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17.24% Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society / Chapter 5: Feeling Regret

Chapter 5: Feeling Regret

Eventually, a day came when Aiko's tempting appearance corroded the last of one man's morals; the man who ran the station. If anything it was impressive that he lasted for as long as he did as he was originally not that "considerate" of a person to begin with. Add to that the fact that he had to see Aiko every day for her to receive her payout and it was practically a miracle that it took a whole two years after Takezushi awoke his quirk for him to reach this level.

So, on this particular day, as the sun was setting into the horizon with Aiko heading back home after receiving her pay, the man decided he wouldn't care for the repercussions and stealthily followed her. Blessed with a quirk that allowed him to muffle a significant percent of all the noise his body made, the man moved with no problems as he followed Aiko. With all the work required for the day completed, Aiko set out to cook both her and her son's dinner.

Takezushi had made progress that would shock either the current world or the Ninja world as a five-year-old with the prowess of a High-level Chunin. If his abilities were measured individually than perhaps he wouldn't even count as a Mid-level Chunin, but that didn't matter as most of his strength came from his Dojutsus — or Eye Techniques. In the time he had trained, his Byakugan had matured quite far into its progression and he had even unlocked the Sharingan after subjecting himself to a mildly traumatic Genjutsu — or Illusionary Technique. He began training in Yin, Water, Lightning, and Earth Release, even managing to bring it up to par with his Yang Release, and had perfected Wall and Water Walking.

This could only come from dedicating most of his time to training and as a result, after a year and a half passed since awakening, Takezushi took it upon himself to reveal a bit of his powers with his mother in an effort to get her to believe in his plan to escape the life of slavery. Since then, it has become commonplace for him to not return to the wooden cabin until much later in the night. Pursuing absolute efficiency, he would only send a clone to substitute sleep and the clone would only come at ten at night and sleep for exactly eight hours before dispersing.

Thus, while it was already the height of the evening, Aiko wasn't shocked to be alone while she cooked. She didn't know the full capacity of her son's "Quirk" but with what he did tell her and the proof his constant progressed showed, it was more than enough for her to believe in him. Sadly, she was oblivious to the lustful shadow that had been following her from the station.

The man, eyeing her as if she were just a piece of meat, watched on with a heat burning through his body and though he was initially hesitating, which lead to Aiko start cooking before he could have his way with her, the moment he saw her turn the stove off, it was like he was explicitly told to begin. And without missing a beat, as Aiko walked over to the cabinets behind her, the man pushed her from behind; slamming her to the kitchen counter.

Startled into a panic, Aiko did her best to resist. She kicked and flailed, succeeding in buying time and even managing to distance herself such that she could see her assailant's face. But in the end, her physical strength only amounted to that of a slightly fit woman. She wasn't at all trained to fight and the man was much stronger than her.

In the end, though, it was through tiring her out that the fight ended. As Aiko became too weak to physically fight back, she broke into a sob, pleading as she asked, "Why are you doing this… P-please stop..."

Alas, the man didn't care. He shoved Aiko into a corner and began ripping at her clothes. It certainly didn't help Aiko that all her clothes were of the lowest quality and had been worn out from their constant use in the field. With only two sets of clothes to her name, it didn't take long for the man to use his strength to literally tear them from her body. Doing so at a slow and deliberate pace just to take in the sight of her drowning in misery, etching closer and closer to complete despair.

Grabbing her by the neck and bringing her disheveled head closer to him, he took a deep whiff of her hair, taking on a despicable expression as he whispered in her ear, "It wouldn't have come to this if you had only chosen to please me faster." Distancing his face from hers, he then yanked her by the hair, smashing her face into the wall as he muttered, "Now, you'll not only have to pay me the hard way, but your fucking family will have to die as well!"

He planned on violating her this once before disposing of her and the rest of the Sakuraboshis. He knew for a fact that in this slave driven environment Aiko wouldn't be able to seek justice by contacting the police as they would only laugh at her misfortune. However, it was entirely within the realm of possibility that if he let her live, she would seek a different man — one with a combat quirk, or even a simple strength-enhancing quirk as those were rather common — and offer to pleasure him in exchange for getting her revenge.

So, while it was rather hard for him to swallow that he could only taste her this once, he resolved to savor it to the best of his ability before putting an end to her life. Disregarding the whimpers of pain and sadness Aiko gave off, he shoved his hands into her shirt and messed around with her breasts, then her mouth for a couple seconds before having his index finger bitten.

"Agh!" He slapped Aiko in the face and clutched his wounded hand before kicking her once to knock the wind out of her lungs and once more to relieve the frustrations her bite caused. Still bleeding as she had bitten to the point where the middle segment of his index finger fractured, he disregarded her corpse-like state and moved to take off her pants as she no longer fought back; not that she was even able to.

As he had Aiko's panties to her calves, he stopped. Frozen as the sounds of the cabin's door opening caught both his and Aiko's attention. The man initially cursed his luck, hateful that Aiko's husband or son had come to put a temporary halt to his fun, while Aiko was brought to the peak of possible misery as her greatest fear was realized; her son — the last person alive for her to care about — had come to see her in the worst moment of her life…

However, with Takezushi's arrival there came a shift… The first aspect of this shift came to the environment as the wooden cabin almost felt as if the temperature was dropping. Then came the pressure of killing intent bordering on madness which exploded in intensity as the man made eye contact with Takezushi.

Fifteen minutes prior, Takezushi could be seen alone in the forest near his family's plot of farmland. He had a smile on his face as he had just made a breakthrough in a legendary S-Rank technique, one related to space-time no less; the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. After months of practice with dozens of clones, he had, at this very moment, reached the threshold for Mid Jonin Level Chakra Control and with that, he managed to teleport himself once.

However, his joy only lasted for a short moment as his teleportation range wasn't much. He also had to work on decreasing the time it took to form his signature seal for teleportation as it would take several seconds at the moment. Thus, he took to training this aspect of the Jutsu, making absurd progress with the army of Shadow Clones he summoned to help develop the technique.

When ten minutes passed, he dispersed the clones and began testing how far his teleportation range grew. Unsurprisingly, since the technique was still far from perfection, it was improved rather quickly and to Takezushi's surprise, even as he kept increasing the distance he teleported, he failed to struggle even after ten tries, increasing the distance each time by a couple dozen meters.

Thus, he increased the increment to a hundred meters and eventually came within seeing distance of his home; the wooden cabin. Thinking it to be only logical to keep a teleportation mark in his house, he approached the building in total obliviousness to the horrors that were transpiring inside.

When he reached the steps his home, his enhanced senses picked up the sounds of the struggle inside and after finally entering, it was maddening the emotions he felt as he chanced upon the scene of his own mother's attempted rape. At that moment, the originally stable soul that had formed from the transmigrator and the original Takezushi fusing entered a turmoil and though it felt like a lengthy battle to the two souls, in reality, it only took a fraction of a second for the berserking "child" soul to overtake the transmigrator's soul.

Disregarding all consequences, the child soul which now possessed almost complete control of Takezushi's body activated his dormant Mangekyo Sharingan; a stage of the Sharingan that he had yet to actually achieve through training. Had it been any other ninja of the Ninja World, then it would have been impossible to activate the Mangekyo without first fully maturing the Base Sharingan. However, Takezushi had the Otsutsuki Bloodline. He could not only prematurely call upon the abilities of the Mangekyo Sharingan, but he could achieve it naturally without having to experience a life-changing traumatic event; though it was unfortunate that he was experiencing one right at this very moment...

So, with his pupils of his eyes accelerating into a spin before stabilizing as a black four-pointed pinwheel sitting within crimson irises, Takuzushi took a knee as the last dregs of the transmigrator's soul was absorbed by the raging child soul, managing to convince him of how best to use the eye. He stayed in that kneeling position for a whole ten seconds, with rage boiling and a murderous intent so potent that the man who attacked his mother was frozen into place; too afraid to move.

In the end, it seemed as though the last effort of the transmigrator's soul succeeded as Takezushi didn't instantly go in for the kill — or worse… — Instead, Takezushi found within himself the patience to spit out the word, "Koto… Amatsukami!" He had just used one of the most powerful illusion methods in all of existence to convert his attacker into an obedient little slave, instilling the literal fear of God into him as he made the man believe he was the one true god that could at whatever moment in time wipe out his very existence with but a thought.

Now coughing up blood and having streaks of blood fall from his right eye as it reverted back to the whites of the Byakugan, Takezushi stood up and walked over to where the man and his mother were. He literally threw the man across the wooden cabin in complete disregard for the injuries he may or may not have caused. Instead, having tears of regret flush down his face as he held his mother, he cried as a green light appeared in his hands to begin healing his mother and said, "Mom, I… I'm so sorry this happened… I promise this will never happen again, I'm sorry I… failed to protect you..."

Aiko stood her torso up, not bothering with the pain that welled up from her physical body as she was more distraught by the emotional pain coming from the depths of her soul. She couldn't help but turn to hug her son tightly, only able to repeat, "It wasn't your fault," as she cried into his chest. She was still in a compromised position, barely clothed and bloodied and the feeling of shame couldn't help but well up with tears beginning to fall from her eyes once more.

Vermillion_Yormsky Vermillion_Yormsky

Yikes... On a Scale of White to Black, how dark was this scene? I mean, nothing really bad happened at the end, but still... pretty fucked up.

P.S. The Mangekyo he used was Shisui's if anyone cared to know.

P.S.S How did a five-year-old not even Mid-level Chunin teleport with an S-Rank Ninjutsu? He has Jonin level chakra control and a COMPLETE understanding of the technique, so... that's my explanation~

Oh and at 215 collections (156 atm) I'll release the next chapter, if not, then tommorow~

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