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Chapter 23: Hatching


Seeing the Deathclaw Egg just cracked, I am still in my armor pulled my revolver out and held it in hand ready to take action at anytime.

Not taking a chance, I walked to the egg but still a distance away to prepare for anything unexpected to happen and there I stood and waited until it hatched.

Bit by bit the cracks covered around it the egg burst open at the top and a small head popped out with a shell still on its head, looking around the egg shell on its head moved to the right then to the left as it rotated the small dragon dinosaur looking head around with curious look.

Seeing me it tilted it's head to the right and the egg shell on its head fell to the right and fell on the soft bed the egg is laying on, then it looked to the egg shell that fell.

So cute! (Specter)

Grr? (Deathclaw)

Looking back to me, it tilting it's head as if trying to find out what I said I walked a step closer but stopped and looked right at the Deathclaw, the Deathclaw seeing me moved closer looked down and seeing it's in a trapped by the shell, it pushed forward on the shell and the egg cracked and broke as it opened up the Deathclaw rolled forwarded and landed on the soft bed and looked at me again.

I looked at it's eyes and seeing the bright Orange Snake eyes that actually look innocent, I also can't feel any Threat from it. I walked closer until he is half a step away, the Deathclaw looked around the room and stood up for a second before falling back down but got back up right after and stood up strong as it's clawed feet punctured the soft bed under it to keep it's balance.

Once again looking at me it tilted it's head to the side.

Grr? (Deathclaw)

I watched the movments and actions of the Deathclaw seeing how it's going to react to me being so close, nothing happening besides the Innocent curiosity, I nodded and streached my left empty hand out and stopped before the Deathclaw just Five inches away if not Six inches.

The Deathclaw looked at my open palm hand facing up and lifted it's own right hand and looked at it's own claws and black scales it placed it's small clawed hand over my hand, I felt the soft Scales and thought of a Turtle leg it has power but it's soft like that.

I moved my hand back and the Claws slid against my palm, feeling the claws are not that sharp at the moment but still can puncture skin if pressure was added. I started calculating the size of the Deathclaw and it's 10 Inches tall its tail is seven or six inches long for now.

I finished retracting my hand and reached over to give the cute Deathclaw a head pat and it closed it's eyes and seemed to just peaceful enjoy it.

Well little one, welcome to the world. (Brendon)

Grr? (Deathclaw)

I yawned, and thought of how I should handle the Deathclaw that had just been born, the Deathclaw also yawned, Seeing it moved and laid down on its bed, I shrugged and moved to my bed that is on the other side of the Room, I fell on the bed and fell asleep right then and there. Even though I am sleeping my senses are active and anything moving in the room will wake me right away so I did not have to worry about the Deathclaw.


As I was sleeping, the Deathclaw woke up and Cutely Yawned and stretched it's tiny body, it moved and trying to go back to sleep but it was unable to get comfortable so it stood up and looked around the room, the sun is up still as it's only been a few hours, it seen Brendon sleeping on the other side of the room. Getting up and jumped down from the Soft bed.

As soon as it's clawed feet touched the floor it made no noise silent as Death still I moved and rolled to the side, the Deathclaw moved closer to the bed and it walked without making a noise along the way, it got to the bed and crawled up, I once again moved and placing my right hand onto my revolver.

As the Deathclaw crawled up the blanket to get to the top but the blanket was shredded where it just finished climbing up, it moved over to me and curling into a ball before falling asleep right after.

I opened my eyes barley and seen the Deathclaw sleeping, I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep again.



Both me and the Deathclaw jumped up looking around the room the loud Ding Noise it was like a bell just went off in the room right next to their ears.

I looked around and seeing the Deathclaw was also looking around confused, I knows it was not the Deathclaw, holding my revolver and aiming at the door waiting for it to open.

Master! Good morning! The upgrade had just been finished! (Jade)

Jade? Was that bell sound you? (Brendon)

Yup! It was me, it was to tell you that I have finished upgrading. (Jade)

Make it quieter when I am sleeping, What are all the new changes? (Brendon)

I lowered my revolver and started rubbing my eyes with my left hand waking myself up.

Master, first. Why is there a baby Deathclaw in your bed? (Jade)

Just hatched, and I was tired it was tired we both fell asleep. (Brendon)

That is dangerous! You can't let your guard down... O, never mind you did not. (Jade)

I will now tell you what had been updated, first you will be unable to use the Matter manipulation System all the time, its now limited and has a cool down time, as you are trying to get stronger this will prevent you from relaying on me for building a wall of turrets to save your life like before, if you want to get stronger kill and level up like you have been in the beginning. (Jade)

But your not just going to be thrown into the Wiled right away, when you are leading the battle you will be able to gain the experience from your troops kills.

With every kill the troops make you will gain experience. but if you are too far and I can't keep track of the kills you need to build a Matter Manipulation Signal Tower then, this will allow me to have reach over a large area to collect the experience for you if don't want to go out and join the troops on an attack each time best to have a tower set up before sending troops. (Jade)

As you are trying to repair the world you will need buildings and to make them you need material, so to fix the relaying on me for the buildings. You can now build Weaker Versions of me, it's just the matter manipulation system and limited by having the right building as support.

Using a Quarry as a reference, you need metal the ore mined by the quarry, build it and the matter manipulation system will start collecting the metals in the ground and bring it up for use that will only be the ores, if you want to turn it into alloy metal to be useable. You need to make a smelter and then you can start making metal to use in buildings. (Jade)

So I need to build buildings myself to make progress now? (Brendon)

Yes and Nope. Just use my systems and you can make it like a base building game but I will be unable to upgrade them unless you have the right perk, you will be able to collect some materials from me every day and any building that makes materials like ores and metal can be collected from me from long distance as the system to help at the mines will matter transfer the materials.

You dont need trucks running around collecting it and transfering it, the materials you collect from me are limited so use it to make buildings that will speed it up resources or you will be in a pinch quickly. (Jade)

I see. (Brendon)

It will also be built quickly but the buildings will need to be upgraded to produce faster results and the more you want to upgrade the longer it will take and more resources unless you use perks to lower the upgrading time you will be taking a long time to upgrade buildings.

You will be needing to use the Second Perk tree that has been made for this, the original perk tree is left alone so you can still level your foundation up like before but this new perk tree you need to unlock it over time, the stronger you get the more Perks from the second perk tree will become available to you. (Jade)

New Perk tree? (Brendon)

Opening new Perk Tree. (Jade)

Looking at the holographic screen and seeing the perk tree.

Strangth: there is limited Upgrades to see, the stronger you get the More Skills will become available.

Ballistic Skin: level one, you will be resistance to knifes as your body is becoming similar to Ballistic Skin. Level two, you will become resistance to small Calabar Bullets. Level three: ???.

Physical: Level one, your body becomes even stronger Required 10 Strangth, Level Two: because of your Strangth your body is braking the human limits your body will now become abnormally stronger.

Combat: Level one, learning skills to the Strangth Level you are at, Level Two, learn Breathing Skills to the Strangth Level you are at.

Perception: the higher your Perception is the more Perks will be available.

Six Sense: Level one, your perception is now able to determine who is trying to kill you. Level two, your perception is now braking the Human limits you can see in the Future for one second.

Reflex: Level one, your Reflex is Abnormal you can move faster then most. Level two: your Reflex has broken through the human limits your Reflex can catch bullets but not recommend.

Endurance: the higher the Endurance is the more Perks will become available to you.

Vitality: Level one, your Vitality has increased you can lose more blood and still live. Level two, your Vitality is now increased you can live with blood loss longer.

Sun absorber: Level one, the sun gives you support as long as you are in the sun you will recover faster. Level two, when you are in the sun you will Recover Stamina faster.

Charisma: the higher your Christmas is the more Perks will become available.

Blinding Light: Level one, your looks is blinding you distract the opposite sex with your looks allowing you to get the better outcome when talking. Level two, your looks distracts even the same Sex you will be able to get them to do more for you even if they are jealous of you.

Intelligence: As you are unable to use perks in Intelligence you will have to unlock the perks that is visible to unlock the unavailable Perks.

Custom: Level one, Your Armor can now be changed to how you like, you don't like how you have arm guards that cover half the arm change it. Level two, you can Customize your Power Armor with your own ideas freely with less time needed.

Better Armor: Level one, your Power Armor metal is weak add a better material. Level two, your power armor is now strong but you can do better your now able to use less materials and still keep the armor the same so it becomes faster and lighter using less Fusion Core power as it does not require that much power to move.

More Power: Level one, your Mastery over Fusion Cores now hold more power when creating Fusion Cores. Level two, your now able to return the Fusion Cores back to there original power. (Need Perk ??? To use.)

Zooming: Single Level, your power armor helmet can now Zoom you can zoom like a Scope from a gun so you dont need scopes on your Guns.

Building time: Level one, your Buildings now take time to upgrade Speed it up by one week. Level two, Speed it up by 5 weeks. Level three: ???.

Upgrades: Level one, your Buildings need upgrades but you don't know how unlock Rank one. Level two, Unlock Level one.

Materials: Level one, lower the Materials consuming amount on Buildings. Level two, lower the materials even more. Level three: ???.

Strangthen Buildings: Level one, using less Materials weakened the Building foundation do it by taking the impurities out and make the materials stronger. (Required Materials Perk Level one.) Level Two: ???.

Matter Manipulation Signal Tower, Single Rank. This is needed to build the Tower this tower will allow troops to kill and give you Experience even if you sleep as long as it's in range it will be seen by Jade to allow the enemy to be transferred over, but you gain even more when you are present when it happened.

Agility: the higher your Agility is the more Perks will become available.

Agility: Level one, your body is even faster then normal. Level two, your body has broken the human limits you run way faster.

That is what you got available to you, if you want to get more options available you need to improve them. (Jade)

For activating the update you gained one free perk point. (Jade)

Unlock Matter Manipulation Signal Tower. (Brendon)

Unlocking complete! You can now build the Tower where you want! (Jade)

It has a 10 mile Signal Strangth so in 10 miles you will be able to collect Experience from anything dying. (Jade)

I got up and the Deathclaw had the blanket thrown over it's head it started wiggling out and popped it's head out from the blankets and looked at me who is walking to the door. It pushed its way out and made a cute loud noise seeing I was still walking away.

Grr! (Deathclaw)

I stopped and looked at the Deathclaw and remember about it, I watched in amusement as the Deathclaw pushed the mountain of covers off it and got off the bed and made it's way to me like a little puppy.

Stay close. (Brendon)

I walked to the door and the Deathclaw followed right after, I stopped and looked at it.

Hmm, you need a name, let's see... How about Kratos? (Brendon)

Grr! (Kratos)

LordSpecter3366 LordSpecter3366

Updated: 06/25/2020

Important! sorry for not updating for two weeks, went to the dentist and had my four wisdom teeth removed and one was coming in horizontally that also got food down to the root of the next closest one making an infection. after having it removed I had meds to help with the infection and my body is not used to meds as I don't take many.

at first did nothing but the longer I used them started putting me to sleep and in a way helping me fight the infection as I slept.

Im back

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