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Chapter 7: Aunt May, World Ring

"Hello, I'm Lawrence Napier," Lawrence said while offering her his hand, still dazed at the fact that he was meeting her.

"I would shake your hand, Lawrence, but I'm currently carrying a casserole. But's it's a pleasure to meet such a strapping young man" she said while smiling at him. The sudden realization at her situation caused Lawrence to blush. He would have remained a blushing mess, but Lissandra came up behind him and rubbed his head.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, I'm Lissandra Napier the mother of this adorable boy. You might you be?" Lissandra asked not hearing her previous introduction which May once again graciously did.

"Mom, we should invite her in," Lawrence said quickly not wanting one of the best-supporting characters to leave so soon. His suggestion shocked Lissandra a bit because of his naturally antisocial personality, but she went along with Lawrence's suggestion.

"Well aren't you an adorable little girl," May said while placing the casserole on the kitchen table. Her comment immediately caused Suzanne to begin blushing, and at that moment he realized that he was going to have problems.

The next few hours made Lawrence believe that he had made a huge mistake. Lissandra and Suzanne instantly took a liking to May kind, and sunny disposition, leading to something Law didn't quite understand. Within 10 minutes of talking, they began talking to each other at a pace that Lawrence couldn't keep up with it. It wasn't that they were too quick, it was that the pace they switched topics and discussed different things made him dizzy. By the next hour, he was completely shut out of the conversation and just stared at the three new best friends.

'I brought her in, but I'm the one that was kicked out of the conversation. How the h*ll did they do this?" Lawrence thought as he ate a cookie while watching from the sideline.

"So, Lawrence what do you want to do in the future?" May asked noticing that Law was eating a cookie by the side in silence, with a tiny imaginary rain cloud over his head. Lissandra and Suzanne immediately noticed his depression and pulled him into a quick hug, while quietly apologizing.

"Umm, I haven't thought about that. I guess I could start a tech company or something because with my eidetic memory it makes learning things easy" Lawrence answered while still being smother by Lissandra who now gained a shocked look.

"You have an eidetic memory Law, how come you never told me?" Lissandra said somewhat hurt. Seeing the change in her expression Law instantly began to panic.

"It's not that I didn't want to tell you, mom, it's just that I never really thought about it. Both me and Suzanne have an eidetic memory, so I didn't think it was that special" he said trying to shove some of the blame onto his little sister.

Lawrence was the type of brother enjoyed messing with his siblings but would have their back if they ever needed something. So, would he throw his now 6-year-old sister under the bus for something so petty? Yes, and he would do it proudly.

Suzanne instantly began pouting before they both began comforting Lissandra while May looked on from the side. It took a few minutes, but after getting over her depression, she immediately started gushing about proud of them she was. And even began bragging to May, about how amazing her babies were, earning an amused look from the other three.

"Are you sure, you want to go into the tech industry? There is a lot of heavy hitter in that industry including Stark Industries, and recently Osborn industries" May asked genuinely curious.

"I don't want to follow the direction that those companies are going through. Those companies are mainly arms and defense technology companies. I want to make a medical innovation, so I can save as many lives as possible" Law answered making all three ladies smile.

"That's a good plan Law, I'm so proud of you," Lissandra said while smothering Lawrence.

"Good job Big Brother," Suzanne said while joining in on the hug.

"I'm also proud that your thinking like that Lawrence," May said also surprisingly joining on the hug.

'What the h*ll is happening' Law thought while his face turned a cherry red. By the time that May left, it was already late into the afternoon. Wallace only arrived home after work an hour after May left, leaving him surprised when Lissandra said she made a new best friend. The fact that both Lawrence and Suzanne already considered her their aunt, only increased his interest. By the time everyone got settled down, it was already time Suzanne and Lawrence's bedtime.

'I wonder who I'm going to meet next' Lawrence thought to himself while laying down on his bed and looking up at the ceiling. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he immediately remembered about his soul bound ring and summoned it from his soul.

It was a beautiful ring made of two different metals that were white and black respectively. The different metals were shaped as two eastern dragons with their heads meeting at the center which contained a beautiful multicolored crystal. The ring was intricately crafted with tiny runic symbols embedded all around the ring giving it a mystical presence.

When he put it onto his finger, he immediately felt a connection to the ring and felt that he could access its powers whenever he wanted and gained the knowledge about how to use it.

When he tried to cultivate his soul strengthening technique with the ring on his finger, he instantly felt a large stream of energy beginning to enter his body continuously. After a few minutes, he stopped drawing form the energy and tried to check its inventory.

He was instantly greeted with the knowledge of what the ring contained, and when he tried to pull out a small ingot a gold it immediately appeared in his hand.

'I made an awesome wish' Law thought was putting the gold back into his now renamed World Ring. It was an infinite interspatial ring that was already stacked with various products and contained an unlimited energy source.

The best part of this was that when he tried to vanish the ring, he immediately saw and felt that it disappeared, but he knew it was still on his finger.

'Time to get truly started' Law thought to himself as he fell asleep with a large smile on his face.

Darkest_Night Darkest_Night

Thanks for Reading.

I made a by mistake writing Aunt May as Aunt Mary. I have corrected the mistake, thanks for letting me know.

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