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27.58% Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society / Chapter 8: A Conflict Suddenly Develops

Chapter 8: A Conflict Suddenly Develops

Mid-meditation, Takezushi was disturbed. His eyes snapped open to the sight of a policeman gently shaking his shoulder and after the policeman saw his eyes open, he was told, "Come, we've already taken care of your paperwork and your new foster family is ready to accept you..."

"Huh?" Was the only response Takezushi could give as he was totally and utterly confused, "What are you talking about, I have my mom." he added.

"Yes, but since you two have been used as human slaves in another country for the past decade, she needed to be re-naturalized. She needs to readjust to life in a first-world country and during that time, you need to catch up on all the things you missed as you have a total lack of formal education." The man patiently explained.

"Mhmm… That doesn't exactly explain why we need to be separated though… And why isn't she here to explain this situation to me herself?" Growing anxious, Takezushi asked with a tone that conveyed a child-like panic.

"I'm not sure, I was just told that she had already been escorted out of the building..." Speaking candidly, the policeman anticipated Takezushi breaking into a tantrum as the very worst-case scenario. Alas, he was met with a now fully panicked Takezushi, one who was currently thinking, 'The teleportation seal I printed on her body as a secondary safety measure has been erased.' He also checked the initial teleportation seal that she had been carrying as a wooden block and found that it too had been destroyed.

Now sure feeling a sense foreboding air proliferating, Takezushi eyed the policeman with his Sharingan activated. He asked once more, "Where's my mother..." With the policeman ensnared in a powerful Genjutsu, he honestly answered, "I don't know..."

"Who does?" Takezushi spoke coldly.

"I don't know, but my boss is the last person I saw with her..." The man said, before he collapsed with Takezushi ending the Genjutsu. He only ended the Genjutsu after the man directed him in the direction of where he might find his boss, having also described his appearance.

Walking towards the next person that would point him where his mother was with worry still growing in his heart, Takezushi's expression and general demeanor changed to fit his dire mood. He was promptly stopped by other police in the station, but with the simple command, "Stop," everyone that would have gotten in his way, did as he demanded. With his mastery of Yin Release and a fully matured Base Sharingan, his Genjutsu was so potent that it didn't even require eye contact to trap targets; sound-induced illusions were equally devastating.

With Takezushi's actions there soon developed a panic as what little civilians there standing around in the police station noticed the paralyzed bodies of the policemen start to collapse on the floor. Seeing as Takezushi left behind a trail of immobilized policemen in his path, the civilians started evacuating the building while phoning emergency services and seeking out nearby Heroes.

Eventually, the policeman Takezushi was looking for came into sight and quickly enough, he too was caught under Takezushi's potent Illusionary Technique. When Takezushi asked, "Where is my mother, Aiko Sakuraboshi?" The policeman stood silent for a moment before saying, "She's left for… UGH!" The man began choking on his tongue as blood escaped from the side of his mouth, his nose, eyes, and ears, and even with Takezushi trying to save him with Yang Release Healing Methods, he was already brain dead; an affliction even Takezushi couldn't cure.

With worry now surpassing any other he had felt throughout his life, Takezushi's visage darkened as he tried thinking of how he'd find his assumed-to-be kidnapped mother. His first thought was to use his matured Byakugan to scan the area, but before he could consciously activate the Dojutsu, he was startled out of his thoughts as a man assaulted him, pinning him to the ground while he had been distracted in his thoughts.

"Villain! Just why did you attack this police station?" The man, a hulking mass of sculpted muscles, questioned.

"..." Takezushi, now angry that he had been attacked, though, 'Transformation Jutsu,' as he assumed a miniature form of himself for just the slightest moment to escape being pinned before released the transformation and turned around to face the one who attacked him.

"Villain? I didn't kill him, ok? He's died from whoever kidnapped my mother."

"Hmph! Do you think I'll believe your lies?! There have been multiple witnesses claiming that a young man with your exact description has left a trail of potentially dead policemen at this station. Don't think for a second that I'll believe you just because you look like a harmless youngster!"

Sighing, Takezushi shook his head as he used another Genjutsu to forcefully calm the man as he'd rather not be attacked again. "Argh!" The man clutched his head in pain, while Takezushi looked at him with eyes widening, 'He resisted my Genjutsu?'

Before he could think any more, the man burst forth with horrific speed to once more immobilize Takezushi, only this time, he strived to incapacitate him by rendering him unconscious with a chop to the neck. Though, because Takezushi was cognizant of the man's presence and aware of his potential to attack, he wasn't caught unprepared again and was thus able to dodge with a blistering speed of his own.

Making the split-second decision to counterattack physically as the man had once resisted his Genjutsu and could thus probably resist it again, as Takezushi ducked below the man to dodge his attack, he punched him right in the center of his torso. He hadn't dared use all his strength as that kind of force could outright kill, but with just over 20%, he felt like that kind of strength would at least send the hulking man back a few steps; in reality, it barely caused any damage.

Sending another attack while also being surprised by Takezushi's physical abilities, the hulking man thought, 'Strange, his quirk should be one that manipulates the mind. I originally guessed it was the ability to make illusions as he almost forced me into one, but seeing his physical strength, I can't be certain.'

Takezushi also dodged the second attack, once more being surprised as the man had added much more force behind this attack after gauging his physical strength. Thinking, 'Whatever, let's try 50%,' and instantly bolstered his physical strength to send a much faster punch towards his enemy.

Thud! This time, he managed to deal enough damage to cause the man to flinch, but for someone of his stature, it would take thousands of those punches to put him out of commission. With both combatants' eyes narrowing at the apparent strength of their adversaries, an even more destructive battle reminiscent of a brawl manifested as dozens of punches were exchanged by the second.

Even with Takezushi using 100% of his physical abilities, he was only able to stand on even ground with the man after he too stopped holding back his punches. However, he couldn't be sure that the man's strength ended there as he was still slowly but surely powering up. Annoyed, through their fight, Takezushi asked, "Hey, if you don't mind me asking, why are you only increasing your strength to around my level?" He found it infuriating that the man was intent on staying close to his level of firepower as it cost him the time that he could be spending on finding his mother. If he knew the limit of the man's power from the get-go, he could estimate the right amount of strength that would end the fight as soon as possible, without it having to come to murder.

"Ha! Obviously, it's to not instantly kill you. I'm the number one Pro Hero, the Symbol of Peace! So unless it is absolutely necessary to stop evil, I will refuse to use all my strength and needlessly kill!" The man spoke proudly with a charisma Takezushi would have admired had he not been embroiled in the current situation.

A dangerous glint flashed in Takezushi's eyes as he said, "Oh? Well, it's good to know you still have strength left in you as I'll now be attacking you in my strongest physical state." Without another word, chakra began to saturate in his body and in an instant, Takezushi became several times stronger than before. He hoped the man would be defeated with just physical strength as the pride he had cultivated, hoped it didn't have to come to using Mangekyo Genjutsu, while the morals his mother had instilled into him, hoped the fight could be resolved without the use of Ninjutsu as that would most certainly affect innocent bystanders.

Then, with speed even the alleged number one hero almost couldn't react to, Takezushi appeared before his enemy and landed a devastating punch. This time, his attack resulted in the hulking man flying through the walls of the police station and landing outside of the police station. 'Shit...' Takezushi thought as he feared he had killed the man, but his worries were soon cleared as he watched the man get up with unprecedented speed while taking a defensive posture.

"Hahaha… It seems you are indeed worthy of seeing me at full strength, villain!" The man roared as he looked at Takezushi with an overt seriousness plastered on his face.

Returning a serious look himself, Takezushi vanished from inside the police station, taking but a fraction of a second to appear beside the man once more and starting yet another brawl; one of much a much grander scale… It was one man against a teen, yet the result of their fists clashing brought powerful shockwaves one after the other.

With blaring speeds and a trail of afterimages left in the wake of this over-the-top battle, even as more heroes arrived at the scene to help the hulking man, they were unable to do anything as it was impossible to guarantee hitting Takezushi while simultaneously leaving the hulking man untouched.

At times Takezushi would deliver a clean hit and sent the man flying, while at others, he was on the receiving end and left with terrible bruises and even fractured bones. But, as he had Yang Release mastered to a near-perfect state, he regenerated parts of the damage he had been dealt as the battle progressed while the man was unable to accomplish the same.

The two superpowered humans continued on their reckless battle, yet somehow aside from the craters their terrifying strength generated on the floor, there was very little damage done to the environment around them. As time passed, Takezushi could be seen growing more and more displeased as the unthinkable developed; an audience was starting to form…

He couldn't believe it! Here he was engaged in what most would consider life or death combat and a crowd of people gathered. Instead of dispersing in search of cover, they just looked on as if this was some sort of show. He could swear that some people were even recording them as there were dozens of phones tracing their battle wherever he and the man's fight moved to.

Eventually, the inevitable happened, and with an opening in his opponent's defense opening, Takezushi attacked in such a way that the man was launched in the direction of the crowd. Cursing as he thought, 'I knew this would happen… Fuck!' His hands blazed through four hand signs before the first instance of Ninjutsu saw an appearance in the battle.

'Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!' Takezushi cried through his soul as he bent down and placed both his hands on the floor. It took less than a tenth of a second for a massive wall of dense earth to erect from the ground and protect what Takezushi considered to be idiotic civilians from the hulking man who was flying towards them at extreme speed.

With a heavy crash, the man's flight was cut short has his body was embedded in the wall of earth Takezushi summoned, but his immobilized state only lasted a moment before he was right back in the throes of action; fighting Takezushi like some sort of war-loving Asura. He came to cast Takezushi in a more positive light as he fully understood the meaning behind his actions. But seeing as how they were already in the heat of an epic battle, he didn't think it would be wise to try talking things out at this stage.

Vermillion_Yormsky Vermillion_Yormsky

Yes, yes, Stupid MC is Stupid, he has Kotoamatsukami, Kamui, probably some other Mangekyo abilities, and Kage Level Ninjutsu prowess. But he panicked! It's his first time dealing with someone other than himself in battle and he's limiting himself to not cause widespread destruction and death.

P.S. I only have 290 collections, but I've decided to release this chapter anyways. 350 and I'll release the next chapter, if not then see yall tomorrow~

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