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98.61% Mixed HD / Chapter 428: 157-169

Chapter 428: 157-169

Chapter 157: A Q And A

"Oh~your a academic?"

"You could say I'm something like that"

I spoke as I looked at the disguised Celestinia, the current her had brown hair and eyes along with a completely average face, one that would be forgotten within a crowd, back in the game I had accidently come up on this spot and after I chatted with her for a long time, I was able to slowly crawl into her heart

Though I regretted it later down the line, from what I know, Celestinia is a academic, you could say that due to her divine bloodline this woman will definitely become extremely powerful in the future, it could be seen by her reaching the Draganiod level 1 at just that age of 21

But it seemed to make a curse upon Celestinia, to her, her power would grow naturally and her efforts would not matter much, hence she wanted something, she wanted to achieve something just from her pure effort, hence she ended up becoming an academic and she loves it, she would research and read into old and lost books, bringing out their meaning or their hidden intent

In fact Celestnia under a hidden name is the most wanted and the best historian and academic in the world, just the amount of books she deciphered and corrected is mind blowing, she had even brought out many copied books to light, it's her favorite hobby and the book and things I told right now are the things that she's working on right now

"Is that so?, then you must know about the 24th formation"

"Oh?, you mean the one that says ' let not the king but the people be the one that reigns?', indeed it was quite the interesting view from a king"

"You like that phrase?"


I answered back to Celestinia, hearing my answer a twinkle of interest finally started to appear within her eyes, leaning backward, she looked at me calmly as she asked me a question

"Is there a reason that you approached me?"

Hearing her question, I was not surprised, I was sure that my gaze and me walking to her would raise her suspicion, leaning back on my own chair, I smiled calmly as I spoke

"I was just interested in a disguised girl that sat lonely in a corner"

"Oh?~that coming from one that is disguised?"

Even though surprised by my words Celestinia replied calmly, her interest in me increased a bit as she continued speaking

"I had though that my disguise was well, did you see my true look?"

Even though the question she asked me seemed normal, I could still feel a sense of weight from them, waving my hands at her I spoke

"Unfortunately no, I could say that your disguise is one of the best I had ever seen, even now I can't see through you face"

"Indeed, I did pride my self on my magic but to think you saw through it, how~?"

"Well a gentleman never reveals his secret my lady~"

After I finished speaking both of us looked at each other with hidden smiles, we both took jabs at each other and was now at an impasse, it was then that Celestinia opened her mouth and spoke with a teasing smile

"Well…well Mr.Austin, I have to say your quite good with your words, I wonder how all your fans might feel at your historic side"

Listening to her words my eyebrows twitched in 'annoyance', I acted like I was caught in a net since I couldn't see through her disguise, it was jab that was affecting, seeing my annoyed look that appeared for a moment a sense of accomplishment filled her heart but I didn't let it last

"I think that my fans might just increase, well coming from a noble, beautiful and powerful girl as such as your self, I might reckon you might know more"

"How did you know that I might be noble, powerful and beautiful?"

Her interest was raised once again, listening to her a smug smile came upon my face, which I could see had irked Celestinia a bit, with a calm mind I spoke

"Well it was quite easy to see with some hints, like the fact that every of your movements, etiquette and wordings are filled with gracefulness points out that you might be of higher standing, and quite a high one at that, since I could see no awe or blush from when you look at me, not to be narcissistic but I am quite popular"

"Well, Mr.Austin, I think that was you being narcissistic"

Ignoring another one of Celestinia's jab, I spoke

"There's also the fact that you are able to use such high level magic and yet I am not able to see through it, as for the fact that I know your beautiful?, well let's call it the instinct of a man, there's also the fact that you yourself has agreed to the words that I spoke, and don't get me started on some of the faults you made"

And just like that I spend a few more seconds mentioning the mistakes she had made, after speaking I leaned back to my chair and gave Celestinia a smug glance, seeing it a feeling of annoyance filled Celestinia, the desire for beating me at knowledge filled her heart, with that she spoke

"Seeing how good you are with your spotting,I could presume that you know well about everything else?"

"Skipping you identity and jumping to questioning me?"

"Well as gentleman you must know not to dive into the secrets of a woman, it's not good and my last question take it as a challenge~"

"A challenge huh?, well I don't like making women cry you see, well especially after you lose"

"Oh~~we will see about that"

With that both of us leaned forwards with predatory smiles as we looked at each other, looking at Celestinia, I gave her a nod as I spoke

"Sure, I don't mind but doesn't a good challenge always need a good reward"

"What do you propose?"

"Seeing as you do not wish to indulge your identity and seeing that you know mine, the loser would have to tell one about themselves"

After I finished speaking I looked at Celestinia as I waited for her to speak, she seemed to think about it for a moment, before she nodded her head and agreed

"Very well, I don't mind sucking up your secrets"

"Well lets see what happens"

With that we both nodded at each other as we began, it was Celestinia who started

"Passage 2 of the 22nd rite"

"It's not the blood of the one who dies but the blood of the ones who kills gets their blood dirty"

Hearing my answer Celestinia nodded her head, so I spoke

"The 11th formation, within the 4th passage"

"It's not the blood of the king but of the soldiers that bloodied"

Hearing her answer I gave Celestinia an approving nod, not giving it any heed she spoke

"9th rite the second last passage"

"The blood that you have taken may not be visible in your body but it lay within your soul, forever forsaken"

I answered Celestinia's question in a heart beat, hearing me answer so easily, she started to get serious

Chapter 158: A Promise

"So the final question"

Celestinia said as she looked at me with a serious expression, gone was her lazy and laid back attitude, it's being about half an hour since we began and we had asked each other questions back to back, and now we had arrived at an impasse, Celestinia with her great knowledge had tried asking questions in many tricky and sketchy manner but I had answered all of them calmly

The previous expression of ridicule no more, right now she looked at me as an equal not at strength but as a historian, right know I am sure that she must be thinking that I must be someone that contends against her in knowledge, well that couldn't be farther from the truth

Well in the game there was options that pop up for me to choose, while I was smart I don't have an identic memory to remember them all and even if I did I have no interest in following them, this worlds not a game where my options are limited I have absolute freedom and the path I take to make those girls fall in love with me too is different

I mean as a small nerd I did research into the fun details and history of the world when I played the game but to read some boring biography about some dead king….yeah I ain't that free, well as for how I am answering her question, well dear old system truly is a good place to store, buy and see information

Leaving those aside I focused back at Celestinia who took some seconds to think over before she spoke

"zinger ginch, Blankers wrath, Mylees whishkeres and a Holiarees salt, for which of the forgotten blood formation are these ingredients used for?"

The final question was tricky, so I acted like I went into deep though for a moment, time ticked away, it took a few seconds later I smiled at Celestinia as I spoke

"It was quite the question Miss.Mysterious, the Holiarees salt is not part of the formation, it's for the King ritual of wrath, the correct one would be Holiarees milk"

After I finished I leaned back to my chair as I looked at Celestinia, she too leaned back as she closed her eyes for a moment, a few seconds later she opened them back with her usual calmness, she looked at me she spoke

"A tie…huh?'


I nodded back at her, just getting a tie was more than enough for me, in fact that was my goal, Celestinia peered at me for a moment before she spoke again

"Truthfully I never thought I might find someone at my level at my age, it's truly a surprise"

"I have to agree with you on that, I had thought that only the great historian Celeene would be able to compete with me"

As I spoke about Celeene my voice was tinged with admiration, hearing it Celestinia's eyes rose in amusement, after having a tie with me her mood was not all that great, in a way her pride was slightly wounded but hearing me talk about her hidden name, she looked at me with eyes hidden with amusement, her voice stretched as she spoke to me

"Oh~~seeing your knowledge I would have thought you think that none would be able to beat you"

"No I am not at the level of Celeene, I do admire reading into stuff and studying them but in no way would I be able to deal with such a huge amount of deciphering, I would truly love to meet him/her one day"

When I spoke the last words it was filled with yearning, hearing my words a bit of happiness grew in Celestinia's heart, receiving genuine compliment for her effort from another academic does truly make her feel a bit more accomplished, she smirked as as she spoke back to me

"Truly I would also like to meet Celeene she's also like a hero to me"

Hearing Celestinia's words I had to control myself so that I won't roll my eyes or show any outward signs, this woman was just shamelessly boasting about her self, holding myself back I looked at her with a bit of admiration

"Indeed Celeene is amazing but I am indeed truly amazed by you too, who would have thought that I would find such a talented academic as yourself here?, it was a truly fun exchange"

"Yes, that's true I too did enjoy our little exchange"

Celestinia nodded and agreed with my words, it was the first time that she did some thing like this and she has to say that she did enjoy it, I raised my hands up for a shake as I spoke

"Even though we talked till now I have yet to introduce myself, the names Austin Lionheart and my lady it was truly a fun time with you"

There was a pause as Celestinia looked between my hands and my face for some time, she had never truly been in contact with any other males and the ones she did, she didn't fine any of them pleasant, she has to say till now whatever I had shown had truly made a great impression on her, seconds ticked by as the atmosphere was getting awkward, just as I was about to retract my hand Celestinia shook it

"The names Miss.Mysterious, nice to meet you"

I couldn't get the feel of her hand for a long time as she retrieved it just after one shook but I didn't focus on it as I looked at the smirk in Celestinia's face I spoke

"Well Miss.Mysterious, it seems that both of us had lost and won, so how about it being that we both say one thing about ourselves"

"Sure, I don't mind"

Celestinia spoke back without any hesitation, so I took the lead

"Well one thing about me is that I don't like sweets too much"

"Oh~ what a coincidence I like extra sweet food"

"well, it seems that you still hold somewhat of a grudge?"

"I do not know what your talking about~"

I shook my head, as I replied back to her

"Well it doesn't matter, I am indeed happy to have met such an educated academic, so are you willing for some more talk Miss.Mysterious?"

"Sure, I would love to show you the difference between us"

"Well, if it wasn't for such a venomous tongue of yours I might have said your cute, even though you are in a disguise"

"Really!, the great Austin, might think I am cute, well aren't I blessed~~"

"Looks like you really are looking for a beatdown"

With that both of us dived into our talks, complaining, redirecting and pushing out our ideals to each other, we were so engrossed in our discussion that three hours flew in a blink

"Ah~~that was truly one of the best discussion I ever had"

Celestinia said as she leaned to her chair and wiped out her imaginary sweat, I too nodded my head wiping away a real sweat, keeping up with this monster with jus the help of the system was not easy, I leaned over as I said

"Well, Miss.Mysterious I have to say that this was indeed a pleasure but my time as run out, how about we meet here at the same time tomorrow"

There was silence for a bit as Celestinia thought over my words, she had indeed enjoyed arguing with me and it was not everyday that she finds someone that was able to talk to her like this, so she thought it over as she said

"Sure, the next time I will definitely beat you"

"Then I shall anticipate that day"

Chapter 159: Attck The Heart

"Wow~~now that was intense"

I spoke as I walked out from the library, the game with Celestinia went better than I imagined, though there were some close calls, I was still able to survive, with that now I had way into her heart

The only problem is how I would make her share me, yeah I thought and thought about it and in the end I gave up, I couldn't really think of a way, well at least now I don't have to be worried of being kidnapped, well not by Celestinia anyway

I have a yandere goddess and a divine beast with me, even if Celestinia has the potential to become a divine beast, she's still not there yet and she will never be able to grow to contend against Razellia

But then I have to be wary of Razellia, I haven't heard from her after my first meet, I had thought that she would appear when I came to her church or when I turned 18 but still nothing

Yeah that is making me extremely nervous, I won't be able to do shit if she appears in front of me, all I would be able to do was let her have her way with me, well in way way that doesn't sound bad…..well for now I could only roll things as they go, after all even the most well planned execution might have it's own problems,

'Now, I guess I might head to Mira now'

Recognizing my next plan I head towards the deans room, with my not so good disguise it didn't take me long to reach towards the main building for the teachers, there I quickly changed my appearance to my original within a hidden location, after all not anybody could walk into the deans room unannounced

Well I am only among the few, who could walk in like that, as everyone knows that Mira's my aunt, so it was not that hard to enter towards the deans building, as I walked I had met with Mira's secretary that was a brown haird beauty, seeing that it was me she didn't question much as she let me into the deans office

With a few seconds of walking, I reached Mira's office room, as I kept walking I started transmitting my 'anxiety', 'happiness' and my 'eagerness', reaching close to Mira's room, I knocked softly asking for permission

"Aunt, are you free?"


A few seconds after I had asked my question, a soft smooth voice was heard from the room, hearing it my 'feelings' of 'happiness' exploded as I entered the room, coming inside I was met with the beautiful sight of Mira working on her papers, sitting on a table

Her beautiful purple hair cascading to her back, while her shinning silver eyes stayed on the papers she was dealing with, the expression of pure focus along with her beautiful face was a delight to be watched, I was memorized for a moment as I entered, my 'feelings' of 'awe' was greatly transferred to Mira

The frown on Mira's face receded as she raised her head to look at me, coming upon my goofy happy look at her, instead of the normal annoyance Mira felt, this time she only felt a sense of accomplishment deep in her heart but it went as quick as it came, with a desire to tease she spoke

"What is it Little Austy, were you mesmerized ~?"

Instead of a shy look that Mira wanted I just smiled charmingly and nodded my head with a serious expression as I spoke

"Indeed aunt you were so beautiful that I almost lost my mind…"

Feeling my 'sincere' feelings, a shy look took her face but Mira quickly shrugged it off as she looked at me seriously,

"What do you want Austin?"

"Well, I just wanted to spend some time with you aunt"


A complex look took over Mira's face as she looked at me, knowing what she was pointing towards I smiled but on the 'inside' my 'sad' feelings began to flow, I walked towards Mira's table reaching close now she had to look up towards me, I reached my hands towards her face but before reaching it I 'hesitated'

Putting my hand down I looked at Mira seriously, my 'true' feelings started to flow towards Mira shaking her heart heavily, my purple eyes bored into Mira's silver one as I spoke

"Aunt Mira, I cannot tell if my feelings for you will ever disappear but I could tell that I do truly love you with all my heart but if my feelings will cause you any problem then I will make sure to never speak of it again"

"Aunt Mira, to me all I care about is the fact that you are happy for now and forever, and if it is with another man then I will happily let you go, as I said in the end all I care for is you being happy, so let me just spend some time with you aunt Mira, I just want to help you relax and be happy once in a while, that's all I ask, I don't care if you never return my feelings, all I care for is the fact that you will be happy"

While I spoke my last words, my hands which were on her table slowly rose as it held Mira's stupefied face, Mira's heart that she had promised not to beat again started beating faster, my 'sweet' words brought a sense of happiness and warmth to her heart that she never knew existed

Feeling my 'raw', 'pure' love Mira's heart started beating at an unnatural speed, she tried desperately to control her feelings, yet whenever she gazed upon those beautiful purple eyes that looked at her with love, she felt whole and full, we stayed looking at each others eyes for a few seconds yet it felt like eternity to both of us

Mira leaned back as she closed her eyes, the words I spoke and the feelings I transmitted wrecked her mind completely, a minute of silence filled the room, after which Mira opened her eyes as she looked at me, her gaze was serious as she spoke

"Austin, as I said before the thing between us is impossible but I don't mind you spending some time with me, I am sure that this love of your will fade and that you will find someone better and until then I don't mind us being close"

Mira said with conviction, yet deep within her eyes a struggle played out, unlike the last time where she could have easily dismissed my words right now in her heart, a sense loss started to occur, the thought of me losing my feelings for her seemed to hurt her, slowly but surely the walls that she had built around her heart started to crumble

Slowly but surely feelings that she never felt before slowly started to ripen

Chapter 160: Targets Found!

"So, things have being well…."

I spoke to Mira as I sat across her, after my sudden 'confession', we sat across each other as we talked calmly, while I joked in between the middle, and eased the atmosphere, things were awkward at fist but after we started talking things started to ease between us, it didn't take long for use to behave like normal

"How's things with Grace?"

Mira asked, I smiled lovingly as I spoke

"Moms fine, she seems to be catching up with the rest of her friends, it's being a long time since she was this free and she seems to be enjoying it too"

"True, ever since you father, she never had a rest, it's good to see that she's laying down a bit of her responsibility"

Mira nodded her head she spoke, she could see that Mira was much better than before, she was glowing with energy and happiness, she looked like a teenager in love, Mira was suspicious, she did ask about it to Grace but Grace had played it cool and crushed all of Mira's suspicion

"Um, true"

I spoke, soon a silence descended between us as we looked at each other, a sense of awkwardness was spreading out as the time ticked, looking at the cloak I spoke

"It's evening already, aren't you busy?"

Seeing that I was giving a way out Mira nodded her head as she spoke

"Yeah, that's right, why don't we meet here again tomorrow?"

"Sure, I would love to"

With that I stood up as I walked towards the door, Mira followed me, reaching towards the door, I turned around quickly, being caught surprised Mira wasn't able to react as I planted a small kiss on her cheeks as I ran away from the door

"See you tomorrow aunt!"

Only the sound of my words remained, along with a surprised Mira, who could only shake her head at my antics, a few minute later I walked towards my head mansion, by now it was already evening and I still didn't have my lunch, with a quick teleportations, I reached my mansion as I walked towards it after removing my disguise

Entering the mansion I talked to the maids who said that Elda was waiting in the dinning room, plus it also seems that most of the rest have headed out on their own duty, going to my room, which was now all clean and proper, I washed myself up as I walked towards the dinning room, my mind was occupied with the surprise Elda had for me

Reaching the dinning room, the maids opened the door and once I saw what was waiting for me there I understood what was Elda's surprise, entering inside I could see Elda sitting and talking with 3 other girls

The one sitting closest to Elda had dark red hair and eyes, her skin was pale, seemingly it seemed to not have seen sunlight in a long time, the girls age seemed to be 16, her face was charming, with her reddish burning eyes that was filed with loftiness and a hint of arrogance, the girls body was well developed as faint outlines of her body could be seen from her red dress

Whenever she opened her mouth, her sharp vampiric fangs could be seen, seeing her I didn't have much information on her as she was not a capture target, well I do know her status, Nyla Dracula, the youngest child of the vampire king, and the most doted child, I did learn about her when I was studying about important characters

My eyes now turned to the other girl sitting besides Elda, the girl had light blue skin with hazele nut color eyes that shined with enthusiasm, she even though young had very defined proportions, from her head grew 2 goat like horns, she was quite a beauty with her glowing blue hair, that gave her a fairy like appearance

I recognized that girl as she was a capture target, albeit a minor one, I didn't have much info on her, the only thing I knew was that she's from the demon realm belonging to a reclusive group of demons, in the game I didn't try for her, so I was not able to pick up much about her, the only thing I am clear about is the girls name, Lanora Malteever

My eyes moved again as it landed on a shy young girl that sat close to Nyla, the girl too seemed to be about 16 with green and blue hair that matched with each other, her hair was let down to her waist as they seemed beautiful, her eyes were black in color, completely black in color while she had a third eye in her eyebrow, which was crimson, with a hint of black

The different arrangement on her didn't make her look bad, no in fact it added a sense of disharmonic beauty, plus the cute shy look on her face was always a welcome, her body was more slim and petite, with a touch of exotic beauty, she was another capture target unlike the other one she was famous for being unconquerable, the reason being?, well she's scared of men and won't talk to them

It's that simple….in the game whenever someone came close to her they would be pushed back and won't even be able to talk to her, there were many complaints to the gaming company saying that it was unfair but no response was given, in the end everyone just gave up on this exotic beauty, from what I understood her names Nathalia Befureez Milaz

Her status well it's unknown, in the game it was not given and even here her real identity is a mystery, no one truly knows what her real background is, well I do have a hint on her real background, right now it's a suspicion but I am 70% sure that I am right, now I just have to see how they turn out to be

As soon as I entered the room, the girls had stopped talking, for me it only took a few seconds to look at all of them, as I entered the room all the four girls eyes were focused on me, seeing me face to face for the first time, some had surprise while some had greater reactions

Elda's face lit up in smile, while Nyla turned her gaze towards me, her lofty eyes looked at me with interest, unconsciously she sniffed out loud and licked her lips, while looking at me, Lanora's eyes turned exited as she looked at me upside down, as for Nathalia, well she had the most interesting reaction

The shy girl that barely looks at a boy was now looking at me with all her three eyes wide open, her face seemed mesmerized as she kept peering into me, looking as if she was lost

'Well, this would be interesting…'

I thought as I walked to the dinning table

Chapter 161: New Targets(2)

"Oh?…..this is a pleasant surprise"

I spoke as I walked towards the four girls that sat on the table, as I walked towards them my eyes slowly focused on Nathalia, since the moment I had entered the room, I had felt my bloodline boil and get attracted to her, it would seem that she was a bloodline member


I spoke internally as I held my tears back, up and till now I had only met two who had a connection with me, with both of them being Lora and Vena, both of them were married and to tell the truth both of them had something wrong in their head, if I had found another married woman I would seriously start to consider changing the name of my bloodline

Well all things aside this is a good thing, at least I don't have to worry too much about getting her heart, with a gradual interaction between us I am sure that I would get her heart as for Lanora, well there I have to win it, I don't have much information on her from the game since I didn't go for her, all I have is the ones that were gathered secretly

As for Nyla, well I truly have no interest in her, well I don't want to stick my dick in that crazy family, well I do have crazy women but I really don't want to deal with an almost un-killable family of blood suckers, well she's not part of the capture targets, so it's not much, as long as I keep my distance I will be fine….I hope…..

"Surprised big brother?"

Elda spoke as she ran up to me and gave me a hug meting in my embrace, she closed her eyes as she kept her head on my chest, I didn't refuse as I too hugged her gently, seeing Elda's behavior I was surprised a bit, even though she acts spoiled with me it's only when we are alone or when we spend time as a family

Elda clearly knows when and where she should show herself, holding Elda I looked towards the other three girls, seeing a surprised expression on their face, well I might not know it but Elda's famous for always having a noble and calm front not matter which situation

And as her close friends all three of them had never seen Elda show such a contented and happy face, they knew that she was a bit of a brocon from the way Elda always talks about me but seeing a face that they had never seen from Elda, they began to think that the level of kinship she has with me is very high

Since I am someone that's very important to Elda all of them turned their face towards me scrutinizing me in every way, well for Nathalia, she has a lost face as she looks at me and when her eyes met mine her face flushed as she averted her eyes,

Greeting all of them with my eyes I turned to the little fairy in my arms as her soft body melted in my embrace, seemingly having found it's destination, holding her body I patted her back as I spoke

"Elda, why don't you introduce all these beautiful friends of yours"


Reluctantly taking her head of my chest she raised her head and looked at my eye pleading, seeing it I smiled as I softly patted her head, the bliss from the pat caused her to close her eyes and smile happily, causing the other three girls to be dumbfounded again, never expecting Elda to make such a lack of noblenss, after getting a satisfactory pat Elda pulled me and walked towards her friends to introduce them, she went behind Nyla holding her shoulders Elda spoke to me

"This is Nyla!, I met her a few days after I came to the academy, she's a battle maniac that kept challenging all those she saw, in fact she went ahead and fought many seniors too, long story short we fought and we became friends!"

I smiled at Elda's words as I looked at Nyla but suddenly I got goosebumps as I looked at her eyes, which was looking at me like I was some sort of food!, seeing my gaze she smiled as she brought her hand forward for a smile as she spoke

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

I said as I gave my hand forward for a shake, as soon as I did I could feel a humongous pressure from her soft and pale hand, soon veins started to appear on her hands as she exertedher strength, looking at her face a battle hungry look appeared, to an other normal Origin level 4, this was enough to bring them to their knees but to me?, well this was just a breeze

Looking at Nyla's eyes I gave her a calm, charming smile, completely at ease at her pressure, seeing it she started to apply more strenght but it didn't affect me a bit, understanding what type of person Nyla is, I didn't hold back a bit as I unleashed a humongous strenght from my hands


With a simple press from my hands I ruthlessly broke Nyla's hands, turning her bones to pieces, a daunting silence filled the room, feeling her bones broken, Nyla just flinched as the battles hungry smile of her stiffed for a moment and grew, I let go of her hands which healed within a few seconds, her eyes met my ones, for the first time a sincere smile appeared on Nyla's face as she spoke

"I like you"

"Well, I am honored but your not my type"

"I will love to spar with you and beat you up"

"Sure if you could take the beatdown that I will give you"

With that both of us smiled at each other emitting battle hungry smiles, just as things were getting heated Elda intervened in the middle as she spoke

"Nope!, not right now, you guys could fight each other after I finish my intro!"

Elda pouted as she looked at me seeing it I relented as I communicated with my eyes to Nyla that this was not over, she seemed to have got the message as she leaned back and gave in for now, seeing it Elda smiled as she moved towards Lanora, as Elda held her shoulders and introduced her

"This is Lanora malteever, we became friends the very first day since she's in the same class as mine!, we quickly hit it off, Lanora's fun, adventures and the talkative one in our group but don't underestimate her just because of her look, she's very strong with mental attacks and can cause huge harm, if it wasn't for her not interested in any ranking, she would definitely be on my years top batch!"

After finishing her explanation, I looked at Lanora who smiled at me as she spoke

"Hi Austin's it's very nice to meet you I have heard a lot about you from Elda, plus I have to say that I was truly memorized from the scene you created back then!, it was amazing!, the poem you sang was truly enchanting, I hope that I will be able to hear you music again"

Lanora was like an excited child as she spoke loudly and came close to me with a exciting twinkle in her eyes, I smiled as I spoke

"Lanora right?, first of all thank for being good friends with Elda, seeing her character, I was worried that she wouldn't make friends and as for hearing my music, well it would be my honor to play music for a demon belonging to the Norike tribe"

"Great!, it's a promise!"

Chapter 162: New Targets(3)

After quickly finishing with Lanora, Elda quickly moved towards Nathalia who was still looking at me unblinking with her three eyes, it was as if she had seen something from which she could not take her eyes from, in fact the rest of the three girls had noticed this weird behavior but they couldn't find any reason for it, it was only when Elda touched her shoulders did she regain her senses, holding her shoulders Elda spoke

"This unique girl is Nathalia!, she's also in my class, I befriended her since she seemed to be a loner, but who would have thought that we would hit it off!, Nathalia is innocent, cute and shy but she's very fun to be around, while she might not show it she's very very strong!, well the only thing is that…um…she's not good at interacting with boys…"

Elda spoke with a troubled frown, she had truly downplayed the part about Nathalia not being good with boys, Nathalia literally doesn't interact with them!, just as Elda had finished speaking I moved my hands forward towards Nathalia for a hand shake, seeing it the rest of three shook their heads at my wasted effort

But this time they were foretold to be disappointed, because under the three girls stupefied eyes, Nathalia quickly extended her tiny cute arms as she shook my arms tightly while clutching to my arms like they were some sort of Divine treasure, a deep purple blush took over her fair face as she looked directly to my eyes

"M-My na-names Nathalia, it's nice to meet you!"

If before the three girls were stupefied now their brains shut down completely, within all the years these four knew each other, it was the first time they had seen such a look and reaction from Nathalia, it didn't take a genius to figure out that she was interested in me, feeling Nathalia's hands, I shook them lightly with a charming smile as I spoke

"Nathalia? right?, it's nice to meet you too, it's my first time seeing someone as exquisite as you, I am truly awed"

My words were light and smooth causing Nathalia to smile and blush purple stupidly, she let go of her hands as she hid her face with both her arms, seeing this I was confused for a moment, the way she's responding now is very suspicious, my bloodline only causes some with the same connection to only feel an innate attraction to each other but the reaction from Nathlia is really suspicious

'Is she maybe like them too?'

I thought as a terrifying conclusion came to my mind, I was talking about Vena and Lora, Lora's feelings were very intense for me due to her circumstances and for Vena, a double personality was born, one that loved me dearly while the other one rejected it, for Vena thanks to my help she was able to get rid of her other ego

But due to both their circumstance's they both have heavy feelings for me, could it be that there's something special about Nathalia too?, suddenly I could feel a heavy headache settling in, while I was thinking hard the other three girls looked at Nathalia with different expressions

Nyla and Lanora just gave Nathalia a teasing smile, while a complicated look flashed pass Elda's eyes but in the end her own love took over as she reaffirmed her determination, as all of them were thinking, the sitaution in the room got a bit awkward with one blushing girl, two teasing and another one which was quiet

Thankfully the maids arrived at time and helped to make the situation more bearable by beginning the feast, within seconds all of us were seated at the table with lots of delicious foods, soon all of us were digging in well Nathlia just kept looking at me and smiling like a fool, causing me a headache

This woman was basically displaying her interest in me, no matter how dense I act, I can't go that far and act like I can't see her feelings for me, then I would be just plain stupid and I know that my sister doesn't think I am such an idiot

'Sigh…..lots of problems'

"So?, Elda why did you introduce them to me?"

I finally asked after eating a bit, hearing it Elda ate her food calmly as she smiled and spoke

"It's because I want all of them to join your faction big brother!"

I was surprised a bit when I heard this but not much since I had expected it, after hearing Elda's words I looked at the other three girls, none of them seemed to be surprised when they had heard Elda's words which means that they must have known about it, cleaning my mouth with a napkin, I put on a serious face as I looked at the three girls, seeing the sudden change in my expression they were surprised

"Let me get this straight, do you want to join my faction because you want to or just because Elda said so?"

Seeing and hearing my serious face, the other girls understood that the current me was talking to them like the leader of a faction, so they showed equal seriousness as they spoke, the first one was Lanora, with a refreshing smile she spoke

"At first I just came because Elda said so but after seeing you I have decided to join, we the members of the Norike demon tribe respect those that play music that warms the heart and your music has truly been heart moving, hence I recognize you worthy of following, I hope you treat me well~~"

In the end Lanora gave a wink as she spoke, I put on a smile on my serious expression as I gave a nod and spoke

"Then I would have to thank you and welcome you to my faction, I hope we have great coordinations in the future"

After speaking with Lanora, I turned to Nathalia who blushed when I looked at her and fidgeted nervously in her chair, to tell the truth the current her was very charming, I had to hold myself back from not patting and papering her, looking at her seriously I spoke

"What about you Nathalia?"

"W-Well I-I would love to join where you are!"

It was only when Nathalia had finished speaking did she realize the meaning of what she spoke, she blushed as she looked down but in between her eyes traveled nervously to me, seeing such a cute reaction I smiled as I spoke

"Then it would be my honor to have you, I truly hope we get along in the future"

My words brought her to bliss as she nodded her head furiously with a smile and a hint of relief, after dealing with Nathalia, I turned to the most hardest one to deal with looking at Nyla who had battle hungry smile, I spoke

"Let me guess, I have to fight and defeat you to prove I am better than you?"

"Hehehe…yup that's right, at first I had no interest but seeing you and knowing how strong you are I want to fight you, defeat me and I don't mind joining"

Bloodlust started to be released from Nyla's body as she said her last words, I smiled in responded to Nyla's words as I said

"Sure but don't cry about it later"

"We will see who will truly cry later…"

Nyla spoke, showcasing all her sharp teeth

Chapter 163: The Beat Down

"So you ready?"

I asked as I stood opposite from Nyla, right now we were in a fighting ground exclusive to me, which was situated within the deeper regions of my mansion, after issuing a challenge we quickly moved towards this area, we stood far from each other as we prepared ourselves

Elda and the other two girls stood far away, where they could see the battle clearly, anticipation and excitement filled the atmosphere as Nyla and me locked eyes with each other, power vise Nyla's origin level four which is a huge achievement considering her age but what makes her special is that she could fight above her power level

Fighting above one's own power level is not easy, only the greatest and the best genius of a generation could do it and in this era there are several such geniuses appearing, leaving such issues aside what makes Nyla most annoying is that she's a vampire and dealing with a super healing opponent is just pain in the ass

But I am not even afraid a bit, within the origin level I am undefeatable, due to my cautious nature the amount of trump cards and power boosting cards within my hands are immense, plus with my bloodline power and my journey I was able to gasp a lot of my powers, standing straight with my hands behind my back, I spoke cooly while provoking Nyla

"Come, lets begin"

"Aren't you going to use you weapon?"

Nyla asked with a frown, seeing such a lax attitude from her opponent, she felt a bit humiliated, hence she affirmed her will to beat me up more, hearing Nyla's question I shook my head as I spoke

"Nope, to defeat you I don't need it"

"Aren't you being a bit cocky?"

"We will see"

I spoke as the countdown for the battle began, Nyla took deep breaths as she readied her self, her nails started to get longer as her blood red eyes started to shine deeply, deep blood red mana surrounded her as the countdown began


As soon as 1 was finished Nyla dashed towards me at superhuman speed, the ground below her broke from it's sheer force, that's saying something since the ground was reinforced for more durability, with a blink of an eyes she appeared before me with her sharpen nails moving for my eyes, quite vicious

But I just snorted as I moved my hands faster than she could and well flipped, the flip it's self caused such a huge power pressure that she was blasted away at super speed as she flew to the wall and hit it with a bang, the sound of bones crushing could be heard, as blood splashed in the wall

The other three girls who watched this had eyes open in surprise, after flipping Nyla off my hands went to my back as I waited, soon an enraged scream was heard as the dust settled, coming out of it was a bloodied Nyla, all her bones were in the wrong place but soon clicking sounds were heard as she was healed within 12 seconds

She raised her head with blood all over her face, yet a twisted grin appeared in her face, wiping out some of the blood in her face and stretching, she looked at me as she spoke

"I heard some say that your origin level 5 but with what I saw there's no fucking way in this world you are Origin level 4, so how strong are you?"

"Why, don't you find out?"

I spoke with a smirk

"Oh, I intended to"

With that she disappeared from where she stood the bloodlust surrounding her increased, soon I could feel the atmosphere around me drop low, as I was surrounded by hundred's of floating ice, with a swish each of them attacked me from different directions but I stayed calm as I released a light wind pressure from my body

With a bang all the ice shards broke as a small fog was crated around me, just a bit of my vison was impaired, I felt a huge slash from behind me, without panicking I dodged to the side, soon Nyla closed the gap between me and moved at inhuman speed attacking me at close range but I easily dodged them without getting hurt

Nyla kept attacking me but I kept dodging them, it's at that time I felt my legs freeze and a mental attack hit my head causing me to freeze and at the same time with a smug smile Nyla came in front of me with a blood spear in her arms, aiming it towards my heart


I spoke just one words before everything around me stated to twist and get destroyed, I moved my hands and gave a light punch to Nyla's stomach, as I held the spear that was aimed at my heart with another hand, with a boom she flew but this time she maneuvered her body to land softly and she stopped and huge amounts of blood flew out of her mouth and she started coughing violently

soon the bloody aura around Nyla increased to a high level, the calmness in her eyes disappearing as madness took over but for such a price her power rose exponentially, with a beast like roar she moved, much faster than ever before but I was tired now and wanted to end it

I looked calmly as an avalanche and a huge amount of weapons made of blopd attacked me from all angels with power that could easily kill a origin level 5 but that was not the end, I could feel metal attacks hitting my mind space while coldness that could not be explained filled my body, seeing it I spoke

"{Zone Zero: Break}"

With such words it was as if the whole world had stopped as all the attacks that was hitting me stopped for a moment disrupting the mana and the power that was flowing through it, it was small but that was all that was needed for a catastrophic end, with a bang all of them canceled each other out and the stress of such a quick loss of control effected Nyla the worst

As she was directly knocked out cold, if it was anybody else than their brain and body would have exploded

'Gotta say the domain law power of Eleanor is good'

The move I used right was one that I gained after I slept with Eleanor, in fact I have gained different powers and abilities after sleeping with Eleanor, Grace and Clara, each of them making me more overpowered and the one I used now was the law of Eleanor, something that was only solely applicable to Eleanor but righ now I could use it, I was basically using something that could only be found if one reaches the Imperial rank

This fight from the beginning was never fair

Chapter 164: A New Fight?

"Is she fine?"

I asked to the healer who came out of the healing room, hearing my words he nodded his head as he spoke

"Yes, right now she's fine"

Hearing his words I nodded my head as I walked to the three worried girls and affirmed them that all was fine, hearing it they all sighed in relief but Elda pouted as she jokingly hit my arms as she spoke

"Big brother you really didn't have to beat up Nyla this much!"

"Sorry, I was having fun and I forgot to control my strength"

I apologized but before Elda could speak much I patted Elda's head lovingly, causing the words Elda wanted to say to stop, feeling the warmth on her head her pout faded as a smile took over, I patted her head for a bit before looking over to Lanora who smiled and spoke

"Austin!, I never really expected you power to be this much strong!, just how much strength were you hiding?"

"Mou~~big brother you even hid your strength from me~"

Even before I could answer Lanora, Elda looked at me aggrievedly as she spoke, seeing it I chuckled as I spoke

"Well I just wanted to hide my strength, I am not a big fan of getting too much attention, well not more than I have right now, so I would appreciate it if you could keep this a secret"

"Sure, my mouth is sealed!"

Lanora spoke in a high volume, as she waved her hand to her mouth in a zipper notion, I nodded at her as I looked at Nathalia, who had a purple blush at her face, while all her three eyes looked at me shyly, she looked into my eyes as she spoke

"Me too, I won't tell abut this to anyone"

"Thank you"

I nodded my head in gratitude, at the same time I turned to Elda and gave her cute nose a small pinch as I spoke

"As for you Elda, how could I not know that once I spoke to you about my strength that you might go around parading about it"

"Humph, that's not true"

Elda spoke as she flinched my hand from her nose but then she snorted as she looked away, I smirked as I teased Elda a bit who blushed, truly the blush on her beautiful face was an art piece, any of her unconscious actions was truly beautiful and heart moving, after talking with them a bit and telling them to contact Alex for further instruction, I left telling that I wanted to meet Grace

Well, I truly did wanted to meet Grace, as it was truly a bit lonely from not seeing her, the last weeks we literally spent our time with each other, with me sneaking into her bedroom or she into mine at night, of course it was only possible due to some help from my dear maid, who helped from behind the scenes

Anyway, from the last few weeks we got close, real close, I could literally tell all of Grace's pleasure spots blind, we spent all our time with each other, causing grace to open to me completely, right now she would happily spend her time with me

After a bit of disguised travel, I reached the building belonging to the teachers of the military, revealing my disguise in a hidden area I walked through the building with several of the teachers looking at me, since I had already contacted Grace, I knew where she was, with a few minute walk, I reached a room, without knocking I entered

Coming inside I could see Grace sitting on a chair, with no one else inside the room, at first she was surprised at the door being opened but seeing that it was me, a loving smile came to her face as she stood up and walked towards me, I walked towards her as I pulled her to me for a hug, my hands held her waist as I looked into her eyes

"Grace, where are the other teachers?"

"Oh?, they just went out they will be back soon"

Grace replied as she lovingly placed her head on my chest, her hand hugged my body tightly pressing her well developed breasts against me, a satisfied smile came to her face as she sniffed my scent, right now she could literally not gone on without my scent per day

"Oh~~so they went out~"

I said whispering into her ears before grabbing her juicy milfy ass

"Ah❤… Austin… Not here, they could some back"

Grace tried to be as natural as possible so that I could not find out that her body was already becoming aroused, also she didn't want anybody to find out when someone entered the room

"But isn't it exciting?"

I said while caressing her ass with soft seductive touches

"Austin, stop it! Don't do it here."

Grace said worriedly.

"Oh! Not here? Are we going to do it in your office? Or… maybe someday in the classroom?"

I whispered again before finally exhaling a hot breath in her right ear.

"Ah❤… Austin, Not outside, Let do it at home."

Grace said trying to hold herself back, it's at that time that the door opened and three middle aged beautiful women entered, since I and Grace were standing facing the door, the three women were unable too see what's happening all they saw was me hugging Grace, one of them walked forward as she spoke

"Oh?, Grace who is this handsome boy?"

One of them spoke with a giggling voice, clearly knowing my status, seeing the three who walked in Grace became worried as she pushed me back, I composed myself, as I turned to three of Grace's friends as I spoke with a smile

"Hello, everyone my names Austin, it's truly a happy occasion for me to meet my mothers friends and I have to say that all three of you are very beautiful"

"Hehehe…truly you have quite the sweet mouth Austin, my names Ruby, I used to work under you mother, I am truly happy to finally meet you, your mother says a lot about you"

As soon I had finished speaking a sensual beauty with brown hair and eyes spoke, she looked around the same age as my mother, the other two women were around Grace's age too, both of them were quite beautiful, I smiled at them as I spoke

"It's an honor to meet all of you too, I am truly happy to see my mother meeting her friends after all this time, she truly needed it and I am truly happy to meet war heroes like all of you, I would love to hear all about my mothers embarrassing pasts"

"Sure, we would love too"

Ruby spoke with a smile, as she and the others lead me towards the sofa on the room and started talking all about the deeds of Grace, who tried to intervene in the middle and stop it but sadly it was not possible

Chapter 165: Exiting Situation

Time passed by as an hour was spend as I talked along with Grace's three friends, we all talked and laughed while in the middle the three women started talking about the embarrassing things that Grace had done in the past, from the way that all of them talked I understood that Grace and they were close

Overall it was a fun chat, as we spend some time getting close to each other, in fact I got to know that three women were triplets, each of them having brown hair and eyes, in terms of look all three of them looked the same, one might not be able to tell the difference between them, the only clear indicator of their difference is that all thee of them behave differently

Ruby who introduced herself first is more of the carefree type, while there's Nuby whose more quite and serious, there's also Zuby whose the playful type, each of them have their own defined personality and talking to each of them was a treat, I also got to know that Nuby and Zuby are married and they have children too, my age no less

"It was nice talking to you Austin, I hope you could once visit my home, I would surely love for you to meet my daughter"

Ruby spoke with a teasing smile, as I shook hands with her, I smiled at her words as I spoke

"Sure, I would love to come to you home one day, seeing how you are I am sure that your daughter would be beautiful"

" still trying to butter me up?, well then I shall gladly take you compliment"

Ruby spoke with a smile, after that I nodded and said my goodbyes to both Nuby and Zuby, soon all of them left, as soon as they did I felt someone hug me from behind and wrap her arms around me, soon I felt a small bite on my neck, as she bit Grace started sucking on my neck, holding Grace's hand around my waist I spoke

"What is it Grace, are you jealous?"

Grace didn't reply as she just kept sucking on my neck for a bit before she finally relented, lifting her head she looked at my neck, seeing the hickey there she nodded in happiness

"Jealous?, I am not jealous…"

Hearing her words I turned around to Grace who turned her face sideways, my arms moved as I hugged her, looking at the small blush on her face and seeing the smile that came up, I couldn't help but find it cute, no matter how many times we did it, in front of my advances she would always act shy

Moving my hands I turned Grace's face towards me, we looked deeply into each others eyes before I moved forward and took her lips for a kiss, my lips touched hers us we transferred our love for each other, after kissing her lips for a bit, I retreated as I spoke lovingly

"Truly you jealous look is lovely but never forget I love you"

"Yeah, I know"

Grace said with a smile

"Since you know, why don't we continue what we were doing?, there's is no one around"

I said as I sneakily squeezed her huge breasts

"Ahh❤… No! Austin, let do it at home"

Grace rejected, the room they were in was just booked for their talk, so new people might come, Grace didn't want anyone barging in now, but it was getting harder to say no when Grace's breasts were very sensitive, so every time I squeezed her breasts, she immediately felt aroused

"Why not?"

After saying that, I immediately kissed her beautiful red lips again


Grace's widened her eyes when I kissed again, she wanted to resist but it was getting harder with her aroused body, I continued kissing her while squeezing her breasts, Not long after that, I could feel her nipples were already erect and I decided to pinch it through her shirt.


Grace's little mouth opened, letting out a seductive moan, her body which I had trained the past weeks were quickly getting aroused, just from my touches, her pussy lips twitched as it started to leak

"Grace, you are excited, right?"

I asked while still playing with her nipples

"Ahh❤… Yes. It's exciting."

Grace had unconsciously answered, as soon as she did she blushed deeply, I couldn't get enough of such a look while Grace was shy and a bit reserved but once she starts she looses all control, suddenly Grace felt something hard poking between her thighs.

"Ah❤… Austin it's poking me…"

Hearing her words I smiled as I grabbed her right hand and placed it on my dick, forcing her right hand to rub my hard rod through my pants

"Um❤… It's already big."

Grace could feel my huge rod when I forced her right hand to rub my dick through my pants

"It's because of you"

I whispered, at first I had to force Grace to rub my rod but, after a few minutes, she finally rubbed my dick through my pants of her own accord, at the same I kept rubbing her breasts, along with my hot words and kisses were quickly removing her clarity, not long after that, Grace felt her legs become weak.

My hands moved as I felt Grace's wet hole, realizing that her pussy was already wet, I smirked, I knew Grace's body very well, the prospect of doing her on the teachers office building was very exiting, thinking along these lines I spoke

"Grace, do you want to go to an interesting place?"

Seeing that I had stopped and talked about going to an interesting place Grace got curious

"Interesting place? Where is it?"

When I saw the expression on her face, I knew that my plan had worked out smoothly, so I smiled beautifully and said,

"Let's go."


Grace nodded her head, before we left we cleaned up each other and made sure that there was no hints of what we were doing earlier, we soon started walking to a certain area in the building but when Grace saw that I was dragging her to the corner of the building, she asked again

"Austin, why are we still in the teachers building? Is that place inside this building?"

I turned my head and spoke

"Um. That's right"

After walking for a few minutes, we finally arrived at the washroom. Grace was stunned and immediately said

"Austin, why…Why are we stopping in front of the restroom?"

"This is the interesting place I'm talking about,"

I gave her an honest answer


Now Grace was completely clueless, it was cute in her own way, I looked at Grace and smiled seductively

"An interesting place to…. have sex."

Upon hearing my words, Grace was stunned but immediately it had morphed to a worried face and said,

"Austin… this is not good, Let's do it at home."

"Don't worry, It will be fine, plus don't you too want to dot it, come on imagine it the thrill of getting caught, plus don't you want to mark me, to get rid of the smell from your friends…."

I said as I smiled, when my last words were said Grace's eyes glazed over, the need for showing her need came up but still as a noble woman she could not imagine doing it in such a place, her desire and her etiquette were fighting each other, this would be the first time she would have sex in the bathroom, and what's more, they would do that in a public restroom, so she was worried, What if someone entered the bathroom when they were having sex

Chapter 166: A Bathroom Fun


Finally Grace relented to my words, her desires won her over, plus her body was still horny from before and she really needed to be embraced by me, without any further ado I caught Grace's hand and immediately entered the woman's washroom because it was cleaner than the man's bathroom, After that, we sneakily entered one of the cubicle toilets, since the bathroom was at the end of the building there wasn't anybody in currently, I immediately sat on the seating toilet and spoke

"Come and sit on my lap."


Grace said, still worried a bit but in the end she trusted me and sat on my laps facing me, I wrapped my arms around her waist and began to kiss Grace's beautiful lips with passion, at first Grace was still shy and had a worried face, but after a few minutes she started losing herself in lust and kissed me back.

Soon Grace's body started heating up lust as she locked her arms around my neck and started kissing me passionately, As we were kissing, my hands slyly lifted her skirt to the waist, causing Grace to be surprised


Grace broke the kiss and let out a cute voice, she looked looked at me shyly for several seconds before finally, kissing me again, slowly her passion started to ignite as she began wringing my hair as we kissed, her movements got more heated as she started sucking my lips with passion

It was like she didn't want to let go of my lips as she sucked on my lips and tongue, finally after some time she broke the kiss again and started to breathe heavily, as lines of saliva stuck between us, which Grace sucked and cleaned

Looking at Graces face which was flushed with shyness, happiness and expectation, my control slowly began to be lost, her lips were now red with my saliva which was glistening, her green gem like eyes seemed to be sucking me in, she was screaming for me and I knew that I couldn't hold back anymore, Because I didn't want to waste time, I directly pulled down my pants to my feet, as Grace lifted up her ass for me and with that I slid Grace's red color T-shaped lace panties to the other side

"Ahhhh….. ❤"

Grace's little mouth opened, letting out a seductive moan, as I directly plunged my member deep inside her reaching her womb, I couldn't wait any longer as I grabbed her waist and moved her body up and down.


At first, Grace did nothing when I moved her body up and down, but after a brief moment, Grace began moving her hips following my rhythm, her ripe ass started to slap against my lap slowly as not to make noise, Grace's body suddenly turned hot, and love juices started dripping down onto her slender thighs.

At that moment, I felt my mother's pussy was different than usual the muscles of her vagina squeezed my cock wildly, it felt like her pussy didn't want to let go, it wanted me inside forever,

"Austin❤…Ah…❤.Austin.❤.Ah…my Austin❤.."

Grace called out my name in a small voice because she was afraid that someone would hear her voice, right now she kept moving her waist slowly trying to mark her insides with my rod, suddenly the sound of footsteps entering the cubicle toilet next to us could be heard, Grace's face immediately looked at me worriedly and in panic as she spoke in a low voice

"Austin, there is someone in the cubicle toilet next to us, Let's stop first, After that, we can continue again."

I pretended to hear nothing and continued moving her body up and down, when Grace knew that I did not intend to stop, she bit her index finger so that she could hold back her moan, However, her efforts were in vain when my cock was hitting her womb repeatedly

"Ahhh..❤. "

Upon hearing Grace's moans, the person who was in the next cubicle toilet immediately said

"Miss, are you alright?"

The woman who was in the next cubicle was surprised after hearing Grace's moans, which she mistook for pained grunts, Grace was shocked after hearing the woman's words, to make sure no suspicious arise she tried to be as natural as possible as she talked but that failed miserably

"❤. It's just…Mm❤…My stomach…hurts…so much…Ah….❤"

Grace immediately looked at me and gave me a sign to stop moving my hips until the woman left, However I didn't stop moving my waist, due to this Grace had no choice but to try her best not to let out a moan. And like before, her efforts were in vain when my cock was hitting her womb repeatedly, creating a sense of pain and pleasure

"Ahhhh..❤. "

"Miss, are you really alright? Do you need any help?"

The woman, who was in the cubicle toilet asked again

"No… I'm fine. Hmm❤… Thank… Hmm❤….You…"

Grace said as she moaned.


The woman who was in the next cubicle toilet relented, at this moment, Grace felt that she was about to cum, Grace body immediately stiffened as she began to pray

'This woman, whoever you are Please leave as soon as possible, or you will know that I'm having sex with my son here. Please.'

She was getting closer to having an orgasm, and it made her more worried.

'I couldn't hold it anymore. I couldn't hold it anymore. I'm about to cum, Someone I don't know will know that I'm having sex with my son in the public washroom'

Grace thought herself, luckily, the woman who was in the next cubicle toilet finished using the bathroom and left, finally Grace was at her limit


The sound of the door being closed could be heard in their ears

"Ahhhh❤….. I'm cumming… Ahhh…❤ "

because she held her orgasm for too long, Grace had a massive orgasm, causing her body to shudder in my lap as her eyes rolled up above her head, it took her a few seconds to come back to her senses, after which she faked her anger as she looked at me

"Austin… You're a bad son, What if she found out?"

"But isn't it exciting?"

My face broke into a smile and pinched Grace's cheeks, causing her to pout

"The way you tried your best not to cum or not let out your moan was the cutest thing I have ever seen, As expected of my lover, she is adorable."

"Hmmph! Bad boy,"

Grace grimaced

"How could you do that to your mother?"

But before Grace could get an answer, she suddenly felt my cock, which was still in her vagina, start throbbing again, knowing something like this would happen, she could only accept her fate, I smiled as I held Grace's waist and started to move again, hitting Grace's deepest parts, after a few minutes, I finally reached my limit.

"… I'm cumming,"

With that I held Grace's waist tightly as I brought it down as I thrust inside deeply reaching the doors of her womb and filling her insides


Grace's leg straightened as her toes curled in as she felt my hot stuff fill up her womb but she said nothing and happily took my seeds in her body, when Grace felt that I had released all my sperm in her vagina, she knelt between my legs and began to clean my cock using her mouth, after lots of time we spent together, some of her embarrassment from before disappeared

After seeing my cock was already clean, I pinched her nose and said,

"My lover is indeed good. You understand me very well."

"Indeed I know you the best"

Grace spoke with a smile, after which both of us sneaked out of there and spend the rest of the day in each others company, which ended with me in her bed at night bonding….

Chapter 167: A New Round

"Ahh…now that was a good night"

I spoke as I stretched my body and headed out of my mansion, last night I had spend my time completely enjoying Grace's body, it had only ended when she had fallen unconscious where we slept in each others embrace, the only annoying thing is the sneaking in I have to keep doing, well small sacrifices for the better good I guess

Well anyhow right now it was already a good morning after having a hearty breakfast and dealing with some faction related stuff, I quickly headed towards Olivia's mansion, I can't keep my dear slave waiting, can I?

Well it didn't take me long to each the hidden area where I activated the teleportation circle which was hidden, with a quick flash of white light I appeared in a white room where a very familiar blonde haired woman stood, her eyes were stoic and was filled with resentment when she looked at me

I smiled at her as I walked towards her with light steps, reaching in front of her I smiled as I spoke

"So, how's your body?"

"It's fine master"

She replied blandly, her eyes looked at me with defience, I smiled as I walked towards the sofa in the room as I sat there, looking at her confused eyes, I spoke dominantly

"Strip and make it sexy"

My voice echoed through out the room, causing Olivia's body to tremble….with excitement, after the last days play a small part of her true self was slowly coming out, her true desires were leaking but Olivia held it in!, she didn't want to submit to my will but one dominant words from me caused her pussy lips to tremble in excitement

'What will he do today?'

Is the question that passed through her mind, she took a deep breath as she started to do what I said, I leaned back to my chair as I looked at Olivia's sexy body being stripped, the dress she was wearing was white in color and around knee-length, It was held in place by a few buttons in the back as well as a green sash around her waist

Taking a deep breath, Olivia pulled on her sash and allowed it to fall onto the ground, next she unbuttoned her dress one by one, filling the room with the rhythmic sound of her buttons clicking, the dress was no longer held in place by anything, Only remaining on her body from the support of her hands

A deep blush made its way to Olivia's gorgeous face and spread to her ears., no matter what this was still embarrassing for her, then without a word, she let go of her hands which held onto her dress, letting it fall onto the ground

At once, her graceful body was revealed for me to see, She had a well-developed body with all the curves that needed to come out in the right places and all the curves that needed to curve in in all the right places, A wonderfully full pair of breasts that still had room to grow hidden behind a floral lace white bra, however the cleavage she had developed could not be hidden by this risqué design of a bra.

Her secret garden was securely protected by a risky white thong with the same floral pattern, The color of her lingerie set seemed to bring out the creaminess of her skin, making her look more delectable than ever

Olivia moved one arm to shield her cleavage from my prying eyes as she used her other hand to unclip it, The bra fell to the ground while her arm remained in place, preventing me from seeing her milkers in full, for a moment I was thinking that she was teasing me but looking at her lips bitten and her face died red, I knew that was not the case

Then, she turned around to give me a better view of her well-sculpted ass, Her hips swayed sensually in a wave-like manner, and her fingers hooked onto the edges of her panties to slowly slide them down, Bit by bit, her sexy ass exposed itself to the world, at the last stretch, a thin line of clear fluid could be seen connecting from her honeypot to her panties before breaking off

Now she turned to me with one of her arms covering her breasts while the other one hiding her honey pot, even when she didn't want to her body was still hot, due to my spell she felt horny yesterday and was still unable to reveille herself, for her I am her only path of release

'Looks like it's time'

I thought as I smiled at Olivia, as my eyes became dead like while a hungry possessive look took over my face, seeing such a look Olivia's heart started beating faster, she could feel her pussy lips twitch in excitement, I waved my hands at her


I spoke as I looked at her, Olivia could only meekly nod her head, whenever I showed my yandere side she would become more meek, her body would also feel hot, within seconds she stood on front of me as I sat on the chair, looking up at her I spoke

"Take your hands away"

Olivia took a deep breath, she knew this was coming so she could only grit her teeth and let her hands fall as her gorgeous body was displayed in front of me, her ripe nipples to her beautiful pink garden that had some blonde hair on it, I looked at her intently as I raised my right hands as my forefinger touched her stomach, I started draw circles on it as I looked at Olivia with my possessive eyes

"Tell me Olivia aren't I the first person to see you naked?"

"Y-Yes master"

Olivia spoke trying to hide the slow rising pleasure on her body, my slow small touches was slowly raising her lust, as soon as Olivia had finished speaking my lips rose to a 'happy' smile as I kept looking into her eyes as my hand slowly moved around her body

"So how was it yesterday?, did anybody see your body?"


"Good, just how many boys did you talk to yesterday"

"Just a few….."

Olivia spoke with a troubled frown as she saw my face 'scrunch' up from 'anger', my finger which was lightly playing with her body used force, as they rubbed her inner thigh causing pain to fill Olivia's body, yet when she saw my oppressive, obsessive gaze, along with the pain her knees buckled as she cummed!


Olivia moaned out, as her body lost strength as she fell forward, I didn't let her fall as I moved forward and caught her soft body, her naked body pressed against me, her eyes were hazy as they looked into mine, I caught her body in princess style as I laid her on the table, the moment she regained her senses she was met with my furious gaze

"To think you are this brazen, it looks like I need to teach you who you belong to"

Olivia's eyes trembled as I caught her shoulders hardly, whatever I was saying had no reason but hey when did yanderes need sane reason for anything?, under Olivia's scared yet anticipating eyes I moved downwards towards Olivia's honey pot

Chapter 168: Disciplined The Princess

Only the sound of Olivia's rough breathing could be heard as I slowly went down towards Olivia's honey pot, adjusting myself I was soon able to see Olivia's pink pussy which was wet with her juices, few golden hair could be seen, my obsessive eyes turned upward as they gazed into Olivia's anxious one

"Hehe…..let me now show you who you truly belongs to"

As I said so, my right hand rose as it swirled around the edges of Olivia's pussy, with just my touch Olivia's body started trembling, her ass rose up and down with my touches, while her pussy lips seemed to be opening and closing, as if asking me to stick something in, as desperately as I wanted to it was not time

I ran my hands along the underside of her bare thighs as I hovered my lips over her belly button, placing light kisses on each side, Olivia trembled, already picturing where I was going to kiss her next, the anticipation and refusal only made her more aroused, my lips slowly brushed their way down to her secret garden, where I paused for an agonizingly long moment, looked up at her, and gave her wet folds a probatory, circular lick

Olivia hissed, eyes screwed shut.

The heady scent of her arousal lingered on my nose, making my hard-on throb painfully, However, I ignored it. Today, I wanted to see her utterly surrendered to my touch, I smiled as I licked her inner thighs and kissed along her luscious thighs, my lips slowly strolled towards her pink honeypot and lovingly kissed over the outer folds of her pussy, I could feel the scent of her aromatic honeypot, after teasing her for a bit I finally decided to devour her pussy.

I licked her pussy in a long vertical manner while taking the inner folds of her pussy into my mouth, They felt so soft and wet, making me unable to stop nibbling on them, I tasted her pussy with my tongue in a circular manner, Olivia's determination and resistance was quickly disappearing as she was being absorbed in the pleasure I was giving her

Olivia never had felt pleasure like this, no she never thought that I would be even willing to 'taste' her like this, it was as if I wanted the whole of her and this idea excited her more, prompting her to release more juice, unconsciously she buried my head more deeply into her pussy, wanting me to taste even more of her


Olivia was letting out low moans feeling my hot tongue invading her pussy and feeling her inner folds being played with by my mouth, I then stretched her outer folds as my tongue delved into her pussy, seeking to explore her narrow cave, Olivia felt a scorching sensation in her honeypot as my tongue forced its way inside her narrow cave

Well it was not the end as my hands sneaked into Olivia's ass gripping and groping them as I pulled Olivia's body towards me, feeling my hands gripping her ass sexually Olivia moaned out


I could feel her pussy tightening as I increased the vigor of my tongue while flicking it inside her pussy, my mouth was covering almost her entire pussy, and I sucked on her clit after taking my tongue out


Olivia's moans were heard as my tongue stretched further out, skimming around the skin of her labia, She squirmed—or at least, she tried to, but I casted a spell that had her locked in place, unable to move, but able to feel everything that was done to her, I slipped my tongue up and slowly traced circles around her clitoris, my tongue was steady and rhythmic with its licks,

"Austin~❤… ooh ❤~"

she whimpered, her muscles tightening, her inhibitions disappearing, while her true desire rising, the way Olivia looked right now would have smothered any average man into a stuttering mess, I flicked my tongue to her clitoral hood, moving it from side to side in light strokes

"Yes❤! There ~❤"

Olivia's breathing was ragged as her head swiveled around, lips caught between her teeth, my hands continued to cup one of her butt cheeks, as my middle finger tiptoed to her puckered hole, her tight hole below her dripping honeypot, She was so lost in the haze of pleasure that, at first, she didn't notice it, and it was only after she felt something knocking against her rear hole that she gasped and looked at me

"W-What, ma-master… hmm❤ ~ not there… you… hmm ~ ❤"

She couldn't even formulate her words correctly due to my wiggling tongue, an intense feeling filled her body as my finger managed to breach through the resistance of her anus

"Ohhh❤… no…. hmm❤ ~~ no❤…"

Olivia whined, helpless, her ass unconsciously clenching around my misbehaving digit, I promptly ignored her as my finger eased further inside her colon, tugging at her inner walls, meanwhile, my tongue pressed gently against her clitoris, the stimulation coming from both holes made her jaw flap around, her words tapering off into moan's

I pulled my finger back, allowing her a few seconds of reprieve, and then jammed it back in her rectal canal was like a tight, warm, velvety vacuum, It desperately sucked my finger, making squelching noises when I attempted to draw back, out of curiosity, I applied a bit 'power' to my tongue, and I immediately noticed the result

Olivia squeaked so hard that I thought she had orgasmed right there and then, but no—her moan pitch was getting higher and higher, though, obviously, she was extremely close to a climax, and all it took was me adding a slight vibration to my tongue, therefore, I pumped a bit more power into it, and watched as Olivia's face contorted, her mouth hanging open, her eyes lolling around

She was completely submitted to the pleasure I was giving her

And due to that, I had a considerably easier time fingering her ass, In fact, my finger was embedded so deep in her anal cavity that my knuckle was brushing against the outer rims of her anus, her build-up had reached its zenith, and I sensed that, so I moved my tongue up and down in one, inexorable motion, making sure that all of her nerve endings were covered

"Oh Yes❤!~~~soo Good❤!"

Olivia cried out, toes curling


Her body shook, blinded by the flashes of pleasure that pushed her over the edge, She crammed her eyes shut, her thighs quaking powerfully as she ejaculated, splattering all over my face in continuous spurts

It continued for a few seconds as her orgasm was very powerful, which could be seen by how Olivia's eyes was rolled over her head, I left the spell holding her causing her body to spasm continuously, her legs flapping around as she mumbled incomprehensible words, at the same time I cast a {Cleanse} spell, cleaning my face and body

A minute later it seemed that Olivia had finally got back her sense, with her arms flapped on her side, as her lower lips continued to spell out juices to the ground


It would seem that her mind was in disarray from the pleasure I gave her, I smirked as I looked at her from above

"How was it my slave, did you enjoy it?"

Seeing my saditic and posseeive smile, Olivia's mind quickly focused, her mind was blank as she tried to say something but I stopped her as I spoke

"Stop!, your punishment is still not over"

And with that I again went back to her scented garden, seeing it Olivia panicked, if I played with her again she might lose her mind!, she tried to stop me but it was too late, I casted my spell as I held her in a lock again, my body went back to her pussy as I inserted two of my fingers inside her pussy and fingered her vehemently


Wet sounds resounded from her pussy which was like beautiful music to my ears


Olivia let out sensual moans in succession as her eyes rolled over in euphoria, she was sensitive and her mind was overloaded she wanted to beg for me to stop but sadly I didn't listen and like this only the moans of Olivia could be heard within the room for an hour

Chapter 169: A Show Of Skills

"now wasn't that fun?"

I asked out loud, after which I had cleanly dressed but no answer came, I looked at Olivia who was a mess, she lay there sprawled on the table, her arms at her side, while her body kept trembling non stop, her eyes were rolled over her head as she had fainted while saliva dripped from her open mouth

A very unbecoming sight of one of the worlds greatest empire's princess, well that was not the end, a huge puddle had grown under the table she lay, even when unconscious her body kept trembling while some juices still dripped down for her lower entrance, the sight was not pretty at all, seeing no response from Olivia I just shrugged my shoulders as I activated the token and left the room with sudden white light

Now was not the time to play lover, I already have a plan for that, I have already surrendered her body to pleasure, a few more times then she won't be able to go without it, it will be then that her true 'training' would start, anticipating it I headed to the library

Reaching it I could spot a familiar brown haired average girl sitting at a corner table, I smiled and waved at her

'Here we go again'

I thought as I headed towards her as we began our debate, well long story short things went well for the next 2 and half an hour as we chatted and argued with each other, after which we made a promise to see each other tomorrow, my back was straight as I left the library but my head was a mess

'Fuck!, that was so boring!, if it wasn't for my life on the line, I would just say fuck it all and leave!'

My thoughts can be truly justified, I mean how can you enjoy talking about some shit written by some fucker years ago, if it wasn't for me getting better at my acting I would have surely went to sleep

'Sigh…I just hope I can make it through…..'

I could only lament at myself as I walked through the streets but it's then that I found something weird, it was quite…too quite, I turned around looking at all the places and I could see that there was no one around, no people, no sound, nothing, seeing it my guard raised, the mana around me started circulating

Just as I was ready for a battle a woman appeared in front of me, seeing her I sighed inwardly but I didn't show any outward reaction of relief, on the outside I was still ready for battle, my eyes became sharp as I focused on the beautiful girl in front of me

The girl in front of me has ash grey hair that was a bob cut along with golden pupils with a slit in it, she's wearing a yellow one piece dress that covered her body, her body was lean, with quite a hight as she stood tall, there was a huge domineering dragon might from her body, her face was beautiful, with a bit of a tomboy look, she had huge perky breast and a nice ass

"Who are you?"

I asked out loud as I looked at her, hearing my question a hint of disappointment flashed in the girls eyes but she quickly shook it off as she asked me a question

"Don't you know me?"

Hearing her question, I looked at Scarlet deeply, as I seemed to ponder but in the end I shook my head as I spoke

"Nope, I am sure that I have never seen you, after all I won't forget a beauty like you"


Scarlet blushed as she heard my words she smiled happily and hid her face shyly within her arms, seeing her behavior my expression became full of 'confusion', seeing it she pouted, wow for a moment I was dazed from her action, while I did not talk to her face to face, I still did keep tabs in her at times

From what I gathered she's a stone faced woman that won't smile at anyone, she's always cold to others, the only one she treats as an equal is Celestinia, to others she won't even give a glance, strict and focused, so seeing such a side many would have their jaws drop at this scene

In truth I was expecting for Scarlet to contact me earlier, so it was confusing that she contacted me this late and in this manner of fashion, at that time that I didn't know was that Scarlet wanted to contact me much earlier but she was too shy

Indeed!, she was shy to contact me, in fact she had kept tabs on me at times and at several moments she had even come close to contacting me but she chickened out, she was too afraid of what I would say and what kind of reaction I would have of her but now in the end she took the step and the moment she stood in front of me and heard my words her heart started beating in happiness

"Humph!, are you sure that you have never met me before?"

Hearing her question, my face got 'serious' as I looked at her 'deeply', my eyes moved from her hair and looked at her face, in the end my eyes widened as I looked at her in disbelief as I pointed my finger at her as I spoke

"W-Wait don't tell me you are Kevin's sister!?"

"NO!, I am Kevin you dense idiot!"

Scarlet shouted!, she really couldn't believe how dense I could be, hearing Scarlet's answer my mouth opened wide in 'surprise' , I rubbed my eyes as I looked at Scarlet with trembling hands as I spoke

"Y-you are K-Kevin?"

"No!, you idiot!, my real names Scarlet back then I was just pretending to be a boy!, you big idiot!"

Scarlet shook her head as she looked at me like I am sort of idiot, my eyes were in disbelief as i kept looking at scarlet, it was as if that my world was falling down, I stood in daze for a second letting the 'truth' sink in, at this time Scarlet kept silent as she kept looking at me with a hint of worry

She was truly worried that I would be angry at her for hiding whom she was all this time, while I kept calling her as my friend, soon several seconds passed before I came out of my 'daze', and as soon as I did I shot forward towards her at my full speed arriving in front of her in the blink of an eye

Scarlet was surprised by my sudden action, even though she could dodge it she did nothing as she let me come close to her, reaching close to her I moved at super speed as I pulled her to me for a hug, Scarlet's body became rigid as I pulled her into my embrace

As soon as she had gotten out of her daze, she was meet with my scent and my warm hug, as she lay within my embrace, she could feel her cheeks lit up, while a sense of warmth filled her body as I hugged her, my hands held her tightly as I laid her in my embrace

Soon her face was dyed red, as her body heated up, it was then that she head a bit of my sobbing as I patted her back

"Th-thank god your fine, I-I am sorry, back then I didn't know that you would be chosen by the historic world, I am so happy that you are okay"

Hearing my guilty words Scarlet was stunned for a moment, before she broke into a smile, a surge of great warmth filled her heart and body as she realized that she was not wrong, she had not chosen wrong, feeling a lot of emotions filling her, Scarlet raised her hand as she patted my back

"It's okay, I never blamed you, instead you did everything for me, if it wasn't for you I would have never reached where I am right now, so thank you"

hearing her words my body 'trembled', my eyes filled with a bit of 'tears', looked at her, who smiled and wiped it away, she gave me her most beautiful smile yet as she spoke

"Yes, that's right Austin, meeting you and becoming your friend was one of the greatest thing in my life"

Hearing her words I smiled with 'relief', as I spoke

"I see….thank you"

With that I pulled her into the hug, we stayed like this for a while relishing in each others warmth.

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