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FIvE: mother may I

They appeared in the kingdom dressed like them, as soon as the orb touched the ground it vanished and Misty dropped to the ground

"Are you ok?"

"Of course dear, it has been years scene I've teleported, I'm not used to an extra person either, well! Shall we then? Welcome to the kingdom!where going to your baby momma first."

A blonde-haired girl I came outside with a basket in her hands.

"Like hello, are you guys lost?" Asked Olivia

" Mother the cat scratching at my clothes again!"

"Then stop casting spells on him I'm tired of telling you this!"

" Grandma? who are these people mom?" Said a blond hair girl with aqua-colored eyes in the third eye between her eyebrows

" Hello there my name is Misty in this is your father Evan." She said to the young girl

" Evan,! I remember now I still can't believe you sold that girl, what's going on around here?" asked Olivia

"Were all in trouble if the winged man isn't safe, or is mislead your daughter Malory has been giving a powerful gift, and without proper teaching that eye could corrupt her, if taught properly she can be a strong sorcerer."

"How come you never told me I had a child?!" Bullet said in an outrage

"Like, I tried do you have any idea how hard it is to tell the boss he's got two kids when he's busy with his gang, her name is Malory she five, and there's Tevan is Sevan, please forgive me I tried to tell you, but you always seemed to be annoyed by me."

"I need to find my sister!"

"You don't have a sister?"

"That girl I saved from Enricko was my sister!"Olivia was shocked by this

"No freakin' way, that explains why she looks like you, why do you care, sure didn't mind selling her!"

"That's not what happened! Lartz took her while Elvira attacked me!"

"Like that so did not happen!" they argued with one another

"Enough of this! We need to prepare this has already started we need the winged man before Lartz finds him."

"Winged man I saw someone crying in the woods he was very odd to me he had wings and didn't see me," said Tevan as he walked out of the cabin

"Is he my daddy?, I sure do look like him," he asked a

"Grandma I've got a few things I've been working on, come let me show you!"

They went into the home and young Malory lead the way to the cellar, then handed her a reckless

"I like to make charms it's so fun, I made this one for you grandma for when we met I had a feeling that you might need it."

"Your very good Malory, however in its current state this amulet won't do much good, please allow me to study your books."

"Yeay! I and grandma get to make a charm!" Squealed Malory

While Misty and Malory where busy Olivia and Evan got alone time

"What happened back there? After he took you guys? what about Elvira?"

"Like ok, so they strapped Elvira and me to tables and put Angel in a glass room, it must have been cold she turned pale After they experimented on us Elvira turned into a dragon and freed both of us, but I don't know like we couldn't even save Angel. The laboratory was huge there were many creatures and torched bodies, and just before we got out we saw Pleads, she was fighting and didn't look very good, like that girl help us out, the strangest thing she wouldn't come with us, once we were out we ran into a man called himself Henry Elvira fought him as I got away, I came straight home to see my daughter crying with a third eye ripped open in the middle of her forehead, I still am having a hard time with Tevan. Like I'm so happy to see you." Seeing tears in her eyes Evan began to feel strange toward her

"Olivia I'm sorry I wasn't there, I can't believe I'm a father!"

"Well, you two should stay it's going to get dark soon."

Olivia and Misty prepared a meal for dinner, then turned in for the night


You, Malory, had climbed out of her window and sat on the roof she did this every morning between three and five o'clock in the morning she'd sit legs crossed and had and placed on her knees she then would levitate off the for but she did this while she slept

"Olivia wake up do you have any idea what is going on?" Shouted Misty as she shooks Olivia out of her sleep

"Like it's three forty-five in the morning, what the hells wrong with you?" Snapped Olivia

"Wrong with me? Your four-year-old daughter is levitating on the roof enchanting a spell, just how long has she been doing that you're in grave danger!"

They rushed outside while Misty climbed to the roof to reach sleeping, Malory.

"Malory! Can you hear me?" Malory didn't respond instead she chanted long-forgotten curse vines repped around Misty

"Please my love here me I only have a short time, I am sorry I didn't know his true intentions, its too late for our daughter, your wrong this has to do the rebirth of Lilith, you most stop Wes from corrupting Raz whom will kill Angel but instead, she's frozen until she awakens to give birth to Lilith, there still preparing her so there's still time, I loved you too but I'm bound to you and our granddaughter. Goodbye for now." Said Malory but was the voice of Brian she slowly touched the roof then the magic tangerine-colored aura disappeared she collapsed to the ground because she was still asleep Misty carried her back into her room and laid her down into the bed she smiled before she turned and cuddled her blanket

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh my poor baby!" Cried, Olivia

"Shes alright you've never noticed this before?" Asked Misty annoyed

"Ok look I met a lady named Sky and she taught me magic so I can help my daughter."

"No! thus explains everything, Allow me to take your daughter there's no other way I must take her to my mother, or your daughter is going to die!" as Olivia gave Malory to Misty the neckless around Olivia's neck grows up and tugged towards Misty

"You have it good, use this its belongs to Evan and use it to find Jade there both connected, see you soon." Misty

The same ora appeared around her as before then she disappeared

"So like this so much what do we do now, and what am I suppose to do with Tevan?" Olivia said in a panicky tone

"Come let's go!"

"Go where like, have you forgot Tevan is seven."

Evans phone began to ring

"That's odd, hello?"

"Boss?! thank goodness you're ok we've been trying to get a hold of you for a long time we've finial been able to track your location were already on our way." Said Robby on the other end

"We not going to worry with him he's coming with us!"

"You're not putting my son in danger!"

"As long as he stays out my way he'll be just fine."

"Hey, dollface I see you've finally told him about his kiddos." Said Robby jokingly

"You told him but you couldn't tell the baby daddy about his own kids two of them, he's seven for crying out loud."

"Get out of my face, I raised these kids on my own!, like you were to busy for me to even get close to you like remember at the well I tried again but seemed to be annoyed by me and like I don't understand why."

"Aye boss, come one we've got a much bigger problem to let's go."

As Evan and Tevan got into the car Olivia grabbed their suitcases then joined them and they drove to one of the entrances of the Kingdom met the Acumen river, Robby had driven to the dock he'd got close and stopped

"Take this boat and sail it to that ship, they got a few of our own I got Your Ion man I got straps in the trunk but knowing you..."

"Give me a few."

"I'm coming I'm" Said Olivia as she got onto the boat

"No way!"

"You're taking me!"

"Fine let's go but don't try me, woman, I will push you off!"

"You could try." She sassed back

Once they got aboard Wes stood there waiting for them.

"Give my father back!"

"He's dead!"

"You're a lier I know it I got your girl's you had at the dinner, give him back!"

Bullet took out his phone and pulled up a picture just before he tossed it to Wes, there was a picture of his alive but badly beaten father, angered he'd pulled up a trap door then pulled a rope witch was on a pulley the rope continued into the opening hed kept pulling and at the other end of the rope was Elvira chains bound her arms and legs, she was only in a tee shirt and under where and she was badly beaten. he then put her on a fish hanger and extended her over the sea

"Not so fast pickle boi, don't think about moving." Said Wes crying as he snapped his fingers and his guards came out of the cabin pulling Pleads the fifth aka (Jade) by her arms

She too was only in a tee shirt and underwear and badly beaten."

"Let my sister go!" Shouted Bullet

"Sister? Huh, you don't say." He said with a crooked smile.

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