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41.37% Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society / Chapter 12: Taking The Entrance Exam

Chapter 12: Taking The Entrance Exam

Takezushi and Izuku took their seats right next to each other after they entered the school's auditorium. Coincidentally, the blond-haired kid that insulted Izuku earlier sat to Izuku's left while Takezushi sat on his right. Time passed rather quickly as everyone was excited to be here and before Izuku and Takezushi could chat for very long, the lights in the auditorium dimmed down as a sign that their orientation for the day's exam would soon begin.

Moments after the lights died out, a stage light shone on the auditorium's stage and a blond-haired man who wore a hero costume entered the stage to begin orientation. He gave an easy and simple to follow timetable for how the day would progress. To summarize, after orientation, those attempting the exam would move to seperate classrooms where they would conduct the theoretical side of the exam. Essentially, this is where academics were evaluated.

Afterward, the attendees would move to designated mock environments where the practical side of the exam would commence and Quirks would be evaluated. The nature of the practical exam was biased towards combat-oriented quirks as the attendees were tasked with taking out as many mock villain robots as they could. Though, there were openings for auxiliary and non-combat type quirks to shine.

A small incident played out where Izuku was jeered at for being overly excited by the presence of the Voice Hero Present Mic, the man who was giving the orientation, but aside from that, nothing noteworthy transpired. Thus, with the orientation completed, the attendees were moved to their testing sites.

Takezushi was separated from his friend Izuku while it also seemed that they would also not share the same site for the practical exam, Takezushi moved to his theoretical testing site after bidding his friend goodbye. Soon enough he found the classroom and the test started.

Looking over his test Takezushi smirked, 'Heh, seems like I won't have a problem passing this with all the studying my shadow clones did...' He began answering questions at a constant rate even as the difficulty of the problems asked rose and with over an hour to spare, Takezushi completed his theoretical test.

To get into a Hero High School — or any high school for that matter — Takezushi needed to pass this type of test and originally, All Might had set him up to take a special course to cram in the 9 years of education he had missed. But that all changed when Takezushi showed off his shadow clones as he could do all the studying at his own leisure. He asked to be home-schooled and under the conditions that every month he would need to complete an assessment to see how much had progressed by self-studying, he was given free rein as to how he studied. With Chakra reserves and the control to manage a veritable army of clones, capable of managing hundreds with only a mild strain, Takezushi took five months to catch up to the level of his peers; and that was only because he was adamant on using the majority of his shadow clones to train.

Even after studying to the level of the average third-year middle school student, Takezushi kept improving his education; albeit at a less rapid pace. With an understanding of the foundations of education — English, Japanese, History, Science, and Math — comparable to second-year students in High School, he felt confident in the answers he had chosen for the test. After the hour of idle time passed, he could finally move on to the practical aspect of the exam.

He didn't bother changing into a more battle-oriented outfit as he could achieve more in his casual attire than most pro heroes could while in their Hero Costumes. Though his apparel warranted the looks of confusion or jeers from his fellow peers taking the test, Takezushi didn't bother with them. He just kept by his eyes closed and stood by the entrance that would lead into the mock city environment where the test would take place.

At some point, as the attendees had grown bored and began talking amongst themselves or did something to kill time and without any warning, Present Mic had announced the start of the exam, yelling, "Ok, Go!"

Startled out of their separate activities, all attendees aside from Takezushi who had vanished without a trace looked at Present Mic in confusion. Seeing them as only naive kids, Present Mic shook his head as if to convey disappointment as he yelled, "There's no warning in a real crisis, so get to it!"

In the very next moment, the group of would-be students morphed into a stampede as all the attendees rushed into to start earning as many points as they possibly could for the exam. Alas, the moment of hesitation and confusion from before rendered this batch of attendees in quite the terrible predicament as Takezushi was intent on racking up as many points as possible.

Given a head start, even if it only boiled down to a couple seconds, that was more than enough for his speed and strength to wipe out all the nearby mock villain robots. His matured Byakugan made it so he was given x-ray-like vision and with an effective range of well over twenty kilometers, Takezushi didn't have to blindly rush through the mock cityscape as he knew exactly where all the robots were.

He restrained himself to only using his base physical strength along with his Byakugan as any more power from would make it impossible for the others to compete and All Might had pleaded for him to at least give them a shot. However, it would appear that even with his current handicaps it was still far too much power for anyone else to compete with. Alas, Takezushi wouldn't know this until after the test, so in the present, he just flickered from robot to robot destroying them before they could even detect him.

It took three minutes for attendees aside from Takezushi that were competing with him to begin finding villain robots and the only ones that applied to this were those that didn't follow Takezushi's trail of destruction. After seven minutes, Takezushi had made it across the mock city with hundreds of villain points acquired and as he thought about changing directions to an area with robots that was also devoid of people, a sudden earthquake-like tremor caught his attention.

Turning to the source of the tremor, Takezushi's smirk deepened. He was currently staring at a titanic mock villain robot that was easily taller than a five-story tall building. Recalling from his orientation that this special robot would grant zero points if defeated and only served as an obstacle that should be avoided, Takezushi instantly decided to stick close to it. He was certain that while the competition began fleeing the building-sized robot, he could swoop in and reap whatever smaller robots were around.

As he made his way towards the 0-Pointer, he saw the figures of his peers at long last. However, as not everyone was as powerful as him or even powerful enough to thrive in the current dangerous environment, Takezushi's heightened sense caught wind of some attendees who were at risk of harm. He spared a couple extra movements to help anyone in trouble as it didn't trouble him, while he didn't feel guilty for "stealing" points from those that couldn't fight back against the robots that were pitted against them.

Unbeknownst to Takezushi, his score began growing twice as fast, as he was no longer earning villain points for defeating the mock villain robots, he was also earning rescue points that weren't mentioned in during orientation. The organizers of the exam had decided to keep quiet about the system so that the attendees would show their true nature. Thus, those who selflessly "sacrificed" their time and energy on helping their competition at the cost of potentially losing out on acquiring more villain points for themselves were generously rewarded.

It was only after there was just a minute and a half left to spare that Takezushi's jagged path of rescue lead him to where initially wanted to be; right below the 0-Pointer. There, he casually dodged any attempts the robot took to try injuring him as its attacks were pitifully slow. While in the most dangerous place in the entire mock city, Takezushi's smile couldn't be brighter as he been completely right. Near the 0-Pointerwas where the smaller mock villain robots were most concentrated as the 0-Pointer's programming was designed to follow the various attendees. As it chased them, it disrupted any ongoing battles with the smaller mock robots and as the 0-Pointer didn't hurt the other smaller mock villains, it essentially built up a following as more and more attendees were embroiled in the chase; essentially becoming like a commander leading its troops.

As was the case, Takezushi was having a field day as his supernatural physical abilities led to him destroying the small army of mock villain robots as easily as taking candy from a baby. Mid-frenzy, however, Takezushi had to stop as he caught sight of two independent situations where attendees required help, but were too far for him to help both at the same time.

To his right, he could see a fragment of one of the roofs that were destroyed by the 0-Pointer begin falling towards an attendee that was incapacitated; it was a boy who looked like one of his legs was broken. To his right, a girl could be seen caught underneath the shadow of the 0-Pointer's leg. Both would be severely injured if not killed if they were struck by their respective sources of danger and Takezushi even with his insane physical speed could only reach one in time.

So, it was it a heavy heart that Takezushi broke is promised to withhold from using any ability aside from his Byakugan as his hands formed afterimages from how fast they were making hand signs. 'Wind Release: Air Bullet,' was muttered from his soul and from his mouth, a compressed blast of wind shot forth faster than a high caliber bullet leaving a rifle towards the falling piece of roof that would have harmed the boy. Takezushi himself flashed over next to the girl and used his raw strength to stop the 0-Pointer from crushing her.

The Air Bullet not only save the boy from being hit by the several-hundred-kilogram piece of debris, it totally obliterated the roof fragment, while Takezushi also overperformed as he used enough strength to force the 0-Pointer to topple after exerting his full strength. Alas, Takezushi couldn't help but sigh as this would be the last thing he did for the exam, as he could hear Present Mic's voice from the distance announce, "The test is… OVER!!!"

Vermillion_Yormsky Vermillion_Yormsky

Why is the MC wasting even one of his shadow clones on studying when he could be training? Google "Law of Diminishing Returns"

P.S. I have 536 collections atm, at 600 I release the next chapter. Else, see you tommorow~

P.S.S. Honestly, I expected it to stop growing after the events in the last couple of chapters. Glad to see some people are hanging in there as a walk on thin ice~

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