May sorted through the clothes with Yu when they had picked out the right outfit for everyone in the group the put the extras back in the box and put them in the club room. A few people from the tech group that would be working the speakers and lights started setting up the microphones and testing them to make sure they all worked.
May shoved everyone into the changing room to get ready. The outfit that May and Yu picked out for Karu was a tight fit pair of black pants that made his already tall and wide build more exaggerate. He also had a white dress shirt that had the top buttons undone, and the leaves rolled up past his elbows to give off a slightly laid back vibe, May also gave him a par of showed that went with the outfit.
When Karu finished changing, he left the changing room and realized he was the last one. As he looked over everyone, he realized that everyone's outfit was different. Komaki wore a bright blue shirt and colourful sweatpants along with a pair of clean white sneakers. The whole outfight entirely explained his loud and childish nature.
Yoku's outfight a black t-shirt, and along with a plain leather jacket, dark navy jeans and boots, the outfit made people want to avoid him. However, that was on purpose, first of all since Yoku hated talking it would keep the number of conversations he would have down, and it was meant to contrast Komaki's outfit since they were always together.
Yu's outfight, although it suited him well it didn't tell very much. He wore a tight red shirt with a black treble clef on the front. He had a grey sweater tied around his waist and stretchy black jeggings. He had a pair of black basketball sneakers that were tied up with white laces.
Karu realized that Yu had quite a large frame, although it was usually hidden by the baggy clothes that he often wore. He hadn't noticed it before, but Yu was a bit taller than him. As may started talking, Karu realized he was staring at Yu and quickly averted his eyes.
May was wearing a black shirt that had the words MANAGER across the front in bold white, and she had painted Musical Sky on herself. May was pretty good at art; although she didn't do it often. "alright, everyone, people are going to start coming in soon, so get ready. The drums are already set up on stage, and all the speakers are working fine. I've checked in with the tech group that'll be helping us, and they've assured me that everything is working fine.
Suddenly someone knocked on one of the main doors leading into the gym. May ran over and opened it a bit as she spoke to someone. When the door opened, Karu heard the sound of lots of people talking in the hallway. When She was finished, May closed the door and ran back over to everyone. "They're going to open the doors soon, so everyone has to get backstage now," said as she started pushing everyone towards a room of the side of the stage.
Karu heard the doors open, and people start entering the gym. They had chairs set up throughout the whole gym. When the sound in the gym quieted down, Karu heard the sound May and Saie, Amour's manager talking to the crowd.
Suddenly the crowd started screaming in excitement as Amour entered the stage. They all waved to the mass of people, Rin and Raya talked to the fans surrounding them a bit before they started playing. The songs they played were all relatively new, but most people knew them already.
The first song they played Raya was the lead singer, for the second one it was Rin, on the third song they both sang together. Amour was a fantastic band, they worked together well, and there weren't any rumors of arguments between the members. On top of that, they were amazing musicians. Karu heard someone click they're tongue, when he looked back, he saw Yu glaring at them for some reason.
Karu watched in silence. Although he was listening to Amour, he was watching Yu. He was glaring at them the whole time, he would occasionally twitch or click his tongue, and Karu couldn't figure out why.
On the first song, he didn't react as much, but on the second song, he spent the whole time twitching. On the third song, it wasn't as bad, but Karu was still confused, so he decided to as Yu what he was doing. "He keeps making mistakes..." Yu grumbled as he glared specifically at Rin. "And Aki keeps going flat instead of sharp on some of his notes. Namoi and Ray are doing better than the others, but still..." Yu clicked his tongue again. "You see, it happened again. Raya skipped a word. How many times do I have to tell her to stop doing that before she listens?" Yu complained.
Karu was already aware that Yu was strict when it came to music since while teaching them how to play "Down To Earth," he kept bothering them about little things, but he seemed even stricter on Amour than he was on everyone in Musical Sky.
Suddenly, Karu heard the sound of a door clicking shut. He spun around fast enough to see a small group running away through the door's window. Karu wanted to go after whoever they were, but they had already disappeared. Besides, if he left the room now, it would cause a commotion. He let May know, and she called one of the volunteers that were helping out to check it out.
Karu saw Yu hang up from a call but was distracted when the crowd's screams suddenly got louder. Karu realized that Amour had finished their last song and were leaving the stage. May went up to talk before they would play. Karu felt a shiver of excitement travel down his excitement that he always felt before he walked on stage.
I'm back... I think... For now. I don't want to end up making promises I can't keep so I won't be updating often. For now, my schedule will be the 15th of every month.