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100% Reborn in DC with a Hero system / Chapter 3: Saying Goodbye

Chapter 3: Saying Goodbye

( For host to easily understand how karma works. Host should view it as a universal bank account. It keeps track of you positive and negative karma from your life. It also keeps the balance of good and evil, throughout the universe.)

' So I basically cashed out on all the good I did in my life?'

(Yes, host gained a substantial amount of good karma.)

'How much is a substantial amount?'

(Host amount is still increasing so a definite answer can not be given.)

' Can I guess it's from all those I've helped. That my balance is rising.'

(Host may not be as idiotic as expected? *ding +3 int. added* And yes that is the reason.)

Why couldn't I get a nicer system.... sigh.

(Would host like another compulsory quest?!)

' I'm good.'

(Very well.)

Anyways back to my memories... or in this case their end.


"Hey, Jaune what you up to today? Playin the goodie two shoes again." ???

"Max thought I told you I ain't playing around. I just help where I can." Jaune

"And that always land's you into some kinda of sh*t." Max

"No it do.." Jaune

" No you don't how many times have I had to bail you out. In some way when your halfway across town messin with somethin you shouldn't be." Max

Damn can't say anything about that. He's always helped me out, specially when I really do end up somewhere I ain't supposed to be.

"What cat got you're tongue. Haha I right ain't I always been bailing you out when somebody comes beggin you for help. It's amazin you made it this far, cuz half the time I get there and you gettin beat to a pulp." Max

" Oh shut it will you, we're already running late let's just get to the meeting. Sue's not going to be happy if we're late again." Juane

I know he's my friend but sometimes I just wonder how I let that happen. He's a good guy.. don't get me wrong but sometimes he can just be an ass. But at least he knows when to be serious and lend a helping hand. Even if the person didn't ask for it.

"Well if someone just DIDN'T have to help an old man. Basically move out of his apartment we'd be right on time." Max

'Not my fault he needed help move that heavy stuff down the steps.'

Glad we're almost there just around the corner.

"LOOK OUT!!!" ???

I turn around to see what's happening and all I can say is... you got to be f*cking kidding me. 'Of all things it's a cliché of a car going out of control heading right for me and Max.'

"Wha!!!!" Max

'Dammit well guess I'll get to play hero one last time.' I do all I can think of and give my all to through one of my few true friends out of the way; but I'll tease him for old times sake.

"Hey make sure that meeting works out. I know you got the hots for Sue." Juane

"JUANE!!! No!" Max

Huh... I'd be happy finally getting a chance saving you if I wasn't sure it's be my last. All I can do is smile.



'Damn hurts more than I thought it would. I hoped it be a one hit deal.' Looking around I see Max running towards me. At least I managed to get him out of the way. Which is pretty impressive. Since he leans towards the big, mean and ugly category.

"Hang in there buddy we'll *sobs* we'll get you patched up*voice cracks*" Max

Hurts like hell but got to say something to him. I haven't ever seen him this messed up. Not like I'm one to talk right now though.


" I don't think that'll work out buddy. *Cough* Damn it hurts we both now I ain't going to make it." Juane

"Don't say that! Wh..*snort*Why'd ya shove me out of the way. We both could've made it." Max

There's no way that could happen. He knows it. He's blaming himself.

" You know thats not true so I did what I always do play the "GOODIE TWO SHOES" ain't that right hehe." Jaune

" Hey, Max!" Juane

Guess since I have a chance I'll give one more push. It's been painfull watching him be indecisive about it.

"Yes!?" Max

"Make sure to get her. *Cough* Don't push her away because of this. An*Cough* guess there's not alot of time left. Don't blame yourself." Juane

Man it's cheesy as hell but it's getting hard to breathe and think. It's starting to go dark.

"Juane!! Juane hang in there don't die buddy just a little longer!!!" Max

"I'm glad I had a friend like you. Covered my ass more times than I can count. Promise me something would you?" Juane

"Anything what is it." Max

Hehe he'd kill me if I wasn't already on my death bed? Scratch that I'm on the doorstep.

" Make sure to get her it was hard watching you going back and forth about it. Painfully so I think it hurt more than this. And it's pretty painfull you now. Damn fills like God just ain't lettin me die." Juane

"I promise. I promise Juane when this is all over and I'm ready I won't hold back anymore. I'll ask her, so wish me luck one last time." Max

"Yeah good luck you're going to need it with that face. Haha... 'Damn guess this is it.' I don't want to see you on the other side any time soon. I already going to have enough nightmares with the way you look right now.... Goodbye buddy." Juane

And then the last of the light I could see faded away. Just before everything else went with it. I could hear his response.

"Bastard still calling me ugly *sobs* and don't worry you won't see me for a good while. That I can promise. Goodbye Buddy." Max

Then the crying and then after that nothing.

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