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Chapter 14: Rakka meets the family and my parents drop a Bombshell

I stared, wide-eyed and open mouthed, at the two monsters my parents had just summoned in front of me. I wasn't a hundred percent sure, but I could feel that these two monsters were much stronger than the Magmoose and Glacielk I had ran into. The shock on my face must've been evident, because I heard my father subtly cough in order to get my attention. I shook my head and refocused on my parents.

"Well honey, this is Magni, my Wombatant", my father said. "And this is Aura the Karatsune. Say hello you two", my mother said. The Wombatant, the bipedal rodent with the huge club, proceeded to lift his free arm in a short wave, while the Karatsune let out a small fox "yip" as a sign for hello. "Hello...", I said sounding nervous and awe-struck by the two monsters in front of me. The Wombatant just stood there, leaning against its club, while the Karatsune proceeded to saunter towards me. I just sat there in shock as the golden fox monster proceeded to sniff at me for a bit, and then jump into my lap and curl up into a little fluffy ball. "D'awww, she likes you", my mother said.

"Silivia, why don't you summon your monster so they can meet with ours?", my father suggested. "My monster...oh right", I said as I initially reached for the drajule at my neck, stopped for a brief second, and instead grabbed my hunting knife that had Rakka's drajule embedded in the handle. My parents watched with pride and curiosity in their eyes, as I produced the purple drajule that held Rakka. "Told you she would use the knife", I heard my father mumble to my mother.

Recalling how I summoned Voxea in the tomb earlier, I held the drajule embedded in my knife, focused until the familiar fork of energy formed around the drajule and clanged it with my other hand. An intricate summoning pattern soon formed behind me, filled with scripts and pattern unfamiliar to me. The pattern had red, blueish-white and yellow coloring mixing together and forming distinct scripts of just those solitary colors. A loud grunt that sounded like rolling thunder came from pattern, that was soon followed by a majestic larger than average elk-like monster, my Ragnaceros, walking out of it.

Voxea did not prepare me for what I would be seeing. Rakka, my Ragnaceros, looked much like an elk, but was much larger than average. It's fur was a distinctive white, with strange patterns of red and yellow crisscrossing it like elaborate tattoos. It's antlers were huge and flat like a moose's, but the flat parts looked to be carved with runes similar to the ones that Voxea used for her magic and lightning seemed to jump between the sharp points of the antlers. Rakka had a rather intimidating presence to the say the least.

Rakka proceeded to look around a bit and walk a circle, stopping to face me and Aura, who was still laying in my lap without a care in the world. Rakka lowered his huge head to get a closer look at the small fox creature. When it got closer, Aura then finally perked up and looked at the massive elk directly in the eyes.

The two monsters stared at each other for a few moments, oblivious to my parents' observing gaze and the discomfort slowly creeping up my legs.Their stare-off finally ending when the Karatsune let out a small "yip" and licked Rakka's nose, while Rakka snorted and nuzzled his face against Aura. Afterwards, Rakka nuzzled against my neck and face. He felt surprisingly warm and fuzzy for 7ft tall elk monster made of lightning, ice and fire.

Magni, the Wombatant, proceeded to march over towards Rakka whilst carrying its great club over its shoulder. The two then stare at each other for a bit, before Rakka laid down on his four legs. Magni and Aura then proceeded to jump onto the Raganceros' back, and the trio went outside. "Ok, that was adorable", I heard Voxea said in my head, and I agreed.

After the trio of monsters left, I turned towards my parents and said, "'re binders and there's something you're not telling me"?

Mizako Mizako

I was about to go into a long backstory here...but that's probably better suited for another chapter.

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