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Chapter 6: plot

After appreciating the simple yet elegant store front, I step inside full of smiles. My smile immediately vanishes as I feel some energy secretly enter my body, seemingly scanning it.

Acting fast, I send down a stream of mental energy to reflect the foreign energy, when they come into contact the energy is scattered before leaving my body.

"Array? since when did the book shop have an advanced tier array? I don't remember the old man mentioning anything" I think to myself.

I quickly put back on my smile, not becoming flustered.

Looking to the left I see an old man with a set of grey hair and a beard reaching his chest, his eyes are as dark as night, I become mesmerized after seeing them in person.

He sits calmly behind a desk, a few books on literature can be seen scattered around.

Snapping out of it, I get back into character.

"Hello Oldman Fu" I salute and hunch over a little as a sign of respect, Lucas has known this Oldman for over 7 years now, he treats him closely due to being the only one whos friendly towards him.

He would do Lucas a favour every now and again.

"Ah Lucas, What are you doing here? I know you've got a test coming up, you should be studying not playing around at this old store" The old man says sternly in a hoarse voice, but his eyes show warmth.

Looking at those eyes showing warmth, Perhaps due to my new talent my perception has increased dramatically.

Not being swayed by my past memories, I take a closer look and notice that at the depths of his eyes hide a dark emotionless shadow, his current actions should all be acted to a high degree of realism.

The past several years should all of been an act, but why?

"The guards, emotionless Oldman? that shadow hidden at the depths of his eyes" piecing the puzzles together I finally paint a picture of what's happening around me.

The oldman obviously isnt simple, using advanced arrays, hiding his intentions and using a gentle oldman as a cover.

The guards constantly patrolling nearby in large numbers, this book store should hold a huge conspiracy!

I keep up my appearance and respond to the Oldman.

Closing and opening my mouth, I act timidly, unaware what I should say. Smiling on the inside, I consider my acting just as if not better than the oldmans.

"Well? speak up boy!" seemingly curious, the oldman sure plays his role professionaly, he wont break character.

"Fact is, I didnt apply for the sub teaching exam" twiddling my finders, as if making a tough choice,

I blurt out

"I instead took the scholar exam" breathing out in relief, I look up and see the oldman get startled.

"What? you boy!"

"You cant even pass the sub teacher exam, what are you doing taking the scholar exam?" confused the oldman looks deeply at me, for a second there I felt a threat.

Holding back any actions that would give me away, I force myself not to break character.

"I dont know, I guess I was not in the right state of mind"

"You dont say huh?" the Oldman says teasingly.

"I know you didnt come here just to tell me that" raising both brows he stares at me.

"Well" hesitating, I hear the oldman urge.

"Come on spit it out, whats your objective? No need to be shy, Your a valued customer of mine"

"You see, I dont have any money remaining as I used the rest to apply for the exam"

"So" here I pause, before being abruptly cut off.

"So your here hoping I'd let you take a few books back for free?" he says, looking at me with a sly expression.

Putting on a wry smile, I can only plead.

"Not free, just two books and they would be a loan! I'l definitely pay you back after I pass the exam" here I smile, a hoping look hidden in my gaze.

"Alright, alright" sighing the old man signals with his hand towards the book stands.

"Only two remember"

"Thank you, old man Fu" Saluting again I walk towards the books, I don't break character, even this old man Fu has no idea the exhost has died.

Starting the plan I walk slowly through the rows of books as I spread out my mental energy, looking at the cloud of blue mist I look at oldman Fu and see he doesnt react, obviously he cant see the mental energy.

Grinning, I begin copying down each of the books, there is atleast 40 different types. If anyone could see through my eyes they would see the shop covered in strands of lines connecting to different books.

Tiny energy spheres come to and fro these lines as they fuse knowledge into my mind.

I arrive at the book that ill be taking for my first freeby, its called "scholarly foundations II" and pick it up before moving on. I dont stop at all otherwise it could be suspicious.

Each book takes roughly three seconds to remember the contents, I dont detour and walk straight to the third volume of "scholarly foundations III".

Just as I finish placing my hand on "scholarly foundations III" I notice something flash on the last book shelf, a minute amount of energy begins leaking from a particular book.

I keep my calm and examine it through mind energy, Its a book with only five pages, its title is called "The Dark Arts Volume I"

"Darkness elemental cultivation technique? but why is it placed here" with thoughts running wild, I calm down.

"Anyone else wouldn't have noticed the book, only those with affinity for darkness would feel the energy movement"

As I'm about to move my eyes to look in its direction, I immediately freeze. I feel a cold gaze from somewhere within the store that's watching my every action.

"Its not the oldman, so its someone else? to think I only just realized its existence"

"It's a trap?" thinking here, I break out in a cold sweat.

"The temptation of "The Dark Arts" would be too great for anyone, they would naturally "Act as if they bumped into the book" and read it secretly, unaware that someone would be watching their every movement.

"They're testing me? did the oldman notice something off about me? but how?" Not thinking further, I use my mental energy to read the dark arts without anyone knowing.

"Would I have been tempted and fall for it if I didn't have mental energy manipulation?" I feel as if I've dodged a bullet.

Picking up Scholarly foundations III, I quickly move to the old man and put on an embarressed smile, not even glancing at the dark arts even once.

"Old man, I would like these, if you dont mind?"

"Hmmm, be sure to study well, oh and remember something boy" here he puts a finger on his chin, before his expression goes cold for a second.

"I always collect my debts" his gaze turns towards me before changing back into a warm smile.

"Don't worry, I absolutely will return the money" patting my chest, I put on a smile before rushing out excitedly.

After having walked far enough away, my legs begin shaking as beads of sweat start to form, taking a few deep breaths to calm down I look back towards the shop in the distance.

"Fearful, that oldman is too terrifying! I thought I'd collapse right there and then" coughing, I rush back to my wooden house as fast as I can.

Within the shop, a shadow suddenly appears from one corner.

"Sir, that kid didnt even glance at the The Dark Arts, could your instinct be wrong?" this shadowy figure stands humbly, as he talks in a polite voice.

"Perhaps I'm getting old, but enough about that" Looking at the shadow he smiles as his eyes narrow.

"Are the preparations ready?"

"Yes sir, those paladins wont know what hit them" the shadow reveals a cold smile.

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