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Mai The Gorgeous Ninja Interview

Mai Shiranui. She is a character from both the Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters series. And quickly become very popular among common person.

Due to Mai vast popularity among fans, making her the female mascot and sex symbol of SNK. Rated among top 10 sexiest character in video games. Her great reputation has also influenced other female fighters in other fighting games in her era.

Now she is standing here, hugging Matsuda large body with a lovely smile.

"So Mai, you come for a place in my company?" Matsuda know the fact he the one who choose her among many characters from King Of Fighter. He took the most lewd among them.

"Half true, the second is for meeting Ojisan, and fulfill my promise with you." Mai blush a bit and said to him.

"Right my promise." Matsuda feel awkward because he just remembered in his head that he already meet the young Mai Shiranui. But the promise is blurry for him.

Mai kiss him, before the eyes of other girls in the office. Oleana feel a little annoyed about her behavior. Valmet just watch her with envy.

"Right before that, we need to make a little interview for the job. Do you want some refreshment?" Matsuda ask her the general principle of manner.

"Yes Ojisan, just a green tea is good for me." She said. Like a real japanese girl.

"Ok, Oleana could you take for me too." Matsuda ask Oleana who already on her way.

She nodded and go search the refreshment for both Matsuda and Mai Shiranui.

Mai leave Matsuda embrace and go toward the couch and sit down. Matsuda remark that she wear an office lady outfit, common among all company, than her usual red kunoichi outfit. Why she is well-dressed? And not on her usual kunoichi outfit?

Matsuda take the same stance for every interview and looks toward Mai happy smile. She can be beautiful without putting on too much makeup. She is definition of ideal Japanese beauty in Matsuda mind and many other guy dream. And her boob are so bigger that she bounce naturally without valid reason on her OL outfit. From one look, he knew she doesn't wear any bra.

"Well well, Mai present yourself for formality. Look at the camera and introduce us to whom you are." Matsuda said to Mai for showing the way of present herself.

"Ok Ojisan. Hi everyone, I am Mai Shiranui, just turn 20 years old and winner of King Of Fighting tournament 9*" Mai said some word from her past experience. Matsuda is surprised that she gain the actual edition of King Of Fighting in this timeline.

"The King Of fighting tournament. What kind of tournament is it Mai?" Matsuda question her about the King of Fighting tournament. He already knows about the King of fighting tournament, but need to save the instant moment for the interview.

"Is a tournament sponsored by some of the most powerful man on earth. Previously, Wolfgang Krauser is the founder and again previously another one is sponsored the tournament. And the one I win too had another sponsor, who usually beat up by me. And gather many fighter all around the world. And in the end, I beat the sponsor and won the title. Again." Mai said with a large smile on her face who could melt many man heart.

"Why did you participate into this brutal tournament Mai? Did you want to prove yourself?" Matsuda know half the answer and need another answer to pass the time.

She felt a little embarrass by why she participated in the beginning. "Well, is because I want to join my ex-fiancé team." Mai is red from the revelation of her ex-fiancer.

""You are fiancé Mai?" Matsuda said, but know the truth of the topic.

""No, no Ojisan. It just a relationship in my youth who leads nowhere. Andy and me are not into any relationship. We are most friendly than lover. Despite everything I had done for making him fell for me. For over 10 years is remain stoic like a stone." She felt a little annoyed by him ignoring her and prefer though him like her second lover, but feel well after talking about her infatuation situation with her first lover Matsuda.

Matsuda Know a little about the story in Fatal Fury series. For over a long time, the relationship between Mai and Andy is a running gags between a serious fighter and a lovely flirtatious girl.

She has been madly in love with Andy Bogard, young brother of Terry Bogard and champion from a previous King of fighting tournament. He an American who studied the arts of the Shiranui Ninjutsu art with Mai grandfather, Hanzo Shiranui. From their teenage time she knew Andy for a very long time when he studied with her grandfather. But now she is a fine adult woman, who is here for being interview by Matsuda.

"Ok Mai, I may be a bit curious, but do you have any kind of hidden skill or special talent in particular. I remember you came from a ninja clan." Matsuda is just curious from what he knows, she is very good in many other domain and want to hear herself explain it.

"Yes I have some ninjutsu skill in my sleeve way of talking, like changing my cloth to my kunoichi cloth in one move" Mai said to Matsuda one of her primary skill she always use for preparing to fight.

"Oh I like a see it, could you show me?" Matsuda never really saw anyone change their cloths in a blink of an eye in front of him.

"For Ojisan, everything, watch and admire the show Ojisan." Mai wake up and show her Changing/Transformation skill. In the room, Matsuda and both Valmet and Oleana saw with only one gesture, Mai changing her clothes within a mere blink of their eye and show her mythical brand red kunoichi uniform who leave many holes who showing her smooth skin nearly all exposed for imagination. Over her short time of fighting character or long appearance in the SNK franchise. She wore her cloths from the event of King of fighting The moment she became more erotic in her outfit.

She has a red loincloth with a thong around her crotch and rear hiding most of her secret part. Mai doesn't wear any bra or panty, Matsuda don't know and never search if she had any of them on her. She wore black socks who protect her leg from dirt and allow her to remain discreet, with an armband like the one we see in ninja movie in red color. Behind her, a long scarf retains a big red ball made of unknown matter who roll. How could she hide his ball? And an Ornamental hairpin hide on her.

In any case, her long arms and leg are exposed to him. Matsuda note she didn't have any hairy on her. Mai skin is so smooth and her breast is huge from the natural Japaneses standard woman breast size making Matsuda showing his aroused lower member working hard searching a passage to outside his pant.

Oleana and Valmet is surprise by her quick changing skill of her, in any less than a second Mai change her office lady outfit for a sexy kind ninja outfit. Valmet lost for word on how she had done that in front of her. She is a strong ex-military soldier and always saw very well in the battlefield. But Mai proof her she is lacking in some domain of expertise like changing quickly her cloths. If perhaps she joined them. Valmet want her to teach her some ninja skill. For Oleana, a woman of science, she is a little surprise, but she had live in a world where entity could freely travel over time and space and captured by a 10 years old brat. She ask Mai after some time after the interview, she remembered what can happen soon to her.

Matsuda recognize her outfit from when she is on the King Of fighting period, She many times more lewd than the one she had when she first debuts in her game series.

Mai takes a sexy pose that make her bosom show of her unbelievable bouncy effect, Matsuda take a good look with the camera and saw every part of her body without any trace of pubic hair or any other excess hair. Or nor trace of skin button and scar on her. She is wonderful for maintain her beauty in a world humankind could throw psychic abilities, right?

"So Ojisan. How do you find my special technique. Awesome?" Mai smile happily and showing him her natural pose with her both hand raise above her head, leaving her curvaceous body showing a pose that make her breast swing on her thin casual female ninja outfit.

Matsuda lost for his words and just could tell one word. 'Lewd' in his mind and face. "Unbelievable Mai. Is indeed a great skill of you." Matsuda said by her impressive performance of cloth changing.

"Thank you, Ojisan," Mai is happy to hear him praise her skill. Many times in the past, other also praise her skill and is its usefulness.

Matsuda looks at her body and thought about something with her changing skill, if she could do it. "Mai, Can you reverse to your initial state? Or changing into another costume?" Matsuda said and is very curious about that fact.

Mai smile and raise her thumb. "No problem, Ojisan. Watch it." Mai quickly again change her clothes when she created a wide screen smoke from nowhere, and return her nearly in her initial state. Except that her bosom cannot hold the cadence of changing skill and leave her chest unbutton. Other part of her clothes are in place.

"Kyaaa!!! Oh no, I mess in the process, because my chest are usually always well put properly inside. Generally that work very well, But I fail to buttoning my suit in the process." Mai is curious of why she fail from every time she had done it in the past.

"Don't worry Mai. You have come all the way here for me, and show up a good spectacle, and I am very happy for that. Your skill is not bad. A good ninja in my company is always necessary. Mai, I know you are qualified for the post, and had show me a good deal of your skill." Matsuda is excited for the additional female employ in his unnamed company.

Matsuda raise his stance and look clearly into her chestnut eye. Mai is a bit confuse by Matsuda behavior, but remember that she had come for something very specific in her training. And the look from Matsuda suggest she is in the right place.

"Ojisan, no Director" She correct herself in her naming and continue. "I... I am here for a favor from my grandad and mentor. He leave me a letter for their friend. You director." Mai take out a letter between her chest. When did she had hid a letter between her cleavage? Mai give the letter directly to Matsuda hand.

Generally, Oleana or Valmet will take the letter and give it to him, but neither of them feels treat by Mai maiden behavior. Both of them fall very easily for him and in the close office. Valmet are in her advantage.

"Thank you" Matsuda took the letter form Mai and open up the letter and read the content. The letter is a roll like in the ancient time.

Dear friend, I send you my Granddaughter to your company for perfectly learn her some wheel of how to be a woman in modern and traditional way of ninja. Some days ago, I receive news about the fact you just open your own company, and I want you to found a little occupation for my granddaughter in the city. Apart from her night activity, you know what I mean. In brief, teach her how to be a woman and perfect her seduction skill in the bed. My disciple is not the best, when he come to his matter, Take good care of my granddaughter.

Your old friend Hanzo...

Matsuda read the text and look at Mai who is a little agitated and red. Her grandfather just send her to an old acquaintance for letting Mai becoming a woman in his care, and she is ok with that. One is because she knew that her uncle (Ojisan) is the one who will make her enter adulthood and experienced some real kinship between male and female.

"I read the letter Mai, You know the next step?" Matsuda said. He is very impress by the power of the Interview for making something very unbelievable could happen like that. Really, the chance for successfully happen is near impossible for him in normal condition.

"Yes, this is for my final lesson. For being a full fledged kunoichi. I need to know the feeling of a man rod in me!" Mai blush after telling Matsuda about her desire to mate with him. She had already beat down some of the strongest man in the world, but never she would expect to become a woman inside an office with Ojisan in the role of her partner.

Matsuda is curious about her feeling and said "You know what could happen afterward? Do you feel ready for that?" Matsuda leave her a delay for deciding, but she is already ready from the moment she come inside the office.

She told him with a red face. "I need,,,need, I need to become a woman, Ojisan teach me the way." And finally spoke her thought.

Both women, who remain outside the debate between the chief and maiden prefer leave them alone. Many thing strange had happen with Matsuda around, and both of them is peace of mind from what will soon happen to Mai.

Matsuda expect something like this happening from the plot. "You know what that mean to become a real woman right." Matsuda show a bit of smile. His massive build make him very intimidating, but from Mai point of view, he remained the one she remember. A strange Ojisan.

"Yes, is to,,," she made a pause before continue "Have sex! With Ojisan" Mai said loudly for taking some courage for expressing her feeling.

"Did your Grandfather or teacher had told you some sexes relate technique? Maybe a friend?" Matsuda said something very lewd.

"Yes. A little" Mai said to Matsuda she knew a bit about sex.

Matsuda is curious and ask Mai who had taught her that. "Who had taught you sex and romance."

"Is a girl. She is a good fighter and a good friend of mine. She had had a boyfriend in the past." Mai remind her American blonde friend fighter who she fought in the past.

"Very well, one day you need to present her to me" Matsuda wake up and go to sit on the couch, spread his leg and happen to let Mai saw the hidden mountain raising highly on the pant.

Mai gulp and answer him."Ok Ojisan. I think she will be happy to meet you. Especially what between your crotch." Mai said and join Matsuda on the couch or more precisely on his thigh. Mai lay one of her hand on Matsuda shoulder and hug him, with a gaze that knew what will happen soon. She feel hot inside and outside with Matsuda heat body.

Both of them are on their work outfit. Mai is generally light than Matsuda and produce less than him. But feel very hot now.

Matsuda puts his hand on her shoulder and caresses it slowly lengthwise, Mai feels the movement of his hand go down on her arm to her chest searching to pass her unbuttoned chest of her under her interview outfit. Mai cannot resist the playful hand of Matsuda grabbing her gorgeous bosom and knead like a ball. Matsuda feel happy to know she is indeed bra less and take this opportunity to pinch her nippler.

"Kyaa!!" Mai moaned like all maiden on her first time, having a man grabbing her tits in their hand and play with it. But she felt a bit more happy to know that the one who play with her is someone she is in love.

After playing for a bit, Matsuda request something from Mai, "Mai could to re show me your dressing skill, Show me your fighting gear." Matsuda said, wanting her to be on her fighting suit to play with.

Mai feels happy to show him her skill again. Many man already see her outfit and bite the dust without knowing what befall them, But nobody really ever really saw her more nude than Matsuda by accident.

Mai gets up and sets up to change her clothes, In a blink of an eye, she again changed on her half naked red outfit, Her bosom shows that gravity doesn't affect her bosom, and let her breast jiggle toward Matsuda gaze and Co. This time, she take a bit longer to change in her outfit. Just a micro second.

Matsuda is curious about something like many other before. "Mai I have a question for you. I want you to answer me directly." Matsuda watch Mai face and continue. "How can your bosom hiding so well behind a thin fabric when you move so rapidly?"

Mai is confused by the question in how her bosom never exposed when she fought in the past. But now she cannot really answer him too. "I don't know, maybe is something irrelevant like a secret technique I use myself without thinking about it. Perhaps is for remaining pure and innocent when I destabilize my opponent or maybe other response" Mai never search for knowing how her outfit hold so well her private part.

If she wore her first appearance outfit. The chance to look plainly her exposed chest than the one from her period of King of Fighting. Will make Matsuda feel a little pain in his large chest if she didn't wore her KOF outfit than Fatal fury outfit. One are lewder than the other outfit.

Matsuda is impatient to eat her jade like bosom. "Come here" Matsuda said to Mai, and Mai sit again on his lap. Mai tightens against Matsuda chest and smell the shampoo on him. Not long ago he just had taken a shower, especially for her first time. She didn't know the true and hold Matsuda like a young couple. And she knew what could happen afterward. And she cannot come back in her word and mind.

Matsuda are waiting to feast on her gorgeous breast and begin to eat (sexually). Kissing her red lip like a cherry blossom and show Mai her first french kiss.


Note: finally a finish to write my chapter who is a little longer than average chapter. In the futur I will test short forma and see what can be censored and not. I will try like that and see if I could releash one chapter a week or more.

Two side story for later is nearly finish. Sorry for the dalay and reading my half good smut story. Next "Yabba Dabba Doo!"

Heroy Heroy

Next one, simple chapter with not so many detail in sub subject.

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