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61.29% Under Rewrite / Chapter 19: Chapter 19 New School, New Frenemies!

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 New School, New Frenemies!

A/N Sorry! I was helping my family and hurt myself. I ended up hyper-extending my knee and arm, both of which locked up on me afterward. I haven't been able to concentrate that well and have been doing bits and pieces of the story when I can.


Logan was currently cruising at a high altitude in his 'Eagle-flight' which was on autopilot. Logan was currently going over his weapons 'Muramasa' and 'Jackals' as they were prototypes that have yet to be tested. The cases were open in front of Logan. The 'Muramasa' sword was singled edged blade with a gentle curve to it, the blade being bright pearl white seemed unreal. The handle was metal with a curved cover and trigger at the guard. The sheath was mat black with a gun-like mechanism at the top of it. Inside the case was several thin tube-like containers that glowed like a rainbow. After he was through checking the sword, Logan turned to the 'Jackals'. They were a set of twin... hand-cannons to say the least about them. One appeared to be a magnum semiautomatic pistol that had no clear place were sliding parts could be seem, it was if it was one piece (think of a desert eagle with no clear indication of were the slide is), labeled 'Jack'. The other was a revolver with a long 18 inch (45.72cm) barrel, vented at the end, with an decagon (10) cylinder chamber, labeled 'Jessie'. Both of them were colored simply in gunmetal grey. As he was taking them apart, Logan got a call on his scroll, he quickly sent it to his visor.

Logan: "Hey Tai, what's up? Did I forget something?"

Tai: "Hey Logan, did you take Nagini with you? I can't seem to find her. She always comes when I call Zwei, but she isn't here."

As if on cue, Logan's started moving and chirping sounds start emanating from his bag. Soon a reptilian head poked out from the bag and then followed by a body. A armadillo girdled lizard with wings crawled out, usually they're small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, this one was at least two times larger and three times longer then normal. This golden colored lizard was Nagini, Logan's pet and local pest chaser for Tai and his garden. Nagini gave a cute yawn and a small flame emerged from her mouth.

Logan: "Found her. She was asleep in my bag. I'll deal with her and see what I can do."

Tai: "Okay, but knowing her, she'll try to fight and stay by you. She does have separation anxiety, and she hardly leaves your side or anything with your scent on it. I'm just worried about her at the school, I don't know what they'll do."

Logan: "I'll figure something out. Hmm? Gotta go, almost to the school. See ya."

Tai: "Be good, stay safe, and 'NO' more teaching classes. I don't need another call saying that you replaced another teacher. See ya."

As Logan got off the call, he lightly patted Nagini's head and told her to stay. Taking of his jacket, boots, shirt, and pants; he started putting on the 'Stalker' armor. Starting with the fabric he made and calls 'dura-coth'; the first part covers his torso which looks like a tight, fitted turtle neck, then he puts on dark pocketed pants, and then similar colored boots. Once he was done, he started strapping on the metal armor beginning with his legs. Logan's boot's, shin's, and knee's were covered by a dark blue/grey metal that covered most of the lower part of his legs. His thighs were also covered in a similar fashion to the lower part of his legs, on his right thigh was a metal case labeled P.A.K.; on his left was a leather holster that he put 'Jack' in.

Logan reached down into the 'Stalker' armor case and pulling out a thick, black leather belt and chest-rig. While the chest-rig had a holster for 'Jessie' under the left arm, the belt had fastenings that could pivot and turn for 'Muramasa' on his hip. As he went to strap the chest armor on, Logan heard a couple of chirps from Nagini. As he turned to look, armor still in hand, Nagini had gone and made a nest from Logan's discarded clothes. Logan continued smiling at Nagini's behavior, and strapped his armor. Once he finished, Logan grabbed the armor's cloak from the case, this cloak was the central piece of the armor; by running a electrical current through the cloak renders any who wears it invisible. Afterwards, Logan pulled several pouches that he clipped to his belt, and his helmet which looks like a simple face mask with a red visor and and the helmet it attaches to. After deciding to forgo the helmet for now, he attaches the armor's bracers to his arms. The right was a metal bracer that covered up till the elbow with a large bar that protruded out, away from the body, while the left had a LED screen under the forearm that could rotate up and form a holographic touch screen.

Once he was done, Logan placed 'Muramasa' on his hip and walked over to his bag with his helmet. As he knelled down, Nagini chirped, ran up and climbed on to his shoulder and perched there. Picking up his discarded articles of clothing and shoving them into his bag with his helmet, Logan got ready to disembark as his ship arrived at Beacon. Giving a once-over of himself, Logan made sure that he forgot nothing and disembarked.

As he left the ship and watched as it took off back to the house, the first thing he saw was a girl in red fall into a pile of luggage. Smiling, Logan began walking over to Ruby who was now getting yelled at by a pale girl in white. As he approached he could hear her scream at poor Ruby.

Pale girl: "Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused!?"

Ruby: "uhh..."

P.G: "Give me that! This is Dust mined and purified from the Schnee Quarry."

Ruby: "uhh..."

P.G: "What are you, brain dead? Dust! Fire, Water, Lighting, Energy!

Ruby: "UHH.. UHH..."

P.G: "Are you even listening to me!? Is any of this sinking in!?"

The pale girl was shaking a fire Dust bottle around, Logan who saw the red hue that formed around them quickly jumped into action, while Nagini saw and understood what was happening hide herself inside of Logan's cloak. Dashing over to them, Logan pinched Ruby's nose and grabbed the pale girl's hand that held the Dust bottle. Surprising the both of them, the pale girl was the first to recover, but before she could speak, Logan cut her off while staring directly at her.

Logan: "As much as I would like for you to resolve this yourselves, your Dust bottle is open and going everywhere. If I didn't stop you two just now, you'd would have blown yourselves off the cliff. Now be nice and do NOT shake that bottle anymore and I will help you collect all the scattered Dust."

The pale girl went wide-eyed at what Logan had said. As she looked around, she realized he was right and that they very nearly did as the air was now red and the bottle was almost empty. She simply nodded her head and Logan let go of her while Ruby struggled not to sneeze. Logan took his free hand and used his wind to quickly gather all the scattered Dust in the air and formed it into a small ball that hovered in his hand. As Logan released Ruby's poor nose, she finally sneezed and looked at Logan.

Logan: "Bless you, Ruby."

Ruby: "Thank you, Logan."

P.G: " You two know each other?"

Logan: "Yes, she is my sister, Ruby Rose. And I am Logan Tenebris. And you are?"

The pale girl was a caught little off guard by Logan's manners, but quickly recovered. Doing a simple yet elegant bow of her head she said:

Weiss: "I am Weiss Schnee, the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. I hate to break it to you but your sister was the one who caused this mess."

Ruby: "I didn't mean to! I was pushed by some students who were in a rush!"

Weiss: "Likely story! Your just a clumsy girl who fell.

???1: "Actually, I saw it happen."

???2: "What she said was true, she was pushed."

The two new voices chimed in for Ruby's defense. One was a messy, blonde haired, dark blue eyed boy with fair skin. Wearing a black short-sleeved hoodie with detached reddish-orange sleeves, a white diamond-shaped chest plate cut off above his lower abdomen, and placed over his shoulders are a pair of white spaulders with rerebraces set under them. He also is wearing blue jeans with a white patch placed on the left knee and black sneakers, two belts crisscrossing his waist, both different shades of brown, with a pair of small pouches on them, brown wrist-length finger-less gloves and small metal plates over the back. His weapon of chose seems to be a sword. While the other was a woman. She is fair skinned with ashen-black wavy hair tied back with a black bow and amber eyes. She wears a black buttoned vest with coattails, a single silver button could be seen on the front. Underneath this is a white, sleeveless, high necked, crop undershirt and white shorts with a zipper on the front of each leg, black low-heeled boots, full stockings with a color fade of black to purple at her ankles, and what appears to be her emblem on each of her stockings in white. Her left arm was covered with a detached sleeve with a silver cuff around her bicep to her wrist, while both of her forearms had ribbons wrapped around them. And a loose black scarf was around her neck.

girl: "I saw it happen. She was indeed push by some passing students who were rushing."

boy: "I saw it too. She really didn't mean it."

Weiss: " And who are you?"

Jaune: " Jaune Arc!"

Blake: "Blake."

Logan: "Thank you for saying something in my sister's defense. If you didn't hear me the first time, I'm Logan and this here is my sister, Ruby."

Ruby: "Thank you."

Jaune: "No problem. I seen what happened and I just wanted to help when I heard the fight. But I gotta say, your fast, I could barely see you move."

Blake: "I had a hard time tracking you well? Hey, you have a lizard on your shoulder."

Nagini had felt the danger pass and had climbed back out. She now sat proudly on Logan's shoulder. And was currently watching Weiss, similar to that of a predator watching it's prey.

Logan: Oh! Sorry, this is Nagini, she's my pet, Golden-armadillo lizard. Due to her semblance, she grew larger then normal. She's here because she was asleep in my bag without me knowing. I know you usually find them in Vacuo, but she was shipped as an 'Exotic' pet. When I found her, she was trashing the pet store that had her. As I was the only one that could get near her, she was given to me as they couldn't keep her."

Weiss: "Why is it staring at me?"

Logan: "She is a little overprotective of me, as she sees me as her best friend sense most of them are very social creatures. Here's your dust by the way."

After returning the dust, Weiss left as she had no business here anymore. Blake watched her walk off until she remembered Logan's previous introduction. Nagini, however, kept her eyes on her until she disappeared.

Blake: "Originally, you said 'Logan Tenebris' ,right? Then that would make you the maker of the 'Eagle-flight' shuttles, as well as the up and coming 'Aspiring Young Hunter-in-training' who foiled Roman Torchwick."

Jaune: "Two things; One, you fought Roman Torchwick? Two, what's 'Eagle-flight'?"

Ruby: "I was with him during that fight with Roman! I kick all his goon's buts! Yet he gets all the credit for it! All he did was get one lucky shot!"

Logan: "Sorry about her, she sensitive about that, as she was the one who fought Roman first and most of his goons. All I did was stop those who were trying to escape with stolen Dust. And she is right with the lucky shot as well. As for 'Eagle-flight', it's a small 5-6 person shuttle that is affordable to anyone regardless of were they're from, human or faunus. I just made a prototype and was testing it and my town asked if I can make them one if they payed me. I had to patent it so that others could make them without dealing with a lot of paperwork and lawyers. It only started about a year and a half ago, so it's not surprising that you hadn't heard of it. If anything, I embarrassed that it's getting so big."

As Logan talked to Jaune about what he did. Ruby was basically fuming with annoyance. Blake, however, looked at whim with approval.

Blake: {'He's not arrogant nor self-centered, also humble. He's trained as well, I could barely follow him when he rushed to Ruby's aid. Even his semblance is quite strong. Wind manipulation is it? Potent for offense and defense, if he has incorporated in into his fighting style, he could be unstoppable. Best to be careful around him; he could be the best ally or worst enemy.'}

Blake excused herself and left, leaving Jaune, Ruby, and Logan. After talking for a little longer, the trio then left for the auditorium. While Nagini had climbed to the top of Logan's head and fell asleep sunbathing as they walked.

Hawkin Hawkin

Your welcome for a new chapter! Please give a hand for Logan's new pet: Nagini!

Name: Nagini

Race: Armadillo Girdled Lizard

Semblance: Dragon

Effect: Gives dragon wings and fire breath!

I know that he's starting to be like Iron-man. I will try to keep that from happening, unless you like it.

Please let me know in the comments!!

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