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Chapter 25: Tower Plan

Standing before the recruits is Commander Preston Garvey, Commander Tom, Commander Red and me. We stand on a small makeshift platform Jade had made.

We are at the back of the Infinity Guardians Recruitment Office allowing the thousands to have room as they wait the mission.

Good morning! (Specter)

The sun is coming up and the morning dew on the grass, the breeze blew through the surroundings Shacking the leaves of the trees.

There is going to be a big Mission going on that is going to be broken up in smaller missions, we are going to clear all enemies in Sector Two and secure the place! But we can't do that until we head to a place and set up a Tower.

You dont need to know what the tower is for, just know that we need to get it up and ready before we start the main Campaign Missions.

The tower is going to be placed here! (Brendon)

Behind me and the Commanders is a huge Map Jade made displaying Sector Two and it's big allowing the troops to see it. on the map a number 6 is flashing with a light allowing the troops to see, I continued.

This is our destination, but a scout team found me Ghoul coming from location 5. And they have spread out covered a large area of Two miles radius! Small battles between the Ants and Ghouls at Location 5.

If we are going to be setting the Tower up at Location 6, we are to clear these Ghouls and a squad will be sent to find why there is so many Ghouls coming out from Location 5, Med-Tek Research.

I will let Commander Preston Garvey come up and exsplaning the plan! (Brendon)

Preston walked up, as I stepped to the side.

As Founder Brendon said If we are going to attack, its best we attack Location 5 first! It has ghouls, if they follow the sound of the shootout at any other location. We will have enemies arriving on our Six! To prevent us from being surrounded.

We will attack Location Five first! When we attack we need to move fast and quiet! You will be Equipping the Suppressors to help with the sound, it's still going to be loud but not as bad when not having it equipped.

We will clear the Building and and the surrounding of all Ghouls once for all! (Preston)

Preston looked at me, I walked up again and Started talking.

We will head North to Locations Six after clearing location 5, with Militart Trucks and Vertibirds as support there is a Nest of Ants there, when attacking you will be having to play Lava, as if the ground is becoming Lava jumping around making sure you don't get dragged into there nest and eaten below! We will attack with flames as most creatures are afraid of fire.

Flamethrowers are limited, almost each squad will have one. The other squads without one will guard the surroundings and make sure there is no Ants around or unexpected enemies! (Brendon)

Sir! I thought we had cleared the Ghouls out, why are they back? (?)

I would like to know that too, if not for a scouting party I would not have realized the Ghouls was back. (Brendon)

Commander Red will lead a Team to Location 5, Med-Tek Research.

Commander, find the reason behind the Ghouls the mass is too close to our base to have good night sleep. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! (Red)

Even though we cleared the town before arriving here, the super mutants inside had replenished the losses outside and reinforced the area. Raiders had set up a camp not far north west from location five seems to be hunting ants for a sport and food. Location Four there is a Deathclaw present and best to leave it alone if it comes to us we will be attacking it just don't attack first there is a Special Team out handling it if they arrive before us that is. Still keep an eye out. (Brendon)

Scouts will fly over to the Areas and bring information in all the places you will be attacking, Commanders will direct you using the information to send you on your missions. (Brendon)

I looked back at Preston and he nodded and I step back and to let him take over again.

You will be needing your Equipment! You are getting permission to use Power armor for this mission, you are all going to be using power armor until Sector Two is cleared! (Preston)

Power armor! (?)

Ya! (??)

As Preston finished saying that, lots of Military Trucks rolled in the base one after the next and started parking, in the backs are full of X-01 Power Armors, Vertibirds flew in with wooden crates tied to the bottom and its a big boxes that takes four Vertibirds per box.

Seeing them, Wallace had finished the upgrades before schedule.

Get fully equipped! Go, Go, Go! (Preston)

The man started moving but one soldier put his hand up and yelled.

Sir! What is that behind you? (?)

I looked behind me and seen Kratos playing in the grass chasing a mutated Grass Hopper.

That is Kratos! Dont worry about him. If you are now finished with your Questions Get going and Prepare! (Brendon)

Kratos looked at me after hereing his name and started walking over, the troops Saluted to the Commanders and me then started heading off to prepare for the upcoming battles. Some whispered Kratos is a Deathclaw to one another and it spread faster as they seen the Deathclaw walk over to me.

I walked over to one of the Assultrons guarding the Platform and spoke.

Take Kratos to my office and let him start reading books, show him what each word is, you can use my Office library for that. (Brendon)


Sir! (Assaultron)

Kratos walking up, I spoke to him.

Kratos, make sure you learn as much as you can while I am out. And be good, if ai here you been causing trouble you will not get good food. (Brendon)

Master is a Father! (Jade)


{Inside a Vertibird}

I looked down and seen the back of the multiple Military trucks troops both human and robots sit side by side, the Recruits in Power Armor and everyone with Suppressed Weapons in hand.

Other Military Trucks have Weapons and Ammo for the trip for back up if problems happen and Ammo is needed as it can run out quite fast.

Looking up, Vertibirds surrounded our Vertibird with 50 other Vertibirds with Recruits inside with Power Armor and some Vertibirds carrying the large crates below them.

A soldier on the gun spoke up.

Sir, if you don't mind me asking what is the tower for? (?)

This is a multi purpose tower, it is a relay tower to connect all troops together so we can establish long distance communications. It will cover almost all of Sector Two. It's also going to have a EMP Disrupters this will block out the Institute Teleporting troops in Sector Two giving us a peace of mind when clearing Sector two without potentially runnining into Synths. (Brendon)

I am glad they are not attacking us after the last attack on you. (Preston)

Commander Preston, you have now made me need to prepare for the institute attack thanks... (Brendon)

Sir? (Preston)

Sir! There is a call coming in they say they are from the Brotherhood of Steel. (Pilot)

Brotherhood? What do they want with you? (Preston)

Pilot, is there any unidentified Vertibirds? (Bremdon)

... Affirmative. (Pilot)

Patch him through to Me, and Connect Commander preston. (Brendon)

Patched through. (Pilot)

This is Founder Brendon the Leader of Infinity Guardians. (Brendon)

This is Brotherhood of Steel, we Demand for you to state your business of why is your Force moving 320° North-East. (BHS) •BHS, is going to be Brotherhood of Steel. If I remember to shorten it down like that.•

Why are you asking? (Brendon)

Such a large force making a move means you have a reason, and that reason is much needed to be known. (BHS)

I see, your leader is threatened that a large force is able to be moved and arriving not knowing what is happening, you want to know the reason. (Brendon)

Tell your leader that I am clearing my land of my enemies. (Brendon)

... Yes, Sir. (BHS)

Sir, the Vertibirds have left. (Pilot)

Good, proceed to our destination. (Brendon)

What is our plan against the Brotherhood of steel? (Preston)

I have already started preparing a plan, but it's not needed to be known just yet as It still needs a few more thinks to be finished being set up. Once I have everything in place, I will let you and the Commanders know of the plan. (Brendon)

Your the leader, I will listen to you. (Preston)

As everyone is looking around keeping a eye out for any disturbances, I whispered to Jade to not let anyone hear.

Jade, when we are setting the tower up make it in sections. (Brendon)

Master, why do you want me to Build the tower in sections? It will take longer if you do it like that. (Jade)

Don't you want to take the shortest amount of time to make the tower to make sure nothing unexpected happens? it's not being upgraded I can finish it in one go? (Jade)

That is to show the people around that you can't make things right away and there is a limit, you making this will let the Enemies think they know what your limits are and how you work so when they attack I got a way to counter still. (Brendon)

Understand. (Jade)

Sir, we have arrived at our drop point. (Pilot)

How is the Ground Force moving? (Bremdon)

Sir, they had just arrived. (Pilot)

The Road just South of Location 4 is the Road the Ground Force took from the base. They are a Mile away from Location Six, I Spoke.

Get me in sight with Location Six. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! (Pilot)

What are you looking for? (Preston)

Seeing how many Ghouls had joined them from the last time the scout team returned. (Brendon)

Looking and seeing that there is no Dead Ghoul from before when we came through, I started looking through the Ghouls and noticed there is Super Mutant Ghouls, with melee weapons in hands.

... (preston)

Brendon, do you think the Super Mutants attacked this place but lost? (Preston)

Let's find out. (Brendon)

Pilot, get a scout to check Location Nine. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir. (Pilot)

I took direct control over the forces Radios as I gave commands.

Dismount the trucks! Go get out of the Trucks! We are close to our destination prepare for combat! (Brendon)

There is an update, there are now Super Mutant Ghouls with Melee Weapons present if you get close to the Super Mutant Ghouls prepare for a hard Close combat action! Use the armor to your Advantage when attacking, Best to keep your distance as long as you can and aim for the head if you can't go for the legs to slow them down! (Brendon)

Commander preston, Can you Command the Ground Force and start the Attack when you believe the troops are ready. (Brendon)

Yes. (Preston)

Keep it quiet as long as you can. When you need to go loud take the suppressors off. (Brendon)

Ground Force I will be taking Command, branch off to the North East and surround Location Five, there is roaming Ghouls that are moving East tread lightly, go quiet. (Preston)

As Preston is leading the ground forces, I started leading the Vertibirds into position.

Vertibirds with cargo, lower the cargo to the ground and Hover above it. (Brendon)

This will help the Vertibirds engines out to not overheat by heavy load.

The Vertibirds with no Cargo are to keep high in the sky to not draw to much attention and if you hover in the sky the gunners are unable to fire until we go loud, but any snipers will join in on helping clear the Ghouls out. (Brendon)

The Vertibirds flew higher and I seeing the ground force started shooting drawing in close by roaming Ghouls.

Then Snipers started shooting helping clear any that the Ground force is unable to see from there view blocked and helping keep any flanking sides clear. Sniper Bots flew up Sniping with lasers they are not making noise like in game does. The light does give them away though.

The ghouls fell one after the next as there heads exploded, some vaporized all together from the lasers, but the super mutant ghouls charged at the direction the bullets was hitting them from.

There heads had more mass preventing some bullets from penetrate them quickly making it hard to quietly kill them, they made loud yells and drawing in more Ghouls near by that followed the super mutants. this let them get closer and closer getting ready to go loud.

Garvey moved the force back keeping them backing up and attacking the Super Mutant Ghouls from the Distance. The Super Mutant Ghouls got close enough to spot the first Soldier and it let a deep roar and charged triggered the Ghoul wave attack.

LordSpecter3366 LordSpecter3366

Updated: 06/29/2020

for the ones who are re-reading, you will see the changes right away probably. one is the Brotherhood Vertibirds was not destroyed and not such a dick mc this time as I was not in a good mood it effected my writing.

fixed it and this chapter will effect a few of the next Chapters but in a positive way.

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