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Chapter 6: New Family

Their trip home was not as quiet as Lawrence expected it to be. As soon as they were adopted Suzanne instantly started chattering in an almost incomprehensible speed with Lissandra, who managed to keep up with her. So, while, Suzanne and Lissandra kept talking, Lawrence and Wallace sat in silence as Wallace drove them to their new home.

A few hours passed before Lawrence and Suzanne were introduced to their new home, which was a condo in the apartment complex where Lissandra, Suzanne, and Lawrence had originally met. As soon as they entered the condo, Lawrence was shocked to see that their actual living space was pretty bare. There were just the bare essentials in the living room and didn't seem like a house for a family of four which included two children. This resulted in Lawrence giving both Lissandra and Wallace questioning looks, which both of them noticed whispering that they would talk later.

Lawrence voiced his agreement quickly, following Suzanne who had decided to explore their current living space. She quickly ran around the room, enthused that she wasn't sharing a cramped space with 10 other hateful children. The next few hours flew by quickly with both Lissandra and Wallace properly introducing themselves, and with the "house" tour. After eating a homecooked dinner together; which both Suzanna and Lawrence loved, they quickly put an exhausted Suzanne to sleep while Lawrence stayed awake intent on interrogating the couple.

"So, are you having a good time?" Lissandra asked as she and Wallace sat across from Lawrence in the living room.

"I'm happy that Suzanne is finally enjoying herself, and that she is happy. As long as she remains like that, I will stay content" Lawrence answered while activating his soul sight. The ability would allow him to determine if they were speaking the truth, by monitoring the minuscule amounts of sin that a person would accumulate when they lied.

"That isn't a very healthy way to live, finding happiness in another's happiness is great, but it shouldn't be the only thing that anyone should be focused on, especially when you're a child," Wallace said slightly sadden by Law's dismissal of his feelings.

"That may be true, but my priority is making sure that my little sister is happy and healthy. She has gone through enough hardships as it is, I will make sure to protect her no matter the expense" Law stated making his viewpoint clear. Lissandra and Wallace looked at each other for a few moments, before releasing a soft sigh.

"I happy that you put so much importance on your little sister, but I hope as you get to know us, you eventually let us take some of your burdens," Lissandra said softly, and while looking directly into Law's eyes hoping to convey her sincerity. Law was stared at her for a few moments with his soul sight fully activated and a stone-cold look on his face. His gaze unnerved both Lissandra and Wallace because it was as if he could see their very soul, but Lissandra maintained her gaze knowing that she couldn't back down. After a few moments, Law released a soft chuckle while smiling softly.

"Yeah, maybe in the future" Lawrence with his expression softening seeing no deceit.

"Could you explain to me why the house is so bare. I'm sorry if I'm being blunt, but I can't quite understand how you expect to raise a child in this environment. I mean, you don't even have a tv or any toys for Suzanne to play with." Lawrence asked trying to discern Lissandra and Wallace's financial status. Even if his questioned seemed harsh, he had to know so that he could plan for the future.

"We're planning to move in two weeks. Initially, this place was full of different things, and even a kid's room that would be fit for one child. But we decided that living in a condo wouldn't be the best environment to raise children; especially with the lack of space. So, we decided to buy a house in a suburb around 3 hours away from here, while selling this place. So, we sold most of the items in this place, and planned to allow you and Suzanne decorate your rooms in the new house." Wallace answered stunning Lawrence.

'So, they really will be able to take care of us, at least financially' Lawrence thought.

"I'm sorry for judging you harshly in the beginning, I hope you will forgive me" Lawrence apologized while bowing his head.

"That isn't your fault, though I certainly did expect your level of maturity. I hope that in the future, you will come to see us as your parents, or at least as your family. Even if you aren't there yet, we want you to know that we truly do love you." Lissandra answered while Wallace nodding along with a small smile on his face.

"Thank you" Lawrence muttered stunned by the fact that they truly meant everything that she said. Lawrence quickly excused himself and went to his and Suzanne's room, and laid on an empty twin bed.

'Maybe I won't have to be so alone here. I can truly have my own, happy little family' Law thought to himself as he went to sleep.

The next few months were great for the small family. They had successfully moved into their new house, and Suzanne and Lissandra had gone crazy decorating their new home. Suzanne had painted her entire room a pink, with decorative black flowers, while Lawrence had left the room into original white color and piling his room high with books that covered topics ranging from high-level physics textbooks to lighthearted fantasy novels. This venture drew Wallace's interest, and with his help, his room was pack to the brim with his library.

Lawrence had given up trying to appear as a normal child in the first week of living the couple, and they had wholeheartedly accepted he had the maturity of an adult. This didn't, however, stop Lissandra from forcefully gushing over him, and always showering his love and attention. Wallace, on the other hand, had tried to treat him as an adult while still trying to be there for him.

Suzanne was pretty much the happiest girl in the world, she had all the attention and love that any child desire in extravagant amounts, resulting in a child that makes Joy from inside out seems depressed in comparison.

The final action that broke down his emotional walls, was the day that Lissandra and Wallace threw Suzanne a surprise birthday party. At that moment he experienced a feeling that he never knew before, and he realized that he had a family of his own.

Moving on, whilst all of this was happening, he didn't neglect to increase his strength. Creating a perfect cultivation technique was something that was going to take him years, to finish because of the sheer volume of different cultivation techniques that were created in the DE universe. Instead of waiting for that to finish and leaving himself vulnerable, he instead decided to multitask. He left 3 of his 5 memory partitions on reading through the millions of cultivation techniques, while another was constantly circulating his soul strengthening technique. After all, an increase in his soul strength would not just increase the number of memory partitions he had access to but, also gave him access to abilities such as telekinesis. But the only problem with was that soul strength increased slowly, and despite reaching the Xiantian stage in a few months, to breakthrough farther would require a few years of world.

So instead of relaxing, he started researching mind arts because, despite mind arts lacking in attacking power, it was much for diverse and helpful in his current situation. It would allow him to protect his mind while enforcing his ability to keep his secrets. Thus, his last memory partition was reading through around a couple thousand mind techniques.

'Life's good' Law thought while watching tv in their living room, while his sister doodled in a picture book in front of him.

Suddenly the doorbell was rung drawing everyone's attention. Wallace was currently out at work, while Lissandra was home because she had taken a vacation.

"Law get the door" Lissandra yelled from the kitchen while beginning to cook lunch.

"Fine, mom" Law yelled back causing a smile to appear on Lissandra's face. As he walked to the door, he was wondering who it could be because Wallace had said that they didn't have anyone coming over today. As he opened the door, he was greeted by a beautiful redhaired woman that looked like a younger version of Aunt May, from Spiderman homecoming.

"Hello, I'm May Parker, I just wanted to come to introduce myself to my new neighbor," the beautiful redhead said while smiling.

'What the f*ck' Law thought looking at one of the most pivotal characters in the Spiderman franchise.

Darkest_Night Darkest_Night

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