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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Campaign Mission

Will, all buildings still be created almost instantly? (Brendon)

Yes, but when you want to upgrade them it will take time. (Jade)

How many Towers can I make right now? (Brendon)

Master, If we are talking about the resources you have collected so far, you can make Three, but from now on Resources are limited and slow gaining every day, if you use it all on building the towers. You will not have any to build anything else. (Jade)

I looked at the Map, I am now in the war room. looking at the map of Section Two, Kratos is looking around the room messing with things cutely.

We are heading off. (Brendon)

Where you planning to go? (Jade)

Campaign Missions will be starting. (Brendon)

Kratos This way. (Brendon)

Kratos messing around looked at me after hearing his name and tilted his head to the side.

He learns fast, I thought it will take time for him to learn his name. (Brendon)

Wait... If they can learn fast then... Hehehe! I got an idea! Just imagining it gets my blood pumping. (Brendon)

Master? Are you okay? You have a Creepy Smile in your face. (Jade)

More then better! Thought of a idea that will shock everyone. But... I can't do it right now, I need access the Institute defore I can do it. (Brendon)

well, that is all for another time. Let's start preparing, the recruits will be arriving today. (Brendon)

Kratos following me we walked out of the office, coming up to the elevator with two assaultrons guarding the elevator on the left and right, they saluted to me when I arrived.

Sir! (Assaultron)

Sir! (Assaultron)

Nodded to there greetings in response, I headed into the elevator and when I walked in the assaultrons looked right at Kratos that looked at them also with his curious eyes.

The two assaultrons looked at each other not knowing what to do.

Kratos, this way. (Brendon)

Kratos looked at me, then back to the Assaultrons, before walking passed and over to me still looking at the Assaultrons.

When Kratos got in the elevator, I pressed the ground floor button and the elevator doors closed. Kratos started walking around the elevator and was walking wired as he is not used to it, I spoke to Kratos as if he talking to a normal person.

Kratos, what you seen just before getting in this elevator, is a Artificial Intelligence, that is a Robot that are very smart and They protect you and me from attacks from enemies. (Brendon)

Grr? (Kratos)

Looking down at Kratos he is looking at me with his head tilted and still trying to keep his balance, I can imagine question marks above his head.

Just stay close to me and watch alright, over time you will understand. (Brendon)

I bent down and patted Kratos head and the elevator door opened, I stood up again and watched how Kratos will handle the new environment.

Assaultrons, eye bots, and Sentry bots moved about, Builder Bots carrying items using there Gravity Beam.

Kratos moved out to get a better view, but the large amounts of movement frightened him to run back into the elevator. Moving behind my right leg, hidding and peeked around looking at the active room.

I smiled, and Jade Spoke.

Master you have a Kid now haha. (Jade)

Very intelligent and deadly one. (Brendon)

I bent down and patted Kratos Head and he looked up, I smiled and was about to say something but was interrupted.

Brendon. (Preston)

I looked up and seeing Preston, I spoke back.

You have arrived? Alright, we have things to do, you have the information? (Brendon)

I do. (Preston)

Better to take it to my office first before we start. (Brendon)

Preston was about to walk in the elevator but stopped and looked at Kratos and his eyes became sharp as he looked at the Deathclaw.

Is that a Deathclaw? (Preston)

Yup, very Intelligent one. (Brendon)

Of course they are! They stalk their pray, keeping out of view.

If they want to they can become visible to there pray just enough to be noticed and drive there pray into madness! as they keep thinking they are imagining the Deathclaw following them!

They even do it for Months before even attacking just to drive the person to keep there pray alert to tire them out faster! (Preston)

I crouched down and patted Kratos head who enjoys it and I looked at Garvey and spoke.

Don't Worry, I have countermeasures just in case but I don't think we will be needing it. (Brendon)

Now lets head up. (Brendon)

Garvey had an annoyed look on his face but still got in the elevator just keeping as far as he can and holding onto his laser Rifle tightly.

I sighed.

Look, I will not tell you to just accept it. Just give him a chance. Keep an eye on him and see what he does and you can take your time on accepting it. (Brendon)

As long as you don't force me to accept it by force all of a sudden, I will try to accept your ideas even though I believe it's best to get rid of it before it grows up becoming even deadlier. (Preston)

Arriving back at my office, I sat down on the other side of the Desk and received the troop Log on paper.

Total Troop count: 6,400.

IFV: 200

Military Truck's: 200

Vertibirds: 200

Twin Cannon Tanks: 200 - 1 = 199

Assassin Class: 500 - 2 = 498

Assault Class: 500 - 3 = 497

Sniper/Scout Class: 500

Heavy Class: 500 - 2 = 498

Builder Class: 500

Repair Class: 500

Recruits: 2,620 - 12 = 2608

The Battle on Fort Strong we lost one tank and 2 Assault Class. When the border was attacked, lost 2 Heavy Class Sentry Bots and 2 Assassin Class and 1 Assault Class. (Preston)

There was 12 Spy's mixed with the Recruits and had been disposed of. Most was not doing that well in hiding because they where Bandits. The others we never got information out of them, after being discovered they killed themselves. (Preston)

We can still make repairs to the tank but it will take time, same with the bots. (Preston)

We need better equipment to fix the vehicles faster, right now it is slow having repair bots fixing everything. I just stopped the vehicle repairs as it will take a month to fix up for the Bots with no mechanic equipment. (Preston)

I opened my desk drawer and pulled a sheat of paper. Started making changes to the Troops Log.

Total Troop count: 6,400 - 6,396.

IFV: 200

Military Truck's: 200

Vertibirds: 200

Twin Cannon Tanks: 200 - 1 = 199

Assassin Class: 500 - 2 = 498

Assault Class: 500 - 5 = 495

Sniper/Scout Class: 500

Heavy Class: 500 - 4 = 496

Builder Class: 500

Repair Class: 500

Recruits: 2,620 - 12 = 2608

We lost more troops? (Preston)

This is from the surprise attack that happens here yesterday, the attack took some lives not many as the others can be repaired but some Recruits got killed. (Brendon)

How was the surprise battle? (Preston)

They attacked and accidentally hit the power of the base lucky for them unlucky for us. Because of that, the power shut down and shut the turrets down.

With everything turned off, and night arriving. It became a night battle quickly, the battle evened out as soon as it turned dark as I learned quickly the assaultrons had stealth experience. (Brendon)

After the battle and finding an estimate location, I attacked well. It was more of a slaughter when we attacked back, they got entrapped in there base and because of that they did not get the chance to fight back I was hoping to capture the master mind behind it. (Brendon)

Do you know anything about the one behind the attack? And What should we do for here on out? (Preston)

He was a hooded figure and his hands was not covered so it gave his hands away letting everyone see he is a Ghoul.

So we are looking for a Ghoul that doesn't help much. (Preston)

I agree, can't just go hunt all Ghouls to find the attacker. (Brendon)

For now the plan, I need to set a tower up. once it's up, we will be doing a big Campaign mission to clear Section two. (Brendon)

What do you need me to do? (Preston)

I walked over to the map and preston followed, and Kratos continued playing around the room.

Pointing at Location 6 on the map I spoke.

This is the place the Tower will be placed, the tower has a big range on it that will cover almost if not All of Sector Two. (Brendon)

What is the tower for? (Preston)

It will connect communications and I will also have it have the EMP disrupters on. That is for the public and troops to know. (Brendon)

The true meaning of the tower is to help me get stronger. (Brendon)

I have no idea what you are talking about but if it helps us get better at helping settlers I am fine with it. (Preston)

I pointed to 9, 11, 14, 24, 25, 28, 29, 32.

I will be Commanding the bigger forces and going over to these places.

You will lead your Force to here 13, 26, 30. Once you clear them, head to 18, 20, 23.

Tell the settlers at these locations to hold off going anywhere for the next few days. As there going to be lots of battles going on in Sector Two we don't want to have any collateral damage from settlers. (Brendon)

We will go to Location 6 together, once the place is clear and the Tower is placed you will take your team and start on your mission. Once you finished all Locations head to Location 11 here. (Brendon)

What is at Location 11? (Preston)

That place is our last battle, it's a fortress of its own having turrets everywhere, and thick walls as protection. As for why we are attacking is because they will capture people and cut them up as entertainment, they use the excuse that they are Synths or even saying they are conducting experaments to find out who is a synth and not. (Brendon)

I did get news that traders lose there life when they pass through this area, but it's not all the time. (Preston)

If they are looking for Synths does that mean they are not bad though? (Preston)

They have been capturing people and yes after 1000 people you bound to get one synth mixed up in it. Do you count that as a success? (Brendon)

That is sick. (Preston)

Right, if you arrive before me don't get to close if they believe you are there for attacking them then you will be counted as Synths.

I dont know how big there force is yet best to stay back and wait to attack in one go. they are a crazy group best to just stay hidden and be unnoticed until all forces have arrived. (Brendon)

If we are needing a meeting location how about location 2? It's far and we can use the open Space of the graveyard to hold the troops. (Preston)

Flying creates have been detected there from the scouts, I sent a group to clear the place there, but I gave them the option on what order to clear the places I gave them if we head there we can't go in unless it's clear. (Brendon)

Should we wait until they arrive back? (Preston)

It's an important mission that can't be disrupted. They might be finished when we arrive there but if not just stay close by not going in. (Brendon)

Alright. (Preston)

Alright we will head to location 6. and then branch off to our own separate Missions regroup at location 11. (Brendon)

You seem to think that having a few thousand troops will not be enough when we attack Location 11? (Preston)

I don't like to leave my enemies alive for to long, the longer they are alive the more knowledge they gain from our forces the harder it it to kill the enemy but if I don't attack it gives me time to set up key places to defend better against attacks. (Brendon)

I chose to remove the Enemy before working on Section two turning it into another part of Infinity Guardians territory. (Brendon)

When do we head off? (Preston)

Did the Recruits walk or ride in the military Truck's? (Brendon)

Military trucks with the supplies we brought weapons and armor you asked with ammo and parts to Repair Bots. (Preston)

Good, let head out now then. The troops already rested on the way here. (Brendon)

Are we taking everyone? (Preston)

No, there needs to be people guarding the base when we are out, you brought the EMP Disrupters? (Brendon)

I did not, Wallace is building them, even trying to improve them at the base, but he said he will have them sent over today. (Preston)

He works hard. Let's go. (Brendon)

Kratos, we are leaving. (Brendon)

Kratos looked over to me and in his mouth is a picture frame, I looked around and seeing the place is messy with stuff out out from his room and the Office scattered the room, I faced palmed.

Kratos... Jade can you clean the up? (Brendon)

Will do Master! The room flashed and it was clean like nothing happened.

Master he is hungry. (Jade)

Preston froze when he heard that, I laughed.

Jade what is for lunch? Breakfast? Supper? What time is it even? (Specter)

Master, it's One in the morning. (Jade)

Jade make some supper, Preston want to join we will be leaving soon, if you have not eaten best do so. (Brendon)

I will head down and organize the troops and get them ready for departure. (Preston)

Garvey left the Office, Jade made Stag Stakes and Kratos made his way over to the smell.

Kratos in the chair. (Brendon)

Seeing Kratos was going to take the food off the table using his claws he froze when I spoke.

I showed Kratos how I am sitting, Kratos made his way over to the chair Jade made specially for Kratos then I started using his Knife and fork to cut the Stake, Kratos looked at how I was eating and trying to mimick me.

He used his slaws as Fingers in a way to hold the silverware and was able to do it, I started thinking on how to fix the problem when he gets older and bigger.

I will think of it when it starts becoming a problem. (Brendon)

The meal passed by quickly and it's time to head off.

LordSpecter3366 LordSpecter3366

Updated: 06/27/2020

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