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61.11% Ascending the Heaven's / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Meeting the F4 (2)

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Meeting the F4 (2)

"So are you sure that you can have a fully functioning A.I done in two years. That technology has been out of our reach for decades. The closet to having a functioning A.I is the Starks because they've invested heavily in that field for the past 20 years. I really can't believe that an 8-year-old thinks they can make one so quickly" Reed (teenage Earth 616 Reed Richards) said while staring intently at the black-haired boy in front of him.

"Yes, I'm sure that I can finish it, within the two years if I have enough resources and time" Lawrence answered somewhat annoyed by Reed doubts. Reed seemed to pick up on his change in expressions because he immediately gained an apologetic look

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to mock you or to imply that you weren't intelligent enough to create artificial intelligence, it was just that it is surprising to see someone so young attempting something that was never done before," Reed said trying to placate the younger boy. Law's annoyed expression immediately went away, and he released a sigh.

"I know you weren't trying to mock me but, it gets annoying when you're constantly underestimated, and people believe less of you" Law admitted.

"I know what you mean, just because I'm younger than the other students here, I was usually treated as a lesser. I shouldn't have done that to you, friends" Reed said while offering his hand.

"Friends" Lawrence said while shaking the hand of the smartest future member of the F4 team.

"Why don't you two just kiss already," a brash voice said from the side causing the two men to release each other's hands. Lawrence immediately turned to glare at the who people on the side, one of which was a short bulky man who had laughed happily, while the other was a beautiful blonde who was trying to hold in her giggles.

"You have to admit Law, you two started talking immediately when we came here and now your both friends," Susan said while smiling happily. Since they arrived at the bus stop 20 minutes ago, neither of the two had stopped talking to one another.

When Susan and Law had arrived at the bus stop, they immediately picked up on Reed trying to explain dimensional travel to his bigger friend. This immediately drew Law's interest because it could help with controlling his second true magic and decided to strike up a conversation with the older man. Reed was intrigued by the 8-year-old's display of intelligence and they immediately began bouncing ideas off one another. While all this was happening Susan and Ben Grimm had struck up a conversation by the side, while looking over at the two black-haired men fiercely debating topics.

"You two do realize that you haven't introduced yourselves to each other right," Susan said with a smug look on her face causing the two men two blush.

"It's nice to meet the two of you, I'm Lawrence Napier. I hope we can be friends" Lawrence said while offering Ben his hand. Now Lawrence wasn't usually the type to make friends with strangers, but this was one relationship which would benefit him immensely. Reed Richards despite his lack of common sense and tact was a genius without measure in the marvel universe. Having him as a friend would lead to endless benefits. And who wouldn't want to be friends with a kind giant, may in the future become a being with an immense amount of strength.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Ben Grimm, and my buddy who you've been debating with for the past 20 mins is Reed Richards. I honestly never thought I would see another child genius like him, but I guess I've been proved wrong" Ben said while giving Law a firm handshake.

"I'm Susan Storm, I've already introduced myself to your friend over, and he says that your one interesting man. It's nice to meet you Reed" Susan said while offering the now fully blushing scientist her hand.

"Yeah, it's ... nice to meet you" Reed said while being gazed at her beauty. While this was happening Law and Ben looked on from the side while chuckling at the genius's first crush. Susan seemed to catch onto why, turned a little pink. Seeing their change in expression Lawrence turned on his soul sight and discovered a large karmic bond between the three people, and another leading far away. The karmic bond between Reed and Susan was a lot bigger than their group bond and was intricately connected with each of their souls.

'No wonder they always become a couple in pretty much every marvel world. Their pretty much soul mates. I wonder if it's because of the universe's need for Franklin Richards or if it's just how this world pushes them into their roles. I'm going to have rapidly increased my cultivation strength if I want to start messing with the 'fate' of this world. This world just got a hell lot more complicated' Law thought to deactivate his soul sight while beginning to make plans to accelerating his cultivation speed.

The four chatted amicably for the next hour before they Susan and Law's Bus finally arrived, and the duo left. Their ride back to Law's home was pretty much the same as their first trip, with Law thinking about how to mess with one's karmic bonds.

When they arrived at Law's house, they were immediately greeted at the door by both Johnny and Suzanne, who immediately ran to their respective siblings.

"Did you have a good day?" Law asked while hugging his sister.

"Yep, I and Johnny both had a great day. Initially, Johnny was feeling a little sick in the morning, but cheered up when we got to school and had fun." Suzanne said in Law's embrace.

At that moment Lawrence immediately felt both guilty and grateful. He felt guilty because after hearing about Johnny's life so far, he knew he shouldn't have threatened the like that and felt gratitude at the fact that Johnny stayed with her despite his threats.

"That's good little sis. Here take Susan into the living room, I want to talk with Johnny for a bit" Lawrence said with a soft look on his face.

"Do you swear you won't scare him away like all the other 'boy' friends I bring here?" Suzanne said while looking directly into Law's eyes.

"I promise, I just want to talk with him for a bit," Law said truthfully. Suzanne believed him and began pulling Susan into their house, while Law remained with Johnny at the door. Johnny instantly began shivering while promising that he hadn't hurt Suzanne in any way.

"Look, Johnny, I'm sorry I scared you so much. I and Suzanne were originally orphans who only relied on each other. Suzanne was well-liked there, so I was usually stuck with scaring away other kids who had bad intentions for her. I guess I remained as paranoid as I was there because I felt that I needed to defend her from any threats. I'm truly sorry for scaring you so much in the morning" Law said while bowing his head. Johnny slowly stopped shivering and his fearful face changed into that of a pensive one.

"I kind of get where you're coming from. I can't say that I completely forgive you yet, but maybe in the future can we be friends" Johnny said in a quiet voice. Lawrence immediately activated his soul sight and a clean white soul with flecks of gold.

'He isn't his future self yet. I guess I'll give him a chance' Law thought while offering Johnny his hand, which Johnny accepted.

"Maybe in the future, as we get to know one another. Take care of my sister at school alright" Law said while releasing his hand.

"Only, if your promise to protect my sister too," Johnny said with a slight smile.

"It's a deal. But I meant what I said, if you hurt her, I'm coming for you" Law said while smiling back, which Johnny agreed with.

"Law, Johnny where are you. The snacks are getting cold" Wallace said from inside the house.

"We should go," Lawrence said while running into the house followed by Johnny.


Author's note: Before anyone asks, Susan Storm isn't going to be paired with Law. This is because I honestly believe Law needs an older female friend/big sister figure. You know, the person who the Mc goes to for advice, and admonishes him when he makes romantic mistakes. Also, I am debating if I want Susan to be paired with Reed or if she should be paired with another person. But I'm leaning towards having them as a couple because objectively they are one of the best couples in both the Marvel and DC. Unlike Batman or Spiderman who have multiple possible romantic interests in their comics and tv shows, I haven't seen either of them having other romantic interests. And their pairing makes sense because of they both balance one another.

Plus, since I'm not going to do a harem, I have chosen who I believe would be the Mc's best pair.

Darkest_Night Darkest_Night

This is the last chapter for today. I'm going to sleep.

Thanks for reading.

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