midoriya should be fine by now, so grab on to me so we can get to the basement as fast as possible."

Iida and Uraraka were confused, but they each grabbed on to one of his hands and as Iida was asking, "How exactly will we get to the basement quickly by grabbing your..." they were teleported over to Izuku's side…

"YOU CAN EVEN TELEPORT?!" Iida took a couple steps back as he took in the fact that they had just teleported.

"Relax," Takezushi said as he reached his hand over to Izuku and pulled him up. He continued, "To teleport like this I need to mark something, or someone, with a teleportation seal and since I've known Mido… Izuku for a while now, he agreed to let me apply a seal on his hand." With Izuku now standing by his side, looking rather well — aside from his partially ruined jumpsuit Hero Costume — Takezushi added, "Oh, I left a mark on the basement, so just grab onto me again and I'll teleport us over in an instant."

Iida and Uraraka hesitated, but they inevitably reached over to touch his shoulders as Izuku held Takezushi's hand. Alas, they were held up as Bakugou was still where Takezushi had seen him last; apparently, still in utter disbelief over his loss.

"Oi, Bakugou are you also wounded or something?" Takezushi asked in an effort to get any reaction out of the frozen blond-haired boy.

"Hmph!" Being called to as if he needed help made Bakugou think he was being pitied. So, after scoffing at Takezushi and his intentions to help, Bakugou spat, "Don't fucking look down on me you fucking cheat! I'll walk down to the basement myself!"

Seeing the ever-hateful Bakugou begin to make his way down to the building's basement by himself, Takezushi sighed before teleporting those around him along with himself to the side of the rest of the class. After a minute passed and Bakugou reunited with the rest of the class, All Might began the post-battle analysis.

He claimed, "For this battle, I'd say that Young Iida was the MVP! I wonder if anyone knows the reason why..."

"What?! But the Heroes won out in the end, right?" Tsuyu questioned.

As if on cue, Momo raised her hand and was called to explain her understanding of the results. She said, "Iida being the only person who followed through with his role to a tee, rightfully earned his spot as the most valuable player in this mock battle. Since he devised a practical counter strategy after understanding that the battle centered around the mock nuclear-core. Uraraka being the second-best performing student only made two mistakes during the battle, having given away her position as well as using such a dangerous final attack when the mock nuke was still nearby."

"Then there came Bakugou and Izuku who each only invested into a personal grudge and both did a massive amount of damage to the building, which can only be considered as idiotic." All Might stood a bit pale-faced as she had just explained everything he would have said. So he could only say, "Well… Iida was also a bit stiff, but your answer is correct."

With Iida growing passionate over being called the best performing student in his run and the others of the first battle trial either sulking or thinking critically over their performances, All Might reached into his boxes of heroes and villains to decide the next battle. After pulling out a grey badge labeled "I," a black badge labeled "J," and a white badge labeled "B," the class immediately grew more attentive as All Might announced, "Todoroki, Ojiro, and Shoji as Heroes VS Otsutsuki and Hagakure as Villains!"

With the fabled black badge coming out, Takezushi was thrust into the villain's team, while Ojiro who was originally supposed to be with Hagakure was transferred over to the hero's side. All Might switched Ojiro out instead of Hagakure, just to make it harder for Takezushi as his team now lacked an offensive front.

Still, after having learned that Takeuzshi needed computer-levels of instructions to properly tune for class-related activities, All Might turned to Takezushi to say, "Young Takezushi! For this exercise, I'm restricting you to a completely supportive role! You're forbidden from using your dimension warping powers, and though I don't think I have to mention this, I don't want to see you use an ability that could result in potentially fatal damage. You are to pick ONE release to use for the entirety of the exercise, so discuss with your teammate during five minutes of prep-time..."

All Might also threw a rather slow and weak punch at Takezushi and told him that was the extent his physical abilities should reach for this exercise. To the rest of the class, it looked like he was essentially told to go about completing the battle trial as a regular Quirkless person, but subconsciously, All Might knew he was still probably giving Takezushi way too much leeway with his ridiculously versatile abilities.

Ever since he had finished talking to All Might, Takezushi had left the basement engrossed in thinking of the potential skill sets he could derive from to make the most out of this challenge. He had made it up to the second floor of the new building that had been set aside for his battle trial when he felt a tugging from his left arm.

"Earth to Zushi! Are we going to pick a Release or whatever it was that All Might mentioned, or not?!" Hagakure had grown tired of calling out to Takezushi so she playfully pulled his arm to get his attention. She did not expect the reaction he would momentarily give her…

From Takezushi's perspective, as he felt a gloved hand pull on his left arm, he had stirred from his thoughts. Looking over to the source of the disturbance, he was met with… a completely naked young girl. Caught not knowing how to react, Takezushi flashed a look of concern as he asked, "Say, I know you said your quirk is Invisibility, but you do realize its not activated, right?"

"Huh? Oh, you're just trying to play a joke right? My Quirk is a Mutant Type so its always active. Hahaha, you were trying to embarrass me, weren't you?" As Hagakure tried to play this off as a prank, Takezushi's look of concern only deepened as he had never really seen her in an invisible state; even when she introduced herself, he thought it to be weird how she acted as if her Quirk was activated.

"Uh… I'm not playing around… How would I know that you have blond hair and a small birthmark on your face, if you were invisible at the moment." Takezushi's words practically came to smash Hagakure's reality as she now felt confident that he could see her. Backing away and even tripping as she scrambled to cover her intimate areas with her gloves, she asked, "Y-y-you c-can s-s-s-see m-me?!" Only her parents and older siblings might recall her appearance from before she manifested her Quirk and knew of the features Takezushi just described.

"Mhmm… I guess this means your Quirk isn't really Invisibility as I can still clearly see you. Anyway, don't worry. I don't mind if you have to show off a little skin, as long as you are invisible to everyone else, you'll still be capable during the battle trial." Very much unlike a normal fifteen-year-old boy's reaction to seeing a fellow fifteen-year-old girl naked, Takezushi dismissed the awkwardness that should have arisen in favor of returning to the discussion of their battle strategy.

Unfortunately, Hagakure didn't react as he did, as even if she had come into class knowing that she was going to be essentially naked, the circumstances had changed the moment Takezushi became able to actually see her.

"...So yeah, considering that we're going against Todoroki, who can use both fire and ice, I think using Yin release to confuse and disorient our opponents until the time limit expires is our best shot. Hagakure?" Having just explained most of his basic Nature Transformations, and well as some of his Kekkei Genkai based combination Nature Transformations, Takezushi was looking to Hagakure for some input.

"Eeeek! Don't look at me!" To the people in the building's basement, it looked like Hagakure was playing around as they didn't have audio to understand her current predicament.

"Mhmm..." Shrugging his shoulders, Takezushi turned away from Hagakure. He said, "So are we going with my plan, or do you have something you want to add?"

"..." He was met with a long period of silence, before All Might's voice shook the entire building, "Second round, begin!"

Vermillion_Yormsky Vermillion_Yormsky

Cut Me Some Slack Blease? Takezushi is a Celestial Being, not a normal 15-year-old boy. Even if he looks the part he's probably still a toddler for his actual race, as Otsutsuki lifespans are probably in the hundreds or thousands of years... I'll probably accelerate his rate of puberty for some romance later, but for this scene, I had to make him seem completely uninterested. Or, we can just chalk it up to this being the first time he's exposed to this situation while being socially retarded

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