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83.33% Warrior In Suits / Chapter 5: Chapter Four.

Chapter 5: Chapter Four.

I was slumped against the wall. What the hell had just happened? One moment I had woken up, the next thing I know, the dude just threatened to kill me. The guy I saved. The entire scene just kept repeating in my head. It was like it was on a loop and I was reliving it again. "You should really learn the art of locking doors"? Did I really not lock my door yesterday? That was the scariest part. Anybody could have walked in. It could have been a thief or a murderer. How am I so dumb? I mentally slapped myself.

I walk out of the bathroom and realize that I don't have enough time to shower, if I wanted to make it to the interview. And I needed the job. I run to my room, Put on my clothes, apply some light makeup. With makeup I mean, eyeliner and lipstick. I pop in some mints and run to the door, praying that I would make it in time for the interview. I run out of the door, just to realize that I forgot to wear my heels. This day could not get any worse.

Let me tell you, it did get worse. It was as if bad luck followed me everywhere. After the whole forgetting heels thing. I was hoping that that would be the end of all the bad luck that constantly followed me. The road looked empty and the sun glistened in the sky like a shining diamond. The different shades of yellow and red created a magnificent view and it was as if the city had finally slept because there was no noise. It was just the birds chirping and occasional dog barking. Moments like this always make me realize that life was beautiful. The whole scene lasted for exactly 3 minutes before I saw two people arguing. I could see drunk teenagers doing the walk of shame. Cars filled the road. The atmosphere was filled with honks and shouts. And times like this, force me to face reality.

"TAXI" I scream. None of them stop. It was as if I was invisible. Well that was a fail. I take my phone out of my bag to check the time. 9:37. Fuck! I need to be there in another 30 minutes. I can't afford to be late.

"Taxi" I try my best hailing a taxi. One of the taxis stop in front of me. I sigh a breath of relief. The taxi dude, stops for a minute. He rolls down his window. He eyes trail over my body, he shakes his head and leaves. Just like that. Not a word.

"Hey assbutt! I hope you get no rides at all! That motherfuc-"

I hear someone chuckle.

"Hey, how about you shove that laugh up yo- " And I turn.

"Is that how you treat me after last night SpongeBob? Did last night mean nothing to you?" He feigns hurt as he moves his hand over his non-existent heart. I'm sure it is shallow in there. There he is standing against a pole. Looking like he just walked out of a GQ cover. I could hear the people around me gasp.

I could feel a million eyes on me right now. Some looking at me in envy and some looking at me in disgust. The only time the neighborhood acknowledge my existence. They think I'm a slut. Just great!

"Hey Mister! I don't know who you are. Talk to me again and I'll scream bloody murder." I hurried back to find a taxi for myself

"Oh now don't be like that. We both know, that if I did make a move on you, you wouldn't try resisting and we wouldn't have left the house if that happened" With every word he takes a step closer. Really again? Have you no sense of personal space?

I finally managed to flag down a taxi. I put my hand on the handle. Suddenly, I could feel him standing right behind me. His hot breath against my neck caused me to stop breathing. I couldn't think of anything right now. My mind foggy. I could feel the heat rush to my face and I shut my eyes. I couldn't think straight. If I just had some experience in the boys department, this wouldn't have happened.

Come on Harper breath. Don't let him know that he got to you. Just inhale and exhale.

A minute passed. I felt the absence of the body that was behind me. I could feel the cold air brush against my skin. I slowly open my eyes, just to find out that he was sitting in my taxi, the one that I had managed to flag down. He looked at me through the window. He said something to the driver, who nodded and rolled down the window.

"Thanks for the ride, Sweetheart." With that he left again.

He left me, on the sidewalk. He took my ride. The one I managed to flag down with a lot of difficulty and it made me angry. And you don't want to see Harper Davidson getting angry. I will make sure he has hell to pay. I can't believe I let my guard down. I can't seem to wrap my mind around the effect he has on me. I could feel my heart race just thinking about him.

No Harper, you will not let him get to you. I will get my revenge and he will have a hell lot to pay.


After what seemed like hours, I found myself a ride. The taxi driver was nice. He took the quickest route to the place and he wasn't very expensive or snobby either. In fact he gave me his number to call him anytime I need ride and if he was around he would help me out. The world deserves more people like this.

I got out of the taxi after saying a quick thank you. The building in front of me was magnificent. The whole building was covered in glass. It looked like it had more than 50 stories. It was covered with solar cells on one side of the building. Waves of people just kept coming in and out. Some of them were talking over the phone. Some running because they were late. On that note, I should be running too. I pat myself down. Look at myself in my phone. Once I was convinced that I looked presentable. I ran inside the building, like my life depended on it because it did.

One minute I was running, the next minute I was waiting for the ground to welcome me with open arms as I face-planted few meters away from the entrance. I hear someone groan. What is the deal with people and groaning?

"Look where you are going woman!" Me? He is the one who tripped me! That jerk, I help myself up to give him a piece of my mind.

"Listen here, ballsac-". I come face to face with the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. His messy blonde hair covering a part of his eye. This freakishly tall guy kept pushing his hair back which made his arms bulge. Dayum! How is it that, he looks perfect and I look like I just finished climbing the Himalayas? Is it just me or am I running into Greek Gods every where I go? I would have just kept staring if the dude hadn't opened his mouth. I instantly regretted even thinking that the boy was good looking. Note how I said boy instead of man? 

"Lady, you have a little bit of drool right about there and get out of my way. I'm late for my interview," He chuckles looking at my hair. That little shit! I try wiping it just to realize that he was lying. Pumpkin man thinks he is hot. Well he is but with that ego, he isn't.

"Look where you going assbutt! Wait did you say interview? Is it the first year associate interview where you get personally trained by one of the senior partners by any chance?" I ask curiously.

"Yes. Wait how do you know?" He asked raising one of his perfectly shaped brows.

"I am too." I said.

He looks at me, I look at him and we both run. I am not losing my job to this jerk!

I heard footsteps behind me. Abett Grey Parkinson is one of the top law firms on planet earth. Most people don't go past the interview stage. The fact that I was offered an interview is a big deal. They only hire the best of the best. There are only limited positions at this firm and I intend to fill one of those empty slots. I quickly locate the front desk. I look around to see that the guy I was running away from was not far away.

"I'm here for my 10:10 interview. Can I please get an Id to pass through? And can you please make it quick?" I ask drumming my fingers on the counter. I was keeping a constant look out for the dude. He was searching for the front desk too. Ah good luck finding it in this crowd sucker! Cha-ching!

The lady in the front desk completely ignored me.

"Excuse me. Can I please get an ID to pass through?" I ask politely again.

No reply.

"Hey sweetcheeks, are you my Appendix? Because I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I should take you out." He said that in a seductive tone.

The receptionist immediately looks up and gives a very pitchy laugh before she flips her hair a pulls her top down, and her boobs popped up. Geez lady, we get it you have boobs.

"I bet she thinks appendix is food." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" she asked narrowing her eyes at me.

"Nothing" I reply. "Dumb bitch" I mumble. Mr. Jerky turns to me with an amused look on his face while I put on my most innocent look. I was mentally praising myself.

"Can you do me a favor and give me an ID. I'm very late for my interview." He said with a wink. Trying to calm the atmosphere.

She glares at me before she reaches out and pulls out an ID, she drops it "accidentally".

"Ooops!" She said and bent down to take it. Making sure her butt was facing the dude. He lets out a wolfish whistle while I roll my eyes. She then slowly gives him the ID and mouths the words "call me".

I was flabbergasted.

"Oh come on! You give him the ID and not me? I was here first." I said, this is so not fair. I'm not being a slut but i'm being deprived of an ID cuz I don't have a ding dong?

I was getting frustrated.

"Thanks babe! I owe you one" He said in a husky voice and he gave her a flirtatious wink. He turns to me and winks at me and shows me the ID. That little shit.

"Oh that's it lady! You give me the ID now or I swear to almighty god-" I was then rudely interrupted.

"What will you do?" She said with a high pitched voice.

"I have the upper hand here, honey. So you wait here for as long as I want you to wait." She said

"Leave the girl alone. She was here first. She deserved the ID, Tiffany. Don't do it again or I will report it to Ms. Grey and you know how much she hates people who misuse their position." A lady who looked like she was at least 60 years old says.

I look at her and smile. She looks at me and gives me a very warm smile.

"Where are you going, Sweetie" She asked.

"I'm not sure but I'm here for the first years interview" I said.

"Oh goody, I'm headed there right now but aren't you late for that? Well don't worry you'll make it in time. Well at least, you won't be very late. Follow me and I apologize for Tiffany here." She said politely.

"Oh there is no need for that. You weren't the one at fault here" I said offering her a smile.

We walk away from the rest of the crowd.

"Um excuse me, but isn't the elevator on the other side?" I asked.

"Yes it is. But this one is only used by the name partners and as I am the secretary of one of them. I get a free pass." She said and kept walking. I was so thankful I met her as, if I had taken the actual elevator I would have been very late as this place had over 50 floors. I was stopped by the security when the lady next to me told them I was with her and they let me in. I was beginning to like this lady as she was so sweet to me yet she held that power.

We walk into the lift.

"Um ma'am, thank you so much for today. I don't think I would have ever made it through if it wasn't for you and if I get the job today, I will want to give you a treat." I start rambling when I was suddenly cut off

"Call me Edna, my dear and it wasn't your fault. I don't like Tiffany anyways. The only reason I intervened was because you weren't afraid to stand up for yourself. If you don't get the job, I'll be sure to give him a very good beating. You'll get it. I'm sure. Just be yourself." She said reassuringly.


The minute the elevator door opened. I had the most spectacular view. I could see the skyline. It felt as if I was high up in the clouds and I never wanted to leave this place.

"We are here, dear. Just take a left here and follow the glass door, you'll reach my desk. I'll be there shortly. And break a leg kiddo." She winked as she started walking out of the elevator.

I snap back to reality. I look at her and offer her a small smile before muttering a thank you.

I follow her directions and I see that there was no one. Shit I missed my interview. I look around to see if I could spot the jerk and I couldn't. I heard the elevator ding. And I see him walk out of the elevator. He looks at me with wide eyes and I mouth the words "SERVES YOU RIGHT BITCH" with a wink. If this was a cartoon, there would be smoke coming out of his ear.

I see Edna walking towards her desk.

"You're late." She said without looking up from her file.

"You should know Mr. Xander hates it when you are not on time. Here at Abett Grey Parkinson, punctuality is everything." She said with a stern look on her face.

"I'm sorry" Both of us say in unison.

"But let the records show that I was here before him." I said with a little bit of happiness on my face

"This isn't a court room Ms. Davidson" She said not bothering to look at me. My face fell as I saw the jerk next to me do a little bit of a happy dance. What happened to the lady, she was fine before.

"But, I'll tell Mr. Xander that" She said with a wink. This time it was the other way around. Serves you right! I was downright dancing. Well jumping but it wasn't my fault I look like a butterfly with legs when I dance.


"No buts, Mr. Kowalski. You go take a seat. Both of you are lucky Mr. Xander has a little bit more time." She said as she started walking towards the door that said Elijah Xander in bold.

"Ms. Davidson, you're up"

I could feel my stomach feeling queasy. The nerves were finally getting to me. All the what if questions where making my palms sweat. I could feel beads of sweat rushing down my face. The time slowed and everything went in slow motion as I got up to dust myself. I closed my eyes for a minute as I mustered the courage to walk up to the door.

"But Edna, its not my fault she is late. I don't want any more interviewees. Send them back." I heard a deep voice say. It sounded so familiar yet I couldn't identify it. Oh wait, I shouldn't be listening to their conversation but my curiosity got the best of me. It ain't gonna hurt anyone. I walk a bit closer to the door to hear better.

"Eli, I will not tell those poor kids to go back. You will interview them at once. They might just turn out to be better than the others you interviewed." She said.


"No buts! You will interview them.  Everyone else found their associate. Every other senior partner. You need to do this. Or everything you worked towards will be flushed down the drain." She said.

"I-" He was getting schooled by Edna.

"I'm sure you'll have a good time interviewing the girl. She is something alright." Edna said.    I heard footsteps coming towards the door and moved few steps backwards to make it like I did not hear the conversation.

"You can go in now, Ms. Davidson" She said with a wink before mouthing the words "Break a leg".

Thank you! I mouthed back.

I walk in. The sound of my heartbeat echoing in the room. I swallowed the big lump in my throat.

"You're late." He said. His voice was so deep and powerful it made my knees weak. I just wanted to cower away and stay in a corner and not come back.

I look up from the floor, the same time he looks up. Our eyes meet and shock passes through both our faces.


"Mr. Julio?"




this is the longest chapter by far and that's why it took me so long to publish it. 

If you guys like it, comment on your favorite part and please vote and share! 

Also, is city lights better than warriors in suits for the title of this book. Please comment down below.

I also changed Gretchen name to Edna! 

Later Padawans! 

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