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96.54% Mixed HD / Chapter 419: 241-250

Chapter 419: 241-250

Chapter 241.1 Jiao's Reunion - Part 1

"Jiao…?" Xuefeng questioned from afar, easily recognizing the woman that was gone from his life for years. Aside from a quite dirty appearance, she didn't change at all.

He was so surprised to see her in such a place that he completely disregarded how she crushed his Ice Wall so effortlessly.

"Sister!" Lisa exclaimed in similar shock and waved frantically. She didn't think twice before launching towards Jiao before stopping confused.

Jiao completely ignored her and flew towards the main exit without even sparing them a glance. It threw everyone off and especially Xuefeng who immediately thought that something was wrong with her.

"Jiao! Are you okay?!" Xuefeng cried out louder as he teleported in front of her and she finally stopped, looking at him indifferently. She gave him a look over, checking him out for a few seconds before her mouth opened in surprise.

"Oh, It's you— Cough, I mean, hey Xuefeng! What are you doing here?" Jiao asked with a forced smile. Xuefeng only needed one look at her to realize that there was something different about her.

"I was going to ask the same thing…" Xuefeng muttered as he moved closer to her but Jiao immediately backed away, keeping a distance from him. He definitely expected at least a hug the first time they meet again but she acted strangely.

"What is going on?" Xuefeng questioned suspiciously. "Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you…" Jiao replied awkwardly as she scratched her head. "It just has been so long that I don't know how to react. The last time I let someone close to me, they backstabbed me right after so I instinctively stay away."

"Sister! I was so worried!"

Lisa finally flew over to them and immediately threw herself into Jiao's arms. Too bad, Jiao was faster and swiftly dodged to the side, making Lisa catch nothing but air.

Lisa looked at Jiao confused and tried to hug her again but Jiao repeated her move.

"Jiao…?" Lisa asked dumbfounded. "Are you okay? I'm Lisa, your sister. You don't remember me?"

"Of course I remember you. Long time no see," Jiao confirmed as she forced another smile. "I just prefer not to hug. Don't worry about me, I'm good."

Everyone squinted their eyes at her. Jiao looked the same but she behaved like a completely different person. The Jiao they knew would swiftly dive into Xuefeng's arms the first time she spotted him.

"What happened to you? Did someone hurt you?" Lisa questioned worriedly, not believing Jiao's words. She was her sister, it was natural to worry if she knew something wasn't right.

'Either she suffered from a trauma that completely changed her personality or this is not Jiao. She might have been possessed by some evil Soul,' Ming pointed out. 'If you can touch her, I will check what is going on with her. I just tried to feel anything from outside but she instantly sensed me and blocked my advances. There is no way Jiao would get this strong in such little time.'

Just as Ming reported, Jiao glanced at Xuefeng sharply and her smile disappeared.

"There are many people who hurt me in the past but don't worry, I will soon get my revenge on my own," Jiao replied coldly before cutting it short. "I need to go now. It was nice talking to you after all these years."

She waved at them once again before setting off without waiting for a reply.

"Wait!" Xuefeng called out after her and blocked her way again. "We just met after all those years and you are going to leave just like that?"

"I need to. I really can't stay any longer but once I get my revenge, I will find you again and I will reply to all your questions. For now, please let me go," Jiao suggested before trying to fly past Xuefeng.

Now he was hundred percent sure there was something wrong with her and Xuefeng wouldn't let her go without answers.

"Stop. We are your friend and family. We can't let you go unless you tell us everything," Xuefeng decided as he blocked her way once again. "No matter what happened, you can tell us."

"Jiao! This is not like you! Why are you acting so weird with us?" Lisa cried out after her but Jiao didn't react to her and instead glared at Xuefeng.

"Whatever happened is my personal matter and I will solve it on my own. Even if we are close, I'm not obliged to tell you anything. Respect my privacy and let me go," Jiao denied as a golden light flashed in her eye. "Will you continue to block my way?"

Xuefeng nodded firmly and extended his hand. "If you really want to leave, grab my hand. I want to check if everything is alright with you so I don't worry about you."

There was no doubt that it was Jiao's body as even the moles on her neck matched with her past image. This only further inclined him to believe that the real Jiao might be in danger.

Seeing the hesitation on Jiao's face, Xuefeng blinked to her side and surprised her by catching her wrist. She instinctively jerked away but Xuefeng's physical strength was too strong for her.

'Hold her for a moment! I can sense another being inside her!' Ming called out excitedly when Jiao continued to struggle.

"Don't touch me!" Jiao yelled madly as she punched at Xuefeng's face but he caught her other wrist and spun her around to lock her inside his arms. A lock in the form of a tight hug was much more humane than restricting her with their Soul Power.

Too bad, Xuefeng underestimated her.

"I said, DON'T TOUCH ME!!"


All Xuefeng heard was Jiao's scream before her skin shone brightly and a sudden impulse of Qi blasted him away. He wasn't injured at all but the sheer force let her escape from his grasp.

Jiao didn't hesitate and launched towards the main exit but she also underestimated their team.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Chapter 242.2 Jiao's Reunion - Part 2

"Ah!" Jiao exclaimed as her body froze in mid-air. Nuwa was never a fan of Jiao so she unleashed her full force, almost causing Jiao's bones to break as cracking sounds filled the cavern.

"Nuwa, calm down," Xuefeng ordered as he teleported back to Jiao's side. "This is not the real Jiao. She is possessed."

The moment Nuwa lowered the restriction, Jiao stopped pretending entirely.

"'Possessed' Is such a big overstatement. I would say we are simply sharing one body," Jiao explained with a shrug. "The Jiao you know fully consented for me to take over. If I didn't, she would be dead already so you should be thanking me instead."

"Who are you and what did you do to her?" Xuefeng questioned sternly, knowing Jiao could be in serious danger.

"The past me is already dead and there is no point in revealing my name. As for Jiao, she is safe. I only took control over her body since that was our deal. Once I get my revenge, I will find myself a different body and release her so she can return back to you," Jiao explained honestly. "If you doubt my words, you can let that Fate Spirit of yours check it."

"We will see about that."


Jiao moaned uncontrollably as Xuefeng grasped onto her neck.

"My, my, you barely touched her neck and her whole body trembled," Jiao commented amusedly. "Her body desires for your touch so much I can't even stop it from reacting. What did you do to her to make her yearn for you so much?"

Xuefeng ignored her teasing as he waited for Ming's report, but the woman didn't let him off easily.

"You know, she has been talking and thinking about you since the moment I met with her. Right before her incoming death, she created the figure of you to stare at her crush once again before she dies. This silly girl must really love you. I wonder what happened that made you two part ways," Jiao pondered out loud. "Let me guess, she felt that she is not worthy of you and decided to leave to train on her own. She wanted to become powerful enough to stand by your side."

'Is Jiao okay?' Xuefeng questioned in his mind, focusing on what mattered. He already knew Jiao's feelings for him so whatever that person told him wasn't new.

'I have good and bad news. I will start with the latter. This Female Expert is much stronger than I thought. She only lets me see what she wants me to see as the whole body is under her control. I can't break inside else I will injure them both,' Ming said grimly. 'She linked with Jiao's Soul so whatever happens to her, will also affect Jiao. Only she can cancel that link so we can't do anything to split them apart.'

'What is the good news?'

'The good news is that Jiao is not in any danger right now. I can see her Soul is healthy so I am sure this possession wasn't forced on her. Jiao must have agreed to it and let that expert inside of her. If she didn't, there would be some obvious damage to her soul,' Ming explained. 'Now that I think about it, this can actually be a good thing for her.'

'You think that Expert will help her grow stronger?' Xuefeng guessed.

Their link seemed almost similar to what he had with Ming and Ling. The only difference was the longevity of the link. Xuefeng would be connected to his wives forever while Jiao can be free.

'She will definitely rub off from that Expert. Remember that impulse of Qi? It is not an easy Spirit Art and it's actually one of the techniques practiced in the Ancient Race era. If that female Expert belongs to the Ancient Race, I'm pretty sure we can trust her despite the dangers,' Ming suggested, giving Xuefeng something to think about.

"You are staying quiet so I will take it as a yes," Jiao continued as she gazed down at Xuefeng's wrist. "Too bad, it seems like she will never catch up to you. An Elemental Bracelet Holder with three Elemental Stones. Now I know why she said you are the most powerful Cultivator in the Realm."

She then glanced at all the girls and smiled, "She might not reach your strength but overcoming your partners shouldn't be an issue."

"Are you done?" Xuefeng asked calmly. "I want to speak to her."

Jiao swiftly shook her head. "That's not an option. I already showed your Fate Spirit what you want to see. Jiao is safe. Now let me go."

"That wasn't a question. That was an order," Xuefeng corrected. "I want to hear Jiao say that this is what she wants."

"You do realize I could kill your lover and simply take over her body? Don't abuse my kindness. I will remain in control of her until I have my revenge. That was the deal between us. Only then will I release her so she can come back to you and live happily ever after," Jiao replied coldly but Xuefeng wasn't easy to give up.

How could someone defeat him in the game of bluffing?

"If you don't give me a minute to talk with her, I will take you with us and you can forget about your revenge," Xuefeng blackmailed casually. "Imagine waiting for such a long time to get your revenge and when you are so close, you are stopped once again. Instead of being free, you will waste time because you are too stubborn to give us one minute together. Do I ask for too much?"

"You…" Jiao gritted her teeth. "It's not because I don't want to but because I'm currently too weak to give up the control. I can at most give you thirty seconds together and that's it. Also, I'm only giving in because she won't stop crying. Don't think your blackmail worked on me."

"Let me speak with her then."

Jiao gave him one last glare and closed her eyes. Xuefeng waved at Nuwa to lift the restriction full and Jiao's body shivered. Her eyelids trembled as tears spilled the moment her eyes opened.


Chapter 243.1 Ancient Race Drama - Part 1

"Jiao, is that the real you?" Xuefeng questioned just to be sure but Jiao only nodded before she dove straight into his arms.

"Xuefeng!!!" Jiao cried out his name while tears dripped on his neck. That was the reaction he expected from the start.

"It's okay… You are safe now," Xuefeng assured as he gently rubbed her back. "We don't have much time so tell me what happened."


Jiao held back her tears as she pulled away to look at him and smiled, "It's nothing, don't worry. If not for her, I would already be dead."

Xuefeng grabbed her by the shoulders. "How can you say it is nothing? You are possessed by another person. What if she hurts you?"

"It's okay, I know what my situation is and I want to cooperate with her. I will be fine," Jiao replied while placing his hand on her cheek. "This is my only chance to finally grow. When It is all over, I will find you again and prove to you I am worthy of you."

"But why? Why are you always running away? Can't you just stay with us? You have always been a part of our group. We can help—"

"No," Jiao cut him off with her hand before pulling away. "I have been thinking about this for years and I can't depend on you like this. I often regret my decision, wishing I stayed and let you help me but that's not me. I wouldn't be able to live normally without proving to myself that I can do it on my own."

Jiao glanced at all of Xuefeng's wives and walked up to Lisa, hugging her tightly.

"You have grown well. I am proud of you," Jiao praised as she glanced back at Xuefeng. "All of your wives are amazing. You could leave them alone and they would still do just fine, becoming one of the top experts. I can't say the same about myself. At least not yet…"

Jiao's eyes suddenly trembled and she stumbled as if she had no strength left.

"Sister! Are you okay?" Lisa called out in worry.

"I am okay… Our time is up and she wants to take back control," Jiao explained while supporting herself on Lisa's shoulder. "I am happy I could see you all again. Hopefully, it won't take long before we can meet—"

Jiao wasn't able to finish as her eyes closed shut and she lost control once again. When she opened her eyes again, Jiao was like a completely different person. Having an instant comparison, it wasn't hard to differentiate the two of them.

"Alright, that's the end of your sweet time with her," Jiao said casually as she pulled away from Lisa and stretched. "It's time for me to leave."

"Wait!" Xuefeng stopped her immediately, receiving another glare from Jiao.

"What? Are you trying to break our agreement?" Jiao argued intensely. "I let you talk to her for even longer than I wanted. If you block me again, I swear I will—"

"That's not it," Xuefeng calmed her down. "I want to propose something. Why don't you stay with us? Once we are done with our task here, we will assist you in your revenge. It will be much easier with our help."

Jiao first looked at him strangely before laughing.

"Haha! Easier? Hell no. You will only slow me down and I'm not planning to babysit you," Jiao denied in a heartbeat. "Even if you are strong, your group is too high-profile. I prefer to work solo anyway. I'm leaving."

Xuefeng wanted to keep her close so he could make sure Jiao would be safe but the woman was too stubborn to listen. Just as she was heading towards the exit, he tried his one last card.

"I know Bard."

Sure enough, Jiao stopped in place. Bard was the only connection Xuefeng had with the Ancient Race and it worked like a charm.

"How do you know that name?" Jiao questioned as she squinted her eyes at him. "Is he still alive?"

Xuefeng smiled and pulled out the compass he received from Bard. "Does it look familiar?"

"You... Where did you get it? Did you meet him?" Jiao asked curiously as she returned back to them. She reached out to grab the compass from Xuefeng's hand but he swiftly kept it.

"What's up with all those questions. I thought you were in such a hurry to leave," Xuefeng teased playfully. "How about you tell me how you know him first?"

"Bard was my best friend many years ago. He was the only one who stood up for me after a certain incident but unfortunately, his influence wasn't big enough to save my ass," Jiao explained before snapping back, "Don't stall. Tell me what you know about him. I need to know if he is still alive."

"I'm not sure if he is alive but I know his current position and how to get to him. Either he is dead or alive, I will find out when I get there," Xuefeng revealed casually.

Jiao's eyes brightened at that piece of news and demanded, "Tell me. I will save him."

Xuefeng only snickered.

"You expect me to tell you everything after you have been rude to us this whole time? I don't think so," Xuefeng denied as he gazed at his group, "Everyone, we are leaving. She doesn't need us as we will only slow her down. Let her do what she wants."

Xuefeng waved from behind as he flew towards the nearby exit and his group followed after him, leaving poor Jiao alone.

"Hey! We are not done yet!" Jiao called out after them but Xuefeng only shrugged.

"We are done. Good luck getting into the Ancient Realm on your own."

"Huh? Ancient Realm?" Jiao questioned confused and suddenly teleported in front of them. "Stop! What is the Ancient Realm?"

Author thoughts: Hey guys! I will be resuming Avatar Online soon while simultaneously writing AHW so for those who didn't read it yet, make sure you check it out! <3

Chapter 244.2 Ancient Race Drama - Part 2

"You don't know?" Xuefeng looked down on her. "How are you going to get your revenge if you don't even know the place they went to?"

"I… They really left the Heaven Realm…?" Jiao asked surprised. "I thought they were joking back then…"

"Awww, so cute," Xuefeng commented as he wrapped his arms together. "Did you actually think that Ancient Race is still present in the Heaven Realm?"

"They are not...?" Jiao paused while her attitude flipping by one hundred and eighty degrees. "Did they all leave for that Ancient Realm?"

"You see, I would gladly tell you everything I know but you rejected our help already. Do you think you can just order us around and expect respect in return?" Xuefeng asked seriously. "If not for Jiao inside you, I would not even talk to you and simply watch you struggle."

"I didn't know they are gone…" Jiao muttered confused, turning quiet.

"So you are only nice when it is convenient for you and when you need something from—"

"I apologize," Jiao spoke before he finished, catching Xuefeng off guard. "If I disrespected you in any way, I am truly sorry. I promise this will not happen again."

Xuefeng expected her to argue and fight him much longer so her immediate act of surrender ruined his fun. He was about to reply when Jiao went overboard and bowed.

"Please, this is really important to me. I will definitely repay you for any information you can provide. Can you help me?"

Now that she acted so mature and admitted her mistakes, Xuefeng couldn't tease her anymore.

"How about you first tell me how did you end up in your situation?" Xuefeng asked curiously and Jiao didn't hesitate.

"I was accused of murder and later sentenced to death," Jiao replied honestly. "Bard was the reason I'm still here speaking with you after all those years."

She drew away and suddenly pulled out a long golden coffin. It wouldn't be surprising if not for the fact it was made entirely out of Fate Stone. Inside the coffin was a beautiful lady with no signs of decay.

'Whoa! Marvelous craftsmanship!' Ming praised. 'This is not a normal coffin. It's full of Ancient Arrays that even I don't know.'

"Bard made this coffin for me and proposed that he will be the one handling my execution. At that time no one knew we were close friends because I was so much lower on the power ladder," Jiao explained. "He prepared a special poison that faked my death while the coffin helped me survive till the present day. Even my body didn't decompose no matter how many years have passed."

She gazed at her own body and sighed, keeping the coffin into her Storage Ring.

"Before I was buried, Bard told me to hold on for a few years and wait for him. He promised he will come back and give me the antidote to the poison. As you probably guessed, he never came to save me, forcing me to live in endless lockdown. I already thought something happened to him and it seems I was right."

"So you were falsely accused of murder and you want to get your revenge?" Xuefeng guessed.

"No," Jiao shook her head while smiling evilly. "They were not wrong. I killed the Ancient Race Leader's wife as well as my husband. I would do it again if I had the chance."

Xuefeng raised his eyebrows, already expecting where this was going.

"I caught that bitch riding my husband in our own bedroom. Can you believe it? That bitch had everything yet she whored herself around with her husband's guards. I am sure they were changing turns with her while he was away," Jiao commented scornfully. "And my Husband? Imagine we were talking about having a baby just the night before! I'm still getting pissed off every time I think about it. How many years I wasted on that guy."

Xuefeng scratched his head as he glanced at his wives. If they were as strict as that woman was, he would already be dead so many times.

"That's not the best part," Jiao continued. "That bastard didn't even stop thrusting into her after I caught them and proceeded to break up with me. He even dared to say he loved her and they would elope. I was so angry that I killed them both, forgetting that she was still the Leader's wife."

Jiao clenched her fist. "I thought he will understand the moment he knows what happened but he had me arrested while he cleaned up the scene. He didn't want anyone to know that his wife was a whore so he accused me of murder and sentenced me to death. No matter what I said, they didn't want to listen to me… aside from Bard. He was the only one who listened to me and reached out with a helping hand."

She looked at Xuefeng determined and added, "When I was sentenced, I vowed to have my revenge and kill Ancient Race Leader together with all those who turned their heads away. They knew the truth yet they decided to ignore it because I didn't matter."

"I'm pretty sure he was in love with you," Nuwa suddenly pointed out, giving Jiao a shock.

"Huh? Who?" Jiao questioned confused.

"Bard," Xuefeng finished. "Do you think he would go out of his way and risk going against his Leader if he didn't have feelings for you? There is a chance he just wanted to help but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case."

"Bard? Loving me? But he never told me anything," Jiao replied with a frown. "He was always smiling and wishing me the best when we talked. He said he is happy for my relationship."

"What else was he supposed to say? He seems to be one of us nice guys. Even if the person we love is not with us, we will be happy as long as they are happy," Xuefeng explained. "Anyway, that is not the time for it. You will figure it out when you two meet again."

Xuefeng didn't want to meddle in romantic matters of other people. He was already busy with his own love life.

"Let me tell you about the Ancient Realm."

Chapter 245 Proudest Husband

"You want to tell me those dumbasses decided to move the whole race to another Realm and there is a chance that all of them died after the Realm collapsed?" Jiao asked while rubbing her forehead, looking utterly annoyed.

"Pretty much yeah. They didn't want to surrender to the Fate Kingdom so they fled to another Realm. They knew that it was unstable but they still risked it," Xuefeng added. "Of course, from what Bard told me, they should be alive. He passed me instructions and wants me to free them."

"I doubt that… It has been so many years that even if any of them are still alive, they will be old geezers by now," Jiao commented as she wondered dreamily. "Unless Bard used the same method he used on me…"

"It's possible. We will find out when we get there. I'm the only person who knows the way to enter the Ancient Realm so if you want to get there, you have to cooperate with me," Xuefeng informed.

"I will go with you," Jiao decided right away. "Even if they are dead, I need to know. It would be best if they are alive so I can kill them myself."

"See? That's exactly what I proposed at the start," Xuefeng replied with a shrug. "Let's go then."

Knowing that back in the day the Heaven Realm wasn't capped at Celestial Stage, Xuefeng didn't mind accepting Jiao to join them. Not only could he make sure that the real Jiao was okay but he could also make use of the expert inside her.

After the Fate Kingdom created the restriction on the Heaven and God Realm, most experts were forced to Ascend. The Cultivator possessing Jiao was bound to be at least above the Celestial Stage in the past for her to be stronger than him.

"Wait," Jiao stopped him before he flew away. "I don't think I will follow you for now. There is something I need to do on the surface. It has been a while since I saw the sun and I also want to check if my family is still alive."

She pulled out a communication Crystal and passed it to Xuefeng. "Contact me when you finish your matters and wish to enter the Ancient Realm. I should be ready by then."

"Are you sure you will be fine? How about you come with us first? We will be done at most in a few days," Xuefeng suggested confidently but Jiao shook her head.

"It's fine. I prefer to be alone for now. I am still yet to improve this body since it's currently too weak for me," Jiao explained as she flew away towards the main entrance. "As for my safety, don't worry. Even with this weak body, I am strong enough to take care of myself."


Jiao only placed her palm on top of the Ice blockade before a Qi Impulse blasted it apart. She entered through the hole she created and Jiao was gone once again.

'Ah, that's so impressive. You should tell her to teach you this art. Imagine you could use such impulse together with your Dragon Claws. The damage would be insane,' Ming commented but Xuefeng already had the same idea in mind.

Ancient Race was after all one of the strongest Races. Many would die to get their hands on Ancient Race Arts.

"Are you all ready?" Xuefeng questioned and everyone nodded aside from Nuwa. She didn't seem satisfied with the current situation.

Xuefeng ignored it for now and led them towards the right tunnel he recalled from his vision. He already knew the exact path they needed to take to reach Thunder Goddess' location.

Once they set into the right formation, Xuefeng finally sneaked to Nuwa's side and whispered, "I know you two don't like each other but she is Lisa's sister and our friend. It is only natural to help her."

"That's not what I worry about. I just know that you tend to lay your hands on any woman that joins our group and all of them become your wives. I don't question your love for us but your new wives might ask themselves, is that really love you feel for them or maybe just a desire to protect them?" Nuwa pointed out as she reached out to caress his face. "Just know your limits and that you have many wives that love you."

She leaned over to kiss him softly and added, "We only have one to love while you have many. Make sure all your wives feel special."

Xuefeng couldn't argue with her words since she was telling it how it was. In the last year alone, Xuefeng accepted Bella, Katherine, Xinyu to his heart. Mona was also closely tied with him and Sena was too cute not to protect her.

What if Nuwa was right and he just felt responsible for his wives, wanting to protect them? But then again, wouldn't that be considered love? For him, love meant the willingness to do anything for the other person, even if it meant giving up his own life for them. If he was willing to do that for someone, wouldn't that mean he loved them?

Nuwa confused him with her words but thankfully, he got quickly distracted by an approaching enemy.


Not just one, or two, but hundreds of them continued to pass horizontally through their tunnel. With how many adjusting tunnels the Hellhole had, If one didn't know their way, they would definitely end up lost.

"Let's just wait for them to pass. It seems like they don't want to bother with us," Wuying suggested as she stopped the formation.

Their group was flying while the rats were only running on the ground. Even if they were spotted, they had no way of attacking them. At least that's what they thought.

Just as Wuying spoke, the rats stopped their advance and turned their way, glaring with their bright red eyes at their group.


Suddenly one of them let out a noise and all others responded with loud squeaking. Instead of following their original path, they rushed towards them with a hungry gaze.

"Oh damn, " Xuefeng commented out loud, seeing his thinking was flawed. The rats had no problems climbing the walls and even filled the ceiling, ready to jump right down at them.

"Are we fighting them?" Ryan questioned seriously as he pulled out his long sword. "We can still back away towards the entrance."

Even the fighting enthusiast like him was hesitating and it was understandable. Each rat was a meter long while their white teeth looked as sharp as their swords. It wouldn't be an issue if it was just a few of them but there were hundreds and thousands of them spilling out from the tunnels. There didn't seem to be an ending to their swarm.

"This…" To Ryan's surprise, no one from the group seemed to do anything, causing him to look at them strangely. "Hello? Why are you not reacting?"

"Oh, I forgot you are new," Xuefeng realized as he smiled amused. "Don't worry about anything. You see, when it comes to beasts, we have our expert to handle it for us."

"Huh?" Ryan tilted his head confused when Yiren finally came forward with a bright smile on her face.

"Ah! You are so cute!"

Ryan's eyes widened only to watch as Yiren raised her palm and cried out loudly.


It was an unbelievable sight to suddenly see all the Rats halt their advance as if Yiren was their Queen.

"Everyone get down and line up!" Yiren ordered again, her eyes shining with golden light. She flew down towards the Rats and stood in front of the orderly lines of the Rat army.

"..." Ryan was speechless, not expecting such a result. "But how…?"

Xuefeng only shrugged as he patted his shoulder. "Did you think that I protect my wives because I'm the most powerful member of our group? It's the opposite. They are the ones taking care of me."

He pointed at Yiren who was petting the Rats on the heads. "My cutie Yiren can tame any Beast and if she wanted, she could even tame you. There has not been a single beast that could resist her charm."

"So powerful…" Ryan reacted while staring at Yiren in disbelief. "Even when she doesn't use her power on me, I can still feel it."

"Xuefeng, can I keep them?!" Yiren called out excitedly as she sat down on one of the biggest Rat from the group. "This Rat King says they want to follow me."

"Sure baby, as long as you are happy," Xuefeng called back before whispering to Ryan, "If you work hard, maybe you won't be weaker than my wives but for now, you have to enjoy the last place."

After bragging, Xuefeng led everyone to join Yiren's side. How could he resist? He was the proudest husband out there with all his wives being having top talent. Ryan wouldn't be able to handle any of them at full power.

Chapter 246 Bloodlines

"How many of them are there?" Xuefeng asked as he flew next to Yiren. "Maybe we can have them assist us in some way."

The King Rat she sat on was the only Immortal Stage beast in the army of rats and reached three times the size of its soldiers. The thought of using them for scouting immediately came to Xuefeng's mind.

Yiren reached out to Xuefeng and climbed into his arms like a koala. "Even though he doesn't know the exact number, he said there should be at least five thousand of them."

Xuefeng thought Yiren moved for him but her focus switched to Mona who occupied his shoulder. "Don't worry everyone, she will not do anything to you," Yiren assured as she rubbed Mona's beautiful fur.


Even with Yiren's presentation, the Rats still stared at Mona with fear in their eyes. It was understandable. After all, she belonged to one of the strongest Races of the Beast world.

"Xuefeng, if we want, they can escort us until we reach the danger zone," Yiren suggested. "They dominate this area but they won't go beyond the danger zone."

"What's the danger zone?" Xuefeng questioned curiously and the Rats began squeaking fearfully.

"Oh! That's horrible," Yiren exclaimed before passing the message. "They say that the deeper you go this path, the stronger beast appears. Once they tried to expand their territory and lost almost one-third of their army."

Xuefeng wasn't even surprised by that fact as something else confused him. "How are you doing this?"

"Hmm? Do what?" Yiren asked innocently.

"This. Talking to all beasts. How do you know their language?"

All Xuefeng heard was squeaking yet Yiren was able to discern what they were talking about. He was amazed every time.

"Oh, it's simple. Thanks to my affinity to nature, words form in my mind whenever they talk. I don't need to do anything," Yiren replied casually.

"That's amazing…" Ryan commented, looking at Yiren with respect. "Can you ask them if they know any locations with treasures or inheritances? I heard the Hellhole was used as a resting place for many experts."

Xuefeng nodded in approval while he pulled out Bard's compass. The needle was still pointing in the same direction as before. The amount of Fate Stones in the third zone was simply the biggest source of Qi in the Hellhole.

Too bad, they weren't lucky enough.

"They said they cleaned everything in the area already but they can still sense some 'good stuff' in the danger zone. That was the reason they were tempted to venture deeper," Yiren replied after asking the Rats.

"Let's go then. The sooner we reach the second zone the better," Xuefeng decided, and the whole army moved, escorting them from every angle.

Their combined power was enough to scare away any beasts that were tempted to eat them as a snack. Naturally, even with no disturbances, it would still take them a while to reach the next zone.

They could only entertain themselves with a talk.

"So you're telling me I can get the help of an Alchemist to extract the Bloodline Essence from the human blood to receive their Bloodline?" Drakos questioned with interest.

"Not only Humans but it works with every living being. As long as you have enough blood, you can extract their Bloodline and then accept it into your body," Ryan explained simply. "This is one of the easiest but at the same time the cruelest method though. You have to kill a lot to extract enough Bloodline Essence. It only worked for me because I happened to have a lot of enemies back in the days. I didn't mind using them as my stepping stones to get stronger."

"Isn't Lisa an Alchemist?" Drakos pointed out as he gazed at her. "Lisa, can you do that?"

"Yuk!" Lisa immediately responded with disgust. "You are asking me to play with Human blood? No way."

"Oh, come on." Drakos threw his hands. "Isn't Beast blood and Human blood the same? You won't even notice the difference."

"Tsk, you say it as if I would rather touch Beast blood," Lisa snickered before shuddering. "I hate blood in general so I'm not touching any of it."

"Isn't blood just an ingredient?" Ryan pointed out. "From what I remember, the method to extract Bloodline Essense is the same as processing Spirit Herbs."

"That's right. What if you need to use Beast blood as an ingredient to make your pills? This should be normal for any Alchem—"

"That's enough," Xuefeng cut Drakos off as he gave him a stern look. "If Lisa doesn't want to do something, we will not force her to do it. I'm sure there are different methods to acquire a Bloodline just like how I got mine from Yiren."

Xuefeng approached Lisa and kissed her to cheer her up. Even if they were right, Xuefeng would never force his wives into an uncomfortable position. "Are you alright?"

"Mhmm…" Lisa nodded sweetly as she hugged his side. "It's not that I can't do it or I never do it… I just don't like it. If you ask me though, I will do it for you..."

"It's okay baby. We can first search for other solutions," Xuefeng assured as he turned to Ryan. "Do you know any other methods?"

Normally Xuefeng would ask Ming or Ling but the two of them were as knowledgeable in Bloodlines as he was.

"I don't. I didn't investigate after finding the easiest way. I'm sure there are other methods but they usually always come with drawbacks and are much harder to execute. Killing is the best and the least problematic method," Ryan convinced. "Maybe it is a little cruel but the world of Cultivation was always brutal. People will kill each other for much smaller reasons."

"I agree," Drakos nodded firmly. "Looking at our group, only two of us have double Bloodline while one of those two just recently joined. We should slowly start searching for additional Bloodlines which will even further increase our power."

Xuefeng couldn't deny that Bloodlines were indeed powerful. Only only needed to look at his Elvish Bloodline and the Ability it provided. If trained to a high level, he could simply freeze someone's movements and kill them on the spot with no counterplay at all.

If all of them had a set of such powerful abilities, no one would be able to face them.

"It will be hard to find a Bloodline that suits us Royal Elves but I agree." Nuwa joined the conversation. "Shouldn't this place be filled with strong Beasts? Maybe we can get some Bloodlines from them."

"It is actually easier to acquire a Beast Bloodline compared to Human Bloodline," Ryan pointed out. "Most of their Bloodline Essence is located in their blood while it's the complete opposite for Humans. You don't want to know how many Bandits I hunted before to acquire my Human Bloodline."

"Alright, we will see later when we meet any powerful Beasts," Xuefeng nodded as he looked ahead. "It doesn't seem like we will meet them anytime soon."

With how wide span the Hellhole underground tunnels were, it would take them hours if not days even if they flew at their top speed. Xuefeng didn't mind that at all, always enjoying the time he could spend with his wives.

"Xuefeng, can we change the course for a moment? The Rat King is asking for a detour since his soldiers are thirsty."

After four hours of straight flying with no disturbance, Yiren passed on the Rat King's message.

"How long will it take?" Xuefeng questioned. "I don't mind if we can come back to our path afterward."

"He said we will have to turn right in the next minute and enter into another set of tunnels. Once we reach the underground river, we will connect back to this tunnel and continue on our way," Yiren reported. "We are only halfway towards the danger zone and it would take them eight hours to return if we don't detour now."

Sure enough, before Xuefeng replied, the Rats stopped before one of the biggest tunnel intersections and the King Rat glanced back at Yiren.

"Alright, let's go," Xuefeng called out, causing the Rats to turn excitedly.

Although they were beasts and their stamina was impressive, they have been running at full speed for four hours. It was understandable to take a short break.

After at least twenty minutes of shifts and turns, they finally heard the sound of water and found themselves entering a gigantic tunnel full of rapidly flowing water. The Rats lined up one by one next to the shore and started gulping down.

"I wonder where this river leads to," Xuefeng wondered as he crouched on the shore to check the water. "Shouldn't the water lead towards a bigger basin?"

"Maybe there is a lake at the end?" Nuwa guessed, making everyone curious. Xuefeng didn't hesitate and pulled out Bard's compass only to see the always steady needle spin like crazy.

He neared it towards the river and saw it stabilize again, aiming along with the river flow.

"One thing we know for sure, there is a great source of Qi at the end of this river."

Chapter 247 Fate Mountain

"So this is the end?"

After flying along the river to check the source of Qi, Xuefeng's group was met with a dilemma. The river tunnel shrunk in size as the water flowed into a wall. They could either get wet and continue traveling with the flow of the river or give up on the treasures and return to their original path.

"The compass is still pointing at the river. Does the Rat King know where it leads?" Xuefeng questioned while Yiren passed on the question. The Rat King immediately shook his head, making it clear they were on their own.


"He says they know how to swim but the flow of the river is too strong for them. They wouldn't be able to swim back if the river leads into the danger zone, so they never tried it. There is also an issue of meeting powerful Beasts and they would be defenseless in the water," Yiren reported. "They are willing to wait for us here for a few hours if we want."

"Alright, tell them to leave if we are not back soon. They already helped us enough," Xuefeng acknowledged. Although they would be fine even without them, the Rat army helped them avoid any random Beasts that would delay their travel.

Seeing a nod from the Rat King, Xuefeng flew above the river and his Water Stone shone brightly. The water flow stopped instantly, exposing a tunnel inside the wall.

Xuefeng didn't even need to order anyone as his group swiftly slipped into the wet tunnel and Xuefeng closed it with the remaining water flow. The small air bubble he created was enough for them to fly inside the river tunnel without getting wet.

After half an hour, they started to get worried since the tunnel didn't show any signs of reaching an end but they could only commit to their decision. Thankfully, they didn't need to wait much longer.

"Ming says there is a large source of Fate Qi ahead. The compass is also vibrating like crazy. We should be close," Xuefeng pointed out and sure enough, they finally saw natural light coming from the end of the tunnel. When they finally broke through the exit, all the girls exclaimed in amazement.


They already expected a large basin of water at the end of the river but the view surpassed their expectations. It wasn't the size of the basin that surprised them but rather the source of the golden light that shone as bright as the sun.

"It's mine! I saw it first!" Drakos cried out excitedly only to be smacked by Yiren in the back of his head.

"Calm down. Don't be greedy. All of us saw it at the same time."

The circular basin was tens of miles in diameter with hundreds of waterfalls filling it up from all sides. The object of Drakos' admiration was a mountain-sized Fate Stone that hung from the ceiling. It was so big that even its tip was deep inside the water. It would be an understatement to call it a Fate Stone at this point. It should be called Fate Mountain instead.

"This place looks like our home," Yiren commented as she watched the waterfalls with a nostalgic gaze but when she glanced at her mother, Nuwa was frowning. "Mom?"

"Hahaha, we are rich!" Drakos laughed maniacally as he launched himself towards the Fate Mountain but he wasn't able to fly too far before his body froze.

"Idiot, do you want to die this badly?" Nuwa cursed at him as she pulled him back. "Next time you act stupid I will let you die."

"Huh?" Drakos looked at her dumbfounded, but he was not the only one. Everyone else looked at Nuwa in confusion when Yiren and Xuefeng frowned as well.

"This place is already inhabited," Xuefeng explained in her stead. "And we were already spotted by them."


Just as he finished speaking, a Lightning bolt broke through the water surface while aiming straight at Drakos. Katherine swiftly flew to the front to block it but even the Master of Thunder like her was pushed back by its brutal force.

"This Lightning…" Katherine muttered as she shook her palm to brush the pain away. "They won't be easy opponents for sure."

"That was a warning shot," Wuying pointed out. "I don't think we are welcomed here."

"Of course, we are intruding into their kingdom," Nuwa replied as she glanced at Xuefeng. "Did you feel the same?"

"Yeah, I could feel a strong Soul Power coming from the depths of the basin to inspect us. It is much stronger than ours," Xuefeng replied seriously. "I don't think we are the strongest group in the Heaven Realm anymore."

'If my guess is correct, the rules inside the Hellhole are much different than the surface,' Ming commented in their channel. 'I have never heard much about the Hellhole as if it wasn't regulated much. If that's the case, it is possible that anyone in the Hellhole can breakthrough into the Ancient Celestial and they won't be forced to Ascend to the God Realm.'

'Ancient Celestial?' Everyone repeated. It was the first time they heard such a term.

'Oh right, I have never taught you about the Cultivation stage above the Celestial Stage. There is only one stage after the Celestial Stage and it's called the Ancient Celestial Stage. In that Stage you can cultivate your Ancient Soul, Ancient Body, and open Ancient Gates,' Ming explained. 'The first two are split into nine levels but I can't tell you anything about the Ancient Gates.'

She didn't leave them confused and added, 'From what I heard, only the Leader of the Ancient Race has unlocked his Ancient Gates and claimed they granted him immortality. We had no way of testing it unless we tried to kill him so we didn't bother with it.'

'So you are saying the Race in this basin must have broken through to the Ancient Celestial Stage and already cultivate their Ancient Soul?' Xuefeng deducted as he glanced at the basin. 'That would explain their strong Soul Power.'

'What is the plan then? Are we returning or fighting them?' Drakos questioned as he cracked his knuckles. 'I don't mind the latter. How about we steal some of that Fate Mountain while you defend us from attacks?'

'First, we should learn who we deal with,' Xuefeng replied as he glanced at the Fate Mountain. He didn't hesitate and flew ahead on his own with a welcoming smile on his face.

They couldn't let go of such an opportunity so Xuefeng was forced to use his most powerful skill.

The art of bullshitting!

"We came in peace! I wish to speak to your Leader!"

Chapter 248 Soul Art


Even Xuefeng who approached with no evil intentions has been welcomed with multiple Lightning bolts sent his way. He already predicted it and stayed cool, simply taking them onto his own body without defending.

If he couldn't impress them with his strength, they wouldn't treat him seriously.

"Ah! So good!" Xuefeng exclaimed happily as all the Lightning struck his chest but he proceeded forward unbothered. "Is that all you have got? I thought it would hurt but those few bolts didn't even tickle me."

Xuefeng let the destructive force of Lightning burn his shirt and he flexed his muscles, showing the lack of effect. His body went through so much strengthening that normal attacks could no longer injure him.

As a response to his taunt, tens of more bolts burst from all directions and attempted to drown him inside a Lightning cloud. He lost sight of his surroundings as lightning burned him from all around but he only smiled and swiped with his hand to get rid of it.


To his surprise, no matter what he did, the cloud didn't want to disperse.

'Watch out, it's not a normal cloud!' Ming warned but he already figured it out on his own.

Soul Art.

Just as he thought of how to escape it, he heard a familiar voice from behind, a voice he thought he would never hear again.


His eyes widened as he turned around and saw his crying mother rush to his embrace. Her frail body hugged him tightly as she cried endlessly, "Thank God! Thank God! I finally found you!"

Xuefeng was shocked since it wasn't the Mistress of the Liu Clan but rather his real mother from back on Earth. Her actions, her voice, and even her favorite perfumes matched perfectly.

'It's an illusion. Don't fall for it,' Ling warned him but even if Xuefeng already knew that fact, the old regrets came back into his mind. He hated the fact he could never meet his parents again and that he left them alone with no help.

"Feng'er! I missed you so much! Please, come back to us!" His mother begged as she looked up with tears in her eyes. "Please, come home!"

Xuefeng blinked a few times to stop his own tears and pulled the lady away from him. "You are not my mom but it was good to see her once again. You reminded me why I am working hard in this world."

His mother looked at him confused. "Feng'er, why did you leave us? Do you know how miserable our life is right now? We don't have enough money to eat and your sister is dying. Please you have to return and help us! I know a way to get you out of here! Follow me!"

She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him towards the Lightning cloud but Xuefeng didn't budge.

"Haha," Xuefeng laughed as he rubbed his mother's hand. "You see, your illusion is quite good but you didn't get some facts right. My mother would never guilt-trip me into anything. Even if my parents were starving, they would always give their last bite of food to us. Even if they were too tired to work, they would continue to push through for our sake. If we had no money, they would search for another job, even if they had to sacrifice their sleep."

Xuefeng rubbed his mother's cheek and promised, "Don't worry, I will work hard and return to you before you know it. I will repay you for all the pain you suffered because of me."

If he was able to reach the Cultivation World, he believed there was a way to return back to Earth. After all, couldn't he do anything if he became the King of Heaven?

After his vow, he wrapped his body with his Soul Power and walked out of the Lightning cloud. If he wasn't strong mentally, maybe he would fall for this tricky art but Xuefeng was far from losing hope.

"That was a nice Soul Art but I think you need to step up if you want to stop me," Xuefeng announced casually before calling out firmly, "I demand a meeting with your Leader! I'm not someone you can deal with!"

He didn't play around anymore and raised his right arm. The Water Stone brightened and the water responded to its master. All the rivers flowing into the basin suddenly stopped as the exits froze. The noise from the waterfalls was gone, creating an awkward silence.

Just as Xuefeng thought, the water level began to slowly drop, exposing more of the Fate Mountain. If the water was flowing into the basin, there had to be an outflow as well or else the basin would fill pretty quickly.

'They are coming,' Xuefeng commented satisfied, seeing humanoid figures swim up to the water surface.


A loud female voice cried out in panic. Xuefeng was pleasantly surprised as he recognized the Race.


Beautiful women with their naked torso belonging to a human and fishtails instead of legs. He thought there were only female Mermaids but then he spotted multiple male Mermaids with Lightning tridents in their hands. They seemed to be the culprits of the previous attack.

"Call your Leader then. I will stop if he graces us with his presence," Xuefeng responded casually.

One of the females swam closer under Xuefeng and pleaded, "We already sent a message to our Queen. In the meantime, please return the flow of the rivers. Our Queen will really appreciate it."

She didn't display any anger in her voice and asked politely, showing her sincerity. Xuefeng didn't have a reason not to agree.


With a click of his fingers, the ice melted and the rivers flowed once again, falling into the basin.

"Thank you, Sir," the female Mermaid bowed before swimming back towards the rest.

All of the female Mermaids grouped together and giggled as they stole glances at his body. Their interested gazes clearly pissed off the males but Xuefeng ignored them and even winked at the ladies to tilt them even more. Who asked them to attack him with their puny tridents?

Xuefeng waved to his wives and they all approached him as they waited for the message back.

A few minutes later, the message from the Queen arrived.

"Sir! Our Queen allows you to meet her in our palace. Unfortunately, only Sir can attend the meeting while your friends have to wait."

Chapter 249 Mermaid Race

"And what if you attack my companions while I'm inside?"

Xuefeng disliked leaving anyone behind. He wanted everyone to go in with him just in case something happened so he can protect them.

The female messenger looked at Xuefeng surprised. "To think Sir worries more about your companions than yourself. I think Sir will be the one in danger in the presence of our Queen, hehe."

She giggled mysteriously and added, "Our Queen is in a good mood today so she ordered us to treat you as guests. Normally she would demand your companions to be locked up before she would be willing to meet with anyone."

'Don't worry, we will be fine,' Tianshi assured. 'I don't see any future where they would attack us. We should be fine.'

'You should worry about yourself more,' Nuwa warned. 'I don't have a good feeling about this. Their Queen is definitely more powerful than them. Soul Arts are extremely dangerous, especially if one doesn't know how to defend against them. If I wanted to kill you, my Soul Art is enough. You have to be careful.'

Xuefeng knew the risk was huge but they couldn't pass on such an opportunity. Just as they talked about Bloodlines, they met with a powerful Race that could be beneficial to them. He could already imagine Nuwa as a beautiful naked Mermaid lying on the bed with him.

'I think I will be fine. I also have Ming and Ling with me to help me in case of an emergency,' Xuefeng decided but his wives had another worry in their mind.

'I just hope this Queen doesn't try to seduce our husband,' Xiao Wen commented as she glanced at the female Mermaids ogling Xuefeng. 'Can you see how they are eating him alive with their gaze? How can women be so horny?'

Xuefeng rolled his eyes. His wives were the last who could make such a comment. If they could, they would Dual Cultivate with him till their bodies can't move.

'How about we send Nuwa with you? Ask them to allow one person to follow you,' Wuying suggested while the rest nodded in approval. She was also a Queen so she would know how to handle the situation.

"Is everything alright?" the female messenger questioned after Xuefeng turned silent so he turned back, applying his wives' suggestion.

"I wish to take one more person with me," Xuefeng announced.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," the female messenger shook her head right away. "Our Queen was strict with her message. Only one person can enter and that is you, Sir. There are no exceptions."

Before Xuefeng could respond, she added, "Our Queen also said that if Sir is dissatisfied, your group is free to leave. If you continue to threaten us, our Race will retaliate with full force."

"Fine," Xuefeng agreed after a short pause but he made sure to leave them a warning. "You can lead me to your Queen but know that I can turn this whole basin into ice if I want to. Don't try anything funny."

As if to display his power, hundreds of water pillars arose from the water surface, froze within seconds before turning back into the water. He had full control over the Water Element so in a water environment, no one stood a chance against him.


The female Mermaids were not even a bit scared and instead exclaimed in amazement. In return, the male Mermaids glared at Xuefeng openly, clearly jealous of his skills.

"Don't worry, Sir! We keep our word," the female messenger promised as she prepared to dive underwater. "Please follow me!"

Her shiny blue tail flipped as she dove underwater. Xuefeng glanced at his wives and assured them with a smile before going down as well. He didn't need to swim far to notice a gigantic underwater city.

Structures made out of coral and houses engraved inside rocks were everywhere while hundreds of Mermaids casually swam in between.

"Don't mind the stares. We saw Humans in the past but this is the first time we have seen another humanoid Race. You should be an Elf, right?" the female messenger chatted casually. "We have collected quite a lot of information about the world above the ground and you match the Elf description. A handsome face with pointy ears. I'm sure the females in our Race will go crazy over you."

Xuefeng only needed to give a casual glance over the city below to get a confirmation of her words. He was like a celebrity with all the girls watching him intensely. Even the female messenger treated him extra special as she winked and swam closely next to him.

He could already smell trouble but he stayed calm and collected.

"Thank you for the compliment but I'm currently not looking for another wife. The women we left behind are my wives," Xuefeng announced but the female Mermaid didn't mind at all.

"They are really lucky to claim such a husband," the female messenger commented before pointing ahead. "The Palace is close."

Xuefeng looked ahead but he didn't see anything for a good minute until the tip of the Fate Mountain revealed itself.


He thought Fate Mountain was ending near the surface but Xuefeng was completely wrong. There was no tip at all as the Fate Mountain expanded underwater into a golden Palace made entirely out of Fate Stone.

"Beautiful, right?" the female messenger asked proudly. "Our Palace is one of the kind. Come, our Queen is expecting you."

Xuefeng pretended he was calm on the outside but inside he couldn't help but get a little greedy. If only he could collect all this Fate Stone, their Fate Qi problems would be completely resolved.

He resisted the urge to pull out his Cube and followed the female Mermaid. The male guards stared him down with their tridents but none of them dared to attack him. It was a good decision since Xuefeng would immediately retaliate and start the massacre.

"Our Queen lives on the top floor and she allowed you to enter through her balcony. Not everyone can enjoy such privilege," the female messenger informed playfully as she dodged the guards and swam towards the top part of the Palace.

"Is that why every guy in here looks like they didn't take a dump for a few days?" Xuefeng asked casually, already annoyed with the glares. Normally he would end it by intimidating them but he tried to be more polite since he was entering another Race's Kingdom.

Just as he thought, just this little bit of provocation was enough to enrage them. Every male guard in the area aimed their tridents at his face, ready to launch a group attack.

"What did you say? Say that one more time!"

One of the young males puffed his chest as he dared Xuefeng but that only made him smile in joy. It was like giving Xuefeng a present for his birthday.

"I'm sorry, my bad. I guess you personally didn't shit for at least a month," Xuefeng corrected apologetically which caused the youngster to rage. His Lightning Trident burst out with power when his face suddenly paled.


He choked and spat out blood before glaring at the female Mermaid beside Xuefeng. "Why are you helping an outsider?!"

Xuefeng couldn't help but follow his gaze, not expecting the culprit to be the playful female messenger. He didn't even feel the attack coming.

'Soul Arts! It seems like females are the more dominant genre in this Race,' Ming pointed out. 'We need to be careful with that Queen…'

"Sir, please ignore those idiots. All of them have a crush on our Queen so they are salty," the female messenger roasted all the guards and pulled Xuefeng by the hand. "They won't dare to attack again or else I will kill them for disregarding the Queen's orders."

The male guards immediately lowered their tridents in fear while the hurt young male coughed out even more blood.

"Don't think too highly of yourself just cause the Queen invited you!" He spat out words full of hatred before swimming away.

"Tsk, all of them think with their lower parts instead of their brains. How could the Queen take a liking to any of them?" the female messenger snickered as she pointed at the open balcony. "Sir, enter through that balcony. The Queen will meet you in her bedroom."

The matt finish to the Fate Stones made it unable to see through the external walls of the Palace but Xuefeng could see the elegant finish through the balcony. If not for the fact that there were hundreds of Mermaids in the area, Xuefeng would think he entered inside one of the Human Palaces.

The water was no longer an issue as the Queen's bedroom was filled with an Air bubble, allowing him to breathe normally. He immediately spotted a large bed in the middle with elegant red curtains blocking his view. All he could see was a silhouette of a woman sitting at the edge of the bed.

He only took a few bold steps towards the bed when the Queen finally reacted.

"You said you want to meet me. How do you plan to entertain me?"

Chapter 250 Mermaid Queen (*)

"I was about to ask the same. I hope it was worth my time to meet with you," Xuefeng replied confidently. "Are you going to talk behind that curtain or come out to see me?"

The Mermaid Queen responded with silence while her body didn't move an inch. Only after a moment did the curtain move as a graceful leg broke through. Xuefeng could barely get a glimpse of her soft thigh before the curtain closed and the Mermaid Queen returned to her pose.

The negotiations didn't even start yet this temptress was already trying to seduce him.

"Your eyes couldn't help but follow my legs. Are you the same as every man and think with your lower body instead of your brain?" the Mermaid Queen teased before leaning back on the bed. "It's a shame. I thought you wouldn't be tempted by me this easily."

"Haha," Xuefeng laughed. "If you ask if I'm a pervert then you are right. I'm horny all the time and if not for certain circumstances, I would rather stay at home with my wives. If you look outside, all the women in my group are mine and I make sure to satisfy them plenty."

He glanced at her legs and added, "As for your attempt to tempt me, I'm sorry but that's not what you think. I was only looking because I was surprised to see you have legs instead of a tail. You can think whatever you want though. I don't care what others think about me."

Xuefeng was already crossing boundaries so he braced himself for the Mermaid Queen's attack but it didn't come. Instead, he heard a gentle chuckle. "Is that so? This is the Half-beast Form I chose for our meeting. Forgive me for accusing you prematurely. Here is a gift as an apology."

The Mermaid Queen touched her waist before sliding her palms down her legs. Xuefeng couldn't help but squint his eyes at the familiar movements only to see a piece of white panties hanging from her toes. She spun it around before throwing it into Xuefeng's hands.

He caught them instinctively but immediately regretted it afterward.

"You… That was clever, I admit it…" Xuefeng praised as his body trembled, trying to resist the Soul Art she just cast on him. "I came in peace yet this is how you treat your guests?"

The moment Xuefeng caught her warm panties, her Soul Power infiltrated into his body and her Soul Art activated. His body instantly turned hot while his mind felt clouded. If Xuefeng didn't know it was her doing, he would think he ate some aphrodisiac.

"Thank you, but I will be the one to decide how to treat my guests," the Mermaid Queen replied. "Now that you are under my influence, let's have a little chat, shall we?"

'Honestly, you asked for it. Didn't I tell you to be careful? She got you as easy as stealing candy from a little kid,' Ming commented sarcastically. 'Hold on, let us try to break it. This Soul Art doesn't seem dangerous aside from influencing your mind. Entertain her for now.'

Xuefeng could barely hear her as his mind filled with yearning and desire. He shook his head before slapping his face to regain some clarity. This was not the first time he was in such a condition so he had some experience.

"First of all, it's 'My Queen', not 'You'. We are not friends yet so behave accordingly," the Mermaid Queen corrected calmly. "You were too bold and overconfident with me so I had to punish you a little. I'm amused that you thought I would be the one entertaining you."

She sat back straight while placing one leg on another and asked, "Now tell me, who are you and what are your intentions for coming to my Kingdom?"

"Who am I…?" Xuefeng repeated as he smiled despite his dire situation. "I'm Liu Xuefeng, the Holder of the Elemental Bracelet as well as the most wanted Cultivator in the Cultivation World. Do you think the King of Heaven would ask the whole world to kill me if I could be defeated easily?"

Would Xuefeng be the master of bluffing if he didn't try to double down? Just because he was losing his mind didn't mean he lost his powers.


His Air Stone lit up as wind blew against the bed curtains and exposed the Mermaid Queen in full view.

"I prefer to look at the person I am talking to. Being a Queen doesn't make you an exception."

Her long, light pink hair danced to the wind, only held in place by a silver crown decorated with gems. Her sky-blue eyes matched her fin-like ears and the scales that wrapped her belly from both sides. She definitely didn't look like an old Queen but rather a woman in her prime age.

Too bad, Xuefeng didn't get a good look at her as his eyes turned blurry. He lost the feeling in his legs and dropped to his knees. All he could see was the outline of the Mermaid Queen's body as she walked up to him.

"Do you realize what you just did can get you killed?" the Mermaid Queen asked sternly but Xuefeng only let out a dry laugh. "Hah, if you think I was ever scared of dying then you are deeply mistaken. If you try to kill me though, you and your whole Kingdom will die with me after my Fate Spirits detonate their Souls. Not to mention my Wives who will go on a rampage and kill any survivors. Too bad, you wouldn't be able to witness that."

'Done! We removed all her Soul Power from your body!' Ming announced at the right time. 'Don't touch her again!'

His eyes regained clarity and he stood up abruptly, facing the Mermaid Queen face to face.

"I'm sure you don't want that to happen so how about we talk about the benefits we can provide to each other instead?"

The Mermaid Queen squinted her eyes as if she tried to look into his Soul to find his true intentions.

"What benefits do you want to talk about?" She questioned casually, not shying away from his gaze. She was so close they could feel their hot breaths.

"Just like how I want something from you, I am sure there is something that you might want from me," Xuefeng replied with a soft smile.

"Oh, really?" The Mermaid Queen blinked interested. "What if I told you that I am satisfied with my life and I don't need anything? What would you say?"

"I would say that you are lying and you know exactly what you want," Xuefeng countered confidently. "If I were to guess, I would say your current life is boring and you are looking for some excitement. There is no one around you that is entertaining enough which is why you agreed to meet me."

Xuefeng didn't let her answer and instead reached out to hold onto her waist. He didn't lose eye contact with her as he trailed his hand up on her back and pulled her closer till their chests touched together.

Instead of being angry at his touch, she was looking at him curiously.

"You are not stopping me," Xuefeng pointed out as he gently held her face and caressed her cheek. "Is this what you desire?"

"If you think that's what I want from you…" the Mermaid Queen paused as she reached up on her own to grope his chest. "What is stopping me from taking it by myself without giving anything in return?"

As she finished, his body began to heat up again as she activated her Soul Art.

'You are on your own. I told you not to touch her yet you did it anyway. I'm not helping you this time,' Ming protested but Xuefeng didn't believe he was wrong.

He could tell she was similar to Nuwa and if there was anything she would want from him, it would be his specialty.


His hand slipped from her back and smacked her butt with no mercy. Her mouth opened in surprise only to be locked again by his own. He kissed her deeply while brushing through her hair while squeezing her firm bottom to his liking.


She finally reacted by piercing her nails into his chest yet Xuefeng lifted her slim body and threw himself on the bed. He continued to kiss her strongly while covering her with his weight and caressed her naked waist all the way to her ample breasts.

The Mermaid Queen was like a lamb pinned to the ground by the hungry wolf. She was completely disoriented while her body moved ahead of her mind, her tongue matching his own.

She trembled when he pulled her bra and grasped her breast but instead of pushing him away, she pulled him closer instead. That was the moment Xuefeng suddenly pulled away.


The Mermaid Queen breathed out deeply as Xuefeng stared into her eyes with his hungry gaze.

"If you think you can get the same experience by taking it yourself, go ahead."

After he spoke, he got off her and walked away towards her nightstand before casually pouring himself a glass of water. She was left speechless as she stared at him the whole time.

"So what is your choice?"

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