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3.44% Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society / Chapter 1: Transmigrated
Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society original

Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society

Author: Vermillion_Yormsky

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Transmigrated

[H… Hey… Hey! Hey!!! HEY!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!]

"...Huh?!" A loud sound stirred a young man up from his slumber and the first thing the young boy could think after being disturbed was, 'What the fuck is that noise? And where the fuck am I?!' Cursing out of habit, the boy noticed he could not, well… sense anything. Literally, all possible source of stimulation was void aside from the ringing he had on his ears from the noise that woke him earlier.

[Hoorah! You've woken up! Now… Let's get down to business...]

'Business?' The boy thought, but the sourceless voice didn't wait for him to ask questions.

[Now then… Let's see what world we should set you up at… BEHOLD! The Wheel Of Mythicality!!! This bad boy will seal your fate, so you best pray it gives you a nice and cozy world...]

Unable to comprehend what was going on, the young boy wrapped up in this odd situation could only look on as what looked to be a Spin Picker Wheel materialized before him. The odd thing, however, was that this titanic wheel was too large for the boy to take in with his normal human sight; it literally spanned into the horizons facing his front.

Cl-cl-cli-cli-click-click-click click click… click… click… click! After the wheel spun a couple thousand times it ended in just a sliver that the boy couldn't see until the information on the sliver that the wheel had landed on enlarged to fill up the rest of the Wheel's face. With skyscraper-sized engraving, the word "Superhero" filled up the boy's line of sight.

[WHAT GOOD LUCK YOU HAVE! Not only is this one of the lesser destructive worlds within the selection, you even get to start off with a genetic ability! Your prayers must have been answered!]

Of course, the boy, still unsure of what was happening or if it was even real, hadn't prayed to any deity as the sourceless voice told him to. He was still lost in confusion as the voice returned as the wheel began spinning again.

[And now… Let's see what kind of start you'll receive! You better start praying again boy, as there's no telling whether you'll be born into a rich and powerful household with a strong ability or transmigrate into the body of a slave with less than useless strength! Anything is possible, after all!]

Cl-cl-cli-cli-click-click-click click click… click… click… click! In a similar manner as before the wheel stopped on a sliver, but this time, there was nothing the boy could read. Instead, after a harsh and long silence, the sourceless voice boomed as it laughed maniacally; apparently in crazed amusement.

[WOW, YOU SURE ARE SOME HOT SHIT, BOY!!! The details of the second wheel are too long for you to digest before you move on, but rest assured… YOU'LL HAVE A FUN TIME. HAHAHAHA…]

Before the boy knew it, his surroundings changed from the total emptiness that held the "Wheel Of Mythicality" to the picturesque scenery of a meadow. It wouldn't be long, however, until began to clutch his head in pain as a ridiculous amount of information forced its way into his memory.


Name: Takezushi Sakuraboshi

Quirk: Otsutsuki Progenitor

Strength: Worthless

Agility: Worthless

Chakra: Nigh-Nonexistent

Control: Nonexistent


Name: Takezushi Sakuraboshi

Description: This is the start given to you by the Wheel of Mythicality! This is your new identity and to summarize… You are a very young slave laborer for the country of North Korea. Sold off alongside your parents soon after your birth, you work the fields for the country alongside them just to survive.

Quirk: Otsutsuki Progenitor

Description: This is your unique genetic ability! With it, you are blessed with two main things. One, Affinity for every conceivable elemental nature or hybrid combination of natures and two, all Ninja Arts, Techniques, and unique bloodlines related to the pure Otsutsuki bloodline.

WARNING: Even if you do possess all these powers and information, there is no free lunch in this world and every technique, though possible to perform, will require training to actually be useful. At the moment you have nothing but the power of a feeble child.

Strength: Denotes how much power is contained in your body. Additionally, this parameter influences your defense and stamina. Certain Taijutsu, or martial methods, have a requirement for one's strength.

Agility: Denotes how quick you are; mind, body, and soul. Affects movement speed, reaction time, willpower, and flexibility. Certain Taijutsu have a requirement for one's agility.

Chakra: The source of your energy! Without it, you can't power any ninja arts or abilities. Certain Ninjutsu, or ninja methods, have a requirement for one's chakra capacity.

Control: Denotes how well you can manipulate Chakra. Improving this will make using Ninja Arts and abilities more cost-effective. Certain Ninjutsu have a requirement for one's chakra control.]

"What the absolute fuck?!" Regaining his vision, the meadow from before was gone. In its stead, the sight of a ceiling filled his sight; he was laying down on the floor, looking up. Within seconds, the original Takezushi fused with the transmigrated soul and the struggling body froze. Now only one Takezushi remained as the culmination between the two souls and from his eyes, a streak of blood etched all the way down to his chin where it then began falling drop-by-drop onto the wooden floor below.

"..." Speechless, Takezushi looked around the room. To his left, his emaciated mother slept through his outburst. She was evidently tired beyond the point of reaction and her left hand, which Takezushi could see from his position, was covered in callouses and cuts. Even in her sleep, the sounds of her empty stomach crying for food didn't cease.

To Takezushi's right, the corpse of his father laid placed as the deceased would in preparation for a funeral; stomach side up, with its hands crossed over his skeletal midsection and eyes closed. According to the original Takezushi's memories, his father died just a couple hours earlier after he asked his mother why his usually punctual father had missed the start of his evening shift.

Recalling it as clear as the sun was bright, Takezushi's mother, Aiko, said, "Y-your father… he's passed away, t-to a better place..." The despair evident on her face was felt, but it was only after the transmigrated soul fused with young Takezushi that he realized how grim the situation was. It was to be expected as Takezushi was only three and a half years old…

Now turning back to face his sleeping mother, Takezushi, even while sleep-deprived and hungry felt a subtle rage burn in his heart. 'This… This new identity of mine, I've only just come to terms with it and already I feel for these people. My family… My power...' He recalled the information granted to him by awakening his quirk and a smile filled with malice replaced the scowl the manifested from understanding his current circumstances.

"Otsutsuki? Ninja? I may not know what it all means, but I do understand how this can help turn my life away from this misery." He caught himself before saying much else, resolving to keep all the thoughts to himself as he thought, 'But this power needs to be cultivated… Right now I'm nothing but a worthless weakling, like the "status" or whatever calls it. My quirk isn't an instantaneous miracle, it's power needs to be trained...'

With care, Takezushi picked himself up from the floor and left the wooden cabin he called his home. It was still deep into the night and with nothing but fields upon fields for his family to tend to and a shoddy path to and from the fields, there was hardly a thing Takezushi could use to keep himself occupied at night.

Fortunately, his childish mind possessed a one-track path of thinking and with only the thoughts of growing strong enough to take his mother away from this hell, he found the will to focus wholeheartedly on building his childish body. He wanted to keep his physical stamina for later as he intended on helping his mother with the fieldwork, thus the only thing to do was mold the energy source for his mutant body and work on controlling it.

Going by what he had learned from talking to his parents about Quirks and the superhuman society of this world, his Quirk was a Mutant Type that changed his body to develop a chakra network and grant him the Otsutsuki bloodline. Checking his status, the other gift he received from being transmigrated, more information on his quirk filled his mind.

[Quirk: Otsutsuki Progenitor

Type: Mutant

Effect: Along with adding a chakra network and granting you the ability to cultivate chakra, your body has no upper limit for growth. In theory, you should be able to train your body to the point of invincibility.

Cultivation: None

Description: Aside from the malnutrition that weakens your body, there are no differences between you and the average quirkless three-year-old]

Thus, the only thing Takezushi could think to do was put some of the methods he had learned to cultivate chakra. He picked up a couple of leaves from the ground, beneath a tree, and returned back to his little wooden house.

With no chakra at the moment, the leaves would be useless, but Takezushi expected them to be useful before daybreak, thus he set them beside his resting area and sat down for meditation. According to his understanding of chakra, the energy was formed from the fusion of spiritual energy and physical energy. Physical energy came from all the cells in his body, which could be trained by augmenting the body through exercise and training. While spiritual energy came from his consciousness, spirit, and soul.

Only after his quirk awakened — the moment he transmigrated into the new world — could spiritual energy form in his body and with every thought, a minuscule amount of spiritual energy was generated in his reserves. However, the amount wasn't even enough to circulate the energy through his chakra network; that was where meditation came in.

By sitting still, relaxing, and concentrating on meditation, spiritual energy would form in Takezushi's energy reserves dozens, hundreds, even thousands of times faster than it would normally. But because this was the first time he practiced the exercise, forget cultivating spiritual energy. He couldn't even enter a mediation session easily…

Even after half an hour passed without results, Takezushi understood that getting frustrated would only make things worse. But as part of his soul had the personality of a three-year-old, like anyone his age, he couldn't help but grow a little heated from the lack of progress. Still, with nothing else to do and the sight of his mother, who was within seeing distance even in the total darkness of the night, Takezushi drew a deep breath before he returned to attempting meditation.

Vermillion_Yormsky Vermillion_Yormsky

Mhmm... I started writing this a while ago and have suddenly sparked an interest in continuing. Anyway, I hope the tags I set up are working and you guys understand that this story will be NOT HAREM, and mild to seriously dark. I hope my passion for writing this doesn't die out as it did for the Danmachi fanfic. Also, I've already written over a dozen chapters, so if I get like 10 collections (people with the novel in their libraries), I'll post the next chapter before tomorrow.

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