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39.02% Fallout 4 Infinity / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Stealth Travels

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Stealth Travels

{Inside the War Room.}

You want to join Infinity Guardians? (Brendon)

Yes, you have been helping the people and it seems better if I join you, Preston had asked me and after thinking about it and seeing how you are helping then people and that the Institute is highly likely the reason behind my son kidnapping, I will be Joining you. (Jones)

Alright, if you are joining you will be starting as a Recruit but you already had military training so you will be skipping the training and jumping into the action. (Brendon)

I will be needing to make my way to a Goodneighbor, there is a person I need to talk to there. (Brendon)

Then fly there and be back. (Jones)

That will not work, I have the Institute eyes on me and they seem to know my were about so I need to do this quietly. (Brendon)

Then walking at night and making our way there? (Jones)

Precisely, we need to move fast and stealthy. We can't stop anywhere and we most certainly can't get seen by anything along the way if we do we need to eliminate it as fast as we can and as quietly as we can. (Brendon)

Where are we going? (Jones)

Goodneighbor there is a woman there I need to find her and ask her for some help. (Brendon)

When do we move out? (Jones)

Soon, first we need to arm up and prepare for the journey. (Brendon)

Door opening-up, Preston walked in the War Room.

Brendon, I have found the information you asked about. (Preston)

Tell me what you found so far. (Brendon)

The Mechanist that attacked you does not have much information just this file Nick had with him. (Preston)

{Opening the file.}

Crazy robots killing people as they Yelled out salvation before killing them. The attacks have been spreading from the East to West and looking into it they must be close to Boston Airport, at first, I thought it they came from the Airport but after going there to look myself only Ghouls in the thousands, any robots would send them into a frenzy and get destroyed it is unlikely to be there base of operations.


It has been a week of searching beside the name A124 that a survivor from one of the attacks, the Mechanist has been going quiet lately less attacks happening nothing else was found, the case has gone cold.


No new information since the last search. I have to go and help rescue a girl on a new case and can't keep looking on this Case hope the Mechanist has stopped all completely but that is most likely not what is happening. I just hope that when the Mechanist makes another move its not an army of robots.

This helps, Preston tell Higgins to send Scouts out to look for any Robot movements around the Airport keep away from the Airport when scouting. (Brendon)

Be safe on your travels. (Preston)

Aww! Preston thanks. (Brendon)

Just Don't get yourself killed I don't want to have to lead after you die already had failed. (Preston)

Haha, my journey just started, so dying is out of the question. Jones we need to leave and head off it should be night right now. (Brendon)

This place Goodneighbor how do we get there? (Jones)

By walking and following a overpass and going around most danger. (Bremdon)

As we talked we made our way to the armory and armed up then left.


Arriving at A.5 Checkpoint at the Boarder just east from Star base under the Railroad bridge next to star base entrance going East.

Passing the Checkpoint and heading East for about half a miles nothing attacked and we arrived at the destroyed overpass.

That's it? (Jones)

Yes, we need to follow that overpass south and then east and continue, it's like a guideline in a way. (Brendon)

Let's go. (Jones)

We both had equipped black armor on, I have my more sleek armor on and a helmet that helps target living things and Suppressed weapons following the Overpass with weapons up and ready to attack anything, for a mile and a half a building on the right appeared.

Mystic Pines, always thought that place would be a good base location but also it gives off an odd feeling like something will pop out from the walls. (Brendon)

You get that feeling? Never liked it nothing is there, I looked inside it's just got a few small things that is it, but no enemies it's wired over such a ling time you would expect something to move in and make it a home. (Jones)

This way, we need to go East now, we just follow this overpass to most our way to our destination. (Brendon)

Traveling a pack of Ghoul Dogs attacked, we had shot them quickly as they charged us and evading attacks if they get close hut they are faster and my armor was but but held there attack back giving us time to kill them no attacks happened after words along the way for a mile walk, a dam appeared, the water is not going over it so it's good to pass as a bridge, crossing it a Swarm of mosquitos attacked.

Using our Suppresed guns I am using a P-90 and Jones has the M4, we shoot through thier bodies and made them into a red paste. The mosquitos attacked with strength and speed like a dart fast but bigger body slower they are and that helped counter them. Having to evade before they attack and they flew like a dart unable to change directions after passing by, we took the Bull running at them to their advantage and killed them more effectively. After killing the 12th Mosquito we continue walking Jade is collecting all the materials and the enemies killed was made to experience along the way. Passing a lift that can take you up in the overpass we continue on.

We need to cross the river north before we can continue on. Unless you want to swim there. (Jones)

Crossing the water we passed a small building under the overpass but did not stop there to explore, we continue until a road appeared and then we see a bridge that will lead us over again, getting closer, we stopped.

Well shit... (Jones)

There is a minefield on this bridge, just how long will it take to defuse or make our way passes without going boom. (Jones)

Really? (Brendon)

What? (Jones)

Jade, take care of it. (Brendon)

Will do! (Jade)

Walking to the Bridge and Jade started cleaning it up as we got close to the mines, there we kept going through Trucker Memorial Bridge, Jade not only removed the mines but she cleared the bridge of everything and even the fuel on the ground was removed, getting on the other side another swarm of Mosquitos attacked, but this one was more than the first. 7 of them they are not smart, if they all attacked in every direction thay would win or kill themselves on accident, doing the same as last time only lasted a few minutes longer to kill them all. There we continue moving on passing a bridge and a trader is there walking the same way they are, we continue on not stopping to talk.

Entering an old town we walked through it and keeping an eye out for anything that moves, I stopped and switched to my Suppressed Sniper PSG1.

•I am adding the PSG1 in as it's my favorite sniper and just call it a Mod if you don't accept it.•

Seeing a Bandit, I spoke to Jones.

This place is a bandit camp if we continue we need to kill them first before passing through. (Brendon)

Snipe them from here? (Jones)

I can, when they rush us you need to kill them before they get to close. (Brendon)

Having an M4 in hand, Jones spoke.

Got you. Just snipe and I will keep them away from you. (Jones)

Aiming at a Bandit I Squeezed the trigger and shot the one on guard the shot fired even if it is suppressed gave us away right away unlike games suppressors are not that quiet it does make the gun sound less loud but not to the point that its practically dead quiet when shot.

The bandits was alerted and started making there way to us, I sniped at then and forced then under cover broken and ruined vehicles and junk that cam be used as cover and when one pop there head up I will shoot them. There is a small building on our left that that had the Bandits rush out and charge our way, Jones started shooting them as they shot back he took cover and I had to aim at them and fire, as I did that the other Bandits made there way closer and I seen them forcing me to aim back and shoot them.

As they are attacking both sides one at a time, I started gaining control over them by shoot at one side and draw the other side out of cover and shot them quickly, as they are being killed in there charge attack, Jones was killing them when they got closer and after a few minuts of that we where forced back but still killed the last bandit in the end.

Is it over? (Jones)

Idiot! Don't raise flags! (Brendon)

More bandits started rushing out of the camp and heading out way, seeing this I glared as Jones and we are shooting but they seem dead set on trying to get us.

So we made a Tactical retreat but in a push way, this we rushed them forcing them under cover using the time they took cover as we ran and shoot at them and left them behind as we ran away.

We continue on and we stayed close to the river and moved east after a while a place arrived before us called Bunker hill we did not stopping there and even if I wanted to its not the right time as we are on a mission less distractions the better the outcome. Moving on we moved South passing people like traders and settelers moving about outside Bunker hill and getting inside. Leaving bunker hill a bridge came up but had to pass it up, there are super mutants on the bridge and we see the huge green giants agree to go around looking for a different path can't fight them head-on just yet probably, still better safe then sorry.

We moved west to another bridge this one is up and not even and the only way over is by swimming, but for us we are not normal people I had Jade make a makeshift Bridge and we make our way over it, a Super mutant scouting with there odd dog thing noticed us and charged us as we are crossing the bridge, we hurried across the Bridge, and Jade removed the bridge making the Super Mutant run and fall in the water making a huge splash of water alerted others close by and the dog thing started its alarm scream that truly alearted the enemy side.

Rushing away as we are being shot we got away and clamed down before moving on again, as we continue we entered a city section passed through buildings like a maze evaded all the enemies we are able to and silently killing the ones we are unable to hiding in the shadows waiting for them to pass if need be, then we found another group of Super mutants and only need to get attacked by one and it will trigger them all to come rushing, with that we had to stay out of sight and moving fast and quiet we moved around the buildings in the shadows. Passing around the buildings was hard it was like every turn will have a Super mutant there blocking our path.

We have arrived, see that door? We just got to get there and we are good. (Brendon)

Making one last push, we evaded the Super Mutants still present and got inside breathing hard.

Now inside Goodneighbor we catch our breath as a Man standing there pulling out a cigarette.

Hay! Hold up there, First time in Goodneighbor you can't go walking around without insurance. (Finn)

Insurance? (Jones)

Yea, Insurance, personal protection, like... You hand over everything you got in them pockets, or accidents start happenin' to ya. Big, bloody, accidents. (Finn)

Whoa, whoa, Time out. (Hancock)

A Ghoul but this one is still having his intelligence so he is not trying to eat and kill people on sight.

Someone steps through the gate the first time, they are a guest. You lay off the extortion crap. (Hancock)

What d'you care? Thay ain't one of us. (Finn)

No love for your mayor, Finn? I said let 'em go. (Hancock)

You're soft, Hancock. You keep letting outsiders walk all over us, one day there'll be a new mayor. (Finn)

Come on, man. This is me we're talking about. Let me tell you something. (Hancock)

Hancock pulled a knife and stabbed Finn three times and let him drop to his knees.

Now, why did you have to go and say all that? (Hancock)

Finn fell to his side bleeding out...

There Hancock looked at us and spoke.

Goodneighbor is for the people by the people. Do you feel me? (Hancock)

Ya, I feel you. (Jones)

Good, now what brings you two to Goodneighbor not the easiest place to get to and it's very dangerous. (Hancock)

Memory Den. (Brendon)

Do you know where it is? (Hancock)

I do. (Brendon)

Alright, I will not be holding you any longer enjoy your stay. (Hancock)

Hancock left and made his way up into his building. As for us we made our way to the memory den, Goodneighbor is bigger, having even more buildings and the place is covered a good size area, but the place is still a rundown place and looks like anyone will jump out just to kill you for items. Besides everything is bigger the path to the Memory Den is the same just taking longer to get there, arriving at the door and walking in everything looks the same as the game just bigger and more Memory lounges. There is a large room filled with memory loungers, some of which are in use by people. These memory loungers are used to access the past memories of the occupant. Both Jones and I walked passed them and made our way to the end a woman on the red couch smoking in a red dress blond hair she was just enjoying her relaxing state not even bothered about us, I walked passed her and Jones followed. I did not stop to chat with her as I made my way to the left of the room there is a staircase and walking down the stairs and entered a basement, two more memory loungers there and a woman in a Lab Coat there tapping on a computer.

I need some help. (Brendon)

Welcome to the memory den, I am Dr. Amati. Memories to be accessed what memory do you want to be looked at? (Amari)

I have an enemy Synth in my base and would like you to umm, change its memories to go back to the Institute and collect a few items for me and return. (Brendon)

Jones looked at me in shock how I just said that and Amari who was typing had her hands froze in place for a second before she turned around also equally shocked.

Who are you? How do you know about me? (Amari)

I am Brendon the Leader of Infinity Guardians and as for how I know of you, let's just say I can get information fairly easy. (Brendon)

Now back to what I was just talking about, there is a Synth, he tried to kill me as an enemy that lost to me is my prisoner, and I get to say how my prisoner ends up in the end. So I would like to use my enemy to get information and then I can let you save him from the institute and me. (Brendon)

I can't help you with that, the Synths have a way to block me out, unless they want to they won't let me in. (Amari)

Don't worry, I will persuade him to help, now let's go we are going to my base, tell me what items do you need so I can bring it with us. (Brendon)

What do you mean? I can't leave I have a job here. (Amari)

Do you want to know about the institute? (Specter)

What do you mean? (Amari)

I will not force you to help me or to come with me if you don't, but if you do I will give you information as payment for your help, but you will have to come with me and help me do this. (Brendon)

... Fine! But you need to take big things, it will not be a problem, right? (Amari)

Nope, point at the things you need to use on transferring new memories and removing some and then we will be good to go. (Brendon)

Follow me, there is a backup room if anything goes wrong with the terminals or the Memory lounges we had no use for them yet. (Amari)

Following Amari and this room was not in the game, it was an extended room in the basement area, arriving in the room there are multiple of the same items inside.

Take a set, you can carry the items, right? After all, we need the Terminal and that Memory Lounge. (Amari)

Jade. (Brendon)

One set of items vanished and Amari was shocked and looked around and rubbed her eyes and then left, made her way back into the Area we just talked she moved around to a terminal and pulled a bottle out and looked at it.

I drank too much, or this thing is drugged with something. (Amari)

Relax, you are not going crazy or drugged. But its classified and I will not tell you why or how it happened. Now is that everything? (Brendon)

Th-that is everything. But to leave will be dangerous if I get hurt along the way you will not get my help even after arriving. (Amari)

Alright, lets go. (Brendon)

I never got your name. (Amari)

Seeing she is looking at Jones he spoke up.

I am Jones. (Jones)

LordSpecter3366 LordSpecter3366

Updated: 6/2/2020

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