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7.43% Harry Potter (Fanfic) / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Quidditch Match

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Quidditch Match

Halloween had come and passed, the castle that was dressed with hanging skeletons that would dance, pumpkin heads that replaced the usual torch and the other eerie decorations were all gone the day after Halloween. The lively ghost that played pranks on the students became their usual self and the little incident of a troll had everyone talking for days most students taught it was a simple accident or a prank by Peeves. When The quidditch season was near to it's start and the talk of the Halloween troll was gone and was replaced by the youngest seeker Harry Potter.

" Can you believe it Potter is a seeker and he's a first-year " Draco complain " that's against the rules and I bet he isn't even that good I could beat him "

Everyone at Slytherin table was starring at Draco he had been complaining that he is better than Potter in flying since Ron reviled that he was going to be Griffindoor new seeker.

" Draco just let it go Edwin said "you're getting annoying " everyone at the table started nodded their head, Marcus the Slytherin quidditch captain " we're gonna crush Griffindoor" The whole table cheered

" Yo Theo wanna make some Galleons" Edwin smirked

" what do you have in mind ?" Theodore answer

" I have a bit of money why don't we make the Quidditch match more interesting," Edwin said " we will stand in the corridor and set up our little business it's sure to gather money"

" you must have a lot of Galleons to do that... and what if you make a loss and cant payout"

" Not possible...just trust me " Edwin stated "I just need help keeping number and you'll get a small share so you in? "

" yeah but instead of the corridor we could do it in front of the field before the game so we could get more people," Theodore said

" We could do both"

Edwin and Theodore was near the entrance of the great hall " Come and support your house and place a bet double your money " Edwin shout, it caught the attention of the student leaving " bet on which house you think will win and you could win too " Student started to surround Edwin " If you wanna place a bet go talk to my friend over there or talk to me "

" How much is the limit ?" A short black hair Ravenclaw girl ask

" 5 Galleons "

"I want 1 Galleon on Slytherin, " The girl said

" Just write your name here amount " Edwin replied

Soon where Edwin and Theodore were standing was crowed with students and bets were coming one after the other after the crowd had gone only some students who couldn't make up their mind on who to bet on staid, Hermione approached Edwin " isn't gambling against the rules ?"

" Don't think so "

Edwin face lit up when the saw Fred and George ever since their little prank on him they became friends " Are you two gonna make a bet "

" No wonder our business was drying up," Fred and George said

" Bet... let's see 10 Galleons on Griffindoor," George said

" The limit is 5 Galleons" Theodore added

" Me and George Five each then, " Fred said

The start of the quidditch was near Edwin was at the stadium looking on at the match he felt like he was watching a football match but with brooms, watching on it show that Slytherin had the upper hand with all of Marcus fowls getting passed, what drew Edwin attention was Harry start chasing the Snitch.

" We got 25 Galleon 16 sickles on Griffindoor and 44 G on Slytherin in total " Theodore said " It's looking bad for you if Slytherin wins "

" Don't worry Griffindoor will win "

The crowd gasp Harry almost fell off his broom and was losing control he barely hooked his foot in an attempt in not falling off, the broom looked as it would drop to the ground to get Harry off Edwin's heart started to race and butterfly effect pop into his mind.

" You were saying "

" Shit I gotta go"

Edwin knew that the broom wasn't supposed to be that bad the cost of Harry falling would mean he messed thing up already and he didn't even try something big yet, Edwin rushed to the section where Quirrell was sitting and went behind the stand at the same time Hermione was going there they both ran into each other.

" What are you doing here ?" Hermione shout reaching for her wand and pointing it at Edwin

" No time to explain we gotta save Harry" Edwin pulled out his wand and cast Incendio on Snape's robe setting it on fire and distracting Quirrell, Edwin walked out from the Stand as nothing happen and continued to watch the Match Harry took a dive and caught the snitch winning the match for Griffindoor

Hermione went and drag Harry and Ron away from the crowd of Griffindoor students that was celebrating their win and told them that it was Edwin who broke the By lighting Snape robes on fire.

" you must be seen thing there is no way that Slytherin bastard would save Harry"

" Yeah Hermione and even if he did... Snape was trying to kill me! " Harry shout

" There is gotta be more to this guys"

Edwin and Theodore was standing outside of the field paying out to the students that had bet on Griffindoor, the students that wanted to bet on Griffindoor but didn't was complying near them

" Edwin, how did you know Harry would win ?" Theodore asked

" um I didn't " Edwin mumble " we were just lucky "

" but you said-" Before Theodore could finish Edwin walked quickly towards Fred and George " Here you go 10 Galleons... Five each "

" Are you going to keep the betting for the rest of the Matches?" Fred asked

" Nope just doing it this once "

"why," The twin asked " you could make a lot of money "

" Nope too much trouble... plus I might loose out and I don't know if a lot of people will bet "

Nolifeking Nolifeking

i'll fix the amount that they win from the match its just some random number i put


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