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97.46% Mixed HD / Chapter 423: 281-290

Chapter 423: 281-290

Chapter 281 Liu Mei

"Hey! Stop swinging with that spear! You are going to stab someone!"

When Liu Mei ascended to the Heaven Realm, she expected to witness beautiful scenery and meet powerful experts she could face but so far the reality was disappointing.

"Shut up or I will stab you!" Liu Mei threatened as she pointed her shiny spear at the middle-aged man. Not only was she forced to wait in a big ass line to enter the city, but she was also surrounded by annoying people who complained constantly.

It would be fine if they stopped once they saw the polished edge aimed at them but they had the audacity to dare her with a glare. "Come on, do it. You will be banned from the safe zones forever."

Liu Mei glared back at the man as he Spear shone with Qi but a tall man by her side stopped her. "Calm down. This is not what we came here for."

"Ugh," Liu Mei grunted and stared daggers at the stranger. "You are lucky today."

She ignored him right after and peeked at the front of the queue. They were already nearing the gigantic wall of the Spirit Land Capital but it would still take them a few hours to reach the front gate.

"Gosh, this queue is so long… I am bored," Liu Mei lamented after having her fun taken away. "Isn't this the capital? Can't they make this process more efficient?"

"It is the same thing everywhere," the buff man by her side replied casually. "Just wait. You won't be able to get any information if you start to kill people."

Liu Mei remembered her goal and finally settled down. She has been waiting for this moment for a while and finally grew strong enough to Ascend. It was time for her to finally meet him once again and show she was strong enough to stay by his side.

"Wu Kong, do you think big bro is still in the Heaven Realm?" Liu Mei questioned curiously as she looked at the sky. "With his skills, he might have already Ascended further."

"I think you are overestimating him," Wu Kong replied while scratching his head. "From what we gathered, it's not so easy to Ascend this fast. People take many years to reach the Celestial Stage."

They have already been in the Heaven Realm for a few days and investigated their future cultivation Path.

"Yeah, they do," Liu Mei nodded. "But none of them is like Big Bro. He doesn't even need a year to climb multiple stages."

Just as she spoke, multiple strangers around them burst out laughing.

"Haha, little girl, you must have drunk something strong to speak so much rubbish." the man from before commented sarcastically. "Advancing just one stage takes years and you are saying your big bro can Ascend to God Realm in one year? Hahaha, keep dreaming!"

"Of course he can!" Liu Mei snapped back. "He only took less than four years to cultivate from nothing to a God Stage! I'm sure the moment he ascended to the Heaven Realm, he quickly made the name for himself. No one can compare to him!"

Her words made everyone laugh again. "Haha, sure he did! We all know his name for sure! Enlighten us who is your big brother!"

Liu Mei's face darkened and she struck the end of her black spear into the ground.

"I'm Liu Mei, a member of the Liu Clan that rules the whole Earth Realm and my brother is Liu Xuefeng, the strongest Cultivator in the whole world!"




The laughing stopped instantly and the people that ridiculed her paled in fear.

"L-Liu… X-Xuefeng…?" The man's legs shivered as he repeated the name.

Liu Mei wasn't even surprised at their reaction, knowing her big bro would cause chaos wherever he went.

"That's right! Are you going to say you don't know his name? It wasn't even a year since he Ascended and only now did we catch up with him," Liu Mei announced proudly as she enjoyed the fear in their eyes. "When I meet him again I will tell him who was the one laughing at me."

The people around swallowed hard while those uninvolved stepped back. If it turned out to be true, they were all screwed. Those who were left behind looked like they wanted to leave immediately when the man behind the whole problem fought back.

"What's your proof then? Anyone can say they are related to them. Pretending to be Liu Xuefeng's sister is considered a crime!"

"Why would I need to prove myself to you?" Liu Mei questioned with a sneer. "I don't care if you believe me or not. It will be apparent when I meet him. Get lost."

"You… If you have no proof then I'm going to call the guards on y—" the man called out with a glare when Wu Kong finally stepped between them. His sheer size was often enough to intimidate people but the man wasn't scared at all.

"What, are you going to beat me up? We are in the Safe Zone! I dare you to touch me. The guards will come over faster."

In response, Wu Kong only stomped on the ground, causing their surroundings to shake. The earth cracked from the sheer force and everyone staggered in their footsteps.

"Are you sure you can survive till then?" Wu Kong questioned coldly but the effect was completely the opposite.

The man burst out laughing and rushed out while shouting, "Guards! Please help! We are being attacked!"

Multiple guards appeared in the sky within seconds, causing Liu Mei to grip her spear tighter. This didn't look well for them but then she raised her eyebrows when the guards didn't even stare at them. They flew past them and headed towards the barrier instead.

"Stop right there! Flying is forbidden in the Safe Zone!"

Only then did Liu Mei notice a woman who just broke through the barrier as if it was nothing. What was more surprising is that she knew her.

"It's Jiao!"

Chapter 282 Guide

"What do you mean flying is forbidden? What Safe Zone? Are you going to restrict my right to fly? How about you fuck my uncle as well?"

Jiao didn't spare words at the man as she charged forward without much care about the restrictions.

"It's an order from the City Guards! I order you to stop!" the City Guard cried out again while he pulled out his weapon with the intention to attack. The intruder was a mere God Stage cultivator yet she dared to burst into the Safe Zone as if it was her home.

The City Guards didn't even call for backup as they created a formation to face her. Everyone on the ground smirked as if this was already over but not Liu Mei. She knew Jiao was her big brother's friend and she couldn't help but watch her big sister with her eyes shining.

Liu Mei wanted to be exactly like that, strong enough to enter wherever she pleases without permission while killing whoever stands in her way.

"Bitch, what order? I'm the order!" Jiao cursed while swinging her arm annoyed as if they were some flies that disturbed her. "Get out of my way! I have some business in this area."

"Damn, you asked for it!" City Guards cursed back and finally attacked, sending warning arcs of Qi with their swords. Too bad, it felt like a turtle trying to defeat a rabbit in a race.


Jiao only swung her hand covered in Ice and the attacks crumbled one by one.

"If you don't get out of my way I will kill you," Jiao warned. "I don't have time for useless battles. If you want to have the chance though, you better call for your Lord. I actually need a guide since it's been a while since I have been here."

City Lord? A guide?

When the City Guards heard her, they almost choked. The crowd wasn't any different as who in the right mind would demand to call the City Lord to be their guide.

"Almighty Spirit! We require your assistance! Please restrict her for breaking the rules of the Safe Zone!" the City Guards called out with a smile. "You chose the wrong place to play around Miss!"

The Almighty Spirit worked like a clock and immediately cast its Soul Power against Jiao. Her movements slowed at first before totally freezing, causing the City Guards to celebrate.

Not for long.

"Tsk, is this a joke?" Jiao questioned and suddenly forced herself to move again. "My Grandma has better security in her garden than this. Your Almighty Spirit is only useful for kid's toys."


If a God Stage cultivator could break the Almighty Spirit's power so easily, was it really almighty? It was finally then when the City Guards realized they were dealing with someone more powerful than they could imagine.

It was too late by then.


Snowflakes appeared out of nowhere as the wind intensified. Before the City Guards could react, they were already in the middle of the storm with their bodies freezing to death.

"Whoa, she set up her domain so fast!" Liu Mei praised happily, not expecting Jiao to be so strong. If it was just one that would be fine but she activated both Water and Air Domain at the same time.

"Something is wrong about her, don't you think?" Wu Kong pointed out as he watched Jiao calmly. "She acts completely different to her past self."

"Now that you mention it…" Liu Mei muttered while observing the blond beauty in the sky. Even though Jiao wasn't innocent back in the days, she wouldn't behave so vulgarly and unrestrained.

Just as she watched the scene, the City Guards vanished from the place one by one before their whole bodies froze. They teleported to the gigantic wall and were immediately taken care of.

"Tsk, you were so confident and now have to run," Jiao called out sarcastically as she continued her siege. "Next person that stops me will die instantly. I have some matters to settle and I don't mind going on a killing spree if I have to."

Anyone would stay put out of the risk of being attacked but Liu Mei didn't care much as she set off to the sky.

"Sister Jiao!"

Wu Kong could only follow her like a big brother trying to catch up with her little sister.

"Sister Jiao!"


Jiao didn't stop at first but eventually paused after Liu Mei repeated herself and joined her side.

"Do I know you?" Jiao blurted out displeased only to change her expression after a second. "Oh, you are Liu Mei, right?"

"Yes! You remember me!" Liu Mei called out cutely while bowing in greeting. "We have Ascended not too long ago and now on the mission to find big brother. Have you met with Xuefeng already?"

"Oh, yeah, I did. I will be meeting up with him once I settle my matters," Jiao replied impatiently while continuing her flight. "Anyway, I am busy right now so see you later."

"Big sister Jiao, wait!" Liu Mei followed closely behind and proposed, "Can we join you? I want to meet with a big brother too."

"I don't know about that. Can you fight?" Jiao asked straightforwardly while glancing at Liu Mei's spear. "I'm going to kill a lot of people today."

"Heh," Liu Mei smirked as her black spear shone with light. "We won't disappoint you. Fighting is my second name!"

"Alright then, but I will not take responsibility if something happens to you," Jiao warned and launched forward. "Do whatever I tell you and try not to fall behind!"

Liu Mei gave Wu Kong an excited glance and they both followed. They expected to fight right away but it turned out they were let into the city wouldn't any fight. The City Guards on the walls acted as if they didn't see them.

"Why did they let us in so easily?" Liu Mei questioned confused but Jiao only shrugged.

"I sent that Almighty Spirit a warning. They know I can injure it so they chose what's better for them. There better be a guide ready to lead me or I will get mad."

Just as she spoke, a handsome middle-aged man appeared out of nowhere and blocked their way. He stared at them calmly and nodded in approval as he questioned, "Miss, why did you honor my City with your presence? Is there something I can help you with?"

Chapter 283 Xu Family

"I want you to lead me to the Xu family," Jiao ordered without hesitation.

"Huh? Xu Family..." Uncle Liu was taken aback. "Xu Family is one of the top 3 families in the Capital. Can I ask you what kind of business does Miss—"

"I'm going to kill them," Jiao replied before he could finish. "The whole Xu Family will cease to exist today."




Not only was Uncle Liu speechless but Liu Mei and Wu Kong were also dumbstruck. Did they just commit to helping her with mass-murder?

"Can I know how they did you wrong, Miss?" Uncle Liu asked calmly but one could tell he was getting tense. "Killing one of the top 3 families in the Spirit Land would most likely destabilize the city for a while."

"Do you think I give a fuck? They kidnapped my family when I was gone and used them as a lure to trap me. After stealing my treasures, they killed them and then imprisoned me in the Hellhole for thousands of years," Jiao announced coldly. "Do you need more reasons? All of them will die today and you will join them if you try to stop me."

"Well, I'm just a mediator. There is no need to get angry at me," Uncle Liu calmed her down. "Let me lead you to Xu Family Patriarch so you two can talk. Their family is located only thirty minutes away by flight."

Jiao nodded coldly and they all followed him.

Liu Mei wasn't dumb though and immediately questioned on the way, "Big Sis Jiao, I don't want to be rude but how come this happened when we came from the Earth Realm?"

They weren't sheep that would follow without asking a single question. Thankfully Jiao didn't try to hide anything.

"It's complicated but I'm not her. The Jiao you know allowed me to take over this body to take my revenge. I will give her back her body once I'm done with my matters," Jiao revealed.

"Can I talk with her?" Liu Mei asked suspiciously but Jiao shook her head.

"Nope, but you are free to go if you don't believe me."

Jiao's appearance was the first familiar person they met so they couldn't simply leave. If what she said was true, they had even more reasons to stay and protect Jiao's body.

"We will follow and observe then," Liu Mei decided as she tightened the grip on her spear.

As they conversed, none of them noticed a small communication token appear in Uncle Liu palm. It shone for a second before disappearing on the spot. By the time Jiao arrived at the Xu Family's territory, they were already prepared.

Instead of running away, everyone gathered to defend their home. A barrier connected all five Mountains that the Xu Family controlled while hundreds of Cultivators hovered behind it to defend.

"Alright, I brought you here so I will just stand on the side. You all figure out how you want to solve it on your own," Uncle Liu called out as he rose above the battlefield. "Please fight within the territory or else I will be forced to stop you."

"Lord Liu! This is ridiculous!"

An old man at the front of his forces cried out to claim injustice. "We don't even know this woman and even if my family did something in the past, all the guilty are dead. We can't even sentence anyone for past sins!"

"As I said, you two talk it out. I'm not meddling in this business," Uncle Liu replied with a shrug, making his stance clear.

"It seems like we were too loud and someone has warned them," Liu Mei muttered as she nudged Wu Kong with her elbow. "Do you think you can break it if you use full strength?"

Liu Mei knew that Wu Kong seemed peaceful but underneath his muscles hid a strength even she wouldn't underestimate. As long as he had Fate Qi, he could constantly improve his body without any limits.

"Maybe, but we should observe until we are forced to act," Wu Kong replied calmly when Jiao approached their side.

"Actually, I will need your help," Jiao suddenly informed as she ignored the old man's yapping. "I see you are a spear user. Would you mind breaking this barrier for me if I give you a Spear Art?"

"Huh? You want to give me a Spear Art?" Liu Mei questioned with her eyes widened. She searched the Earth Realm for various Spear Arts but none of them were powerful enough to be considered a threat in the higher level of Heaven Realm.

"That's right. I would break this barrier by myself but I want to save my power to slaughter them," Jiao replied honestly which caused everyone behind the barrier to rage.

"It's just the three of them! Let's fight!"

"We are not scared of you!"

"We have a number advantage! Let's show them the power of the Xu Family!"

All the elders cried out proudly but the Patriarch quickly silenced them.

"Shut up you idiots! Do you think Lord Liu would let her attack us if she was a nobody?!" Patriarch cursed them and turned to Jiao again. "Miss, you don't need to do this! Let's talk it out!"

"We can't talk it out," Jiao finally responded, as she reached with her finger. "I don't talk to dead people."

Her finger shone with violent energy and cracked the space around it as if it was nothing. Everyone got confused at what she was trying to do aside from few people who actually held a spear in their lives.

"Big Sis, please teach me!" Liu Mei accepted her offer on the spot.

How could she not? Jiao created the Spear Intent with her finger as if it was nothing. Liu Mei had to perform a perfect move to actually create one yet Jiao did it almost seamlessly. It was a no-brainer to accept art from her.

"Good choice," Jiao nodded and tapped on Liu Mei's forehead without wasting time. "Don't resist it."

Liu Mei stood still and soon felt something stab into her mind. It only lasted for a moment and was replaced by an overwhelming amount of information. Not only did Jiao grant her the whole complete manuscript but also valuable insights and advice. For anyone who was trying to master Spearmanship, it was priceless.

"This…" Liu Mei muttered as a happy tear rolled her cheek. "Big Sis, who do you want me to kill? I will help."

Chapter 284 Can I Keep It?

"Go ahead and try it out on the barrier," Jiao suggested as she stared calmly at the Patriarch. "I already pointed out the weakest spot."

The Patriarch immediately paled at her words. Jiao didn't even touch the barrier to search for its weak point yet she already found it with her gaze and perception alone.

"Patriarch, they are bluffing! That girl is only in the Spirit God Stage! No matter how powerful that Spear Art is, she won't be able to break through our Spirit Barrier! This is our Ancestor's best creation! No one can crack it!" The Xu family Elder called out while raising his weapon to the army. "Who is with me?!"


The whole Xu Family raised their weapons as Spirit Qi lit up the whole formation.

"There are only three of them and we have thousands!" Another Elder announced to everyone. "Even if that expert breaks through our barrier, she can't break through us! We are Xu Family!"


"Prepare to fight! We will not surrender without a battle!"


Everyone in the Xu Family had high morals aside from the Patriarch who was supposed to ride or die for this family. Despite such overwhelming power on their side, Jiao was still smiling as if she had this battle in the bag and proceeded with the siege. Only a powerful expert or a complete madman would behave this way and Jiao didn't look like the latter.

"This is not good... We need to retreat!" Patriarch ordered, losing the battle of confidence. "I have seen enough to know when to give in. She wants our lives, not our riches! Take your families and leave!"

"Patriarch, don't lose hope! We want to fight for our homes! We have no other place to—"

"It's too late," Jiao cut the Elder off as she smiled at Liu Mei who was practicing the first move in the air. "Do it."

"Hai!" Liu Mei nodded happily and her Black Spear shone with light.

The knowledge in Liu Mei's mind was still fresh and unorganized but she was eager to try it. She has spent so much time with her spear that she didn't need much practice to perform. Her only worry was the Spear Intent that wasn't easy to bring out.


When Liu Mei's spear began to cover with unknown runes, even Uncle Liu raised his eyebrows. From base to the top she charged an attack before the runes spread onto her arms and caused her body to tremble. The power didn't lay in how one thrust the spear but instead how one channeled Qi through the entire body and used the spear as an outlet to release it.

Her Spirit Qi wasn't enough to fill the whole spear so she used Lightning to finish the job. The runes burned her skin but the pain only made her smile as she gripped the Spear harder.

"Come on! If that was in close combat she would have died a long time ago!"

Some youngsters called out impatiently but Liu Mei surprised him by launching forward in a blink. She was like a shiny meteor as she crashed at a specific point in the barrier.


The sound of barrier cracking was muffled by the explosion but everyone could see a small spider web that spread in every direction. It began to heal rapidly and soon turned back to its original form.

"Hahaha, so much time wasted to charge an attack yet it barely cracked the barrier!" the Elders called out in laughter, causing the whole Xu Family to burst out in ridicule.

Only the Patriarch seemed to see the reality and already pulled out his Teleportation Artefact.

"You did well," Jiao praised without bothering with dead people. "Let's do it again but this time focus on bringing out the Spear Intent. You should be able to break the barrier with it."

"Yes!" Liu Mei nodded excitedly and began preparing the runes once again. The speed of rune creation sped up with practice so once she mastered it, she would be able to charge the attack while advancing at the enemy.

"I have already warned you! If you want to die then go ahead! Don't count on me to protect you!" Patriarch announced after seeing Liu Mei launch again and disappeared on the spot.

The Xu Family didn't expect their Patriarch to simply abandon them right before Liu Mei struck.

The hit this time didn't make any noise and no explosion could be seen. It was replaced with a resonating spear light that seemed as if it was alive. It burrowed right through the barrier before exploding with power that cracked it open like a glass jar hit with a bat.

"Now die."

Jiao blinked from the spot after sentencing them to death and appeared right in the middle of enemy lines with her fingers acting as a spear. Each time she waved with it, another Cultivator died without even being hit directly to the body.

"Leave some for me, Big Sis!" Liu Mei called out happily and joined the whirlpool of battle with Wu Kong following closely behind. Jiao gifted her a whole set of moves that she kept testing and figuring out on the moving targets.

The Xu Family immediately entered into panic mode as both their formation and morale fell to shit.

"Retreat!" The Elders ordered but no one listened to them, all busy fighting for their lives. The person who surprised everyone the most was Wu Kong who seemed impossible to kill.

"He is a maniac!"

Wu Kong received hundreds of attacks yet everything failed to even scratch him as he jumped from person to person like a monkey before ripping their bodies with his bare hands. His naked chest soon bathed with red blood but he simply continued without mercy.

"There is no need to chase them," Jiao pointed out after killing the last Elder. Many youngsters began escaping in all directions and it would be a hassle to kill them all.

Especially since she caught a feeling of something that once belonged to her.

"It's here, I can feel it," Jiao muttered as she led the way and they soon reached an empty plaza with a single monument in the middle.

A Golden Spear stuck in a boulder.

"Whoa, it's so pretty!" Liu Mei exclaimed in amazement and suggested before Jiao even reached out for it, "Can I try it?"

Jiao pursed her lips and withdrew with a smile. "This can be another lesson for you. Godly spears choose only one master and they will be loyal for—"

She was speaking confidently but froze when the Golden Spear buzzed and Liu Mei casually pulled it out from the boulder.

"It feels so good in the hand! Can I keep it?"

Chapter 285 Soul Attacks Defense

"I'm sorry but this spear has been with me for thousands of years. Even if it lets you hold it, nothing will make it change its owne— Ah!"

Jiao denied as she tried to grab the Golden Spear out of Liu Mei's hands only to be zapped. She looked at the spear in shock and reached out again but the results were the same.

She got rejected!

"Could it be because Miss is in Jiao's body?" Liu Mei guessed as she observed the spear. "Maybe it doesn't recognize you."

"Maybe…" Jiao muttered as she squinted her eyes at Liu Mei. "But then why did it let you hold it?"

Liu Mei smiled awkwardly but she didn't feel like giving the spear back. "I think it's because thousands of years had passed. Maybe the Spirit inside the spear wants to feel alive and be used again. Sitting in one spot for so many years shouldn't be pleasing."

She then hugged the golden spear and suggested, "How about I keep it for the time being and give it back once Miss regains your body?"

"There is no other choice…" Jiao muttered while regaining her calmness. "But you have to acknowledge me as your Master and listen to me. I still have some matters to handle so you will follow me while I teach you."

How could Liu Mei reject such a proposal?

"Master! Please teach me!" Liu Mei called out happily, causing Jiao to nod in approval.

"Good. I don't care about hunting everyone down so let's just loot their treasury and then move."


If Xuefeng knew about Liu Mei's improvements, he would definitely be proud but can she catch up in time before Xuefeng ascends to the God Realm?

"How is it?" Xuefeng asked as he watched Wuying finish her testing.

After setting a large zone in the area that sped up time for them, everyone in Xuefeng's group left to handle their matters. Yiren and the girls roamed in search of herbs, the three devils threw themself into a whirlpool of battle while the beasts began their transformation.

It only left Wuying, Nuwa, and Thunder Goddess who stayed by his side.

"I feel like my body is exploding with life. This Bloodline is still reforming my body with each minute," Wuying replied while stretching her body over him. "It's also making me tingly whenever I touch you… I want to suck everything from you but I know that would probably kill you."

She reached down towards his crotch and caressed him with a naughty smile, "Thankfully there is still something that I can suck freely, hehe."

"Is that so?" Xuefeng asked back as he kissed her. "That's a good idea but maybe later. We have a lot of time so I just thought of spending it with you all."


Both Wuying and Nuwa looked at him confused but he only grasped Nuwa's waist and pulled her closer as well. "I feel like all the free time we had we spent it in bed. I don't mind it but I just want to be around you more."

"Aww, but you are always with us." Wuying pointed out while snuggling to him cutely. "That's all we need from you. If we want more affection, we will just take it."

"Well, I still think I have been inconsiderate of you all lately so I just want to spoil you more," Xuefeng explained with a kiss on their heads. "You know I would never leave or forget you but I also want to show it more."

"How about we train together then? I'm still yet to test this bloodline of mine," Wuying suggested. "Not only can I feel my body strengthening but my Soul is also benefiting from it. I feel like I am going to break through to the Ancient Soul any moment."

It wasn't hard to notice the changes in Wuying's body as her muscles were actively moving around and rebuilding. She was muscular due to her training but her muscles suddenly became more tender and soft to the touch. Each caress on her back was enough to give him shivers.

"Seeing you improve like this, I feel like getting another Bloodline as well," Xuefeng muttered impressed before glancing at Thunder Goddess who was observing their interaction with interest. "Do you maybe know the Bloodline Ability of your master?"

"She is a Succubus so everything that's meant to seduce and restrict. She can also bend reality by creating a dreamlike space around you. It will look real but it's just an illusion," Thunder Goddess replied calmly. "Because of that, no one really wishes to challenge her. You only need to look into her eyes to fall into her illusion."

"No wonder Emi was so confident while taking Wu away," Nuwa commented while giving Wuying a teasing glance. "You should train and then we can spar to improve our Abilities."

"That's a great idea. I wonder if you can break out of my illusion," Wuying muttered in wonder.

"You can try it on me," Xuefeng suggested as he looked her in the eyes. "I also wish to learn how to defend against Soul Attacks."

It felt quite surreal that even after gathering all Elemental Stones, which would give him control over all Elements, he couldn't fight against a simple Soul Attack.

"It's actually easy but most Cultivators at the lower level forget to protect their Souls from intrusion," Nuwa explained as she embraced him from behind. "Your Soul should be guarded at all times or else we can kill you in a second."

She glanced at Thunder Goddess and added, "She knows how to do it since I can't simply drag her Soul our to my Soul Realm. I would have to first weaken her and wait for her to lose focus."

"Oh! How do I do it?" Xuefeng questioned curiously. 'Girls, you can stop protecting me for a moment.'

He could also ask Ming or Ling to do it for him but he preferred to learn the basics on his own too. He was met with situations where they weren't around so he needed to know how to protect himself.

"Let me sink part of my soul into yours so I can teach you two," Nuwa suggested but she didn't wait for approval as her Soul invaded his body. It tinged his own but he didn't feel pain as it simply attached itself to him.

"Now, Wuying, try using your Bloodline Illusion on him."

Even though Wuying's first time, Xuefeng suddenly felt weird as if something entered inside of him. Before he knew it, Thunder Goddess disappeared from his view and his surroundings changed. They were no longer in the air but instead back in his hometown in Aurora City where he spent his childhood.

"This…" Xuefeng was left speechless when he realized his arms were tied to the bed and Wuying was sitting on top of him. "How do I even defend against this?"

"Wow, it is much easier than I thought," Wuying muttered as she looked down at him and smiled. "Does that mean I can have you for myself whenever I want?"

She tapped on his chest and his clothes vanished, leaving him only with his boxers that Wuying sat on. Nuwa appeared next to them soon after and laid down beside him.

"Nice, you got it in the first try," Nuwa praised. "I guess I should rather focus on teaching our baby."

She caressed his chest and whispered, "Now let's teach you how to break an illusion under stressful conditions, shall we?"

Chapter 286 Illusion Training (**)

"What do you mean by stressful conditions?" Xuefeng questioned even though he knew exactly where this was going.

He was pinned to the bed by two hungry wives while only wearing his underwear. What could possibly happen?

"Well, normally it would be better to use pain to distract you but since you can tolerate pain and we are your wives, we can only perform the second best tactic," Nuwa explained as she leaned over to nibble on his neck. "Pleasure."

"Aren't you supposed to be my teacher? How do I break this illusion?" Xuefeng questioned as he wanted to break free before they got any serious. Compared to them, he was here to actually learn something.

He tested his physical strength on the bedsheets that tied him to the bed frame but he immediately felt weak.

"You can't do that babe," Wuying warned while slowly unbuttoning her black leather armor. "My Soul Attack traps your Soul in an illusion so your body strength is restricted by your Soul Power. You can only fight fire with fire."

Leather straps that wrapped around her stomach kept loosening till she was able to take it off completely. Xuefeng couldn't help but stare at her naked breasts that fell down and bounced a few times. He wanted to reach out to caress them but his arms were tied, reminding him of his current situation.

"I don't have any Soul Abilities that I can use aside from my Bloodline," Xuefeng pointed out, finding it hard to look away as Wuying teased her nipples to tempt him. Not only was she his sexy wife but each of her moves gave out a devilish charm that forced him to look at her.

Her skirt fell down right after, exposing her black panties which she began rubbing and grinding against his own. Her black wings suddenly burst out from her back and she grasped his abs while riding to her liking.

Succubus's attraction was too much for him to resist but that was the point of this training.

"You should use it," Nuwa suggested while taking her own dress in one swift move. "Focus your Soul Power and try to find a weak point in the illusion that will break it. As long as your willpower stays strong and won't get distracted, you will find it quickly."

Nuwa didn't seem to like that all his desire was on Wuying so she brought him out of his trance. She leaned against his face with her nipples right in front of his lips and embraced him whole. He couldn't help but give in for just a moment and sank his teeth at her demand.

Xuefeng wasn't distracted though. While his tongue roamed around her breast, his Soul Power was scanning the room in search of weaknesses. His first target was the sheets that bonded him to bed but as soon as he tried to focus and attack them, Wuying simply unbonded him, letting him free.

"I can constantly shift my Soul Power around the illusion and I notice when you try to attack," Wuying informed while reaching down to grab his raging erection. "Each time I discover your moves, I will simply change my weak spot so you can't find it."

"I see," Xuefeng nodded and sat up with his arms embracing their bodies. "So I should attack right away before you realize it."

He tried to search for the weak spot once again when Wuying reminded, "I'm also sucking away your Soul Power the longer you are in my illusion so you are weakening with each second. At some point, you won't be able to break through my weak point even if you find it."

"I guess I can only hurry," Xuefeng replied unbothered and didn't waste time.

He already determined the room was the only part of the illusion so he just needed to break it. Once he rips a hole in the illusion, it will crumble in no time.

Nuwa and Wuying exchanged glances as they watched him close his eyes and they busied themselves too. His underwear disappeared on the spot as the devils slid down to his thighs and their tongues wrapped around the head. They kissed it sensually from both sides and sucked the way he liked it.

The succubus effect was so strong that he even shivered from pleasure drilling into his mind. Each time he scanned the room in search of a spot with a weak structure, he was distracted by the two sucking queens. How was he supposed to break free when all he wanted was to enjoy them.

'If only there was a way to both enjoy them and escape…' Xuefeng wondered as he looked down to witness Nuwa gulping him down while Wuying wiggled her tongue on his base. He could already feel like it wouldn't be long before he shoots deeply into Nuwa's throat.


Thinking about it gave Xuefeng an idea. Wasn't Wuying also part of the illusion?


The girls moaned as Xuefeng suddenly brushed his fingers into their hair and pulled them away. They immediately grasped him once again but this time Xuefeng was in control.

"Come here," Xuefeng ordered as he pulled Nuwa up and tasted her lips with natural eagerness. She looked at him in confusion but he didn't let her ask questions.

"Baby, your time is ticking," Wuying reminded as she took his whole erection for herself. "Don't let yourself get distracted by us and focus on the task."

In response, Xuefeng only turned more aggressive in his approach and pressed on her head. Wuying's eyes widened at the change but still accepted him by swallowing him whole. He didn't need to force her at all when her arms wrapped around his thighs and she stunned him with a thrilling rollercoaster.

He momentarily twitched with his urges peaking but instead of the standard explosion, Xuefeng added some spice.


Wuying exclaimed as she noticed something was wrong but Xuefeng forced her in position while shooting Soul Power straight inside her body. She has been protecting her illusion from his attacks but forgot to protect herself.

His mind was still enjoying the pleasure when the illusion crumbled and they returned back to the real world.

"Cough, cough," Wuying cleared her throat as she supported herself on him and complained, "Did you actually rip my throat apart?"

"Not bad, right?" Xuefeng asked back with a smile and embraced her. "You told me to focus but you got distracted yourself. I guess someone needs some more training."

Wuying pursed her lips and dove in for a kiss while creating another illusion.

"Let's try it again!"

Chapter 287 Body Strengthening Pill

Xuefeng already expected Emi's Realm to be a blessed land with lots of resources but it definitely overshoot his expectations. Not only was there an abundance of Qi to absorb, accompanied by a near unlimited amount of Fate Stones and Beasts for training, one could even find wild Spirit Herbs that Lisa couldn't help but freak out about.

The zone with quickened time was relatively small to the whole size of Emi's Realm but after a few days, Xuefeng finally took Lisa and her small gang for further exploring. It wasn't long before they found their first Spirit Herb and then even more afterwards.

"This herb! Do you have any idea how rare it is?!" Lisa called out excitedly as she carefully extracted the flaming petals. "Combined with the others we got, I think I can make a powerful Healing Pill that will easily regenerate an injured Soul and even strengthen it!"

"Whoa, that's great," Xuefeng nodded as he watched her work. "We can maybe make use of it to help Sena."

He was still bothered by how Sena didn't wake up even after a few days and he slowly started to get worried. It was one of the main reasons why he wanted to find a method to help her recover. Ming said it was simply fatigue but he couldn't help but think about it.

"Yeah, that's very possible. I will also make a batch of Body Strengthening pills from the Ice Flower from before," Lisa informed as she pulled out her cauldron. "Those should be much easier to make so I will start with them. Combined with the batch of Soul Strengthening Pills, it can potentially help all of us to break through into the Ancient Celestian Stage."

Xuefeng had no idea what she was saying so he simply nodded as he gave her the scene to shine. "Alright then, do your work."

Even with thirty days, it was extremely hard to advance as quickly as they wanted to. Normal Cultivators took years to reach that level and they wanted to finish within a month. Anyone would laugh as long as it wasn't Xuefeng stating those statements.

"Yiren, would you mind?" Lisa questioned with a smile and Yiren nodded, suddenly touching the nearby tree. It began to twist and turn before expanding into a big, fancy wooden house.

"I made you a separate room," Yiren informed and Lisa immediately skipped towards the closed room. "Thanks! I will be back soon!"

It was obvious that any kind of distraction like wind or even them talking could disturb Lisa's Alchemy.

"How have you been the past few days?" Xuefeng wondered as he gathered the girls into his arms. He has been trying to give all his wives some time so after his throughout training with Nuwa and Wuying, he left them alone as he visited the other group.

"It has been fun. This whole Realm is so beautiful," Yiren pointed out as they collapsed on a bed made out of clouds and cuddled into Xuefeng's chest. "Thanks for taking me out for adventures. I loved it so far."

"Of course, how could I leave you behind?" Xuefeng replied while kissing them both.

Their atmosphere quickly heated up as girls' hands roamed on his body but when they tried to target his pants, they realized Mona was sitting right on top of his crotch. She was like a Guardian of the Galaxy with her eight tails wrapped around her feet which made it impossible to access what's beneath.

Instead of moving away, she just laid down and closed her eyes as if she found that place comfortable. Xuefeng could only smile wryly as he changed the subject.

"How are your Fate Abilities? Did you awaken anything new?"

Just like him, they had their own Fate Spirits who were helping them with their Cultivation. He was sure that they were on cloud nine after absorbing so much Fate Stones. Every Fate Spirit had two natural Abilities but some were still yet to awaken their second one.

"Yes, I have a second one but it is nothing new," Yiren informed. "The first one improves my affinity to nature, allowing me to control beasts while the other allows me to strengthen and boost their strength. I have been thinking of making some new friends but I can't find any I like in here."

"Does it work like a momentarily boost or is it permanent?" Xuefeng questioned curiously.

"It actually works the same as Tianshi's boosts," Yiren replied. "It also doesn't only work on beasts. I can strengthen anyone but it only lasts for five minutes and then the person suffers from a minute of a weakened state."

"Depending on the strength given, it's not that bad," Xuefeng muttered. "We should test it after."

"Sure," Yiren nodded excitedly.

Xuefeng gazed at Mona, wanting to question her as well when they suddenly heard an explosion coming from Lisa's room. He was about to get up to check on her but she rushed out right after with a full vial of pills in her hand. "It was a success!"

Mona got up and stretched out at Lisa's entry before pulling out her cute tongue. It felt like it wasn't the first time it happened since Lisa smiled and crouched near Mona while opening the vial.

"What are you doing?" Xuefeng questioned as Lisa pulled out one of the pills. It definitely didn't look safe seeing random flames bursting out from the pill.

"Oh, Mona is my Pill tester. She can handle all kinds of side effects so she is perfect," Lisa explained while feeding Mona carefully. "Don't worry, she can eat all kinds of Spirit Herbs, and it's actually beneficial to her. Maybe she will finally recover her ninth tail?"

Mona licked her lips as she crushed the pill in her mouth and swallowed it casually. She tilted her head as if checking if it's fine and then nodded in approval.

"See, my pills are safe nine out of ten time—"


Lisa cut off her words short when they heard an explosion coming from Mona's stomach. She seemed to be fine at first but then her eyes turned red and her tails burst with flames.

"Aah…" Mona moaned while her fur began to burn and she slowly turned ash grey. Xuefeng was already readying himself to help when he noticed a ninth tail growing out of her rear.

"She is transforming!"

Chapter 288 Fire Mona (*)

Both Yiren and Tianshi got up just in case but Xuefeng got stuck in place with Mona holding him in place. He couldn't help but worry about his crotch that was already heating up from the fire on her tails.

"Was that intended?" Xuefeng questioned but Lisa looked as clueless as everyone else.

The reappearance of the ninth tail didn't exactly mean the pill was a success. When it came to such recovery, it wasn't always the best to rush the process or it would lead to unpredicted side effects.

"The pill is supposed to temper the body with the Fire Essense of the flaming petals..." Lisa replied while blushing. "I think I must have added too many this time but I don't think her life is in danger. At most, she might feel a bit too hot..."

Xuefeng reached out to caress Mona's cheek and sure enough, the flames on her fur were real. To make it even worse, when he tried to control the flames with his Elemental Bracelet, they didn't listen to him at all. It could only mean that her Fire Qi was refined more than seven times.

"That's impossible..." Lisa informed after he shared his discovery. "My pill shouldn't be powerful enough to cause such effects."

"If it's not your pill then it has to be her own flames," Xuefeng pointed out only to suddenly wince in pain. Mona's flames already melted through his clothes and started to burn his skin.

He momentarily tried to pull away from her grasp when her ninth tail completed and all hell broke loose. Mona's flames intensified and swallowed him whole. A Spirit Qi Barrier spawned to protect him but it barely held on for a moment before it broke into bits.


The expected pain didn't come through as the flames stopped right before spilling all over him and returned back to Mona. He looked down at the weight on his waist and saw a ball of fire constantly shifting and transforming.

She was turning into her human form!

The flames took the shape of a woman before revealing the rosy and silky skin from within. Her arms grasped onto his chest while the whole body leaned over his own.

"Mona?" Xuefeng called out her name as he caressed her forearms only to hear a soft female laugh.

"Is this her name in this lifetime? Quite simple."

Xuefeng couldn't help but freeze on the spot, realizing the voice didn't belong to the Mona he knew. Before he could do anything though, the flames covering her face dispersed and long brown hair spilled down.

Red eyes gazed at him sharply while the corners of rosy lips lifted up. "My, my, aren't you cute? I guess we all share the same taste in men."

The naked beauty reached to his face, caressing him with interest but when she tried to brush her fingers into his hair, Xuefeng stopped her. "Who are you?"

She could be no other than Mona but her words were confusing him. He tried to question Ling and Ming but even they had no idea either.

'I guess she isn't who we thought she is,' Ming muttered just as the girls approached them.

"Mona? What happened to you?" Yiren questioned while jumping through the leftover flames on the wooden floor. "Your face is similar but your tails and hair have changed color."

Only then did Xuefeng notice her nine tails which turned from snow white into brown. They wiggled around while letting out small flames with each move she took.

"Don't worry, I'm still the same, just a little bit different," Mona replied playfully after checking them out and returned to Xuefeng. "Before I tell you anything, I want to confirm one thing. Are you perhaps my man?"

She looked down towards her lower belly and embraced his erection that has been growing this whole time. "It would be a shame if you are not. My body feels really hot right now and this thing should be the right size to satisfy me."

"You are indeed mine," Xuefeng nodded as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "Now tell me what happened. Did the pill cause this transformation?"

Mona giggled as she bit on his lips and dropped down completely with her lips claiming him boldly. She rubbed his shaft as if to feel its hardness and kissed his neck repeatedly. "Seems like us sisters will enjoy this lifetime plenty."

He couldn't even ask again as Mona grasped his hair and pressed their lips together. Her tongue forced her way into his mouth and she moved up to her liking without waiting for his response.


A smack on the butt was just the right method to calm her down and Mona pulled away, moaning and trembling on top of him. Xuefeng didn't hesitate and sat up while locking her wrists to avoid any further complications.

"Can you reply to my question first?" Xuefeng suggested while looking her closely in the eyes. "We are all worried about you."

To his surprise, Mona blushed at his gaze and looked down shyly. "I'm sorry… It has been a while since I've been out and I am just a little bit horny. Looking at your hard thing made me excited to ride it."

"What do you mean 'out'? Were you locked inside Mona's body? You also mentioned sisters," Xuefeng pointed out, too curious to simply ignore it.

"Can I hold you when we talk?" Mona asked sweetly and Xuefeng gave in, letting her arms free. She immediately took his own hands in return and placed them on her ample chest for him to caress.

"By being out, I meant that I was finally able to take over the body all of us sisters share," Mona explained while reaching down to stroke his erection. "It was my turn to appear for a while but my sis lost her power so I couldn't take over. Only now did she regain her nine tails which allowed me to come out."

She wiggled her brown tails and added, "There are nine of us and each possesses a different element. This is actually our first time we swap in this lifetime so it was quite chaotic. Thankfully my sis found a safe place to transform or I would be confused on what to do."

"Huh? So you don't share memories with each other?"

Xuefeng could understand having split personalities but he didn't know how nine sisters could live in a single body and not even communicate.

"We don't but it's fine. If my sis has transformed in your arms, it only means she wants me to follow you," Mona replied while leaning over to give him a kiss. "I think that's enough information for now."

She squeezed his erection before whispering seductively to his ear.

"Will you fuck me or shall I do it myself?"

Chapter 289 Red Pill Effects (**)

"You know what, never mind. I want to stay on top," Mona commented without waiting for Xuefeng's reply and pushed him down as she ogled his body. "I want to watch and feel you all over when I'm riding you."

"Hold on…" Xuefeng stopped her advance by grasping her thighs. "Don't you think we need to get to know each other better first? I should be a complete stranger to you, right?"

Even though the mood and their position were pointing to an unavoidable pleasure, he still felt weird to rush so fast. She didn't even know his name and she already wanted to ride him.

"Can't we talk while we are doing it?" Mona proposed as she squeezed him between her legs before rubbing up and down. "I think my sister ate something, causing my body to feel hot. If I don't calm down immediately, I think I will go crazy."

She played with her tongue using two fingers and then covered his erect head with saliva.

"You are so hard already… I think I will be a perfect fit for you, don't you think?" Mona pointed out while teasing him with her finger. "You said that I'm yours then what are you hesitating for? Do you want me to convince you with my mouth first?"

"No, that's not what I mea—"

Xuefeng couldn't even finish when Mona slid down on his legs and pierced him right in between her breasts. It went right through the middle and warmed him up as she tightened her chest around him.

He was holding back for her own sake yet she ignored him completely. She couldn't blame him afterward if he claimed everything for himself.

"How do my breasts feel? Are they soft enough for you?" Mona questioned lewdly while wiggling her tongue around the tip. "You can hold my head and pet me if you want… I really like it."

"They feel really good indeed," Xuefeng confirmed and brushed his hand into her shiny brown hair. "You are a good girl."

Mona shivered at his words and suddenly sucked more energetically. Just as he thought, she was still a fox at heart who loved pets and cuddles.

"Yiren, Lisa, Tianshi" Xuefeng called to his wives as he didn't forget about them. Yiren and Tianshi didn't hesitate to lay next to him while Lisa remained still as she gazed at Mona with interest.

"Excuse me, can you tell me how you feel?" Lisa questioned as she pulled out another red pill. "I gave you one of the pills and they were supposed to strengthen your body. Can you feel any change?"

"Ah, so that's what it was," Mona's eyes widened as she inspected the pill. "It's good. I can still feel it working but it's making me really horny. If that was your point then you nailed it."

She smiled and put the pill in her mouth before leaning over to give Xuefeng a deep kiss. When their tongues connected, he felt the pill slide over to his mouth, and then she immediately withdrew with a naughty giggle.

"I wonder how long does it take to work," Mona pointed out while watching his face change expressions.

The pill acted almost instantly. As soon as it landed on his tongue and started to melt, he tasted the spice both on his tongue and his body. He was literally on fire and the naked Mona was like a bottle of water in the desert.

"How are you feeling?" Yiren questioned intrigued and seeing Xuefeng twitching between Mona's legs, she extended her hand to Lisa. "Can I have one too?"

"Sure! It seems like it's not dangerous to consume," Lisa nodded excitedly as she pulled another pill for her. "The only undesired effect is the increase in libido but that shouldn't be a probl—"


Before she could finish, Mona moaned loudly when Xuefeng smacked her ass like no tomorrow. The pill caused his skin to light up on fire before his muscles bulged, transforming and molding into a new shape. Xuefeng could feel his whole body reacting to the pill as it affected every cell in his body.

"I think that the pill is stronger and more dangerous for humans…" Lisa commented as she tried to take Yiren's pill away but she acted faster and swallowed it right away.

"As long as I can get stronger, I don't mind the pain," Yiren informed just before her body exploded with flames. Her soft skin got momentarily exposed as her dress burned into ashes and Xuefeng wasted no time to grasp her into his arms.

Now that they consumed their pills, they could only calm their desires in one way. Xuefeng grabbed their waists aggressively and flipped them over to get on top.

"Yes!" Mona exclaimed happily, extending her arms to lead him to tear her apart first but Yiren displayed her experience on the spot. She knew very well when Xuefeng was about to explode and didn't miss this chance.

Just as Xuefeng leaned over, she momentarily grabbed his shaft with her palm burning and swallowed him whole.

She moaned with a full mouth as Xuefeng held her head in place, causing Mona to pout.

"Hey, I want it too," Mona demanded and snuggled next to Yiren to have a taste as well, only to widen her eyes when it happened.


She dug her nails into his thighs to halt his thrust but Xuefeng brushed his hand into her hair and pushed inside her without any restraints. If he stopped moving, the pain would immediately fill his body.

"Taste it," Xuefeng suggested he finally burst on Mona's lips before moving to Yiren who was ready to stroke and milk him dry.

That was just the beginning.

As soon as she finished, he could already feel his body stiffening so he couldn't imagine how the girls felt. He didn't hesitate to move back and grabbed Mona's thighs. Her eyes were in bliss as she licked her lips clean and she spread her legs to accept him fully.

"I want you."

Chapter 290 [Bonus Chapter]First Taste (**)

I want you.

Those three words coming from Mona's mouth were enough for Xuefeng to charge right in and show her exactly what kind of man she just accepted.

Mona couldn't even moan as the first thrust took her breath away. She stared at him with widened eyes while he spread her tight insides to fit him. Each move of his waist stretched her more until he could feel her with all his length.

"Ahhh!!" She finally moaned with her tongue trembling when Xuefeng leaned forward and caught it with his teeth like a predator its prey.

Mona only yelped in distress while trying to pull away but he only pushed his tongue into her mouth with a matching ram of his hips. Her open eyes were a clear sign she has never experienced such intensity.

The lovely Yiren wasn't forgotten as he reached to the side and grasped her chest in her palm. He could immediately feel the rush of excitement in her which only exploded into waves of pleasure when he pinched her nipples between his fingers.

She grabbed his hand to press it harder against her before leading it down her stomach. Xuefeng knew that path extremely well as she momentarily joined Mona in her cries of joy.

"Whoa... My pills are really powerful..." Lisa pointed out amazed as she watched everything happen. She looked down and blushed, realizing her hand was rubbing between her legs unconsciously.

"Lisa, Tianshi, are you two joining us?" Xuefeng asked after suddenly pulling away from Mona. "I wouldn't forget about you."

Xuefeng could tell they were ready to jump into action with just one look at them.

"I need to go back to my cauldron but I will be back once I'm done with my pill..." Lisa decided as she took a deep breath to calm herself down. "You four enjoy yourself."

His burning gaze almost swayed her but she succeeded in slipping away to her pill room after leaving a red pill in Tianshi's palm. He could only focus on the three beauties under him that yearned for his open love.

Tianshi wasn't in a hurry though and kept her pill while resting to the side. "You three continue. I want you all to myself after you are done."

He nodded while leaning to kiss her as a reward. Having to share him between the three of them would only diminish their dual cultivation progress so it was better to keep it limited. Tianshi was understanding enough to sacrifice herself turn for the rest.

"Don't leave..." Mona wished while breathing hurriedly and extended her arms to him. Her brown tails reached to him as well in an attempt to pull him back into her arms.

"I'm not going to leave you," Xuefeng assured Mona as he rubbed her cherry sensually, "But don't forget you are not alone."

Saying that he grasped Yiren's leg and pulled her on top of Mona with her perky butt ready for his fondling. "Since you agreed to be mine, you have also accepted to become sisters with my wives. Be sure that I'm going to satisfy you both plenty so there is no need to be greedy."


He smacked Yiren's butt and watched her tremble from his touch. "When I'm done with you both, you will be begging me to give you a break."

"Are you sure...?" Mona questioned with a face full of doubt. "Don't underestimate the power of female fox. We can mate for hours without break."

"Whatever you say, Miss," Xuefeng replied while pursing his lips and pulled out abruptly. Mona sucked in a cold breath while Yiren exclaimed when his tip sprang up right into her gap.

Her body tightened as if to prepare for what would come next.


He pierced without any warning, causing Yiren to reach back and hold him for even a single second but he pulled away in time for a second thrust. Her moans shocked even Mona who was watching her expression from below.

"Do you think you are on a break now?" Xuefeng questioned playfully as he watched Mona relax and reached down without a warning.

His thump began to rub her casually only to buzz with Lightning Qi.

"Wha— Ahh!"

Her confusion turned into an explosive moan as her back instantly arched. Her tails straightened and slapped him as punishment only to tremble when Xuefeng switched again and ravaged her insides.

"W-wait! Ahh! That's too much," Mona exclaimed midway but Xuefeng gave her no break.

"Didn't you worry you would get too little just a moment before?"

His question caused her to bite on her lips to silence her moans but it only made her even more aroused. She embraced Yiren to stop back her shivers and their breasts bounced off each other as he continued to pulse between them.

"Don't forget to absorb it fully!" Xuefeng reminded just before he twitched inside Mona, giving her a steamy welcome to the family. He could feel her jerk each time he burst inside her while her juices mixed with his own.

"Amazing..." Mona muttered with her voice quivering only to grasp his hand when he continued to move. "W-what are you doing?"

"Did you think we are already over?" Xuefeng asked amused as he cleaned himself up before thrusting into Yiren who was already waiting. "This is just the beginning. Hope you can handle at least a few rounds."

"You didn't tell me about the lightning before..." Mona replied speechlessly. "Let me at least absorb what you gave me. Your liquid seemed really nutritious."

"I learned that Lightning is great at tempering bodies and since we are strengthening our bodies, it is only natural to use it," Xuefeng explained as his whole palm burst out with Lightning Qi. He didn't hesitate and smacked Yiren's butt, sending the current into her body.

Seeing that Yiren only trembled as if it was nothing, Mona turned red and stopped complaining.

How could she complain about a single finger when Yiren was getting a whole hand?

While Xuefeng was moving rapidly, his body was in constant training as well. The pill Lisa created was truly amazing and it unleashed its potential during the connection with a dual partner. Each time he came, his body came even closer to the barrier of an Ancient Body.

"Just a bit more!" Xuefeng called out as he poured another load into Yiren and attacked the traumatized Mona right after. "We won't stop until we break through!"

Tianshi was too relaxed this whole time so he began to prepare her for her own turn as well. She was already waiting for his touch so when he freed his hand for her, she knew how to take care of it.



When the cauldron exploded, Lisa was a little bit worried but then she relaxed at the aroma of herbal essence. She carefully lifted the lid and jumped excitedly seeing tens of white pills laying around at the bottom. As long as they didn't crack during the last process of forming, it meant she was successful.

"Yes! I'm the greatest!" Lisa announced excitedly as she collected the pills and returned back to the main lobby. She was about to inform about her achievement when she paused, seeing Yiren and Mona lying down exhausted while Xuefeng was thrusting into Tianshi with a rhythmic pulse.

Her moans filled the whole room as Xuefeng focused his full attention on bringing her to cloud nine. Lisa couldn't help but stare at them blankly while her free hand traveled down in between her legs. She rubbed herself while getting into the mood when she paused.

Yiren and Mona were beyond tired and their bodies shivered each time they tried to move. They looked at her and showed her an encouraging smile as if she needed it to handle what's about to happen to her. Her gaze moved back to Xuefeng and she gulped, seeing he was getting up with a hard erection that momentarily drew her eyes.

Lisa took a step back only to meet with a wall. Before she knew it, Xuefeng appeared right in front of her and claimed her lips without a word spoken. It wasn't needed since she already knew her fate and could only subdue to her awakened desires.

"To think I will be blessed with one on one training…" Lisa muttered as she kept her vial and pulled out two red pills instead. She swallowed one while the second was licked away by Xuefeng as she fed him personally.

"Is it safe to take two of those pills?" Xuefeng asked as she felt him twitch between her legs but Lisa only wrapped her arms around his neck and let him pin her to the wall.

"Your body should be fine," Lisa replied when her legs rose in the air and something hard rubbed between her thighs. "But I don't think I will be able to walk tomorro—"


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